HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-10-07, Page 10.**. ••••••••••••••IniMuLal,.....• XXVII No 14 • • • zurncH THURSDAY MORNING, OCTO ave mouey.by makii gl 0116001'4411filialat MED OD GMetEt41 i) (WWI DfilkIMIC 11 H°12 fares We4ther Neilson's' tka lint ICE 311EAM. Soft Drinks Also Kodaks, Patent. Medicines, Stationery Baxed-Cancly,Icecream Groceries, Crockery, Cigars, Tob: 14 WWagner - Phone 91 oaeo and Cif;ebrettes aciew(MQ01104,lfg3fMadaiegtilf)42)(2=Dilf.0311EiliDel),M1042 1)0151WPC et 44+++++4+++++++++++:1" • 4,- . ÷ R ,... BATT RIES ,, ,, . . .., , - r + , + ez. . 1 . , n• .111,0 S! Stock of Batteries f ... + it just arrived; Come an.c._ see +. a. AZ - me befOre buyirig AI. ' ...4. Ai. As I will save, You Money 4i. 4. ÷ ii• E. OESCH .. Ir. rich .÷ . 1,44...+.44+.1444.,.......„2....t -t.,.......... sefeetrozweeeameeneaecoreeeeseeeeasee00 co '060660464@6•80: e • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k 0 wramsmararrstronsnmenomalnegwrivuvez-usrmunalsomaammtsamtmessumuaomenram CD 1 OWiriCr to us &solving partnership _... 't2v we, are now disposing of our entire : 44 0 3 stock of Me 's, Women's 417td. Chili- It As &rent Boots, Shoes andrrubberse S la X41 \ • a At cost andmany lines below _cost Come in, at. once to get first choice .0 li• . .2 BROWN 13 ROS. • Ltrarila'gsK)NA' / 0 seeeeetLieeemweeeformeesigeeceseeeee00000eseeeeesees • - @ -44414444440.0.tap.0 .04'404-04 4044)4444454446414.44,00-00 44•44,000 • 1741 • 14, les T p Tail rs 4 '00 THF Ti and Winter NE 4 A 4:44,40,444,0014,1,mv*A1447444.0 iCE OFF BE 13 7e [926, . • . . 4v. . • 1.4'.4mum os.45447 UtL'Lr 14. • .b•olitt, .1,u,44raame • • • • .• 7ear•h 1.4,1..1*islait10.1:. • 1,50.1w 11;2 V-.67,7471"4.44,14!lar g your fail mu/chases .uraanomasmwsr•vrameg.rasnr*azargarawswalmr.ruftemagmegroat .S4,z • ' t1/4.50%, 4'1) , • , • • MS. Elmer Onch. spent Sunday in .Dashwood, Frank Bossenberry of ehener is spending. a few days in Zan.] ch. • Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Brown of Forest, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, Wm, Lamont. Mr. Lawrence .claU of Detroit y..isited his ho-rnehere the past wo- k. Mr, and Mrs. Sam. LivingOodof Kitchener aro ,spending .the week with friends on the, 14th. • Mr. Hollins of London was a Sunday Visitor at the home of Mr Mich. Mcidinger, Rev, and Mrs, S. R. Knechbel of New Hamburg, were visitons With. friendm the village thepast week. Mr. and Mrs, Enanerson Bock and family of Now Dundee were week -end visitors at the homes of C. 0. and C. L.' Smith. • Mr. Kenneth Joy, ton of Mr, Mrs. Joy, .and who has finishedhis sCudies at Toronto University, left for New York city, wher- phe haa accept6d a •position. J. G. Litt, of Campden, and the former pastor of the Ev angelical church here, celled on a few of his friends of the 14th eon. one day 004 weeic. Mr. Rennie Weber, who tending Toronto UniVersity,„,left for that city to resume- his.4stucl. les on Tuesday ,iast. The study he. is taking (up is Electrical En'-. gineer. Thursday -eve. Oct, 14th, is Van date of the Big Powl Supper of the EVa.ngelical church, Zurich ,to which the whole community is- in- vited. And we trust that this ye- ar's, .event wifl equally as good as any oilier yearn supper, so to be absent i to miss it,. • The, annual Harvest Thanksoly ing will be observed in the LUtrier an church on Sunday. Special offotr has bean made in the line of decoration, while the choir will al- Sog ive 'special music. There 'will be services, at both morning and evening, to which --everybody is. invited. OA. BUY THE BEST, , IT IS WO CHEAPEST. GENUINE D & H Lackawana AND D L &W Scranton DIRECT FROM THE MINES SOFT COAL, • GENUINE KEN- T:UCKY MILLERS CREEK, COKS GENUINE BY PRODUCTS Our Telephones are at your set. vice, the information is free, a=teicnn. HENsALL ONT. Phones -Office 10w, • House 103 Evangelical Church Notes ZI.Tlit011 'ONT. PHONE 404444444**0 Re -opening sT.n.vices Oct. Fowl ,Stipper, Oct. 1.4th, • Friday Eva. 4.1,0 •Jr. • League. 7,30 :Prayer and Praise: 8.30' choir tot:lobed.. Sunday, Octo'bCr 101:11, 10,00 ft im. Worship 11,00 a,,m, Bible School mi, Worship," K. Keipkay, supply pastor•, , DA SHWO 0 D Sunday, October iotb.• 1000 ;Lira, WeiShip 11.10 •Bible, School 7,30 p, tni„ "v\ 01 ihvp 1 ill ,sp..ns,li On tile Cara at • BEV. P. B. 11,1:10M4R X'astor, teeth, Friim the dverEsIn • • • .4 erch 'MS the NA ERALo • M. Claude Meidinger, of Lon don, visited at his home her for a few Oayis over the week -end. Miss Beatriee Klopp left forDe- troit. Mr. and 31Irs. George4Thie1 and family were Sunday 'visitors, at • Aubtirri. • Mr: and MIS, Ezra Heist of Cr- •egiton spent Sunday livith • 0;. Hess_ 'Mr. and Mr's. Chas. Eilber of Crediton &pent Sunday with ,the latter% mother, Mrs, G. Merner. • Mr and MA, E& Rupp of De- troit are visiting. at the Irorne of Mrs! Hy Rupp. • Mr. and Mrs, Louis Schilbe, and 11fri) Casper Walper wore Sa,nday \isitors in Dashwood: Messrs. We Callfas and Wes'. fYlo.rner are away to Kitchener on business. , Miss Bele]. -Kyla of the ParrLin left for Windsor, where she has a ,pOsi t ion . Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rose have 1,6 t urn ed to .NV11(91,01) after visiting friends and. relatives here. , Mr. Oliver Johnson of 'Godarich 'spent Sunday at *he home of Mr. Thomas johnston. • Mr, Harold Witmer and friend Mies Cook -of Kitchener, spent thn week -end at home. on (the Bab lone Line. Messrs. Emanuel Koehler, and Rhinold iioch left for Detroit on Wednesday morning, after a few 'week's vacation ;hare. • Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Coloisky, and Mr. Albert Tibley of Detroit, visited with. relatives here the past Week, Mr and Mit, Nyrn. Dumart and Mr,•and Mrs, G. Beam of Kitchener Were Visitor4--. at th home of Mr. and Mrs, 11. Yungblut. Mr. and Mrs., John 5..„ Wilhahn o Baden are -spending, a fel,v-ve- °ks at. the home 'o fMr. 'and Mrs; C 0. Smith, St. Jolsolph. .• Wins. Rose Leamen and son Jack and Miss Viola Lentheriand. , of Aneern, spent a weak at the hoine of Mr and APB,. Wm. Reichert. Mrs. Shupp of Mich,, who has bean visiting ,with her sister, Mrs, Ben Sureros, Uth con., has ret- urned to Ih(er home,. Mr. Sam 'Schoch of the 14th con, left on Wednesday morning •for Ann Arbor, Mich, . where Mrs.Sch och is convalesdent in the Hospital there. • • Mr. and Mrs, Val, Gerber Jr.left this, week, on an extended motor trip to the state of Varginia, V11 involve ieera1 m on ths,and if conditions are favorale they will reside there in future. Mr. .and Mrs. G. Mueller, J. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. William Jacobs, of Brodhagen, !spetn Sun- day at „the, home of Mrs. D. Wit - tiler Babylon Mr, Leonard Wagner, Mrs, W!. 0, Wagner, Mrs. P. M. Hess, Mrs. 'alters, *and Mia. John Schnell, wore an n riiotor trip St) Elmira and Kiteeliner on Sunday. , An •auctionCIsale of the lett over building mrtcaials such. as window frames, s ish., Hearin g, Jura her, etc. will be lull on the propart,y of the Evangelical- -church on Satur- day, October 9th, at 2 o'clock. Mr Gordon Turnbull, Reeve of Parkhill paid a friendly visit to. Zuricla friends on Tuesday. He is one of the outstanding district manager9 of, the North American Life Insurance Company of 'Can- ada. • A quiet 'wedding took place at Adrin, Mich., at the Bride's parents Mr, and Mrs, J, Gettus, -When, their daughter, Saryan became the bride of Frederick J. Weseloh, only ,son of Mr. and liars; Henry F. Weseloh, of Zairicla. • Miss L. Pallet attended an exec- utive meeting oft h...1 South Huron .A.nociatioil, at the. Tinned church, on Monday, to arrange .5 program. for the coming conven- tions. , The County Convention will be held in Cv.N.diton Evangelical ch- -.arch and the Township Conventioh in the 'United 6,6111,,n chtlich: The fir t 'We e lc, Nol'ember, : The :Zurich Branch n1 the \Voin-.- en's will hold mao- thiy th tb Town on Wednesday evening; October 20, instead al the 21st, All Me iribr.rs are requested t) kra resent and brine;, you];' frinnds along. A good prag,.an. ;s: preparad DWI Of i1011 'WM b 1)y Dr. Co.itvli "Vr• '":"^- SflI 11 le ".• Uste ado installed in Two Hotuu AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR THE DEFOREST CROSSLEY,. CONII AND KING RADIOS BAND A. BATTERIES, TURES, CHARGERS, SPEAKERS, AlatzI4.14. WIRE, ETC.. HESS ie1;17fe' er 4.4 43,0 *4,4)**4 ee 4,44,0:V4EO • • • 4,0 q?, • 4g4 ; 4,,,)4. g 014144,agLoalally, 4, 4. aloe • 4. 4, • • My Accounts are now ready, and. • any persons indebted. to me kindly call at once and settle same., • FRED -THIEL ck .HP *0,3'11' rd 791,H; n gnik 101. $ ii+÷.14+441.444+24++4.4 +4. 44 ++ +14-14-74+11;€450:asidgatrAle-`,1% Ftwm SO Our Stock is complete in many new lines; Oxfords, Strap Slippers, Clint - drens Footwear. Men's and Boys best everyday Work Boots • si• with outside counters TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC. School Shoes of every description& 0. FRITZ & S SHOE MERCHANTS ornannumrtematurnwv4,44,,,IM ew Fall. a Goots Call see our new flannel dregs Goods and. cotton. flannel suitable for children's dresses, etc., HEAVY FLANNELETTE SHIRTING AND BLANKETS, 'V'i./0 BLANKETS, SWEATERS, JERSEYS, SMOCKS, AND 11.1,Ene- , WEAR, ALSO GRAIN BAGS. - PULL LINE OR STAPLE GOODS, ALL REUNA2M, LT BARGAIN PRICES. .• N. DOUGL • GENEPIAL ifilISROHANr PHONE 11 - 87 '-4 KE .4 4