HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-30, Page 8E AIS 3/lake our Store your headquarters. Leave ,y o Ra reels for safe% eepi.n and meet your friends here. LADIES' COATS AN .If.\VL .j.1.3sT Ol'11NPD t'i? A "IiJ I'm ENT OF•I.rx1DIES CUM'S. may: 1).,1501L13 1:I: PI,EAS i% '10 SI"10\N"11.1 EM TO,`YOU '1111' lCO1'~r.AIN 'IIIc SEASON'S NEWEST IiiST STALES AND CLOTHS AT EVERY REASONABLE PRICES. NESV Covtarr cLOTH:i " A 51 inch Cloth of Extra fine texture, [Similar to Jersey elcith, ttkvill not :stretch or pull, very suitably for 'suits or dresses.. CHARMl \.N -- in pretty shades o: Pawn !.!nd Navy for Coats, Suits • or Dresses. a•ILANN.LLS — 'We have Su piecc;s it Flaooel:a in Stock, cox7aprising the n'ewe'st fancy and blain ,:i::i.les in 1i3 and 54 inch widths, col ors 'such as et.darbark, G r„ ved, Tu'.:an, Sandalwood, Rose- . wood, 'Cao i '`:xi is r.c": bine, '.1 ha sh;7 Burn' a.. blue with white pin 'stripe, also black and envy. 'WOOL SAN TOYS --• In in Pototan, Blues, Rosewood, Brown, Fawn, henna, Navy. This cloth is -ry 13oln.ear how fail wear. l 'GATING • SPECIAL 6 'Pieces Coatings in 051 -in. width, Extra heavy quality at $1.50 yd 'y.ANNE ETTE WRAPPERETT1 S, ETC. In t . v os of New Y a.i.n. l"ti.eG, opened up in various widths and ,1a, i t. •a :it lower prices that :ast season. Ti APER CLOTHS in pretty Sl itis of Pinks and Blurs with gilt scroll pattern 1 wade, at 65e. ycl. and 75c. ayd. SW'EATe ^ COATS -0. -For Men, Women, Boyd and Girl's in Season's newest styles, tt - yd. IDEAL: PATTERNS, Wei carry a complete biro :of IDEAL PATTERNS in Stock. No meed of waiting, a week for a. Pattern. We. have them on band, and m t the remarkable '! ott* 3sriee of .:i'e. each.. HAND AT RIG:i`I:I PRICES FRESH GROCERIES 'ALWAYS ON Prod u e d NS Gas, CS, a eases T1 cS, Tubs, Repars GtiNUThTE FORD 1?ARTS dY75'[ %tl+;t.:is'i'vat) A Sit1P.1HENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING' THE JaAMOi;7S c�= h;) tra 31 ht. TOP IN NRED OF A -IlA1LL'RY, S'4'k. wuLICIX YOUR PATRONAGE. ix6TR GLIAIiANT1s'E :0ITR !RICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CCL, ANIS OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND RESIDES WE GIVE YOU 5E11 V t C€:. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON 'YOUR .OLD BATT- ERY. t'sA'ITHFl ' REPAIRING AND' T'iER i' CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO • REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENP 'C'l t.rrN .., (...c ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE t( 1'.,V1 i .I:se Ll Zttrioh GU w ,bee, g'f,1irikn.g coot ------ . Winter : '?'f li. this: putsin us i mind of''h .t New Stove,- oe: •that‘ will give more heat with less fuel than any other make on the market,namely the Clarex Quebec combined ` Cooker and HEATER, A S LOVE THAT WILL 'COOK AND BAKE WITH d3 .y� ANY OF THEM, AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T 11:11A' ARE MADE IN TWO SIZESISX18 in. and 20x20 in ovens AND WILL UPN• COAL 0r'' 100O, " yttebee Stoves • • • ..i • • • 0 as lleeia -unlaces z�'t zr•1 • •7„ tis) Bee aur .LacjiOs'.. MACKINAC FLANNELETTE ALL WOOL FLANNEL STRIPED D AND WHITE FLANNELETTE ALL LINEN TOWELING ALL WOOOL BLANKETS FLANNELETTE .BLANKETS E kik ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST PRESENTATION A [surprisa: party .was held for Mrs. D,tbus, on the Babylon Line' trot Friday night when a, largo' gathering of friends spent an en- Jjoyable evening. A dainty lunch was ,served after that an address % as read by lIi:.s .'alien Foster of 9, uich. and x !cross set with pearls Les ,,,..,9'''n te .I to . Mrs. Dabua by, Miss Mari,' Foster r lof Biggar, Sauk TIi eacttliess 'was as follows; We, your rel alive, and friends, have gathered 'her this evening, to ail a, row hours with you in your native environment, your honie. That place of generons.,hoa pit tlity and peaceful happine's's. That place which tseenrs to toll the passerby that a, pair of loving and lender hand's had transformed it 7, , it a ,were ;structure of walls and root t(, a home We realise that oven with all your hardships and r•ar..s you .never once complained but bore your lot with uneekness and hannility and always stood ready to Iselp others 'iiho were not able to bear their Cro's:% as eheertudy rs you bore yours. Your Crolss was not light, no it was even lieaai'i 2r than Most ethers, yet you never murmured nor littered a .w jrd of.protest. On the, contrary you werh:' always, .: era i'eaidy to of- fer a word of consolation and a willing hand to those about you. V,Te cannot forget those aittle use- important things you did (for Cls and for leas can 'we forget tb.e i•na- 1,ortant onea which you ;so whole heartedly and generolslyu contrib- uted for nnr welfare •To be gods natured •scemis •a gift to you and bring kindhearted and generous is one, o four virtues. A. vix'tue wh- ich so many people think -they pos acs and ,so few }deo. Yet you do not even think that ,you ‘possess such a great virtue and on that account, wt have all the more re- spect and honor for you because we admire in you something which you do not even value. That is true humility and to 1bc humble is Christ -like. And so, dear Mrs, Dabuln, •kindly accept this little token of ,our love and esteem for you, and tlet it be a 'symbol to 1 ovoui that al 'good things are 'obtained only through sacrifice and that on 'such a Cross the greatest good in the world ova: cia. ntinrt of Mei. :A(. 1 you look upon this remembrance, think of us and iemernbewr that g'. tltraax„n your kindness and good • n s% you have a place in our he- arts! Which can never be neglected 0 not 'forgotten. May Good ,keep • you in health and happiness for 0 many more « taro to 'canh(a. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. 0. ani a • • 0 0 ea • w IN :TURN Ar_:Es EVE C:AN GIVE YOU THE VERY _I3EST THAT.: s 0 'MONEY" CAS r L' .', 'TI1;✓ I:1;'LC'LA" A REAL OLD STANDBY • eA II UE N' :1IA.I' HAS . t r 1: 4'EN SATISFACTION TO `THOU I§ SANDS 01. L ;' i.:7. FOR MA..N'Y YEA:rS, The Furnace that • 0.a t'e'S, on : 3 : 01 co.ui iJr ;,even. • rAi Iii hats i , iJ ,. .;a:a S'Var.'. P:itml,ing Job gr Eaveti'ou hin 0 andstela, .i,,,,, :ata: _ You 7u P n 3 J'lars . 1J.. b' c omin hereher m her[* and' it i .'i,: It.'done by oux' :fL pert Mr. Ted; Milltohoitz. • ciao a 0 a Isi We appreciate your Patrona.gge. ADE ZURICH T 10414000044 a041061111r4.4.411.0 . 4140.00.10.4000 a1 0 • w • A Mr. J. E, Harnwbll returned on Monday from. Alberta, .where he has, been for about three weeks. When he left the West the three praire r,rovinecers were undev'snow Miss Vera Lowson returned on 'Saturday fromLondon, where tshe Was the guest of Mrs. Jas. Boyce for a week, Anniversary 'services will be held in the Goshen United church cnn `ai iid:ay, October "Srd, when Rev J Melvin Keys of Dungannon will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.• Mr. Keyl:, is one of our boys 'and sl ^:nt his boyhood cloys on 'Baby- lon Line, and we will he glad to have him with us again. (froci r ongreb , tarns, attended -till S Rally Iseavices hold in our cliffcredl churches last Sainrlay. VI " a : .Ntra 111c nnrr ,S"tt~ekleand• Mr, and Mrs. Peter Clingeerich of the •I:'i>onson Linn, visitecd •Withfri Y en ars near :Elmira on Sunday. .1',,,. 11'Co!ssr,p. -h s disposed of his farm on Bronson I.,ine, to Mr. :FEe'ird."of 73ayfield, poSseslsion given jr the Spring. Mr. 'l1'ioss'at, ars rm Ff ng the farm o, ace paint i'af *00r11+a* ilI 7teal II.. Western Fa ere ul, s. Weghher hisurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST , BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN C0f CPa1 Y I:D0•- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO,. CASH ANI:Y BONDS ON HANG $85,€29,61. G.Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER Ili' LIGH- TNINCa• SODS, AND ALL KINDS OP FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 CARD OF THANKS ]IIT'. and Mr's, Hugh Thiel Wish togr ettly 'thank the (friend!s and neighbors. who rendered such .as - sistai ce and showed sympathy in their recent Berea •ement. CREDITON A monster fowl supper will be given antler the ,aurspices of tIxe Ladies Aid of 'the Evangelical church, •Crediton, on Oct, 7th.. Mr. And. Mrs. Jos. Hoist visited relatives at Detroit. • Mr: and WS,. SV'm. Wenzezel ave- re visitors at Detroit. - •Viola. Geiser friends. at Iondprc • Ilev. and Miis. E. S. ITiSeo ks• motored to Clifford, to visit sick relative. • The ' rannual .fowl [supper ( of the; Crediton United Church, Will he held on October - 12th. Mrs. Ezzra Haai'st -has returned from. n..flew week'a visit at Tor- onto... Lester Mcisaac left. for Moore- field where he has been transfer- red to • the Canadian Bank of Com- merce."' Mr. and Ails. Harrison Iloltar- man and family of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrla. Jos. Horst. fiENSALL. Our rural School fair on Mon - dal last cvas a groat success; and in addition to our own three local schools ^teem' those of Nos 10„ Bay, and 14 Tuckersmith.. The, display of fruit, grain and vegetable% were very good and -much ad- mired. John Buchanan of Guelph, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Buchanan and sister, Mrs. McDonald), Mrs: John Din:sclale, Mrs. John Petty arid Mrs. Taylor •visited for. a few days with relatives in Tar - onto, , r Beatrice Cuciniore of .Toronto, is impending „a few day's vacation 'with; her parentis, Mr. and Mrs. R. C dmora. �J•aS. Ballad, 'of Minneapolis, who was here attending the funeral of his. Mother, has returned home. Mr; and. Mrs, Fred Simmons and 'son are Visiting n :Toronto: Mr. •and 'Mrs. Milton Ortwein of London, visited relatives' Isere. Mr And Ws, Aaron Sweit aor, br- idal couple, pl , tuft for their new home. in Detroit, and ween accom- panied ccom-p niacl : by Mr.: and MTS. Rob't.11ig-' g leen. A. W. P:o.rtsons of C'ampbellford, arrived here to take a poaitiari on the total( of the .Standard Bank hero, On Sunday nigh(: last 6o7110 on-) brqkd itcto W ':f+..Pfaifh,gags pimp filling up ,their tank <af. womc, ' 7 galleins of gals • Mra..D. Mcleod, •of Calgary, Alt, who Waris here atian'ding tam funeral •of her late 'sister, Margaret Bell, has left 'for :h her home in the west, Dr. G N. Knapp has rented 'the neat dwelling lately occupied by the h .te' Mra.:Sa ilardx • AliAsyd>�l cff�t was caalled. to Toronto: owl/1g to the Illneis's of her,. !soli Norman. Seta f•>;�nc71 �� to lz, 3j J1it Wf1Mi.N(�Iw��.. • mrcNSm,Mrn•,aA',sq... e have receiv-ea alarge shipment of new Furniture includi g iv: n . room, new diningroora suites., and rockers, s, kftp e .eab .TeasF tale and.,c ajrs COME IN. ANI) SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A. FITLL LINE OF THE FAMOUS SI.RIMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MA" .TT.fESSES. BRING IN YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. ..nw,.eµwutis.-.,c,,,,....,:..:,<m.,;,,...,u.+ie,.ua•.r.,:sux+enssrn.+axmn-,mxr'mna,�vrwurrmca(x..v,wn+.uw..urrmarau.lr 7j)79j �u�[}iiix A FULL LINE OF SHELF AND' REA.VY IlARDWAR.LI,• BEA: @TY/WA.SH MAORINE+S AND WRINGERS, STOVES Ant FURNACES, WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY FENCING, AND -CEMENT. LE U'S H2O Y0tr, PLUMBING, EVRTROUGEMVU OR ROOiIL INCL.' WE CARRY A PULL LINE OP 140% LURE MARTIN SENICAI:>Ef. PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAMEL VARNISS, t, wj p f. Y.TEST Gas a'd Coal « I TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTS BRING 1111 YOUR OLD RAGCIS, TRADE OR CASH lc. lbc 1ohnston y Kabffejseh Hardware 8g u m. `es Phone 61 ,N,RiYIhJFlf36Ito ik:iPl.W.:,9[4I"• uYsvSRwr•N IS,iii7WR Gq .".✓irtiNW M1131rusxAurnlaSM S1x....l: 41.334.473.3 1ar.333 41 iaavon unci ffu3311.2MCAlwlQxiliwmikl Y.enlRtYnnfAitr1313.nnT,nrtn rrnrnixar3SnhWSrttlTNcttirnreAr. FrlrrnT4:Str,,,,,33,vei p3pr,....-.ya.....3.r”...M1 ,..,,,,,,...o4o ..-v. TRI,,S'.LT!,v.Y!,.,Trt^ltt.M.MF"wviw�,Sa�C.1YS1>SISNT.AFWIMIQIOIYI:,Y 1IFTV .23.16 .I1.?RONfISE A FAR1k7" :a'S WIFE OWNED $2,500 WORTH OF 5 4•119M B0N.DS. A. STOCK SALESMAN,. (a !stranger}' PERSUADED HER TO I;'.X.CHANGE THEM FOR STbCK •IN A MANUF-. ACTUR.ING CONCERN. HE GUARANTEED TO PAY ITER 8%, BUT HIS GU.AR:AN, TEE' WAS WORTHLESS AS THE COMPANY HADN'T PAID ANY :E IVIDENuS FOR SEVERAL YEARS. Why place confidence in stock ;salesmen when reliable ad- vice can ;be obtained !right in town. 1 I recommend Huron & Erie Debentures, because the Govern, meat authorizers. thorn. • for estates funds .in the hands of esi:-t ecutor:s, and trustees. 5% per annun . is paid half -yearly upon $I00 or .nsvre for 1 to 5 years. Applications for Huron & Erie Debentures are accepted at any time by.— Andrew F. Hess, Zurich • MY MOTTO;—SEavIoj AND SAFETY C / : 1` a _i tI 1 ) \' i !.� R 1 L L? nunun.enJrlKn9enYquwrJWYru1•.WYuuwA+w„iutt'mL.ti[w d'aMrYnwYl 33k...ia,ofiu3..l:lrni(ww.Pli"X.'iltluW:,vua+(uiS,WnawR,r ,®rummy en,,ri,..,+r.. ,>.nrwwrxmaeaw,.....cmv1113ressnuN115114 mwwnrvT1CAIW(rea+,lti,..PeRWI .,+e!nn huttnuwvrnmferovl,n, Painting and Paper Hanging LETUSDO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING; 1?AISERHANCi1N A.4 & !DECORATING. WE BitAKE. I'T A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- r01M FJRS WI` II EVERY JOB WE $ DO. TRY US ON .YOUR ' .'ZT, TC'113, H. Q R't I �{U 3 1 tir'R 6 � WAIO Drugless PlTaCtibutr eer and Opticitm EXETER Pbenel Zit AT W e, ir.(PER H O &'1 S:T, : ih iI! IH¢Y4111f • Every Tueiday, 1Q an.m.:to 1, mak Rea O::;. 1. With an extraordinary showing of the. Season Newest Materials for IVIenis Snits" ilia ';; 1`Gi?'1EI )F,€.E YOU WILL :CPITIVELY PINT) il'II:''` IIkGCa•ES`I.° T,dk'ELO::>I#.'- 1 N1G VALUES EVER HEARDOi]P. t l YEARS OIs", EXPERIENCECOUPLED WITH wO ON:EEN Mi AKING 4., BUYING' THE MATERIAL DIRECT FROM '3"RE'MILL ;i AND SELLING TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS 7., NiD4lII'S gAS .f1.�G5"a 4„ THAT'S WHAT PUTS THE D0LLAI s IN YOUR POCH tr., ;t,' BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR, ORDER„ 1'N EARLY. FF `1VIERCHA.NT T°.A,ILOS , W, . ILOE5 FA A b, & Son, ElittB.ALA....__ tAND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. .I ay and X gh*, Plio.mru :lure• 8,e *n _ . .. gyp, r0'-"' 0 r " ",IIa W - .� .. ,� _ �„_"', t„_ ,& �,t, " - , 0-*- !d:,,, (, i9.