HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-30, Page 1• • r, • • • • .• VOL XXVII •14 0..13 •• • • ZURIC14.. THURSDAY• MORNiNQ, SEPTEMBEH 3O.1926Q • " 1 (t , rget Lirich (3 1)1 I- yel+3t e U Tr% gr..41021DP MIKAGDICURS 0airiMort Dati1/01)0)(011Wca :P4,13MaUFMEINI)43 itiO 43 4 School air • .44.74.7 441 Ar.p YON HOT . • • Rah s Weather • ",•,' ,zy Folluv, a list of the prhize, n 1120 (4, l'uisday, Sept, 21st Only the ;1111.!1'.1 1!) S h ". oof Fair, of last 4e, ittt ti jl t hoilo r prat: ' • all C. 'aq it IC' IFA It ik, N h 4.11 . Soft Drinks Also Kaiaks, Patent, Medicines, St atioLiery, Bcxei Caudy„ c'ec rea m ...Groceries, cr'rockery, Oigaies, Tob- baco and Cigarektes mon, y, .aplialtr. '2h0 g- ri•fint of ear..1), narne indicate the number ,of 'school section. they 1)elung, • ilik.1\T‘f ...A.N D fl'ORLY pri At tient Wi I f red. tklopp, 4 Milton .11,1cAd4rnia; .134r- leyg rairt-1 Orlwein, 7 Carl Iloiyor::tr; bar' ey sh Ni1-7 C.'arl lIa borer, 12 Edith Ktopp, 4 Bay Ort cat •:`ara•-•--42 H0111 - e.1, N, 'Witmer, u Bvrcille Far - well, 7 Ruth Fusteik; corn ,stalirt*-- 6- Ntll Wi I mer; west corn var 3— . (1 . : ear, dile r .._ );:ionet; it - a - p•47 4 Leohtld Schwalm, 7' tAlice D.‘eber 7 Alb:q.t Cluida',14, 7 Floyd Poster ; . , ..t, vy' ROOTS AND VECIE,TAXI.,ES OGISEMDMIREWDOMOAIDOIWARKIDOENDO DOEIROCEPOPERFAI )031 'p)PtINIO3t3 ;IA nr.*4•44" ii.'i.4.4.-tt4+44-14.44444.zei-444.4.44.44-144+4.1A-L,..14.4.÷4-4,++++.1.:1 .7., " 13 ADJ.° TTflit1ES ....:: ,.-4, nt NI . 4, * . 7ilit 14: \ + I A fresh, Stook of Batteries -:':: * i''' Just &nivel Come anol see + . me before buying * I * * + As I will sy ave Yon Mone * , 4,.. 4,t,. t E. 0E47,0 — Zurich + ..,. 4. s..4.............14.+4,44...i,44,++44.4.H4++44+44414++++++++++4? t. Pointois, Irish Cobbinr---7 Lef- t:Md. \V II 1.1.`1.t, 3SVilirvi Mous•3cau, 3 Foiter, 'Ray Broderick; pot -- (1 rou tain--7 Hart Foster, 3 eftlit Stephan, 7 Paul Hess, ,7 itII Doich2rt; potatoes, Doobiey- 6 Androw Fuster, 4 Delia \Salith, 7 Grace, t lel, 7 Th., re a Zet tt'A ; Man go'd's -12 Ati tie;P..1 11eibPr'.• "ger; 3 Arnold .R1herL, .7 Aiith- \•0111; turnips -7 DoniAo La- p•-irte, 7 Laaretta Farwell, 7 Wit. t.; Olive Witmer ;Beets: — Margaret Mouss•oatt, is Claire Surer lic:en ,Thiel, 7 Rosa Zet earn Dorris Greb, 7 Flos.sie Relek, 7 Boy Smith, 7 .RothZet- tie ; Parsnips --3 :Clifford -Weld°, 6 firaca Meyers, 7 Erm.1 'Brown, 7 Karl Bemlazt; Onioltis—Li Onto o I•en ai S s 12 Virrcla meistr, 7 Lariat FLOW ES'S Fouq id oC'Asters-3 Edward Schi:a.dor, 3 Rida Stephan, 7 Hel- 4. en Thiel, 7 O•lin Foster; pcat&\---3 EdW:trd ,Schrader, ''Creta 7 ti loyd ostei ; Phy- 43 • lex-7 Fred Brown, 12 Alice, Stire, .Rds,.). Zetteli• Zinnia -6 Noil Wit- mer, 3 Da Vid Blackwell, 3 Ray 7liarigo:da-7 Rea Sar - 7 ell PI Surerus ; 6 A ndre F.J,Pitr; ,Corposi)--7 e,,Lliind S711.- walm, ti Prceilla Farwell; C'alend- ola-1.2 Edith, Rlopp, 7 Cecil IR- 1,1ov 3 rflq‘bert, Stophin French Haloid Horner, 7 Karl Rembo, 4 Ci•air Surertrs; Vorivma Beatrice Farwell; Cosmos -3 egford Weido, 7 Roy Smith; 7 _Edith DoiLhnt ; Pinks --3 AVilfrefl Mt)i.ttswAti. 7 Albert Heideman, 4 R:mo Erb; Gallardia--7 Mary ;Ka- ch9ms, 1 Helen TWA; Sa1plgosis- 7 AIhr1 Doiehert PO LT 1-,T R '51" I cockes.?171.2 aro requested to ,11,e present and 4. •84404410104001S040.048ttefteetdieettlegaterattentegt4004000000000ose la 'V le •:,,•,.• , • , ,,. ,,,• * :4 «,,," Id : ,,',,.1,,1, i ','PP•i . • 12 "; 40 ' . . . tp , „ ri 6/ wing to us- ait:dvi:g pal rtnership 4,,,,, :10. ,•6 431)0 : 4 1.1.ronrrarrazIonwasuuwaireo....3,..4..mar.......rsm;.seve.m..t.v....,rtruaarnmellawnIrm .10,03,-1-113.l000. 2 tt# ir. ''01) itP . we are now 1.sp sing (A our elltire le 0 . . fit) stock of' Mit:nit's 'Women's and Chill. Ao 4D '''''' ' 2' a vil e 2 dire Boots, Shoes and rubbers. : 2 el 0, 4P At cost andmany lines below cost. Come 11 r) el it - • in. at once to get first choice 6 0 ,46) 0 glo • 6 to DDryv$ rim on etc, REPAIRING NEATIAr DONE 0 2"A1419' l'i te' i 4 06 loco , , : . „ i .;.. a SEE 01:1S. WINDOW DISPLAY * 111444411(00,11009000~0040041K4.08144100040040000 4100)0r0404.00004,0000 0 4 , c•;• 4.41,,. iP. 7..Z.11- -.T. A, ,- 'P'" .? •-'P '4 • . e '';;I P.," ;1 i 1:t ..,,, V ,•1.it .;I ,,,,A .. I, 4 AP 4.7. : 4 0 ' 1 y 1. 0 4 d.p. I1 and, inter aly p ,..; 011. A AAil , • It 'f' '••'' ''14 :, 4 • ,',..Tt qt. ii#,.. .441. • — 4' 40 .0 -4 4 . ' ..It ilagip 1,, 0 I a ,• , 4,0 I .1 r . 0 3, ,..4,.. - - .A, ..44,. flito .,,* 44. ,..,41, .41, a* * 4 4 "0 40 4 1 4 - 4. A* 4 0 :17 PRICE 0 , ISN .4 ••,•/•.;k• v I t.",ti , P,., e Pt e' ...1. , t's • ge 0 Pt 4 tfmoi ,h, 0 lAscgow out stAtm , - ruoys NJ . 3.0.*40411,444444.040440#004444,44,444*41,4+64,6**44.1v.61,44 4..4 41140 44' * air, Se l#M44X7r., ,Tos. • Routledge. is- Visiting at E.:eter this week, •- • Clarence Hoffman .,of Galt 4••,"ks a Sunday visitor .at. his honi.- here, Xiia. Fred, Thiel attended the stet'efdding of her Isister at Kitchen- pkr, th,:! past week. Air. Morris Webi!r •of Goderich visiting tit tha•home of Mr. and Arts..•Chwa. 'Weber. • • .Dou't forget - the, •Zurich Fair on Friday of • ,tlis week, •everyho,dy COM.= .and make it the best i3ver:. Mr. and M. Harry • Roseoi Wiads,91. visited -with, relatives here for; a .fe.w days last weel. Mr. and Mrs, .Davis of Detroit, V70.r7P week -end visitors at the. home Of 'Mr .and Mrs, Eimon Greb, Baby - tone Ling. • Mr. Oscar Greb of the Babylon Lin:1 spading •few • wanks Ositing relatives at Kinde, and Elkton Mich. • Mi. and Arra. Jas. Laidlaw of Crass•wel, Mich., .spent the w(ek- rind with Mr, iand Mrs. Chas, Mrt and My's, Eckel. of Blotto-, Arzqai• Sunday visitors at the hOme o fMr. and Mrs. W. L. -Sic- %ext. • K. C. Kcinka of •Stratford Clelivere.d. Very ,invressi,e ter - in the Evangelical church.on Sndayi.Merning, also in Dash- N•.00d in the evening. Mrs, Robert Fulton 1..eind chil- dr.-n.1 of Biggar, ara spend- ing a few weeks 'oith the form- • -•T's ••par;•.ats ;Arr. and \AIrs, Leno, Mr: ',Thomat& .5.„. and• -.Mr. W. Boatio, tof Searwth, 1'O id f ri in Zurich on Mon- dov • Mr McAlillan la- more than • • with -he rcAults, ,of thr rcq:1.111; ekation, :and, especially with thr` larr majjority given Juni in v Town:Alp,. Zurich Branch of Lire Wom- en's Institute will hold their mon ii' meetino- invlailhe Town Hall, W'edneseay evaniag, Octobs•r 20, instead. of .tbn 21st. .A11 members 3 Chester Puixliabak * Year tit Aitrittlok v. 3 et • 1-Stig A Real Buy Ribbon, Mist Watch $8.95 COAL BUY TIM BEST,. IT IS TETE OHEAPEST. GENUINN• , H Lackawan$ AND D L &W Ec.Tato .4 • DIRECT FROM THE 31:IN,Ell $&9 5 SOFT COAL, GENUINE IKEliki tucKy MILLERS CREEE:, (P4Ellif ONE WEEK ONLY GENUINE BY PRO D tiara AN IDEAL GIFT FOR THE GIRL Our Telephones are at, your oeizzer, RETURNING TO SCHOOL OR COL vloo, the inforraation to free. LEGE „.t.....s/c)xl, Fi E rq SA K.. 0 !Nrir„, Phones--Offies 10 -ay. Eivb.7,2* ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED" G. Hess Si 1.40)44'44 4.04 44 4, 4 4,i4P i>#40.0. 04,44 i• 4,414.4,,,t.41,40,0404).(044pt,441-0411ifiNr: Id es. 4' Id 1. -t+ My Accounts • any per s s "Pr% re g._.ff..1.1 Fspsesanr.n.e•TacM.cn.rnwr•oascruq'auair...awa.s.•-ascer.cayoaemrurs.wnnCaT.V.. 4 are now ready, alle, indebted to me kindly call at once and settle same rnala THE .4• 4-00,0f, +.44 S*4) 4+ 41.11- 40 4? fe<tr, s`• 1)44 44 4r4, 4,40,4.44,444-444.1m4rt1.4. ZURJOM 4.'44..444,444.4.+,4ktitidditiiMt40;. .1. Id' 4* 4' 4. let -12 Harold Horner ; pe,,1 of :3._ hrivig your friends with 'yon. A .1. or;ando Baid„r; 12 mic., (..aa of the iteMs be by De. 1 Marold flornoP; Pr, lit Leo,- good program being prepcired,. Stir', Carl If :11),,rcr, 7 :Harold Si - Pr. Duck, -,—u Carl .tiangolut. (ori +TT ,lysr :Da yid Black - w(1, 11i umkror; Pi'. P. P. R.--7 ,Vipcighlitt, 6 Gram+ Aloy era, 7 (10 14 ib,rer. 3 David Elack .1't-7 Chas. Thiel, 7 hilitorCi 13ti4sy, 7 .01iv., Fo'iter, 0 Winnifrod Battler; Do7.,en white eg,g3-12 Aii;rs Stiro, 3 D.)vid M- ao, w.,,11, 7 EPtrvOy Clatri;us,3 11. S.1Arador: mown Dav- id 1;1nel:wo11, 7 Earl Yunghlut, 7 7 Antimwtte t1rt'- uiPr; Do71,(4,1 from ,111.omo gordon 1 1:(1`1:h fit hardinn. 3 Lard Jacolry., 3 Louis iord.e 3, Clifford NITchlo, 1,1Vill STOCK. Thscpo'n 1itog—,1 Del ti.,:rt Goigt'r, 12 'ATIrod Klopp, 01.•findo 14 -alter; Spring oni1'-3 Byron Kyle, .4. 'bort Geiger; FialtOrbroke colt —t Goigcr, 3 Byron Ttiy1:‘,. lamb —4 Edwin Thiel, 6 Ot"ondo Pal ler, 1 1Vi to i McAdipmi 4 Veola. Klapp; Beef calf -7 Llo;,,,1 Kl 0 p p„ 7 Lo:rne is:lop p, i7 Anth- ony "Voisin, ' FRUIT Coll. or P•ipp1:ss-7 Alice Docil- e'', Orlando Bab ler, 3 Clifford Wc- (:o..ntintind on 'Tinge five) Evanoelical Noes ZURTO1 ._We ONT, ar') this moVing.om' pia ca of worOlip it lii0 base:min( FPC' (Introit, which will br‘ more Com forlalio thi•S• 01)01 'Weather. lit,TsApj ;Sappar, Oct. 1-1th. 33"-Op.,4piag ,aorvie,N.4 Oct. 24t1. Friday Evil. 4.1.0 Jr .1.,•,.'nguo. 7.39 Pray.‘r and Trans c hoir 7, .1 0 Lice. Oct 3rd., 1,1 #1.11, Wort:00, 11 o m, Biblo• Seivpol. 7.30 pAn Worship., Rev, Grass. D4SflWO0ft Oct 3 103 n,u, W01'131144 ROV.'Gro's!:i 11.13 tim 13ib &11001, ' 7.30 p,m, \Vol:ship, Ilevaroyor.- • th,t care of teth, and it will not j'hurt •anvone to learn a little mor ',how to tick of teeth, if you think you may mot. need thi3 4' informatian yollta so if, comanyway and get tiiieg ood points and. pas& it 1.11.,ni and. Mrs. E. E. Wuerth ha ted into the ,Ipirope,rty th:sy r ptirell.aa,-.1d from Arr. J. tt.2y Sr., white Mr, Garfield Brown 111i mO.'vecl. into the rooms vacated * Wuf-,rth, / Mr. Wi,t7rilt, 11:,‘‘.er wid coiftive on 4.ith his * tailoring and furnlishinga for tho• present. •4. Thcro'S e0,11r§ to be groat deal +1.444.4. 40+444444+4,,44+44++444,4404P$44+INIA7 tioisrPs. around thl village of cr:ppleiding, ,caps, firing pft of • t 1)6.1;013 and f irecracknPi. 0:00 , ther.?. was a Domin- il]Day celebration evory day. h19beconn a nmianco andis contrary to the municipal 1,y-:aws, and parents aro, requ?.stk'd Li warn., their children ,not to in- dulga ln those offenens. 11 Coven g:Peak 4. 4. 4. 4. ,P,Na bi21310 eit it , Our Stock is complete in many lies; lines; Oxfords, Strap Slippers, Chit- drens :Footwear. Men's and Boys best everyday Work t -)Bi - with outside counters TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC.. School Shoes of every description O. FRITZ & SON 4* SHOE MERCHANTS LITTLE DOTIO'VEIV' PASSES. Mo oh tAympathy is extended °to Mr. and Mr:i, Hap.h. Thiel of th, )4th. con. Hay in the. pin' Of Ili ir only child Doroihy rho'2be, :ti;St. joef4)11:3:11.0piti1, ,Lon310,1 on fi'l•iday September 23rd, She tlok with appendicitis ibout t Viec WO, • tlre Vio vpi • to 111,r dr ath 4.4" ken 11) h0i3pittt to 1);•. op,tnated 141.1 Fivoilast Id not '10 01:10P'at•I pld eno- titU.'11il7' she grew weaker 011 th' 'tnl.s,e1 of death call to r!) - f.? V her •!suffering,s.Ag 'd 3 yrE, , 9 mita fir: 41.111 5 remainr.; . wor,i brought home Epir wh- fell way, be,d, on Sui'rloy rm.)1111, 1.9 th? LuthOran e.t0M-tnry, and waa of thl• largestatt.,nptii fun- era.s 'ax11; in many it dlyy 11 teh '3 to `, '311' AV the sympathy. felt 71 a.ront, grandparents a1iP1 New Fail arid Goods IT -r-er J Call and see our now flannel dress Goods and cotton flAnnel suitable for childuen's drosses, etc. HEAVY FLANNELETTE SHIRTING AND BLANKETS, I1 -0,8l., BLANKETS, SWEATERS, E VS, SMOCKS, AND UNLJER- TEAR, ALSO GRAIN BAGS, A. FULL LINE OF STAPLE 6•001)S, Al REMNANTS Ali' BARG.A.IN PRICES, . DO (,,A31„..A',,—; 44,. fr,t• /Fe OHANT PHOPE 11 97 L A KE • • . 77, •P 4.