HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-23, Page 8wa �?�? f•:: �1F � of t- '� .r ' w...-�•-•..wwanwuw.x..µa�f�oeswv:��uw,.,.!*...a.ae..w.nmr*.w.RUN'yxu .. .ur+aanaipm.au,w,.o.+,uO,ynr,..w 'W e are now receiving shipments of `�,� r New w Goods :dor FALL and WINTER `Tear, and invite your inspection. We are always pleased to show Goods whether you wish to buy or not. NEW COVERT CLOTH A 54 inch Cloth of Extra fine texture, similar to 'Jersey cloth, will not !Rix etell or pull, very !suitable for suits or dresses. CHARMP;AN' — in pretty 'shade% of Fawn and Navy for Coatis, Suits or Dresses. Z'LANNELS We have 36 piece!sof Flannels in Stock, comprising the newest fancy and plain shades in 32 and 34 inch widths, col •Ors such as cedarba.rk, Gypsy red, Tuscan, Sandalwood, Rose- wood, Coral, Falienc'e blue, Thrash, Burmese blue with white pin !stripe, also black and navy. WOOL SANTOYS — In in Pototan, Blues, Rosewood, Brown, Fawn, Henna, Navy. This cloth is very popular .i:10.• fall wear. 14:0.ATING. SPECIAL '6 Pieces Coatings in 54 -in. width, Extra heavy quality at $1.50 yd _;FLANNELETTE WRAPPERETTTES, ETC. 40 pieces of New Flannelettes, opened 'up in various widths and qualities at lower prices than last season. RERAPER CLOTHS In pretty shades of Pinks andBlues with gilt •scroll pattern wide at 60e. yd. and 75e, ayd. SWEATER COATS—For Men, Women, Boyd and Girls in Season's newest styles. CONGOLEUM 'RIMS—Our Stock is too large, offer there at a real saving in price. Size 6x9 now at Sizsce 6x) now .__ ._.-... Size 9_1.0;6 now Sizre axle now 1 yd. 'HAND AT RIGTH PRICES so are continuing to $6.00 11.00 $12,50 FRESH GROCERIES ALT AYS ON J. `: SONS Produ, . Wanted Phone 59 Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tares, Tuhs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES VE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S. L1 1:TTp7 IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF" T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. EATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING, ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE ivfoasseaa Zurich Ni 0 sweet tYo Ion ei idleedieei ie40000006CYa04dseeeseeseesee e• 0 r i I Olarex Quebeo Stoves i • • e • •lleola Furnaces• • • • Nights are getting cool -- Winter• will soon be here,. this puts us in, mind of that New Stove, one that will I F give more heat with less fuel than an s i other hake on the market, namely the ., : Clarex Quebec combined Cooker and i . i HEATER, A STOVE THAT WILL COOK AND BAKE WITH .1 0, A , k OF THEIU, AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T 0 • HEY ARE MADE IN TWO SIZES18N18 in. and 20x20 in ovens 0 AND WILL :BURN COAL OR WOOD.. 0 • so i • IN FURNACES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT Q i I s MC.)NEY CAN BUY, "THE II.RECLA'' A REAL, OLD STANDBY itlb A FURNACE TIIA.T HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO •TI •OU a0 • SAN DS OP USERS FOR MANY YEARS. The Furnace that q� e ilDw aP In ha.t i,rr your Furnace Work Plumbing r and vi 7airio c ,. , mbing Job or Eavetrough.ing 1 g .Ione, You make no mistake by corning here : • here rind having it done by our Expert M. Ted, Millteh}oitz, 4* a w We B 46 A •appreciate yourT •0 • SANDo Q ( jSA*E ..EID. . ,.x� •<k ,p ZURi H .0NT. rr400061 6660apeAmio4wIIM.0006004* 114160�I1111rd11�I1r4Al dI�11 1M•liu1tag �► saves one on of coal .in seven. les ra Eli .0.1a0 gaa.c+w+vimnasw.mm:T-, "'•••-••mcsam1rro .. w........�vus roar On all Summer Goods in stock to make room -for the new Fall Goods arriving daily Come and see before you buy Fresh Groceries always on hand J. W. MERNI3R ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Rennie Weber, who (spent the summer in' Toronto, is home for a few weeks, alter e.hieh he will resume hie .studies at the Tor- onto University. Mr. arpd Mrs Albert Foster and .family of Biggar, Sask., have re- turned to their home on Monday, after !spending some time with their parents and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ftister and family, Mr. E. Dowler, and Mr. L",ie;s all. from Kitchener, (spent the at the. home of NIr. and Mrs. John Foster. Don't forget Zurich's Big Ev- ent next week, the Fall Fair, Get your exhibits ready, bring all the family, as weal as your neighbors, as there will. ble plenty of enter- tainment for all. • SMUTTY WHEAT Ontario farmers have for ye- ars been taking heavy losses , on of !growing !sniully wheat. These losses in the aggregiatereach rsseas:on will (run well over one mil- lion dollars, .and we have 'known 1arnie1 who, ..have taken a toll. of frond 5 to 15c per buisthel on lage crops, If {this loss were not easily preventable it would not be se bac!, but the treatment given here is the latest information from the O,A.C, itis a ,prevention �of'srn- ut-ty Wheat. Dust with Copper Carbonate Dust Treatment. The clu;st saould be applied at i therater of two! or three ounces per .of wheat, KPlace ,the gr- ain to `x'. treated in a barrel or churn, about ,a bushel, at a tinea, -Add. the. required amount v�of. Cop- per Carbonate Dust and Alen re- volve the barrel or churn until the dust 'is thoroughly mixed with the grain After -0.i�s treatment • the grain may t,be sewn ;at once. 'Cop- per rCarbonate may be secured , from almost any Toronto dealer at 25c, per pound delivered, alth- thoug,h in ;some places as high as .1,25 per pound re being charged rzu' Thi UrLied. Farr5 Co -Op r • t•ve Co., Torontor," • DASHWOOD Quite(,! a number from here at tended London Pair last week, Mr. Leonard Birk , n• ErM-v for Guelph, ,where he ;d the 0..�„ C, Mr. Wrri, Kleinotiver has taken' a position with J. C. Reid & Co, )!Jr. .Lorne Tiernan left Monday for London, where he will attend flue! Western University. Miss Alice Hoffman Itef for Stratford this yreek, where she mil attend Normal School. Mr. and Mrs, Hy, .Hoffman and Can•,iiy and Mea, Stacey %Spent the week in KiL-eb Ener, Miss Olivia ' eltin who has be- en visiting at Kitchener, ,has re- turned mis Marg p •et Held' is attend- ing high !school. at ,Stratford. Mr. Arnold Merner and Ed,Ttam acher Of Detroit, spent the week- o LOCAL METS- Potatoe,s per bag , :1 • - 1.00 Eggs . _ .__ 24-32-36 Butter lb._ __. , _ ... _ 40 Dried 'apples lb. ,._„_ ___. ,�.-_... 9 Wheat Oats Barley .....,. ._' .... Buckwheat .-_----- •-- Flour Shorts per ton__ ... Bran per ton___ ___ Live 'Hogs, cwt. (Corrected every_ 1.15 42 •-, 4.75 3.75 .. ._ _....-.3 4.00 _ _.. ... 32.00 12;00 Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY !DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429,61. G. Holtzman—ZurichAGENT, ALSO DEALER, IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, tl-34 POULTRY CULLING • Have your hens culled now by an Expert Government Culler at Two Cents per hen. • L. V. Ho- garth, Exeter. Phone, Crediton 18-31, 4-6t into the prizze class. Mrs. Rrobt. !Campbell, vlsf Sag- inaw, Mich!., is visiting ;her ,sister, Mrs. J. Gould, of QHay, and other relatives in the community. Mr ,and Mrs. .los, Harding of Exeter, announce the engage/ale ent, of their daughter JLeda jE., to Arthur W. Ford, the marriage to take place this month. . D.r.:and Mia. Wilford and fam- ily left Bi.yth for-rToronto, where they are (spending a few days be- fore (starting for Chengtu, China where the doctor is entering his term! as medical` missionary Another bulsiness change takes place at Goderich. Gordon Teb- butt, who for some years has been clerk in Carrieskrl,rdwa.re store, h.av rug purchased the hardware bus iness of ILE.M, Tichborne .on West street, The residence 'of PostmasterWaller at Wroxeter had a narrow escape from fire one morning re- cently, as the result of !flames from a coal oil stove. The fire alarm tvai :sounded and the fire got nn der control before any iseriora�s dam , age wa done. The Clinton branch of the( Doni-- ;cion Stores, which. has been o'per- tied for several years, ,ft to be'c'l- sed the last Saturday ,in this. month, A McKinnon, manager, ri11 take charge of ,0, store at end in town, Mrs. J (icuenther of Mitchell, is visiting in town, A very. enjoyable time was sp- ent recently at the home of Mr. 'r 1-1 Mrs. W. Hartman, when •about 3 sixty, guests( were ()r,resent. ,The h afternoon ways spent in games and c nru.sic after which a dainty ,sip - as G per w!served. cl CON'n' NEWS w Vindsor, A fatal accident toiok place o:n .'uesday afternoon last, in tIzetewn Wingbarn, M.r*X Stephen De- ves, East St., Ooderich, who h.ad one over for the voting, was in he town hall and while going' ' own the 'steps she missed her oo'ting, falingi t$ the bottorn,'sh�e ars rushed to the hoes tel, but lr The annual (I44'owing match ,of a the Huron Plowmen's, Association will beheld fat the Sarni: of Mr.% .h Win.. Murray, half a. mile .west of w Wali en, on Thursday, October 7th e The Godertch bitncl, under the vi lcaderehip .of JZ. ;E, Jenner, tools w part in clalss "0” band eoml�e�tit er h1 et the !Canadian National )i . of htbltion, !Loronto', ,but did not got r arrused away ehortly after ; her dmittance', The Owen Sou.rid-Goderich motor r'7 losv er iee was inaugurated last eckTwo large comfortable bum- s are used, ,gl°ing a, doubl,eisor•- firer -wrieh, way: The route is by ay of Blyth,, Winghant, .andWalk toll, taking iris a large number towns not readily reached by Thursday, September, '13z'4, 40,0 oftim...10,1117011114111011.011111111111121uiliegiimmeammoolimmuimiNi101141rMilralimr11.1111111161111111yelii.011111111i1NOMNOW i s NITURE Te have receives! a large shi h[ent ,; of new -Furniture including Living room, new draiiigr o1 g suited, and. rockers, %itches cabinets, tables and ,chairs 1 1 COMM IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BRIM, BRASS BEDS, AND A. FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES, BRING IN YOUR PICTURES TO ,BE FRAMED. HARDWARE, A FULL LINE OF SHELr: AND BEAVY ' HARDWARE, BEATTY WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES ARI) FURNACES, WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY) FENCING, AND CEMENT: :e wait— LET US DO YOUR PLUMBING, EVETROUGf•INO OR ROOF- ING. TEL • •;;I WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF 100% PURE MARTIN SENIOUR PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES. SUPERTEST Gas and Coal tail.. TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR CASH le. 1b. Jht� & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 6S WIIIMININImmmamn ONLY A PROMISE A FART! 1-E R'S • WZFE OWNED $2,500 'WORTH' OF SAVE' BONDS. A STOCK SALESMAN, (a Stranger) PERSUADE HER TO EXCHANGE THEM FOR ,STOCK IN A MANURE, ACTURING CONCERN. Ar GUARANTEED TO PAY HER 870, BUT HIS GUARAN-a TEE WAS WORTHLESS AS THE COMPANY (HADN'T PAI13 ANY DIVIDENDS FOR SEVERAL YEARS. , Why place confidence in: !stock (salesmen when reliable ads vice can ,be obtained ]right in town. , fT recommend Erie 'because'tures mens authoriaeshem esa esfuds En of ex ecutoxs and trustees. 6% per annum, is paid half -yearly upon $100 or .nsoro for 1 to 5 years, -. Applications for Huron & Erie Debentures are any time ,by.— accepted at Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY 1 i ve You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper flanging LET US DO YOUR .PA.INTING, GRANING, PAPERHANUIN.. & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR 'E -EXT 3013. kI. EICKMEIER, ,ZURICH — ON', • JO!1T WARD Drugless Fracticsu., eer and Optician EXETER .... )Fain,; AT WALPER HOUSE, U M : Every Tuesday, 10 a.m„ to 4 P,pl --_.,—. -•„ 8t--iree.6r— — - 4-4--i.-0— E— --M-4 —4-4_ 4h--*—+--SIF--•+•r. re Ready POP PALL* With an extraordinary showing of the Season s t Newest Materials for Men's Suits; ;.c gin i 1-1EnE'S IWHERE YOU WILL FIND PITIVELY THl+1 , ,.. BIGGEST TAILOR - 1 INa VALUES EVER HEARD OFF, ! T't' YEARS OF fXPERinNen COUPLED WITH ECONOMY IN M AKING — BUYING THE MATERIAL DIRECT FROM THEMILLS AND SELLING TO YOU AT—TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. 'mass wiry PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCK T'4 ,0 BETTER :BURRY AND. GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY. •. G.. TAI Y W n l iMERCHANT L 1�Ex W. H. H O •, AND' FUNERAL ,. Sosy I+:Ib1r8AI.<�'ffty'�.+1,, tI>,IRECTOII FIOIt F�,.N �i S., Day road Night Phone No 8t r't> , „'^^+' .vw�. ..u„F"'""i�0",—' 'i':.-, r, "•t'1�-.;: y«�tl4i",~' i --!',f K"r,Y i.wn' ,d•.w. y^ -,d.1...,..:.;, ��, -4 ,