HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-23, Page 5Thursday, September 23rd, 1926: IfiltIMINESS CARDS 1U L YE. Uo: m x's 1 REST E R SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. W1T,i'icr Hamilton Street. Just off Seine, 'Square, GOI ERICH, Ont. Y Specialsttterttian to Q,ountenl and Court Work. Ess S, H•olmos may be consulted at Swamich by phone, .and phone charges reversed, t Knapp, Y. D. S., L D. S: DENTAL SbRGEON :MAIN OFFICE - l'TINS.ALL Dr, 11. H. COWEN ' :lla. 1D, fie e). i DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ.I3LOCK, ZURICH ev- sexy 'Thursdaee .Friday and Satur- Main Offic© `>.Ib1ABTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD A -U -O -T -I -G -N -E -E -R PPows sun', ifiEraduate. Carey M. Jones Nat, - sl School of Azictioneering. Try eSie ler Registered Live Stock enitli Breeds). Terms in keeping d1VI'th prevailing prices. Choice awns for sale. Will Sell anything) letaysisere. risme 18-93 or write, Zurich Licensed Auctioneer licensed Auctioneer for County, Sit 'Ruron. In a position to con- t act any 'auction sale, regardless Itis to size ar articles to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services. .:Arthur Weber, w Dashwood. E1one 111=57 t0000e000000000000000000000 ,11 1 Zurich Meat MARKET 2 Fresh and Salt Meats a Bologna Sausages, etc Ugliest Cash .Price . for Woul . 2 ,LASH FOB SKINS :& B1DES. • Deichori <„4m,110•0000000000000016•0000 ZURICH LIVERY 3 am in a position to aecomo- te all requirements in the Livery • business, have Auto for hire. Any thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 53 Zurich,Ont, L VE :P O U LTR Y WANTED Taken, every day till '3 O'clock,p•.n:r. ^ not feed fowl tame morning whenbrought in. Highest . Cash Prices (..ASH FOR --- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94 Zurich The Ford ''MAGNETO Does get weak cur re -charger is again on the jot TESTING FREE Wants, For Sailer Lost, riounti, Notice, Etic. Ad$ IN THIS COLi7',r FARM FOR SALE Farm consisting of 64 acres, known as the Deaver homestead. 1.uttt. Can,Ray To\vn!ilrip;. On the premises nre a bank barn 40x60. Two l irg3 drivieg elands., twa hen heiress, one eon-. A new pigpen, a ,olid brick hozrae 36x64 with kit- chen attaebed with 'sett and hard grater, An abundance of l'ruitauch at 'sweet cherries, plumb, pea's, peaches and apples. The land is in good state of cultivation and well unclerdr.ained For further particulars apply to E., (,'.Krueger 14th' Con gay Tp. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 5.9 acres withgood barn 34x78, root cellar under the lank, .will .stable ;sire, horseH and 20 head' cattle,, good hog'pen,lvater in stable. new drive ;kilted and hen house. House is 7 r Aom'a with kitchen, two cedar+e ,all !term win dawn, andcloors with. screen's. Soft water upside, hard water at door. Rural phone, mail. delivery, five toilers from Hensel! 1;r mile from 'school, church and Store. Good orchard, 'small fruit, well fenced ar.d drained. Five acres in fall wheat, E -ac, in bush land, fall p1 - owing done, balance in meadow., nice clay loamy. Eiood reasons for selling. Bargain for quick ,sale, Apply at Herald Office for par- ticwlars. FOR SALE Electrical Business in A. 1. con- dition in one of thie best towns in Canada. Must be sold by Oct- ober est. !Pave been established 13 years. Good reasons for 'sell- ing. Apple to Drawer B: Zurich FOR SALE A very deuirahie dwelling pro- perty in Zurich located at the west en:di. • Also three acres o' land which will be sold with the property or separate. Th- house is a fine brick in A 1 con- dition, new furnace, etc. also a fine barn, For further particu- lars apply to John Gallman, Zur- ich. - FOR SALE A limited number of boiler flue', 14 and,,,.16 feet long. Suitable far re -enforcing cement floors, bridge' etc. Apply to George Ford Hay, P.O. Ont, FOR SALE Ag 'ood (second hand Oliver Rid- ing plow, Apply. to Louis Prang, FOR SALE A !small size ensilage cutting bo!x with ;30 -foot• pipes, can , b run with about eight horse power. AiPPly to Alb. Hendrick. R. R. 1, Dashwood FOR SALE I have a quantity 'of g od hard dry wood for sale, cut to stove length. Sc]. Gingerie e Andrew F. Hass, Township Clerk issuer of marriage licenses. Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- omobile Insueranee Representing Huron & Erie Mortgage Corpor- ation. The Canada Truest Co. ZURICH - ONTARIO INSURANCE E. C Harvey F L. V. Hogarth - .'Agent's Mutual Life of Canada EXETER AND ST.MARYS Address all ,Correspondence To Box 190, Exeter; Ont, Uzi COAL 1926 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GUNUINR Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal GGcS]5 Sii'11LY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS kra ZU RfCg "3.ERALD LOOAL NEWS MYMr1M.eia!'1PMAM .Me Mies Matilda Johnson is visit- Mg friend a in Kitchener, M'r,,Berl Siebert ‘anci Miss Leila Siebert, !spent a few tday,s at• Kitchener. lt IL er. Mr. Hamilton of Chatham i!3 !spending, eht week \ with ;N,dre. Ilan.siitoln o fthe village„ Mises Lulu AibroweI t .!eft fox} Seaforth, where she inten'd's stay- ing (Or a, eoupte of week's, Mrs, C, Fritz, Miss Dorothy, and Ward Fritz motored. to ,Guelph; and Kaoline'' 1a;at Friday. Mr ;.and r)Zr .. !Muller of Broad - have wez'e ,Sunday ;vinitor'a ,with. Ur. and Mrs. S. ,Peitz; Mea. W. L. Siebert, who ,spent a few 'week a \'ar_ation elle her daughter, 1VMIta. Majjor g Toronto, has returned home, Miss Ida Routledge ,has return ed home after '''ponding her vac- ation with her !sister, ;IVTrs. M", j ber at Detroit. The raam_1 rs of the Luther: Le - Mr, aaiMae, C,Jilh4i Ware San - day visitors at f hiselhurat. Mein. Lelia; Witmer of the Baby- lon Line, 'attending Clinton Bus- incea College, ,tli. Jalr,u 1Tc1r, Jr„ ;spent afew days at London and ;Detroit the past ',vc ek, lies e s, Henry ilo\vald and John Dcic!t i t have tru'att d tbt nisei yea to tiew C'rysle'r closed cars. £Ir, Reinhold Koch of Detroit, I,-l,crfr frog, a; .few weeks, boli -days with relatives and friends .l'or'e. Mr, and Mit. J, Hey, Sr., _are moving their effects, into the prop- erty Patently porch ar3;:d iTi thy, i ortb end of a ,ht \riilabe, Me and Mes Jos. Wickens of Ingersoll, aro visiting with , the i hare, l,treets, Mr, and Mtn J, Hey, Se. Messrs. John and Albert Mc- Cormick, and Miss Pearl 41eCor- f ick of Detroit, are visiting fri- encls in town this week. Prof. and Mee Alvin Swarm; 'of 'IetUr'1te, 'were 'rt ;rare with the a u.: enjoyed a corn rOaet, getiV'efonnerle mother, Mra, G, Surerus, abna3 ,Q fLake Heron last Friday1"l,i,rn'een Linc, tha '.,)est week, eveni ne lir, C. 1-ia.rtleib of Goderichwaa Little Dorothee Thiel, daughter- in the e iliage on Tufa!aday looking o i1V1r. and xra,. Hugh Thiel, who tip old friends. He is now :sport- wa's recently taken to London Hos ing *;t. new Star sedan, pital, continues very 'seriouslyill. Rev, H. Ren..be, ie attending a Mr. and Mr's. E. Stdsklopf, aeeou cony ention at St. rloatlta this we- panied by, Mils. W. Cairnes of Kit- ok buil „will be Kaci: for hie Sun- , cheuer, veined. at the dente of 1V Ir, stay work, and Mrs. Thonxa:, Johnson over' Mr, .sod Mrs. !Vienne ,',eyer, and Sunday, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jno.Mey- er and twa children of' Baden,were week -end visitors evith Mr, .and Mrs, Day. Gingerich, Me. and Mils. hSam Gingerich, brid•<il couple, from Lawville, N. Y. spent a few ,days last week at the hone of Rev. and Mra. Schrag. C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green 'an Mrs. Job_. Snattle of Zurich, al Mr. and Mee Jamas Green of Be eter m!oto::rJ down for the Eehi ition at Toronto ia!st Tuesday an \ itsited a'nt,ong their friends ,an returned by London Friday. -Ex eter Times -Advocate. Fire defrayed the bona of M Andrew' Kain, of near Hirl'sgre2 and nearly att the content's th :other day. Mr. Kain was ,sev eraly burned in trying to get o some goods from the ,burning b ilding, and is nowconfined to C in ton Ho.;pittd. Mr. jarel MT's. F. H. Miller o Detroit, Mich;,, arrieid from Char evoi::, Mich.,where they have bee upending the -sununer months, an are now visiting with -the latter parents, Ma, and Mrs. Jac.nb Hoe ald. Later they will motor t • Southern lea „ North Carolina, t (spend the winter months. The continued catchy and we weather, is a big drawback _ t many fartnetau, ;who have istillsom Beane 'out, and many care as ve not pulled. 1A few nice dry da in succession would mean mac right no'w to $ he prosperity an wealth of the community for an other year. The fall wheat th:t is !sown, is growing nicely. d 5e b - d d. 3' n, e ut u- 1- f 1- n 3 n U t 0 e ya h t Mr.. Harry Zapfe, of Brucefield and formerly of this community wads in the( 'village on Saterday.en lapfer is busting an auction at of property and effects \ (this week, and ttvi.l then move to Da +roil, where the hats r,'cceived managership tmanagership of • a large repart- men t house.. A very unpleasant auto accid- ent took place on Saturday at the first bridge at the big 'swamp on the Zurich Road, east of Zurich, n wneh Mrs. P. Kropf, !accopaniecl by Miss Margaret Fuss, were go- ing east in Kro pfls car, when sii'ddenly the steering gear be- came defected and the .car took to the ditch smashing it up,rather badle, and !shaking up the occup- ants very march, Mrs.' Kropf was badly cut in the arm, which re- quired ten stitches to .close the wound, NEW BOOKS • The freer growing ,Zurich Lib- rary has recently added the fol- lowing, new (books) to their already fine assortment. Ti tie AwtRltzir Not under tl>!e Law- , Grace Livingston Hill The Angient Highway - James Olive:!' Curwo,od Barbara's; Marriage ,and the Bi'shiop- Ester W. Neild ordon of the Last Lagoon- . 12olbert Wat'sdn he' Keeper 'of the ,Bees.- JeneStratton Porter G•abrial Samara Peacemaker- Story - i . Plluilllyp Openhain Rosemary C'w'rety, Just 'Love 'Jotsepih HockRosemaryPleating the Winepress- Raltlh ,Connor, The Had 'of the House of Coombe- France Barnett That Printer 'of Udel'1's ., Harold Bell Wrigiht:, The All Conquering Power- Jokejjrlr, Hoe1d4 gr Little Ships- 'Cathleen Noiri. Pollyanna's Jeweils- ' (Harriet I., Snli tib Rilia 'of In lelsirie-- 1V3tntgonteuy This Mail of the Desert - Grace Livingstone Hill. Lutsz young, the corner' in Gog Street-- • 'Grace Richmond: alp Set ,'� o° Ca,ritda, T EARLY TO A Sn WEIN, Prop, Case, n, Son . t" Aszyir !OD moTrat s VICE] 'HON3 14' MUM -1 ane ,of Canada- F•acilic Railway, Mr. and Mr's. W, Si Johnston during the past week, have ntovnd their household effects in the ap- artments above their hardware and Ifurnituze X51 13 2, and are ,get- ting nicely !settled. • Mr, and WA. E. W. Rader and family of the Town Line, Miss Luella Kuntzz of the 14th con, and Mips' Frieda Haberer of .the village were Sunday visitors at Strat- ford. The new dwelling berme being erected by Mr. H. Ga11n,.. in, is mak- ing rapid progress, as the brick work is about completed, and \when everything is completed ,it will mike. a very line and cred- itable home. . Mr. and Mr's. Ernie T' ander of Blyth \tcre Sunday wi:;hors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pale, They were on their way to London to attend a 'sunday !a.chool conven- tion this week. Rev. .H Becker of E,nira, 111., :vas a visitor in tows over Sun - clay. He left on Tuesday for St- ratford, accompanied by Mr'a, Becker, who had been \i:iting with her par ee, Mr. and Hee 'Wni. Klapp, Ch,r ,a, few weeks. .,et,', J.,ha Ripper experienced (a very pft:f,fu, accident list week, while h hal a piece of pipe ,in .:;3.., vice, fi' ,n .; to bend it. In sou.' cv.t; bie pipe jumped out of :'ie vi-.. r l t.te r' ore? ca.u's'd it i Ly u a,3d frit Mr. Kipper on ,:iee wee, wet I, resulted in a frac- Ire al I. hid co receive medical tlte.»le) .1. PALL PAIR DATES Seaforth-Sept. Lucknow-Sept. 23-24. Blyth -Sept. 22-23. 0 Kincardine -Sept. 23-24. Bayfield -Sept. 28-29 Mi lchell-Sept-. 28-29. Brussels -Sep t. 30-Oct.2, Zurich -Sept. 30 -Oct. 1. Dungannon -Oct, 7-8. Wingham-Oct 7-8 Ailsa Craig Sept. 23,24 Alvinston ...r ... ... ... _October 5,6 Forest ... ...Sep. 30, Oct. 1 Parkhill ........ ... ... ......... Sep 27,23 Thedford , . Oct. 7, 8 Watford ... ... ...Sets. 28, 29 Ilderton, ..a --. ... ........,Sop. 29. WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAY, SEA- SON 1926. We, the undersigned business men of the Village of Zurich, a- gree to close our re'sipective pr- aces of business every Wednes- day afternoon beginning June 2nd wanci ending Sept. 29th, both dates inclu'siive. A. F, Hesss, Chas. Fritz, Brown Bros., J. Ga'slcho & Sons, Louis Sch- ilbe, L. W. Hoffman, Stade & Weide, E. E. Wuerth, J, W. Mer- ner, John Kipper, William's 'Bross. George Hess, Edward Westin, 0'- l3rein & Sons, !.tarry G. Haas, Al- bert G. Rees, Fred Thiel, Johnston & Kalbfiei'sch, V V. Siebert, T. L. Wurrn, W. L. Siebert. HENSALL C. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Kippen ... ... 8.22 a.m., South, Hensnll ... 8.32 atm. South; Exeter ..- .,.8.47 a.rr.. Stage leave Zurich ... 7.00 a,rn, North, Exeter ...... ... 10,16 a.m. North, Hen;s4ni1 ........, 10,30 tem, North, Kippers ,.. ...10,35 Lin. AFTERNOON 9alrth, Kippen ... ...4,40 p.m. South, Henssall ... ... ... 4,SOp,ni. South, Exeter 5,05 p.at. Stage leave Zurich 3.00 p.m. `7> ee E...t. . 6 't :ern, North, Bengali ......... 6.18 p.m. North, 13;ippea .. : _ 6,23 pxia, 1 • a 9 • ¢i 0 (1 0 9 0 0 o 0 See us Xbefore Purchusin .�`, your Farm 6fr Implements 0 0 w+u. m. Y- 1 0 0 GARAG-E• 0 STJPPLIEB 0 0 e We carry a complete line of rGarage Supplies t . 0 O AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF a b AUTO PARTS. 0 0 Tires, rTnhes, Greases and eillS al64 431 : WHILE THEY LAST WE ARE OFFERING THE PUBLIC' 64 to fa THESE SPECIAL 'BARG;4INS • • $21OO Batte ^�es far$15.00 • Mg • O 04 i WE MAKE A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON OLD 'BAT -.of ei e+TEP,,IES. 0 * • Our Batteries are Guaranteed by the O se Company and myself 0 go S ea s•' A. Prang, � ` �8 0 Le O ,g,, go o 000s000000a061e0000080000E etiMete'Ggce06V00 S �'JP�'ti3r���rt9i3a� Pe lsoo ed1 ieesesto431iowi eel Am reepe &Ctl'@fleeeoce 'o11Pz1'po co karm WE Alda 11EA:G6eU 9' T ;^"'"'"""' oz pp FARM .lF� E13 13 Ill � , ,' '1r AND HAVE JUS:i` THE LINEIILLiYI]:Nl,,j !feta AND KIND OF 1lACHl,, EPS Y att YOU NEED TH.'E MOST. ALSO.,•r.AA•' `"'" !PUMPS, PIPING N D FITTINGS,, WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS, "`' ekt ✓ ALSO DO BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRINj, ++++++++++++++++++a.++4+++ - •:- ++++++++++a-a•.l•+-r USE BIRD'S PRODUCTS WHY? THEY ARE THE OLDEST 11MAN1:''FACTURERS OF POOLINGS IN CANADA. THE ONLY CONCERN THAT MAKES T1I.iIg I EL'I AND USES THEIR OW' el,ODUC'TS FOR MAIii:YCr ROOFINGS. THEY GUARAN 'ett. THEIR PRODUCTS AND WILL REPLACE ANY MATER; U, NOT SATISFACTORY Cali in for a Sample awl fon ,tain our roofings with any other r•n' the ivarket. Then let u': quote you on reofioes, asphalt shingles,Building Papers, and Waall Boards, ALWAYS A LARGE STOCK ON HAND. Ca. KAL PHONE f3� r,a r r FLEISCIT ZURICt1, 4.7 4- 4- 40 4- 40 4- 40 4- .p ++++ra e -i -a+++++++++++ +++++++++44+++d'.t.'i.3.i.+++.g.'q'g,3..3 +40 • WATCH This Space for Prices Eegards Auto Tos,Tagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR LOGY WHEELS. HESS - ZIJRIGII ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ r-r-r•s•+reeera•a•t^ra++ N lirt evan, t4 4- .3. HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?ia- THAIT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTINO THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS TRA,T WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING M,ANUFAJOT UIZERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOBS, AND CAN SUP- + PL's' ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS a. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON ' 011 TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO . SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., EEC, + THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. LAR(1- + GER QUANTITIES' AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS. r1,RS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SPFCT:1LTy 4.1'Ai'.l1II'.l'+. +44.•'p"1j}r,1.,,.:1' ,,. °.i'.4.'ir 1+`l4,a+'i,..l'+ghi,l..i,.l.,+elgi..ii.ri°'q•.l„�y' 144