HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-23, Page 4,.• eseriii Few. Ito Fall Winery otrocie has opened up : tvatti. s, rash and the r•Nliani puna in the atirio-tits e k,' l •'VIM'S we are ;showing. eon...me 1.' '41tig. in' all the. el ory of Vail e7 .. these lovely irate. ,-C Woo will find it a irenuine iiik. lite0).sure. ts seleet -your •nev,' MURRAY:3 that Veonai this -gay ftssern- -YE DVIcE y Ik'• •'Wage.. The new high era we A Ogre, generously represente& warn aro •enthused ovsr onr Millinery this Fall. You. will .be -anth- Sited too and pleased. -with the reasonable prices as well, •V. V. Siebert, Zurich SEE OUR NEW PARLOR IN THE GA,SOHO BLOCK Fall September 30th, and October lst SPEED CONTESTS FREE—FOR—ALL WHIZHEATS BEST 3 IN 5 PURSE ,$140.00 1st $75.00 2nd $35,00 3rd '$25.00 4th $15.00 'Four to enter and four tostart No entry fee,exrpt owner must be member of Seciety, GREEN RACE 'HALF MILE HEATS BEST 3 IN 5 1st .$25.00 2nd $12.00 3rd $8.00 iPour to enter and four to ;start. No entry fee, except owner must be member of Society. For Horses -which have not won public money 'prior to Sep- tember 1st, 1926. Horses which have won money at fall fairs only are not debarred. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE MADE WITH SECRETARY ON SECOND DAY OF FAIR. PURSE s$50.00. 411i $5.00 WALKING CONTEST Open to all. Once around he race track. First prize $3.00 Second prize $2.00. Third. prize $1.00. HORSESHOE CONTEST poyi Championship of South Huron. Thirteen pont game. Entries to hold membership' ticket. 1st $3.00; 2nd $2,00. Special Prizes HORSES "THOMAS McMILLAN, member forlast Federal Parliament, offers the sum of $10,00 cash for the beat Agricultural or Heavy Draught horse (mare or gelding) on the Fair Grounds on October . 1st, and to be exhibited. 'L. W. HOPPMAN, offers goods from his -store to -value of $3.50 for best halter broke spring colt exhibited by a boy fifteen years 'old or under. 713ROWN'S BOOT SHOP, offers goods from the -store- to value of $2.50 for beat team of horsesin Classes 1, 2 and 3, - 'WESLEY MERNER, offers goods from his store to value of $3.00 far the best GentlemanS Outfit, open to farmers and farmers'sons only DECHER, Jr., owner of "Great Widower" offers free ,colt for the. best foal sired. any Standard bred tire. CATTLE YANK OF MONTREAL, Zurich, offer $5,00 cash, for the best finished cattle beast, any breed, up to three years old. First prize $3.00 toecond prize $2.00. L. WURM offers a pail of Dn. Hess Stock Food e value $3.50, for 'the best calf under one year old, any breed. W A. JENKINS MFG, Co. Ltd., offer 50 -lbs. Royal Purple Calf Meal tor the best Calf raised on not less than 50 lbs. of Royal Purple 'Calf Meal. Entries to depositreceipt of purchase with Secy. • • HOGS -JOHNSTON & KALBFLEISCH offer a servicable reflector lantern, "value $3.25, for the best pair of bacon hogs, select type. POULTRY be. A. J. 1VIacKINNON offers $3.0c cash for best pen of two pullets and one cOckerel. The three birds must be of one varietyand must not be shown in any other class. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - G-ASCHO & SON Offer goods o value of $3.00 to person winning highest number of points in classes 18 and 19. First prize to • count 3 points, 2nd prize 2 points and 3rd prize 1 point. 'Wm, RENNIE Co. Ltd., offer a Prize of $5.00 in Vegetables, Flower, • Field Root Seeds, Plants, Bilbs or Shrubs, selected frontRennie's Retail Catalogue for 1927 for the best display of Vegetables • grown front Rennie's Seeds, A PRIZE of $3.00 on the same basis for the best display of Field Roots grown front Rennie's Seedsi. A. PRIZE of $2.00 on the.same basis for the test 'display of Flowers grown from Rennie's Seeds. SCHILBE, offers a 50 -ib. bag of Maple Leaf -Flour for the beat lb •dis.play of Fruit, consisting of apples, pears, prums, peaches and grapes. is OTHER CLASSES • k1W. O'BRIEN Offers $2.0b cash, for butter in 1-1b. prints, six pounds, • 'wrapped in' parchment paper Appearance as well as quality to tount in making award, WILLIAMS 13110S. offer 100 -pounds of Choice Family Flour for • best loaf of bread baked from this well-known and popular • brand of flour. ASTADE & WEII)O otter goods from store to value of $3.00 to the •person winning the highest nunibss. of points in the Grain and Seed Class. First Prize to count 3 points, 2nd prize 2 points and 3rd prize 1 point. 132)r. P. J ,O'DWYER offers a cash prize of $3.00 for the best displaY. h; Ladle's' Work. '1T, EATON Co. Ltd., Offer a Table Cloth, No. 48-706, size 72x108, II;• value $7.75, or will be pleased to allow 'said amount on any other article iin their Fall and Winter Catalogue more 'suitable 1" to the winner, fox. the best two pairs dressed Chickens. s 'M. SIMPSON Co, Ltd,, offer a case of Silverware, value $7.30, for best ten pounds butter • in crock, for table uee. 4TC,1711.1TZ & SON, and M. SNELL, Ford Dealers, offer a prize of $J0.00 tor the best decqrated Ford auto on the Pair Grounds on the afternoon of October it. Piret Prize $6.05, second prize $4.00, Open to rail. Zurich Jubilee Band in Attendance • RAND coscmr IN' TOWN HALL PAIR NIGHT. DANCE LN ' 't • ' ' HALL AFTER CONCERT, '4 3, P. MSS, • ELOPP, PRESIDENT, SECY-TREAS. ZURICH HERALD 01'00444P041041004Seeleast00040.$40.00012i**(1106040100110:0000,040 01401400,0-004Wis 244)) AL We have made arrangements whereby we can supply our custom era's with the very best grades of 1 Scranten Anthracito,Coal. Leave your order witlii.us and we will fill 1 them as shipments arrive. GOOD SUPPLY OF BEST BRANDS OP FLOUR, CHICK EDS, STOCK FOODS, ETC. „ALWAYS ON HAND WE (A.IM TO SATISFY LtilsSchHbe Zurich 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 000 Thressda,y, September 23rd, 1020'. ill4itelileirifist44-44.444+4+.14 dt*+l's0eliiSiilsl+O.iele'34eoSeelnlelelh++ Dt • "T16-.Ncim 'ay (Jar" 4. 4. 4. T JE ET SIX 1E, 1.,Raving been appointed district r, agent for the abrve celebrated Car, 1 will be 1).icased at • any -t-i go time to give a demonstration. 4. a t. .. WILL .ALSO ervE raREL-r.v st,at view OF BATTERIES•* 14, )P .ALL KINDS— —NEW BATTERIES IN STOOK, I if? ÷ + Amocos REPAIRED -OR OVERHAULED BY EXPERT Et 4. 1 rAIECHANIC, S.A.TISPACTION TS OUR MOTTO GIVE , $. • Si + DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE, •se r i f + + tet it 7s+ e. Plow points to fit mast 'makes of plows t es . :***00•040**0*****0*****O604090091100elliOhhoolltl0g4hVM$q*7 ELECTORS OF SOUTH HURON Quite /regardless of party pol- itical leaning )1 thank you for the splendid victory -given nae at the polls on Tuesday. last. The vic- tory is yours, not mine. I take it as af striking vin-, dication of :my record as. yowl:see- vant in the Parliament .of Canada and a ifitqng rebuke to These who .sought tio cover my tname with oblOquy, at a time. when I was humbly endeavoring tb do my dosy and had, to aneet and exper- ience, the greatest material does in human life. 11/174y I Say, again that wordsfail to cpnvey i .nany,adeqnste terms, 'a just appreciation of. the. fine tribute you have accorded. i It shall be ,to me an additional in- spiration to render to you and to my country the best ;and noblest service of [my life. Yours Sincerely, THOMAS McMILLAN. R.R. 2, Seaforth, Ont, Sept. .15, 1926. BORN S.hwartzenlrutez—At Bro nun Line Hay Township :September .9, to Mr. and kris,. Jacob' Schwartz- entrubar, a daughter. (stillborn) Dashwood on Septem- ber 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rine*: hard' Miller, a daughter. Deichert—In- Hah Township .: on September. .15th, !tfo Mn .and.112r..4ths .lago .1c,,ssed.. his final exams. in the' Medical. College .at iLondon, and having spent the' :surnmer in N. Dakota, has spent the past( few weeks iat his .hornie here., A quiet wedding was solemnized at the union parsonage .here ,on Sept. 1:tli, when Li 1 an Viola H b gins, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins, became the1/4 bride of Aaron Sweitzer of Detroit, Rev .Ai. Sinclair officiating, Nthe bride was gowned in a charming dress of claret satin canton, aria black velsret at.kAfter ,t the ceremony a wedding dinner iwas served at the home of the bride's parents. They will reside De trait. at the home of Q3/1r, and Mr's.. Robt, Higgins, when :a miecellaueous 'shower was tendered Miss Viola Higgins, bride -elect who received sonie handsome gifts. Mr ..and Mrs. Jellies Nicholson Of Wing:haat, visited the. risses--- Mary and Emma Johnston, Fred Small:acorn:be) who has vis ited her a few .weeks, retanred 'to Guelph. Andrew Love is improving the appearance of his home by hav- ing it re -painted, Helen Smith left for Orner,lVlich where isle has entered into train- ing for a nurse in one of thelerge hospitals Were, and will ,also- be wish her brother ,who is a doc- tor in that place. Mr .and Mrs. ;Geo. Striate., .40 HensaIt, announce the engage - of their eldest daughter, ,Pearl E. to Mr, Otto J. Stephan, eldest son of Mr. and MStephan, Ms. John of Hillsgreen, the .marriage to(takeplace the latter part ief Sept-' ember.- The death .occured in Heneall on Sept. 14th of Mary 'Ann Horton, relict of the late Robert :Bullard, in her 77th year. Mra. Bullard had not been .sick long :and her death was not looked for. She was a lifelong resident of the vicinity,the funeral taking place on Thursday to the Hensall Union icemetery. Russell MacKay, second son of Wm, MacKay, and, Who 0..some mon- Victor Deichert, a daughter. \ Gould—On Con. 4, Hay ,Tiawnship on September 4th, 'co Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gould, a tson, McKinley—At Goshen Line, Stan- ley Township, on September 18, to Mr, and Mrs.. Elgin McKinley a daughter. NOTICE Alt persons oweing me fertijjl- izzer or lima ancounts, must settle same on or Ibisfore October lst, 1926—J. Hey, Sr. CREDITON Anniversary Services will , held in the United ichurch ou Sun- day, Sept. 26th. Rev. WI. Y, ,Dreier assisted in the Anniversary Services at Oen- tenial Evangelical Church, Strat- ford, on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs., Hiscocks, were on a trip to ,Lotieftm, Woodstock and Princeton the past \week. ' Mildred Barker, of London, has returned. home ,aftfar visiting a we- ek with the 'Miss Stehle. The Sr. Leaguesof the Evangel- ical chuireh held a corn and weiner roast at the home of their presi dent, sidiliken Galser, Rev. C K. Pepkay 'of Stratford prea.ched in Zion Evangelical gal - arch on Sunday, -his morning theme being. "The Fundanteetalss of Faith"' and the evening, , "The. Vital Factor in World illeclentte The Craditon School Fair took place on September 9th, underthe, the old, heifer calf 4 months old. management of G. R. Patterson, About 75 hens- 1 pair Guineas. Aistrict ,Agricultip.a.1 Representat- IMPLEMENTS, -ETC.—M.assey ive of Clinton. At first the wea- ther looken bad, but ,by noon it cleared op so the sports could be run off as, well ,at the parades. On 'recount of the early tdate set for the fair, the exhibits of roots and vegetablend fowl were not as lege as in former years. The showing o !towers was on of the. best ever shown and much admire Tbe parade of the chil- dren was good, each .school was t.epresented by a banner. and .sp- -Acial colors warn by the children, the singing was also fine. • HENSALL • Marion Casernortneof Wingham, has been .engaged as clerk in the ready -t0 -wear rin joynt's*store, 'and has .entered up on her duties, Mr ,and Mrs. Thos. McNee,lenra. Wm. Higgins, ;and Miss, F. Hige of Clinton visited Mr. andMrs Robt, Higgins, on FridaAlasf Mre, L Simpson and family of AUCTION SALE OP FARM, "ARM STOCK, IMPL- EMENTS, ETC. On Lot 24, con. 12, Stanley Townshipo-on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5th, Commenciug at t o'clock pen. sharp, FARM—Contains 100 acres of land, about 8 acres mixed bush, bank barn 40x60 feet, g-ood stab- ling underneath, comfortable frame heuse, kitchen attached, plenty of tvater, 7 acres fall wheat, isome plowine will be done. Fari. eyill be sold b by auction if not pre- viously'sold... • 1,IVE STOCK -1 bay mare 01 years odl, 1 bay mare 12 years old 1 cow 6 'yrs. old due December10 1 cow .5 Veers, old; 1 aged cow, heifer , yrs. 'old due April 13th, yearling heifer, heifer calf 8 mon- Harris Binder, Deering mower, Hayrake, rake, Noxon drill., Spring tooth Cultivator, wagon, gravel box, set Bob Sleighs, top buggy, Portland cutter, Hay Rack, eagon box, set 4 -Section harrows, Fleury walking plow, 'spurner, double -set heavy harness nearly new; doable sett plough' heelless; -double set light harness, set single harness, horse collars, Jope and pulleys, set of sling ropes, a quantity of lum- ber, Renfrew creaal 'separator ,set of weigh, scales. 10 lbs, capacity, Quantity of hay, forks, shovels,cow bonn daub;etrees, neckyokes mail box, long ladder, spriugsat and riuueroun other articles. TERMS OF SALE—On farm 10% on day of sole, $2300 may remain 031 mortgage, balance in 30 clays without interest. Other articles.— $10, and undercash, over that a- mount 11 months credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes, 6% off or cash On Credit anion /1t4. Detroit, visited selativee in town, Oscar Klopp,Auctioneer, Mrs Bonthron returning 'with them War, S. Johnston, Clerk. - piL won t evening •w as p:,r31; Ls. r, Pro le tor at greatly reduced prices 14.'NG 1.49';' Prop. f 4.4.. ,r2 40 L.; ...-., 1 :t-+.41444444.144144144444344;44-14.14444144.-4-1-3-1-1-4-1-144-14++++*1:4. ••••••••••••••••••••mik • • • .••••••••••••layany.011.81...11011•04•014.11 IL.91=pr*No0•••••••••••••ZIVANZ.N.4.10.8.M.N/Wilkig LE S LE In order to quickly dispose of the balance of our Stock on hand, we are offering same below wholesale. price., Don't miss these bargains Don't miss this bargain, Suits made to measure From $17.50 up See our windows for other Special Bargains Good Pressing, :Skillfully done by a seal Tailor, is as Refresh- ing to Your Suit, as i* good hnights sleep le to yotu PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. • tek.%i 11141kialidaiiire,,,r4'25W3E+W ,lekaicr--- • E E. WUER TH Tailor, Men's Furnishings - Zurich, Ont. Where the Good Clothes come from •;:zhePo's.• IsliVAwwwNW Zurich Drug Store School Supplies ,...D r. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich e have a complete Stook of everything nec- essary in this line for the School Boy or Girl We have a new Stock of Stock of Scribblers, Note. Books, Pencils, Pens, Water Colors, and all textbooks. Also a fine supply of the High School Books used in the Fifth Class AA51..„ ?It • :1746 Zit :1744-'4 ; IMRMA,qMA M‘S r /1"