HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-23, Page 3'ARF YOU AFRAID OF YOUR, MEALS? Proof That the Stomach is Weak and .Needs Toning Up. Are you one of the; many suttefera who dread meal time? ifuni ry, .end yet afraid to eat, because of the pains and discomforts that follow. When the stomach is out of order the whole system suffers, and as the blood be - Comes thin • and watery It becomes in- creasingly difficult to correct the ill- geetive disorder. There is no tonic for the stomach that is not a tonic for the whole body; thus a blood -building tonic such as Dr. Williams' PinkPi11s, not only relieves indigestion, but adds - to the general strength, Mr, D. 3.1 Shaw, Selkirk Road, P,E,I., has proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in a severe case a Indigestion and relates his experience for the benefit of other sufferers. He says:— "I suffered from indigestion for a num- ber of years. My case was so bad that words fail to describe it. My appe- tite was gone, constipation was pre- sent, and my nerves were all on edge. I could not sleep wel•I at night, apd the world was a dark spot for me. I tried a number of remedies, but without any benefit. Then Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were recommended, but without much faith, after so many failures, I decided lo try them. After taking three boxes I noticed a change for the better. Then I got three more boxes and found I had a genuine remedy. I con- tinued the treatment, took moderate dowers to cultivate, whose activities exerciee, could take plain food with- must be confined to the pots or boxes out suffering as formerly, and proved on a roof terrace or window sill. that these pills make good blood, and Morning glories are ready to grow that this good blood will restore the anywhere and for anyone; just as in stomach and nerves. Anyone suffer -1 the country they will Sing themselves ing from stomach or nerve troubles will make no mistake in giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dea_ers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. I g with a companionable Wikliazns' Medicine Co., Brockville, a precision which enables one to count Ont.' Write to -day for a copy of the !upon their almost activities and free booklet "What to Eat and How movements almost from day to day 4.. T Fiabindranath Tagore Sir Rabindranath Tagore, noted dian poet and philosopher, as he pears in his latest and most strikin photograph. The Morning Joy of Morning Glories. Well-informed people call the ipomea; others call them convolvulus but the old country name of "mornin Their Surnames and' `heir .Origt DRAKE. Racial Orlgln--Angio-Norman, Saute. --A given name, Drake is oils of those family names 'winch sounds es though liwre Nvere no doubt about it's beteg of Auglo- Sweet origin. While the Anglo -hexon beigle Is slot unlikely, l:oweve•r, the fact remains that the records point to a Norluan- Fren�eix origin in more, cases than to the former. The family mane in its older' form z taco" an "Fitz toga, was 'FJL D d sometimes Fltz D " with d k The leo" and its other' 'forms, "Drogo," , 'Trace," "Drag," "Thrag," "Draeger" and "Draeke," had a meaning of "strength' or "force." The forms end-� In- I ing in "o" were those used by the Nor -1 Incidentally, it liar nothing to do •uo s. r e given name of "Dra- p I even. "Draea" was the Anglo-Saxon g form, as also 'Drag" and "rrhrag," and, ! i while these might easily have pro- i duced the surname of Draice, there is t 'tittle tangible evidence to show that e they actually did so. "Draeger" was the Danish form of the given name a FALLON' Varietloos.,.._palone, Falloone, Failltlr Racial Origin• --Irish, seurce--A given naive. ?lore is a family name which is aI- mest as old as that of O'Beirne; that is. to say, It is about 700 or 500 ears o•id,' whish, as the ages of family i 1larXies go .1i1 i0nglencl and on the Oen- tlnent, is pretty old. In the year 1200 knighthood was, /�( 4 y "in flower" , 8✓S (�Pif d//ahs/%j: /l%i�as*e it �i , , . . . b �d tT!y2d and all lltlz•ope wa,s cu up into petty•principalitie•5 and baron lee, tilts the sway of iciztga was mires; nonilrtal, Countries, .as we conteivs of Miele to -day, can hardly be said to have •existed. l+rance, Germany and Italy were merely geographical terms The old Hest Rohan 'Empire, lineal heir of the civilization of ancient hems, was hardly yet in its grave. The l\loh�dlii eclans were threatening to sweep over ]dura nic tribes had done when thoyllaid le the old empire of Rome low. It was roughly at about this time hat the rations gave up the family or Ian name of O'Beirne and became the 'O'Failaius," adopting the name of Mallen" the chieftaI em' and "Draeke" the Flemish. n, as their clan I glories" best expresses the daily. de -g THE ONTARIO light they bring. DENTAL HEALTH DAY The potentialities of happiness in a penny packet of seeds are always Province Wide Public Health great; but the morning glories seem a little to surpass all others, especial- Effort Promises to be a ly for those 'who can have but few Great Success. The Ontario Dental Health Day to be held on Wednesday, October 20th, will be something new in so far as this country is concerned. We have had special days of various kinds but over a fence a have never had one set aside for the porch, or a chicken, purpose of informing the public how house, so will they veil with beaaty a,to protect themselves from the ray - Or frame, a chimney or an ugly ages of Dental diseases. The import - bit of city wall. And they are delight- ance of the movement and the neces- ful in all their d:oitgs from first to sity for some such activity cannot be last, behaving gainsaid and the Ontario Department of Health deserves credit for initiating this effort to educate the public In re garb to the prevention of tooth decay and pyorrhea. ee Many instructive and helpful activi- ties are being arranged and the lead- ing health, educational and social wel- fare organizations are all co-operating in a most enthusiastic manner. The dentists of the province will give free dental examination and advice to all who request it upon that day. In the larger centres special clinics w111 be arranged and In the smaller places the dentists..dentistsaeal receive the patients in their own offices. General educational events will also be held. These will take the form of public meetings and mass meetings of school children. In order to stimu- late interest in Oral Hygiene among the boys and girls the service clubs are donating prizes to be :given to the pupils writing the bent essays or pre- paring the most attractive posters on this subject. Through the kindness. and courtesy of the Ontario Motion Picture Bureau and the Toronto Film Board a short motion picture film will be shown in the leading theatres and the Radio stations wil broadcast use- ful information on Dental Health. One of the most attractive features of this educational effort will be the window displays arranged by the druggists and many of the merchants who carry fruit, vegetables and other wholes= foods. The programme for the pre volition of dental diseases will also be brought to the attention of the people through newspaper, billboard and street car advertisements. W The Four Friends. The slender stalks race upward at amazing speed, thickening an•d inter- twining until they form veritable rose, azure blue, and white; and all richly Ernest was an elephant, a great big clothed 1n leaves. Soon the buds be - fellow, gin to appear, those slender fluted, Leonard was a lion with a six-foot pointed buds which open out morning tail, • by morning into perfect chalice -shaped George wee a goat, and his beard wase blooms, violet and rose, azure blue,yellow, and 'white; and all the delicately flush - And James was a very small anal]. ed and tinted shades between. "• Each evening one may see just how Leonard had a stall, add a great big many, among the innumerable buds at strong one, ' different stages, are ready for to. Ernest had. a manger, and its walls, morrow's blooming: each morning if were thick, - one rise early enough, they will be George found a pen, bat I.think.it was found still closely folded, but with the wrong one, the sun, they open before one's very And James sat down on a brick. eyes into perfect flowers; exquisite in. form, and color, and growth upon the Ernest started trumpeting, and parent vine. For a few hours the .cracked his •manger, •beauty hosts; then, without any sign Leonard started roaring, and shin- 02 disorder or decay, the morning's ered his -stall, flowers droop and drop, leaving the James gave the bugle of a snail in vine orderly and, prepared for the next danger day's display. And nobody heard bis at all. And all this delight may be enjoyed, not only by the fortunate who spend Ernest started trumpeting and raised their summers in the country, but by such a rumpus, those in town offices and narrow Leonard started roaring and trying rooms, who through many months to kick, , each day may partake of the Rowers' James went a journey ls'ith the goat's , offering of loveliness, ' new compass ......._-0-....._,-- _..,..,,, . And he reached the end.of his brick. I Military Strategy. • Uncle William stood watching his Ernest was au .elephant and very well: -"nephew and ,some other boys playing inteuti•oned, 1 at soldiers attacking a fort. After a Leonard Was a lion with a brave moment or two had passed he called new tail, !his nephew to him and said: George was a goat, as I think I have' "Look here, Fred. If your side can • mentioned, I take the fort within half an hour I'll But James was only a snail. • give you half a desist." —From "When We `Vere Very, Fred accepted the offer a: d hastened Young," by A. A. Milne. to his friends with the new Not Static nary About two minutes later he return- ed to his uncle and said: "Uncle, can I have the half a dollar? "Let's see; haven't 1: seen you some- We've taken the fort all right." where else?" "That was pretty smart," remarked "Possibly. I've been other places." Uncle William, as he handed over the • • coin. "May I inquire as to how yes out-gen•eralled the enemy?" "Oh," replied nephew 1`red, "that was quite easy.. I just O erect the other side a quarter to give in." The Purpose of Laws. Tor all lawes (5510. they) be made and publyshed on•ely to the inteute that by then every •van should be put in remembrance of his• dewtie.— More, in "Utopia." In Jasper National Park, Alberta, there are about 640 mi.:es of standard trails by which tourists may visit the outlying scenic attractions, High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations Issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION Is given in various, trades. The schools and classes are under the direction cif AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for In the Courses of Study in Pubitc, Separate, Continuation and High. .l•chooi i, Collegiate instituter', Vocational Schools and Departments. Copiec of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education maybe. obtained from the Deputy Min rater', Parliament Buildings, Toronto, e I SUMER ER HEAT BARD ON BABY No season of the year is so danger. ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand, the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother realizes he is i11. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentery and` colic are most prevalent. Any of these troubles may prove deadly if not promptly treated. During the summer the mothers' best friend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy,, The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. World's Oldest Rose Tree. At Hildesheim, in Germany, grows abet is. believed to be the oldest rose tree in the world. It covers nearly the whole of the east side of the parish. church. In the records of the church refer- ences are made over a period of fully a tousand years to the training, prun- ing, and methods of preserving it. The roots are visible in the crypt of the church • Minaret's Liniment relieves stiffness. , tar: a No Gamboling. ."Spring in the air, Mr. Crotchet." "Eh? "Why should I, eh, why should I?'" i "I said, 'Spring in the air!" Mount Rundle Camp, situated at • , Bann, Alberta, in Banff National park, is one of the best equipped motor camps in Western Canada, Frons 7h registrations in 1917, the total number of permits issued increased to 4,19G in 1925. "Late" Marriages Worry the Japanese. That the Japanese family system upon which the whole social structure I of the country has been built, has, been almost completely broken down with- out the knowledge of the country is the interpretation placed by some Japanese writers upon marriage statis- tics just issued by the Government. A survey has shown that the aver- age age of marriage for young men is now between 25 and 29 years-, while that for girls is between 20 and 24. Japanese observers point out that not more than twenty years ago such "late Perfect Protection _ With Every Roll Every roll of Prince Ed- ward Brand Fox Netting opens out as a 150 foot long wall of perfect pro- tection for your foxes, ' "Prince Edward" does not bag .nor sag and has 10% more meshes than any other brand of fox netting. Write or wire for delivered prices. Holnlans Pumtne! side • . .ted .e'M'""""`""' r �.� rte. a .Special Ontario Agents Vi. H. C. Ruthven, J. M. McGillivray Alliston Pri marriages" would have been, consider ! —'4---- ._.....— -.... � :r• lent to tale 1 t' It 1 per - ed a menace to the welfare of the I • ... _ I helps, and If taken regularly and tate and declare Ilia &latently, will relieve this condition, o ceville x ''' c atsuch a time. sways One Sea. The wave which murmurs beneath Eastern skies And feels the hot kiss of a copper sun Perchance has known the ice -fields, I and is one IWith that which thunders where the boulders rise Around the Cornish ooaat; or yet has run IA race on Southern pools, where coral I lies. —J. E. McKnight, in "The Sea An• thology," edited by A. H. Bartlett, His Stone. Two gentlemen stopped on the street to talk. One was wearing a large dia- mond tie pin. "Isaacs," said the other, "dot la a fine diamont you have It. Vare you get it?" "Veil," explaintel Isaacs; "my broth- er he died unt left $450 for a stone. That dis is dJ atone." ------tip-----_ Solitudes. My heart is a dark forest 'where no voice is heard, Nor sound of foot by day or night— nor echo borne Down the long aisles and shadowy arches, of a horn, Trembling—nor cry of beast, nor call of any bird. But always through the deep solitudes a grieving wind Moves Iike the voice of a vast pray- er; it is your love Lifting and bending leaf and bough! —while, far above, One though soars like a hawk in the heaven of any mind. —John Hall Wheelock. Every Day You Live -- i —Can be bankrupted if you borrow trouble from 'to -morrow. I . —Begins life all over again if you Istart new with the morning. —Has more pleasant things in it • a than disagreeable. —Is a product of all of your yester- days. —Is filled with just as many respon- sibilities as opportunities. —Will run smoother if you. start It with a prayer. —You can find a hundred reasons for being happy if you look for them. Classified Advertisements. F UnL OR IWO TINA. T.Lipii o11411W3 FOR Good ea�uea. toryewo�a. ae Big r °eyed atortiaag. eamploe fres. Publla oinks, Lcn¢on, Ont, Knight -in Armor, Whenever I'm a shining Knight, I buckle on my armor tight; And, then I look about for thugs, Like Rushiugs,.Out, and Resouings; And Savings, from the Dragon's" Lair, And fighting all the Dragons there•, And sometimes, when our Flights be- en, I think I'll let the Dragons win. . Anid then I think perhaps I won't, Because they're. Dragons, and I don't. A. A. Milne. Purely personal attack is a low and demeaning game, whoever plays it. —Ramsay MacDonald. CanadianP/an12ook• In co-operation with Canadian Architects ii hed5Infihederate MacLean Buihomes ers Guide. Detailed information on planning, building, 5trnishingK, decoratingand gar- dening, Proflasely Ilustrated. An ideal reference book. Send 21 cents.for a copy. MOtl,een Builders' Guide 344 Adklaide sr. NY., Toronto, (Int, 749 5 14i;� BV RNS Allways keep Minard's handy for burns, spaniels, bruises and flesh wounds. WOMAN NAROLY WALK Mrs. Horn Tells how Lydia E. Granite is the lowest rock in the' Finkham's Vegetable Compound earth's crust. It is the bed -rock of Restored Her`Ilealth the world eit DFSTROY S BRA O toes Roaches SFaFa'1r�ADID f1t. C. maw' 'nun) Ramilton,Ont.—"Ihave taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound • and would not be without it now. I had a female trouble so badly I could hardly walls and I was all run- down and could hardly get around to do my house- work. I would be in bed three or four days at a I time. I was told by a friend to try your Vegetable Compound. I did, and by the time I took two bottles I was beginning to get around again. I took ten bottles in all, and now I am all right again and doing my own work. I have six grown-ups to work for, so I have plenty to do. I also used Lydia E. Pinkham s Sanative Wash, and I think it is good. But I owe m health to the Vegetable Compound, and I think if more of it was used women would be better off. I would not be without it if it cost much more. "— Mrs. NELLIE HORN, 28 St. Matthews Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario. Do you feel broken down, nervous and weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound is excel State, e t a revolution of the family system has occurred in less than •twenty years. Even in the early days of this cen- tury, it is explained, the principal socia.] duty in Japan was perpetuation of the family, and this presupposed early marriage. Girls who waited un• til the20 y were were rare, and young men were married at 21 years or ear-, lies, But economic force has destroy- ed this system. The head of most families can no longer assure support to young mar - lied couples while they are getting a start in life. Ambitious young men must attend einversiti•es, from which they do not graduate before they are 25, and after that often obtain a bare . living salary for years. Late mar- riage has been th© inevitable result. Conservative writers regard these statistics- with alarm. They declare that Japan's• strength has eom•e fralm the faintly system and that social'. chaos impends. But other writers re- gard the prompt overthrow of the old system as a healthy sign. They point with pride to the fact that Japan has taken her phaco with other progressive nations in this AS 111 other respects. Rub our y scalp with Mihard's. Life ment Provedsafe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache - Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Are+-A;lclactonene •,a3rmex,hwn or iya,,.., ,r;3•.,�;� 0„ ;.Accept. pniy "3aye," package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottled of 24 and 100—Druggists, .Aspirin 1s the trade Mork (rgglstored 1n Canada) DP rtaysr `dnau(esturc 01' 51ononectte• ecidester et Salicylieacld (Acatyl Sa1ley11e dotal, '.t e4 A."), 'Willis It is wo11 knbtrn that Aspirin means nayer mautttaetnre, to assist the pxbito tegenst itnitations, the •TMblets et Rank Cob:vie w 15111 be sitlwpe;ai a ittt their general trade aiarka tltE "BA 'oe Oross," 0 Q;1i,1CUrot TALCUM p� The Ideal Powder For Daily Use This pure, delicately med- icated, antiseptic powder does much to overcome ea,- cessive perspiration. It sooth- es and cools, is convenient • and economical and is an ideal face, ;skin; baby and dusting powder. Sample Zoe), Free byy Mall. Address t ana,lirin nopotq atonbonne, i td, Moatroo” Pnee. Soap ?Xie, Ointment 25 an 10a. Talcum We. areor* Cuticurn Shaving Stick 25c, 11 ISSUE No.