HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-23, Page 1Vol. XXVII No 12 ar.rarrarrrr or ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1926. .rrr•rrrrrrrrrrrrr•rrrrrrrrrrr.r.r•mrrrrrr••..rr,.rbIarrnrdir Chester Z Smith, Pahlimil0k Yeat izt 1017#0541k $1,50 IN A. RREA. RS „ $2 MA Sr .S.FI CTEARGIM, Don't forget Zurich's Big Event, the Fall air3 Sept -30th Oct. 1st lacrimmeDGINIMIDORIASODERINDODGESPOLDGEIND0D6010004160(10013 • • HOT Quito a 'number from the vil"- fil?,:shments 0.7 (tag e, and vicinity a,1 tended the. IV Western Pair Lit London, the past • bileather week, which \k la% DO Ilko hat area cd by the continuous heavy rains, s, Nallson'ellia Bast ICE CREAK: Soft Brinks _ during the week. Also Kaiaks, Patent Medicines, .41 a Stationery, Boxed Cantly,Icecream Groceries, Crockery, Cigairs, Tob- h"aco and Cigarettes . 1 ..ti WEST HURON 'TEACHERS , The! Wcst Huron Teachers'. con, • yen tion witl be held ,in • •Goderich;' : Oct. 11111 and 15th. It- was pre-, posed at the lastidonventien to vis- it the 'Windsor richools .this year '1.ut o NVi P g to t he. d e•par t men t r ul : ing regarding thre. ulse of our a:6, ? commutated fund6 the executive, thought better to wait- for another 101 • year in orcleT to have. the "tatter ez discussed more fully. SCHOOL PAIR. The annual school fair held on the Agricultural Grounds .on Tes day of this 'week, under the man-. agar -tient of Mr. Patterson, theAg-!' Regpresentative of Cl- inton. Vine Was a fairly :large • attendance present, considering the blisiness of the, ,T,armers at thiS Lime, !of the year The le -Ain:). Agner - Phone 91 ,ra '00111111913DOONDOMINISOIDGENDADOEND4ININADO DONfflit*EKERKNIMID*2 ,,,,,,....................„........*.s.................., ..+ . I S 'ANOR I 1 .1. «t• ..t. -,,- ÷ i• 'i. -1- The Company that sold. more 3 INSURANCE in CANADA in, 1925 + + than - ,an any othei. Company. + . Er OESCH --- Zukich • al• i ++++++++ +2+44+++44+4 44+4.+4444:444444:++++444444:44,. Place your next Policy with LONDON LIFE ..1004111/64130411416011101641116414141100441111116806801.1111141100041,11101100•01110110: 2 44,44414444enum1ecreurtnivem-nommo4,424.44.44...nly..........ta4;• .111) 1 040 .4»+ ..440 • i Ti, Owing to us clisolving partnership we are 4, our disposing of our entire stock of Men's, Women's and Chit. dren Boots, Shoes And rubbers. At cost and many lines below cost. Come • • • • • 3 0 • • • 0 • 3 0 in at once to get first choice • • BROTM ROS. OAUIRRIXG 7BAIVIr DC)" 61 WINDOW DISPLAY 00000000010000000000041500000000000000000000000000000.2 4,44.itoit.tvokoosgro44,4k04,04•4.4p.•41,414144 .00.44•:44.4,64444+ nd ter 4, TipT dors 4 4., 49,4, ‘ilt • „cp., 4' 00 t43., ,r• ',1' 'C' • •5:1, 0 . ' 0 ...• NE PRICE ONI.:1 0 40. • 4 6 16 f 04, It. !,./6 ',1' ...i, .-,• , 4 , 1 • i'' '‘' E l' j • 4'0 4 1 gi, t ' r r,4,• • 4 44 04 GASCHWS 13121 ' .”2. ra 351,) -?ONE 67 4 tv 4•4 44,$44,4 4. i"2.• ..1‘• pies Mrs, C Fritz, Miss Dorothy and Fritz are, away on a motor 'trip to 'Detroit this, week. • Miss Nola Disjardine from Gr- and Bend, spent th& week -end with her griend, Miss Ruth Schrag. Miss Margaret Fisher of Wing - ham is 'spending a few days witli her friend, Miss Vora Siebert: Mr. Edwin Gascho, Eddie Bed ard, Mr. and Mrs.. Norman Gascho were at London We.d.nesday. Mr. Ted Wagner has returned to :Waterloo to resume his ,studies at College. SJr. C. Wagner and sons, Tecl and Leonard, motored tOKit- Owner and Guelph over Sun -day its in practically every class W er e Mr, Sam Clascho a.nd Lee 0' - well ..te presented and nicely dis-.•Brein Made a business trip to played., and the! interest .shown. doderich, on Monday, these fn.ii.s when first started a. Mr. and Mrs. John Gascho and few years ago, Iseems to continue family '„Ltended the London ,Pair to even grow, The exhibitors .areaFriday. be co mi rig more -ac quain ted With the conditions' and regulationsof the. Mr. and Mrs,. Jacob Swartzr of fair, which also add e greatly to ..,Crediton, were Sunday visitors at iLa Lsv.ccess, In tin, next \„.neies!:the! home of Mr, and Mrs. John i•ssue, we will publish, -a. full ac- .4.1159! count of the. 'prize' wi1nei4s. SUMMARY . !.. • The e ,surnitharykof 'the var,, iouS Mimicipalities in . the, youth 'Euren . ..gen7: eral...eledtion last Tues,;:tay. - is ar: follows. 'Mr. and Mrs. L, W, ;Hoffman, • Jr, and Nos. W. H. Hoffman ,and datighte ',Mildred; spent Sunday at tratf ord. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meyer. and fs4m,ily of Baden were visiting at -tikvs. 'Joseph. Gascho on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thiel and Mr. Clay- ton Smith motored to London on Sunday, Messrs. WM. and Frank Siebert, and Elroy Schiefle were Sunday- - visitors -with Mr. and Mrs, W. Siebert,. • Sea:forth Clinton Bayfield Exeter MeKiltop Stephen Stanley Usborne Tucke 'SrL lb Glderich Tp. Hay Hullett 570 497 216 56 341 580 756 442 408 635 339 845 619 Hickla 111 606 , 190 154 583 292 629 399 402 3031 Mr. H. s, Raibneisch o. (Aroit, 5(6 .spent the we,oh-end with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kalb - 371 fleisch 6217 5193 Majority -1,111. IN MEMORIAM • Su•rcaus, In ever loving memory of dear Myron, vino passed away one, year ago to -day, \Sept. 241h, 1925. No ono knowis the !silent heartaches Only those: who have.lost can tell . Of the grief that is born in slencr For deal, lIfyi.ou 'we loved so More and more each day we miss 7101-1, Friends may think tho wound is healed But they little know the sorrow, nit ties in our heart concealed, Myron dear, wr.? arelonesome., For We, TriTS0 your loving face, But you loft us o r•emeinter That none on earth can take your place). Sadly missed by parents, Bro- thers and Sistt-A., Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH. — ONT. The dateof our annual Fowl -Supper has been foot foa• October Our services were well a tt.en dud last Sunday b y fine audiences gathering which listened lip two very inspiring Sermons. Let us have the pleasure' of .rneeting you -at. the fonowot hoqs.ay worsWp; Friday Eve. 4.10 Jr, League. 7.30 Prayer and Praise. • 8.30 ehoir (ofactioe. • • Sunday, 5(1)1,261h, 1,0 7Lfl SOrnion bf,r Rev. Ct Kei.)1: ay, Stratford. 11 a,•fit Bible, School for all. 7.30 Sermon, Rev. P' B. Meyer. DASHWOOD SundaY. Sept. 2611,, 10.00 a .'n, Sevmon Pastor 11.t5' al.m., Bible School A.,special offering will be token up in the; /S. S. to go towards pat - .8 N. ang. Church, Winnipeg, 7.30 pni,Rovc Q. K. 1<epkay Stratford, :will preach., P, • B. MEYER., PASTOR kr Arid Mrs. Jacob Howald,Mr, and Tubs P„ H. Millar, and Mn. and Mrs. Henry llowal•d and ,tamily, motored over the week-orql to St- aatford and Kitchener: Mr. Jack Fink, who 's,pen 1 the. past two weeks on vacation at his home, riliiiimay; has returned to Zurich and resumed his position as teller in the Bank of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. •JoSel4h. .Swartz,, and daughter Eunice, and Mrs, Fax and 'son Elmore from Detroit, vis - Red at Cog home of Mr .and Mrs John F USS oVer Sunday. Thw re -building of the two ch- urches in town is progressing The. Lutheran church ; is about ready to wit! in HD new floor, as the, excavation and c•on- cre e work is about finished, while workmen are now engaged in. ;shortening the main windows, as 1h' new floor will he raised. con- sid Prably. The lrsement in kthe 5'.'angeieal church is nearing com- ph,tion, and can soon be occupied. while it will be still a fe.,k. eeks Lill •th..?. auditorium of the church' is complete when it will be decl- i7Ttl;' ZH PALL F.AIR Arrangements are now nearly complete tor making Zurich Fall Pair, which will, 'beheld ne:zt syeek no Sept. '30th and Oct. 1, one of the best in ,the Societio's history. A. number ,of !special prizes havc' b added Ithisl 'year which should bring forth keen competition. Be- id:s the speed contcsts Inc 'which $200.00 in purses aro offered pro- mise to bring out some good race horsos. :Following ar; the nair,,,m of thP jjadges who win officiate at the Pair; -Ho ril,r,,95)—T. J.IVIToore of Tara; Cattle, Sheep and Swine —Gordon,' Smith, Woods1ee ; Poul- try—A, E. Culver, Sinico7; tVor1:7•-.Mi15 ,Alice Owen, St. Cath- crinol; Grain & Seeds—T. L. Wit - /Ili, Zurich; Horticultural --P. J. 'fhb -re?, 2.,iteich, and A. "Weber,; of Dashwo.od ; Vegetables. and Dairy W. 0Awcia, IT.nisaA Dia% Science—Mr:5, , W. Contt, lIt,n 4:1 ; la • A r is, !Floral :tad Ch,„deea's Departm.mt and 311,11. Lundy, ,Kippen, 3 A Real Buy Ribbon Wrist Watch $8.95 $8.95 ONE WEEK ONLY AN IDEAL GIFT FOR TRE GIRL RETURNING TO SCHOOL OR COL LEGE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED W. G. Hess & Sons COAL BUY THE BEST, IT IS TRW, CHEAPEST. GENT:UNTO E isc H Lackawana, AN.D D L & W Scranton DIRECT FROM.: THE MINE% SOFT COAL, GENUINE K]I TUCKY MILLERS CREEK, OCHER GENUINE BY PRODUCT Otic Telephones are at year we vice, the information is free, arltelo= HENSALL ONTR. Ph:one-a—Office 1pwr. Rouse la,. • • , • Notice • • My Accounts are now ready, and any persons indebted to me kindly call at once and settle same. op, j FRED THIEL - ZURICTtH 1 . . ii,,t..0++++++++++_+++++44444+4,4+,t44.4.44444444.3t-oaft,oaciEftoot Seasonable F4114 tivar Alt Our Stock is complete in many new * lines; Oxfords, Strap Slippers, Chil- i drens Footwear. Men's and Boys best everyday Work Boots with outside counters TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC. Schod Shoes of every descriptioat C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 55 0 4-4-1444+44+++++++++44+++++414+44÷+÷+++++++++•04•WiR4Wft New Fall and Goods 4 I iirttpr , ...., , . 1 , Call and see our new flannel dregs Goods and cotton flannel suitable for children's dresses, etc. HEAVY FLANNELETTE SHIRTING AND BLANKETS WCZW4 BLANKETS, SWEATERS, JE-FSEYS, SMOCKS, AND, t.N.DER-- WEAR, ALSO GRAIN RAGS. A FULL LINE OF STAPLE GOODS, ALL EMI-NAN-Ts: AT BARGAIN PRICES. R N DQUGLA th EN, EkAi, M OH A NT PHONE 11-97 ...E -LAKE • PO Tj