HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-16, Page 8e° are now receiving shipments of New -cods for FALL and. WINTER Wear, and invite -your inspection. We ore always pleased to show Goods whether you wish to buy or'not. NEW COVERT CLOTH • A 51 inch Cloth of Extra fine texture, 'similar to Jersey cloth, �tivill not (stretch or pull, very suitable. for 'suits or dresses. ICIHARMEAN in pretty shades of Fawn and Navy for Coats, Suits or Dresses. • FLANNELS — We have 36 pieces of Flannels in Stock, conilpri!sing the newest fancy and plain shades in 32 and 54 inch widths, col oris such as oedarbark, Gypsy red, Tuscan, Sandalwoiod, Rose- (, wood, Coral, Farience blue, Thrush., Burmese ;blue with white pin !stripe, also black and navy. WOOL SANTOYS — In in Pototan, Blues, Rosewood; Brown, Fawn, Henna, Navy. This cloth is very 'popular ,fir fall; wear,, [COATING SPECIAL 6 Pieces Coatings in 54 -in. width, Extra heavy quality at $1.50 yd FLANNELETTE WRAPPERETTES, ETC. i 40 piece's of New Flannelettes, opened 'up in \rario11,3 widths and qualities at lower prices than last season. :s1RAPER CLOTHS i In prettyshades of links and Blues'with, gilt !scroll pattern 1 yd. 1 wide at plc. yd. and 75c, ayd. SWEATER COATS—For Men, Women, Boyd and Girls in Season's rewest styles. rONGOLEUM RUGS—Oux Stock is too large, iso are continuing to I coffer them at a real saving in price. Size. 6x9 now at _._ $6.00 Sizze 6x3 now _. 9.75 Size 9x1011 now ... 11.00 Sizze 9x12 now .$12.50 HAND AT RIGTH PRICES FRESH J. G SCHO Prodi!, Wanted GROCERIES ALWAYS ON SONS Phone 59 Zurich's Garage Gas, Nis, greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS 'ITIST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES RCE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS TT s ® ew 9T IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO_, AN 0 OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY, BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Flo Mousseau Zurich iGVli,ICE t3itt;,444l); On all Summer' Goods in stock to make room for the new Fall Goods arriving daily Come and see before you buy Fresh Groceries always on hand J. W. ME " NER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr, Harry Weber, who• hats been at New Dundee for a few months has returned ti o Zurich. The Ecxhardt Bell ringer ,Co. Who put on a show ip the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, was in every way a p decided 'suc,cess, as the hall was filled to capac,ity,and a most excellent program was,ren tiered. A.bulsineiss deal of Some imp- ortance was transacted on Monday in the village when Mr, Haist of Detroit purchased the dwelling pro- perty, bake 'shop and full equip- ment from Mr. Ezzra Koehler, who is moving with his family to Kit- chener this week. Possession will. however not be given till Octboer i'st. We are indeed verysorry to loose: Mr. Koehler, while Mr. Haist conies highly recommended as a s �y efficient baker. STEPHEN- COUNCIL The council of the Township of. Stephen convened in the TownHall Hall, Crediton, Sept. 6th at 1• p,m• A11 anembers were present. •The minutes of the previous meeting read and adopted. That Edward Lawson be paid the (sum of $2083.20 in full 'settlem- ent• of the contract awarded foi the construction of The Walker Dr- ain as 'soon as he submrits satisfac- tory evidence that he has remo- ved !the .earth front the County, Highway referred to in the rep- ort of inspection fileed by the En- gineer, G A.. McCubbin, 0.L,S. and elated the 17th of August 1926;and. further that he furnishes the Music ipality ,of -the Township of Steph- en with a Bond for $200 indewmni fying theme !against any lolss,costs or expenses !which may be incur- red by the (said Municipality in any action which may be entered ag- ainst- them by the previous. contr- actor, Joseph Lawson relating to the !said Walker Drain.. :aa••••••weeeeesseteeeeeeeceeeseeetaimeeeeeeeeeseesoe: la • IF i Clarex Quebec Stoves; • 1 is eel�.� • to 1 alees a ,.. • ch I Nights are getting cool --: —.Wait ,r 3Ii119a • : will soon be here, this puts us in o, ;1'n, g mind of that New Stove, one that will i Pc. give more heat with less fuel than any .• • pa [other make on the market, namely the : . g Clarex Quebec- combined Cooker and • M O HEATER, A STOVE THAT WILL COOK AND BAKE WITH : enc ;n g ANY OF THEM, AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T r Dr • , (That By-law NNo 348 being • a By w providing for the levy and col ction of the. 1926 taxers having en . react three tinsels be passed d Isigncd by the ;Reeve and CI - L and the !seal of the Corporation tached thereto, That Freeman Morlock be and !hereby ppoinated C 't c+m , of ties for the year 192;;, be paid $100 as his salary• with stage, 'stationery and collect -ion arges extra; and, that B -lay To confirming such appointment ving •been read three tines, be^ ssed and signed by the Reevfi. 1 Clerk and the seal of .the Cor ration attached thereto. he. following accounts were ssed. Exeter Times -Advocate, Print - re; Walker Drain 1,80; G. A. Cpbb;n, Final Insp and assist - e re Walker Drn 87.00; E: Law- , bal. of contract re; Walker ain '2083.20; I1. Silber, Exn, re : HEY ARE MADE IN TWO SIZES]SN.18 in. and 20x20 in ovens Court mZetion. Lawson vs. O; ofr : ; Stephen, Walker Drain 35.90; Tr AND WILL BURN COAL OR WOOD. • ea's Crediton School Fair grant 25.00 Trews Dashwood School Pair, grnt •010•••O••t•••Q�NwN ;15.00. Trews. Grand rend School • Fr. grant 20.00; Henry Link grad - IN FURNACES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT : ing 'can, 16 & 3rd S. Rd, 21.15; Wes rw MONEY CAN BUY, "THE IIRECLA" A REAL OLD STANDBY • 'ev Mullin, 'Rep'. culvert:' & drag- 8 A FURNACE .THAT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO 'THOU it (.6:di -S.D. 2609; A, McEch�ein disking • SANDS OF USERS FOR MANY YEARS, , The Furnace that i) 3rd SI..Rd 21.25; J. Ma:rriatt, regi, road • 1 • Con 18,, 6.65; C, Steinhagen • saves one ton of coal ;n seven: fIn having your Furnace Work, Plumbing Joh or Eavetrou h..- • and Repairing done, You make no 'mistake by coming here here incl having it dome by our Expert Mr, Ted, Millltehoitz,• Y•Y We apprea appreciate your Patronage ce • • • • •I VAI iia g ZURICH ONT. • Supt, trimming trees, Hydro line 11.00; 'II.', Powe, dragging and cut- ting weeds 24.00; P. Hogan, gravel 19.30: ditto 6.20; Geo, Masan, -stat- • ute labor 1925-26 16,00. Th„, council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton on Monday, the 4th of October1926 is 1 poo. Henry- Eilber, Clerk, REDIToN • a The annual Fowl Supper of Zit;n Evangelical churcT will be, hal&in the evening ;of Octoberthe LOCAL MARKETS-. Potatoe!s per bag ..,... , 2.00 Driedapples lb. ._ ,. _ ._,... 9 Wheat 1.25 Barley _., ... :.a _......60 Buckwheat _• 65 Flour• 4,75 3.75 Shortie per ton...... ...--.__ - ..34.00 Butter lb.__. _.._ 40 Eggia__. .- ____-- _ * 20-24-26 Bran per ton.._ .....__, _-_ 32.00 Live Hogs, cwt. 121,00 'Corrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO, CASH AND BONDS ON HAND 885,429.61. *, G. Holtzman—Zurich. AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS; AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, t1-34 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given ,that all person's having claims against or owing the estate of the ''late Sam- uel Brenner, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, who died on (the 27th day'of August, 1926 are required to forward their claims, duly proven to the under- signed and also all debtors owing shall call settle with the undersign- ed on or before the 20th day - of September, 1926, Dated at IDa'shwolod this 2nd day of September '1926. - Mrs. Mary. Brenner. POULTRY CULLING Have your hens culled now by an' Expert Government Culler at Two Cents per hen. L. V. .Ho- garth, Exeter. Phone, Crediton 18-31. 4-6t -A good FOR. SALE good !steel -tire top buggy in condition. C. - Fritz & Som 7th ..Addileen Ganser has returned ai= ter visiting in Toronto. ' Mrs. Ezra Heist Is visiting for a few weeks in Toronto, Mrs. B: Heath, of Windsor, is vis itiing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, Kuhn_ Mr. and. Mrs. Ez raPestreicher of Windsor, visited relatives here. Roy Wolf of Detroit, visited his father, Chals,Wolf. ' •Mils. !Chas.' Zwicker and [tion Gerald, ,lave returned after visit- ing with Mrs. Mary Ratzz at New Hamburg. Murray Holtzman of Detroit, spent la; time, with his mother, Mrs, Leah, Holtzman. - - Ruls'sel Eilber, of Detroit le 'sp- ending hips. •holiclay's with his par- ents, Nt' and Maa Chas, Eilber. Fed Eilber of Detroit, who has leen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'King has returned, :Recent visitors ,at the Evangel ical parsonage were; Ml. and Mrs Andrew i' lsinger, of Ayton, Mr. and Mrs Gordon Bender and chit-• - .dr,en, of Toronto,. Mr, and Mrs, «I,. II tender; (toy i3ender and Lit-, Ilan ..ender of .ListO We . . Thurscla.y, September 3.6,t14, IMMISIMMUMMUMMUMMUMNUMMUMMftbuillsMOMMIMINIM We, have rete -red a large shipment of new .Furniture lncitid..n Living g g room, new dinin two g omsuites, and. rockers, kitchen cabinets, .tables and ;chaa.rs (CAME IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR-, ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES BRING IN YOUR PICTURES . TO BE FRAMED, A FULL LINE OiF SHELF AND HEAVY °HARDWARE, BEA.TTY WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, WIRE .FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY( FENCING, AND CEMENT, •=' iii:. LET US DO YOUR PLUMBING, EVETROUGH.INO OR ROOF- ING. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF 100PURE i t l l O1_ B PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAMEL R MARTIN 9E1'iIfA�TAI VARNISHES, SUPERTEST Gas and Coal O L. TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR CASH le. Ib. Jojinston eC H ardware 8c Furniture, Phone 63 IMMISIMMENuMell A 'Fast d,, ...e sti_ ape, t ent 4 Huron . ' Erie Debentures ARE AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT AS AN I VESTMENT FOR EXECUTORS OF ESTATES. SUCH SECURITIES ARE KNOWN AS "TRUSTEE INVEST- MENTS.” SHOULD AN EXECUTOR CHOOSE OTHER TR- USTEE INVESTMENTS HE MUST ASSUME SPON.IBD . ITY FOR THE SECURITY PROVIDED. " Better play .safe and invest ,in Huron & Erie Trustee_ deb - tures. 5% per annum is paid half -yearly upon $100 or more for 1 to 5 years. Application's for Huron & Erie Debentuires are accepted at any, tim;me by, , - Andrew Fa Hess, - Zurich - MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR. VJ'[ LL? Painting and -Paper H_ tinging ' WARD LET US PTO YOUR P. I,NTINt GRANING, PAPERHANUIN., &� !DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A d .'rugtes Y' °acj1ou „ MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JbB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR ''''"XT JOB, H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ON', eer and Opdhhc ani EXETER rte. MOW. rit 'AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURIQ Every Tueaday, 10 a,m4 to ik. , t - W -&re Rued..... .i. _ rois-t tWith an extraordinary showing g e � the Season's Newest Materials for Men's' Suits 11 EcEn ,8 •.1 'WHERE YOU WILL FIND PITIVELY THE BIGGEST TAILO -'• ING VALUES EVER HEARD OFF. it Tt,�. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMY INT AKING BUYING THE MATERIAL M DIRECT' FROM `l" ' M LS 1 AND SELLING* TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS SA•rtrlN€ilS, THAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET- ] BETTER BURRY AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY,. �j° lPils r S 9�+ at 1 ^N. +'ROVAN' TAILOR, W. E. Y;-Orr+mEA.N. a Sasrq EIt3;BAL%' ;Iii'«,. /AND FUNERAL DiaECTO,ns. DO ,and Night glat 1oure NO 4.-4 1;