HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-16, Page 5I'hur*lay, September If th, 1926 - ZURICH- HERALD USI F S CARDS J ;M EY H o '.�i` : i + .38A1tBISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. Ofilllice, Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICU, Ont. Spacial attention to CounlIsel and Court_ Work. ',Ina,. Holmes may be • consulted at leoieh by phone and phone charges reversed. a ithap .,/,tD.D. .- , L ID S- DENTAL SURGEON :MAIN OFFICE — TI:ENSALL Dr. II. B. ;OWE N L.:91. ty, lo. D. s. MENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH 'ev- Ortry Thursclay, .Friday and Satur- Maias Office !iIB,TLEIB'S BLOCK, DASBWOOD 'r4 OSCAR KLOPr bate Carey M. Jones Nat - MO& ,School of AuctioneerIng. Try Sig for Registered Live Stock WI Breeds) Terms in keeping Bilies prevailing prices. Choice 2Braaa for male. Will sell anything' : ,w . intone 18-93 or write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer licensed Auctioneer for County, 191 Surto. In a position to con - Duct any auction sale, regardless a to orae or artieles to sell. I *elicit your business, and if not 3•tls1ied will make no charges for, iirthnr Weber, y Dashwood. Mose 13-57 insiss••sesees•ssseeee•sis: Zurich Meat it A-RKET I Fresh and Salt Meats 'I Bologna Sausages, etc in Highest Cash Price for Wool, • : DASH FOR SKINS & HIDES • 12111 bbhi.t&• Deichert s • 10•••••••••••40•••••••••••• ZURICH LIVERY Y an in a position to accomo- klate all requiz�enrent's in the. Livery iciness, have Auto for hire. Any wing done in the teaming line. GEORGE 3. • THIEL Intone 53 Zurich,On t. L I VE :P R Y WANTED taken every day till 3 O'clock,p.m. ,1111a net fee& *fowl sante.. mornliiig ea brought in. 311, guest Cask Prices - --CARR FOR-- �r. andE-gggs +� es�nn W.' O'Brien iii ne ga'' Zurich The _rtiligNET 1'oes get weak Our recharger is again on the job TESTING ,FREE. S. WAIN, Priv DA;C!;WOOP )1,0T0/2 1 " , Wants, For Sale, Lost,' Fond Notice; El a IN TU1S COAL(JMN. . FARM FOR SALE Farm consisting of 64 aeresy, known as the. "leaver homestead, 1.5th. Con,Hay Township. On the premises are a bank barn 40x60, Two large driving .Sheds; two hen 1ouSes, one new. A nett/ pigpen, solid brick homso 36x24 'with kit- chen atta.c;hed with ,soft and hard. water. An abundance of fruit 1auch as 'sweet cherries, plumb, peas, peachels and apples. The land is in good !gate of cultivation and well unclerdrained. For further particulars ap'p'ly .to E. G.Krueger 14th Con Hay Tp. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acres With good bare 34x18; root cellar under the bank, will 'stable Six. horses and 20 lme•ad cattle, good hog pen,water in (stable. new drive ;s'l'ed and hen house. Hoose is 7 rooms with kitchen, two •oellars ,all •storxn,'win low's anddoors withscreens. Soft water inside, hard water at door. Rural phone, mail delivery; five miles from Hen'sall 134 mile f rom. !school, church and store. Good orchard, small fruit, well fenced and drained.• Five acrea in fall wheat, t- ac. in bu.Yfx land, fall pl- owing done, balance in meadow., nice clay loam. • Good reasonsfor 'selling. Bargain for quick sale. Apply at Herald Office for par- ticulars. FOR SALE - Electrica'i Business an A. 1. Con- dition in one of the best towns in Canada Must be .sold icy Oct- ober 1st. Have bean established 13 years. good reasons 'for 'sell- ing. Apple to Drawer- B. Zurich FOR SALE A very desirable dwelling pro- perty in Zurich locatedat the west end. Also three acres o1 land which will be sold with tb property or separate. Th•' house is a fine brick in A 1 con - clition, new furnace, etc. also a tine barn, For further particu- lars apply to John Gellman, Zur- ich. • FOR SALE A limited number of boiler flues 14 and 16 feet long. Suitable for. re -enforcing cement floors, bridge. etc. Apply to George Ford Hay, P.O, Ont. FOR SALE Ag 'o'od Second 'hand Oliver Rid- ing plow, Apply to Louis Frang. FOR SALE " A Small pine ensilage cuttinu box with 30 -foot pipes, can • be run with' about eight hose ,power. Apply to Alb. Hendrick,. R. 1, Dashwood FOR SALE I have a quantity of god hard dry wood for (sale, cut to stove length. ,Sol. Gingerich. Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk issuer of marriage licenses. Notary Public, C•ommrr'seloner, Fire and Aut- o -mobile Insuerance Representing Huron & Erie Mortgage Corpor- ation. The Canada Trost Co. ZURICH — ONTARIO INSURANCE E. C. Harvey( L. VHogarth - Agents — + Mutual Life of Canada EXETER AND ST, MARYS Addressall .Correspondence To Box 190, Exeter, Ont. tf4 tDQ4L 192 WE ARE LOCAL Mr, Christ, ;C#1ber and son Char lie, were Sunday' vititoxlr .at Kit- chener. Mr. John Freid of Toronto, and late of California was a Sunday visitor with his sitter, Mrs. Chas. Fritz. Mrs. Fred Soutlwott and family who have igen (spending •tthe sum mer at Grand Bend and Zurich, are ,Leaving thi's 'week for their home in Venice,. Califo'znli'a Mr. Oliver • Johnson of God rich, spent Sunday £tt the home of his brother, Mr. Thomas Johnson. Rev. F. B. Meyer 'of Dashwood called on friends in ,the village on Monday.. Rev. and Mrs. W. Y, Dreier of Crediton, called on friends here on Saturday. Mr. and Mira. Wa r Braun of Forest, wereSunday visitors with friends here.,. Mrrs. J, Voellrer and daughter Alice of Montana;; Mrs, R. R. Camp- bell, 'Mos. Val•ette an. d daughter of Flint, Mich., are visiting at the b;4me •of Mrs, G. HesS 'and :Miss Anna. Word has been received from the Ann Arbor, Hotspital that Mrs, S Schoch of the 14th con„ who was operated on Ifrr removal sof a brain tumor, last week, that the 'patient is making fine 'progress , and good hopes are entertained for her aecovery. Rev. land Mrs. K. Gretzzenger, of Mildm iy were week -end v;oit- ors at the hone.' of Mr. and Mrs, C. L. .Swath, Rev, Gretzenger, ,is one of the popu.ar Evangelical min- ers of On Hanover District and favorers th.: Zurich audience with a well accepted !solo on Sunday ev- ening. HYMENIAL A very pretty wedding tpl\: k place on TuSsday September 7th, when Miss Leona, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank . Corriveau, Drys- dale, Iwas united in marriage to Mr. Edgar I',1n se, son of Mr. Nel- son Masse, loth can. The cereal- ony was" periormacl by Rev.Father Gerard. The bride, who• was giv- en iv- en away by her father, looked very pretty in a g4hite'satin faced. crepe .dress, tz•hi 'a d with pearls and wore the ci .;;tonroery 'veil. Itrimniecl with orang. btossouu, and carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. Miss Hazel Massa, 'Mater of the • groom, was, bridesmaid attired in a pink satin dress with hat to match and carried a bouquet of suuset rosea. Danis Corriveau was best , man, dinner was s.rved at the home of the bride's parents in the well de- corated dining room, the ,tab:eswe- re decorated .with many beauti-- ful flowers, A four 'storey wed- ding rale centered the. table. wh- was decorated in white aster and. sweet peas. The happy, .couple loft in the afternoon for Detroit ;Ind Windsor, the bride wearing a rose satin .dross trimmed ,with'si1- ver lace and beads with hat to match. They were presented with many costly presents, showing the high esteem in which they are held. LATE PETER WOOLLEY Mr, Peter Woolley aged 89 years passed away at the hone of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Leibold 66 MeNab St., Stratford • last Tuesday, ,September 7th, His death came after an illness of several months, removing an esteemed resident of the city and also formerly a resi- dent of Zurich and later of Hen'sadl. before Moving to Stratford. .Al- though he had not been living in Stratford for any great lengthof time taking up residence here'so- n'.e, three years ago, yet through- out the district having lived for many years in Zurich and Hen'sal'l. He was born in Tuckersmith town- ship. and spent his early 'life there being (married in 1871 to Juliana Bauer, who survives, For se a era) years he was engaged in farming, it, Colborne township, later moving to Zurich, +where the family lived for 17 years, and for 9 years prev- ious to moving to Stratford, they had lived in Hensall. The late Mr;' Woolley 'wars an adherent of Zidn Lutheran Church, a Liberal, in politica, Is survived by his wife and two daughters; Annie E. of SOLE AGENTS FOR T1fI� T,ndon, and .Mra Fred Leibold of Stratford, also two grandchildren • GENUINE t.d'„ and' two 'great grandchildren. The. .fter- 'da a funeral was hell on Friday n•ron With private serv], ice rondittct �oa " ,.nm. with the Rev. H. P. Yulni of Zion Luth- ALSOerFan Ch!trch of`citting, after tivhicl t ce at Avondale Scranton ed at th house at 2.30 p CARRY i- interni„nt took vola 1✓o1e Pocahontas Cemetery, The friend from a dils� tame were Mr ,A, Leibold, Detroit; and Soft • Coal Mt and Mrs'. E, Deters, HensalA Mr, and Mrs. P. Deiohe mend 'son Zurich; Mr. and : Mrs, P. ''laborer and Miss I+' Ilaberer, 'Zurich,' Mi54 E, Leibold Listowell; Mr. and. Mrs P. Bruechnert land Son, London;Mr, and Mrs, G. Bauer and Mr, V, 13uer TaVistock; Mr. and Mrs, 5• Nick- Taviitoek; Mrs J For•len, 1 r - L.,: .illE j$M41 '.17 villa, , i 4 i GOOD' SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case. ier.. Son LOOAL NEWS Mr, Ed. Bonsenberry was a we- ektend ' i'sitox at Kitiehe, er, Mr. and MrYs. D. Gascho of the village, IVl:.t ins MMy. Peter Bren- nerman and Mr. Aaron Erb of Blake attended the funeral of a relative at Po'ole.on Sunday. Mrs. Allan of. Exeter is visiting, with her Hitler; Mrs. Jos. Rout -k ledge. �. THE ELECTION The Federal Election which was held en rl'ut .slay, rs an event that Will not be so easily forgotten, as early in tlio rnvruing the rush to the polis started and consequently a large vote was polled regard- less of ,the busy season for the farmers. Thomas ¥eMillan, the former Liberal meriber for the riding was again retuned as mem- ber for South Huron by nearly a thousan 1 majority over Andrew Hicks who ran on the Conservat- ive ticket. This was a big boon to the Liberals here, and as Hay To'wn'ship roiled up over half of this majjority, Mr. • McMillan, ac- companied by part of the Sea - forth band, invaded the village at about midnight and talk about a srerinad.e or a ,wild town, we Cer- tainly had -Kone, in fact the bigg- est time' since the armistice was signed. The Meighen governm- ent was defeated with many of•its prominent leaders, and the latest reports in the House is Liberal 105, Conservative 76, Progress', e 13; U. 1F•A. 6, Independent 4, and doubt ful 4,: Following is the reports that we have froaum S. Huron. Seafor th Clinton Exeter Hensa'1 Eayflel l McKillo 7 Tuckersmitli: Stephan Usborn e Hay Tp. Poll No 1 Poll No. 2 Poll No. 3 Poll No. 4 No. 5 No.. 6 No. 7 No, 8 Hick McMillan 414 570 majority 109 533' 344 191 21.7 151 56 292 580 maj. 276 630 766 402 403 Majority for Township 514, 33 22 •"97 61 15 61 61 31. 1.85 156 89 123 2 56 15 93 331 845 McMillan in Hay HeA and There • The Caradian Pacific coastwise) steamer "Elia" has carried from the seven plants operating on Bar -I clay Sound over 12,000 'tons of salt herring .since the present season' opened in November. This repre-+ 'cents almost half the season's out -1 put, which will approximate 26,0001 tons. • The heaviest immigration to Can- ada experienced during the last ten years is looked for this year. Al- ready the arrivals are running ahead' of those for the same months in be23, those from European countries ing especially large. The en - opines from prospective settlers in the United States are numeror. + Canada exported 6,532 pairs of leather footwear during January, 1924, according to a report of the Bureau of Statistics. Of these 2.179 went to the United States. 2,038 to New Zealand and 2,031 to China and Japan. Bermuda, the Straits Settle- inents and Newfoundland took the rest The value was $21,301. Canadians imparted 5,326,56'7 pounds of tea last month, or about +three-fifths of a pound per head of population. The value of last month's tea imports was $1,661,176' and for the twelve months ending January 31, the value of the 43,223, 1.19 pounds imported into Canada was $13,253,642. The balk of it tame from India. Special trains of immigrants' have recently carried lunch counter ears similar to those used Mon th harvesters' train last summer. ,Z la understood that the Canadian !Pacific have inaW{nrated this as a'. feature: of all long. distance immi= f�rr•ont tains, thusdoing°away with the necessity of the newcomers pro �•lding their own food or using sta- ;tion lunch counters en route -1 The completion of plazas for th +development of- hydroelectric dlirin the current yea%. wil ;P00,000 :lr, ., to tie' present total p: installed iril M . alreadyens d 8 00 ah• Canada, TVs additional power will he Ivied in Britiiih Columbia to assist 'reinin and ppRal► m�iaptri m i- toba to U`upply' rural needi; end in other and gold -mining Ontario 'fol • Industries. In Quebec te chief 'de= velopments are in connection with the pulp and paper industries and' farther east, in the Maritime Prov- inces, for public utility purposes. There is every indication that, gut des1th of the domestic se"rbant n Canada trill be greatly relieved in the course of the ensuing fecal egtht ,s, Miss Esti. per Mackie, bead the Woman's branch. Coloniza- tion department, Canadian Pacifica Railway London, announces that t "Specially conducted parties of do 4nestic servants are being organized under the Empire Settlement Act in eonlunction with the Cana/Inn Gov- au`4' r... l• to ty aiilsreal � Cts x0cl •" P...,1° e O•�Irtf•�sEAG4ptll���"wa'lt•ib�C641�it35b•� wI+!f���•�!���Iii�V4t•�{C�ii��'�����k>�41 Jmplemonts ?dip • .. .. :..,»d,d,.,...F„,,,o...rn+m...w..,..,env...v»x..w»w*!»»Iu.,nM...n+.w.o.,ne,,,...*wu,w.?.,,,u 0 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS e•a AN)) HAVE JUST THE LIND AND KIND O 11Vf4C_1H I,NL#•1X vnrr rrrr.E'r, THE MOST, ALSO PUMP $, :NIPfNG AN fl FITTINGS. WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS, See us .... before purchusing your Farm Implements • to • 0 • • • 0 • p 0 • 0 O co We carry -a cum AND CAN SUPPLY. • • • • • • • • -$21• ••y i • • • • •A • • • • • • GARAGE SUPPLIES fete line e1 Garage Supplies YOU WITH ALMOST A:+`/k KIND AUTO PARTS. Tires, 'Tubes, Greases end Ws OF WHILE THEY LAST WE ARE OFFERING THE PUBLIC' THESE SPECIAL BARGAINS 0 oi .00 Batteries for 015.00 .i.,..,.,,,i alg 1 10. eU 7, e I- L., A. Prang, Prop. 0111 •.••••••••••Q•••otiooseegooet eoeeeesooe 9ewooeocee t` oo i6 WE MAKE A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON OLD BAT- TERIES. Our Batteries • are Guaranteed by the Company and myself ALSO DO BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRINu. USE + + •i -- BIRD'S PRODUCTS WHY? THEY ARE THE OLDEST MANUFACTURERS OP ROOFINGS IS CANADA. THE ONLY CONC:ern, THAT MAKES ESS TrialR 14EL1 AND USES THEIR'. OWN .#'T,ODUC'TS FOR MAKING ROOFINGS. THEY GUARAN '# s. THEIR. PRODUCTS AND WILL REPLACE ANY MATER: S.i.r NOT SATISFACTORt Cali in for a Sample and con to ;r, our roofings with any other en the market. Then let us quota you on roofings, asphalt shingle's, Building Papers, and Waall Boards, ALWAYS A LARGE STOCK ON HAND. 0 et/ 4.7. 4- .+.�. 4- 4 4. - 4. 4. 4. 4. 0. -- � AL I %FL. CC — ts PHONE 6g o ZURICH - • H.++++++++4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++1'+++++++++++4.4.4b a WATCH This Space for Prices Regards Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR UGLY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH 44+++++++++++++++++++++++++ rnor 't•-rti rte 4. HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?�3- Do You Know?' THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINaTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT' WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS ,p. THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT + 'EIDERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUPr- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS + THAT WE CARRY IN 'STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVE11- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR + TRACING .PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- + ATIONERY, NOTEB00KS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO + ems, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. , +1. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE + WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5e, LARD- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS i. TI AAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS.,. + '.t'ERSi MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAI. PRINTING ()TM a'FC'i \.T TY .if"v rw4e'.$erg ,�.01eal•°44:P .''i ._e�.,ly,"1,i.., f,; f 'i,.j.ee,.a� .� �av4..y..,,..,� .ir.a .+..*ti'i. ,' ,r N.5^",S •