HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-16, Page 1Vol. XXVII •No 11 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEM I3ER 16, 102a, • c atex si>x�ii,lra. xA' A..WR AR$i $2'�Lt1Y B'4 c3:Q.,i.l'teN0 y , r ,er visits• or vi sen sl�Or h74:i Let us � p ane or dlit 1 �C�tif�itil'�l'�ttt3�f9'DC�C4FiQf18 6�F�(3�i3Q q p.� I rovinetal Treasurer Price....Pro,.. 8poises : 1 scheme oto wipe out the • Fro.viocial e'bt in forty Yearns Tale OTWeather Neilson's' tea Bent ICE E. Soft Drinks I got Aub„ , geNt o debt has been created almost Who y in t.e last twenty years. Teen-. years to get in—forty years to Also, Kaiaks, 'Patent Medicines Stationery, Boxed Oandy,ieeaream Groceries, rockery, Oigctrs Tob- baiac() and. Cigarettes We a i . aguer .Phone 91 fOCl Qt OMIR9 ia-C t4CdQi dfL aiD 4s )f l ilfIIIIIIf111 Dashwood . The Fowl Suipper 'of the Cal- vary Evangelical Church will ' be held this bear on October 21st. Mr. Win, Klein:stiver returned on Saturday, after ispending several weeks in Detroit. • .m*+++++++'4+.14 4+4+ +$++++.1.4.4.++-k4++.f+fir+•t+++++3s 4. .�. i . INSIJRANOE I gf;Place yotir next. Policy with A LONDON LIPE .... . The Company that sold " more INSURANCE in . CANADA. ala _ - . + than any, other Oonapany, OESCH L ES' --- Zurich 1. . . Ft+3..+44+44-114.14+01 x+44+ 44+++++444-2÷14-2÷244++++++++ sialit'ids'MVI.tt1PM eas6i4ii;essaeothlite°✓ seetif's octet ?gietioccoAm CitO ■ Mr, John Fried of Toronto, sp- ent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs Jacob Kellerman Miss Olivia' Weltin is visiting nn Ki Felten e.r 'Mr. and Mrs. Meerburg and fani'- ily of Pt. Prank, visited with. Mr. Jonas I3artleib, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn, Miss Ida Wambold and, Mr. J. Wambold of London, !spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, E. Tiernan. Mr. and NIr's. Jacob Gassman oaf Port Huron visited in town on Sun day. Mr. Chas. Hooey of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shera of Gorri'e, 'spent the, 'tveek-.tinct at the • Evangelical !parsonage, Rev. }P. B, Meyer and ,..fancily 'spe.nt la few day's last week cw;n Pt. Huron 'and Detroit. . HAY coutica. '.Che' regular meeting of the Co- uncil of the, Township of Hay, was held. in the, Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Sept. 6th„ wil the • mem- bers were pre'eeut.., The minutes. of the (lal;evious meeting were ad- pid A number of app- .. als, re `felbot Drain, were consad- ®Iea^c1, The �C'ourt of Revi'sionL rn 0 0 •. 0 • • • • 0 0 • 18 }.'al+bot Drain, was adjourned to Oct 4th., 1926, The following accounts were pas seri; Purlington Steel Co., -steel, 25.19 .C.N,'R, freight on steel, Rd, 18, 3,95; ditto 'on rd. 3 and 0 4.55; A. Keys Rd. d, 9, 3.`0: •R, S_hwartsentruber,di thing rd. 9, 5.00; J, Corrii-eau, fen - QP ,cm, Lme :Fence 2 +�6K � • n HCC ACt 1i.1)D; Stade e • • , ' mor to p gso viriig partnership ,,• S1' • etdot cement, etc. 201.55: Am- i use.ment 'NTa� Branch taxtickets, • • • 21,21; Lorne Chapman, first aw- "may we are !mow CU[Sposxn of our entire S rad, Soldiers' Memorial, 27.50; Mil- • • • d.ed Johnston, incl award, Slodiers to • Memorial _16.50; Gordon Taroyer stock of en's, Women's and Chit. E! . dren Boots, Shoes and rubbers. •• • 3 At cost and xnany lines below cost. Come• ir.. at mace to get first choice • •v •' s JROWN• ONEATLY DONti .SEEOUREPAIR DISPLAY •,e/) ifeet 00110000201001140860000 0 01110•00 004141060IMMO.990*411.00 s �P�+t��'�•:�ts'•~�i�t•�+�+�+trd►yr+� Air:•rRA�ArBMM•i••�Q+3•iAO�••!►A�i►P••�•••O NonteNt 43) Fall. 61!1 41, 2 • 4,0 t • s1 • • +, ERE inter Sampies ,8111tTop Tailors 00� NETLY CE 0 S RCVS MD STAND fo4••••••••+•a••a 4'0 PHONE G • 9 • • • ••p .e1 • •; 4 -•� 4 4,4 .4, 0 a. e. • • R 0 • • • •+ 3rd, award, Sold.. Morn; 111.00; C.L. Smith., printing .account, 196.10; 'A. 'SVein, tile Rcl, 9, (08.00; A,• Zimmer, account Rd. 10, 2,00; D. Tiernan, cel - tent, etc., 7.1,30; Johnston & lalf- fleis.ch�� cement, etc„ 330,41; A. John- ston L�'. Son, Lino Fence Act 38.00; Fo• ter on curers, 170 CO; A, Von. isin, board,re cablemen 43.50; Nor- thern E'ectric -bee., 'supplies 101.97; Be'1 Tel, Co. tolls, June 20th to Aug ust 21st, 342,87; The council acljojurned to meet again on• Monday, October 4th, at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. A. P. Hess, Clerk, Evangelical Church' Notes ZURICE — ONT. Large numb2rros gathered last Sun- day at both morning and evening, services, Ret-. ITC, A. Kellerman, P. E. delivering the message in his usual powerful way,-' Was yo., presont for the evening and took In rare fine musical numbers. Friday, 4,15 juniors meet. Friday e+'ening •Prayer and Praise 7.30. Choir/ practice 8.30. • Ail that are interested in a fowl sup- per aim ,requested to be present on t.hia Frid By evening. Sunday, ' Seetplt. 19th, 10,00 'A.M. (Morning W4ship, ,Rev. G. L. 'Cross of Auburn will preach 11.15. e,nil Bible ,Schoojl .for all. 7.30 ,p),m, Evening Worship. Rev P. 'B, Yeyer, the newly appointed •trupiervising Pastor will occupy.'. the 'pulpit, Come all <ind hear his massage, DASH" OOD Sunday horning 'service -10 IA Holy Communion will be'/ coleb-. r:al..,l 1v • th, S lYaoil 11 75 a;,tna , and 25 3rd,: C' it's, Art•• S. elint!+r j(� .`"° ' \ inn,t; ,,,,n *ice 7.30 p.m.-, .'Re,,,14.I.,, Man'', '":y1P", trot!. in .111.7 .tut- e . D ) t' G , Id1% Ta fii'i,ni or r�ubrly'ra Will preach. Lh1;Lr1 color, first YQC, second ;J? a'm� �0,o, .,, . „,,t,,,,,,o,Y J' Menno Oesch of Detroit is holidaying at his home' here. 1 r. Chas. Eilbe:r of Detroit, (is sspes ding some vacation at his horn+e' here. Miss Elizabeth Truenmer of De- troit. is spending her vacation with her mother and sister Mrs. Cook and baby returned to- Detroit after spending a week at the home of W. C. Wagner. 11r. Emanuel Koehler of Detroit, is spending a few holidays with relatives here. Mr. John Schnell is still on the sick list, we. hope for a speedy i recovery. Little Dorothy Thiel, who has been 'seriously ill with, an• attack of appendicitis, ,is on -ether way to recoi'.ery. Mr. and Mrs .A, Ruferich and 2aniiiy of Mitchell, were , Sunday visitors at the hone: of Mr. Thomas Johnson, • M±'. Eldon Schnell and MIs. Ed.. Ch file's of Detroit 'spent a few days -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Schnell. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Restemeyer !and 'family of Dashwood, spent the yeast :Sundayf with Mr. and Mi , Pet -„eici� tt, Sr. The Misses Susiu. of Stratford, Frieda. of Bayfield and. Victoria of lJeusaii, spent Labor Day with their •parnnts, M r.ad:n Mrs. Peter Dr iehert, Sr. Rev, .H A;, ;',Koller'ma,n P; E. of Tavistock, .conducted Preparat- ory service on Friday evening and communion servic on Sunday. At thechurch boards meeting on Fri- day evening the Presiding Elder 'appointed Rev. P. B. Meyer of Dashwood a'y ,supervisor of the Zurich Congregation for an indef- inite period. This means that Rev Mev c wt1'i a.ct as Zurich. church's pastor in connection with, hiswork at Dashwood, until other arrang•'e- rnent's are made. EXETER WINS LEAGUE AS a result of the game 'hen last Friday evening by the Exeter team winning the baseball game, this puts them as charnpion�a of South. Huron, The winners hate`a. nicely balance& team and 'seem to have thl• break's coming their ' a white: -the locals were very Hauch outlucked, in 'several innings they had the bais.es- full but could • not produce the' necessary punch to get the .B'un's in. Pio\v ver, this ends the baseball season for another ye- ar and the Zurich boys are to be congratulated for coaling through with second ,place. The fine and large "'number of 'spectators pres- ent helped ivateria'lly to swell up the treasury of the team, SCHOOL PAIR NL ct Tuesday, Sept. 21st is ' the day of the' annual School Fair of 'Zurich rind vicinity, when the. var- ious. See tions of the .community will gather with their products al,d'see who h;1.6 just a tittle the bent. This. annual event, which ha+s conamen- coci only a, tiow year's, ago, has grown into a very interesting and educational fairy which is largely due to the -keen interest taken by - the tschola'rs and parents by doing thei.t c'bii :•t;o help It along, This year as ;in former years, the fair tv911 hr: managed by the Departme- nt's Representatives, and the prize lists have soiue time ago ,,been d_is- tf i'out A. Ln ,addition to th!s, prize/ list, as Special Pri bs, the local branch. of the Women's institute are offering the following— 4tu, Classes, An essay on Country life in Canada in :testi, , First Ho. Sec•• A Real ,Buy Ribbon Wrist Watch $8.95 $8.95 ONE WEEK ONLY AN IDEAL GMT FOR THE GIRL RETURNING TO SCHOOL OR COL LEGE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED 1 Cl ess & Sons COA BU' THE BEST, ' IT IS, . , M; CHEAPEST. GENUINE `' � ac a ally AND D . W cra ea DIRECT FROM THE 3 Eta' &i SOFT COAL, GENUINE IEEN•,� TUCKY MILLERS CREEK,. COAT' GENUINE'"BY PRODUCT Our Telephones areFat ;ydeEr• tem; vice, the information is a "hell HENSALL• TI. Phone's—Office 10w. House` Z{e ••••••••*•••••••••?Mtatiffilr O • • • • ••• • • 9, • a •• F • 3 • • 4 Notiee My Accounts are now ready, and_ any persons indebted to me kindly a call at once and settle same. 4 Q�' FRED THIEL - ZUR O Del4�9+�yY4a+iC 4,0•,^64•••iiihs�,!•r9,rd+7+'�•Ik'�il�J•�r?'4k AY- 4. ''++ +@++3+�++t+^i 4444+Qwt4+ F+:+$!+ +Jr44+t+ 46+i++;,+ —1-1.4 4+y, •r_�p43#: + +fe ^ls`, ; .g. `�� OA �” Fe4 •ei 11 1 + Our Stock is complete in many new I • lines; Oxfords, Strap Slippers, Ohil- + * drens Footwear. Men's and Boys best everyday Work Boots, with outside counters TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC. School Shoes of every description. C. FRITZ Z & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++.4+4.+++,14.144^.14•1•44#44.4•44.44e. + + New Fall and Winter Goods Call and see our new flannel dress Goods ani, cotton flannel suitable for children's dresses, etc. HEAVY FLANNELETTE SHIRTING AND 'BLANKETS, WOOL BLANKETS, SWEATERS, JERSEYS, SMOCKS, AND UNDE WEAR, ALSO GRAIN 'BAGS. el PUL.f., LINE OF STAPLE GOODS, ALL REl'1INANTS `Y, BARGAIN PRICES,, - 1 , , lay, 7.30 )Ian'.li,_ r (. d.'::"k N4`..T. .', r A ,..,P,,...... 61 a, Quaartot ly ` Conferences i id aY stip, junior Lcagtte etrt'�'y,l doll 3(.1c. and 20c, •,o ---i 1, r+�• •44 Fr ;? .. Lr .. .0 ,, .,il•�, Lar l,.a,o bast wood - 1, ' 1�8r+A+ R 2>o •tsNA: I'`. :8'MI+,YEE' PAST"' err spoon 30c .and 200 �r k t, r 1