HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-09, Page 9='rrnr,r,T1vfENT PAGE ZURICI'i HERALD rich or September 30th, and October 1st SPEED CONTESTS FREE—FOR - :LI. MILE 1=IEATS 131 SI' 3 IN 5 1st $75:00 2nd $35.00 3rd $25.10 PURSE $140,00 4th $15.00 Four to ent.'r and fou to start, :To entry fee,'cxcept •owner must be memo 'r -of . S ^iety,. GREEN Il ACE H:1LF MILE i1i ATS BEST 3 IN 5 PURSE $50.00 ist $25.00 2nd $12.00 3rd $8.00 4th $5.00 Four to enter and four to start. Nu entry foe,, except owner must be luembor of Society. For Horses which have not won ;zubAc. money prior to Sep- tember= ist, 1920, Horses whic'.r, have won money at fall fairs only are not deb;ured, ALL ENTRIES MUST BE M 4I)13 WI rii SECRETARY ON SECOND DAY OF FAIR. WALKING CONTEST Open to a:l. Once around .'h:' race- track. First prize $3.00 Second prize $2.00. Third prize, '$1.00. HORSESHOE CONTEST Fors Chamipionship of South Huron. Thirteen point game. Entries to hold membership ticket. 1st $3.00,• 2nd $2.00. Zurich Jubilee Band in Attendance A. F. HESS, - E. (F •KLOPP, SEOY-TREAS. PRESIDENT. FOR SALE A !small pize ensilage cutting boix with ,3O foot pipes, can be run with about eight horse power, .JVply to. Alb. Ilendrick„ \. R. R. 1, Dashwood The Mf. i Does get weak Our recharger is again on the job TESTING FREE H. S. WEIN, a Prop. DASHWOOD MOTOR SERVICE FOR SALE I have a quantity of g od hari dry wood for sale, cut to stove length. Sol. Gingerieh, EXETER Miss Elia Link attended the mil- linery openings in Toronto andis resuming her ,rt>osition with the MaePaut's •storo in Seaford). Mr. and Mr's. Ingram of Detroit i'aited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S Hardy, Miss, L. Jeckeil left to spend a month in ,Muskoka. Mr, and Mrs. Bowers left V3;,ir Fergus, where h!? •has been eng- aged as principal of the High) School While cranking a car Ed. Co- robes had the misfortune to strike the license plate on the ear infl- icting a nasty gash in the thumb requiring ,soN,eral stitches to close. tho wound, Prank ,Taylor has the prosp- ect of a rich reward from at 20 - acre field Of Sweet `Clover grown on the 2nd con. of Stephen. It is the only field of its kind in Ont,- tario„thie clover is cut three we* ekks ego and threshed, and est- imated after cleaned of 300 bu'3h Thursday, September 9th,1920 els. H?, has already received an offer of $0,000 for tho crop, but $he is, holding it at :j30; a bushel and received some orders, Ted Sings and Hugo Johnston on their way from British Colum- bia to Newfoundland, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims,, They operate dian. end mining drill and are being transferred frons coast to coast by the company they are wo king. Ti1?, e'xce''l''nt showirer of the Exeter High School in the Upper S •ttroi .I;.+ Lnli was rcfe•wrred to wh•ra 90, in n,`rr cent ofallpl..p'r tri :i wore passed, wbii in nine ;;ul.ijr,rti, eta single fa;1•tre was rec.rded this showing has nrit be et; Cxce,ded in the Province. 0000096i0C'dCu®6a 0SCD0'0000090000 0 Zurich Meet e MEQ'Z. 0 : Fresh and Salt Meats (04 B.oiogna Sausages, etc 2 B Highest Cash Price for Wool e e OASII FOR SKINS & H1l)ES m ® m 6 `, gbi t& ZURICH LIVERY I am in a position to accomo- date, all requirements: in the Livery business, have Auto for. hire. Any thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone, 59 Zurich,Ont, COAL 1926 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case gi Son PRONE 35 HENS,A.LL -i7 U$iNLSS CARDS DUDLEY.. 1IOLMES ARRISTER, .SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office, Hamiltop Street. Just off -he Square, •GODERICH, Ont. yc>Qcial attention to Counsel and Court Work. +Ttr, Holmes may be consulted at 3nderich by phone and phone charges ,reversed, G. 'tiapp, Mil Seg L e S. °1)gNTAL SURGEON MAIN OFFICE — IIENSALL Dr. H. H. COWEN G. D, S.. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH ev- cy Thursday, Friday and Satur- ay Main Office 1ARTLE111S BLOCK, DASHWOOD A -U -C -T -1 -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR RLOPP sraduate Carey M. Jones Nat - School of Auctioneer-ing. Try .e for Registered. Live Stock s.l Breeds). Terms in keeping ;h prevailing prices. Choice :sty, for sale. Will sell anything =.s,ywhere: 'one 18-93 or write, Zurich♦ INSURANCE E. C. Harvey L V. Hogarth — Agents — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER AND ST. MARYS Address all Correspondence To Box 190, Exeter, Ont. tit ..11.12•6111.111110•MCalf 11•11 LIVE POULTRY WANTED Taken every day till 3 O'elock,n,ni, Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in, Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 04 Zurich