HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-09, Page 4ZURICH HERALD d .C.! ..ee..G 144r ClilNtitl4�lla $* ,l�I �M� 11D��1� 1r��11 �� Parrnlrnplements fo 2 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS • ,uw AND HAVE JUST THE LINE AND KIND OF MACHINERY THE MOST. ALSO PUMPS, PIPING AND 0 4g YOU NEED FITTINGS, WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. See us before purchusing your Farm -,� Implements 1 -.., GABAGE SUPPLIES e We carry a complete line.of Garage Supplies I S AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND —OF 0 AUTO PARTS. 0 0 Tares, Tubes, Greases and ai▪ ls00 0 WHILE THEY L.\ST WE ARE OFFERING THE PUBLIC tl THESE SPECIAL BARGAINS'v 0 $2LOOBatteries for $15.00 000 a WE MAKE A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON OLD BAT- 0 0 TERIES. 0 0 2 ,40 ALSO DO 40 44 Our Batteries are Guaranteed by the Company and myself• BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRINu. 0 e 0 La Ar Prang, Prop. s • I& � +00600000000000000000009t83+3f0/S►S 00004100000000 0000 .40 s i :4144.444444.44+44.44444.4+++++44f4 -÷4,÷44+++++++++.14++++++400 1 1 USE BIRD'S PRODUCTS WHY? THEY ARE THE OLDEST MANUFACTURERS OF ROOD INGS amu+ IN CANADA. THE ONLY CONCERN THAT MAKES TFh LR FEL! AND USES THELE OWN PriODUCTS FOR—i1.ai(11ir ▪ ROOFINGS. THEY GUAa1NTE•P, THEM PRODUCTS AND ive 'WILL REPLACE ANY TJIATER1 VL NOT SATISFACTORY Cali in for a Sample and con i air our roofings with any 4 lenther r n the market. 4 -Mien let us quote) •you on rooth g's, asphalt shingles, Building . Papers, and Waall Boards, ALWAYS A 'LARGE STOCK ON HAND. C. XALBFLEISC 1 1 PliONE 69 - - ZURICH +++++++++44÷+÷++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++4.444.444444 WATCH This Space for Prices Regards A nto-Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IP. YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR UGLY WHEELS. IIEBS - ZURIOH 0000100000000000.0000000000000110000000000000000•0001 HARD COAL I - We have made arrangements whereby we can supply our custom ers with the very best grades of Scranton Anthracite Coal. Leave your order with us and we will fill. them as shipments arrive. GOOD SUPPLY OF BEST BRANDS OF IPLOTJR, CHICK I,E- EDSe STOCK FOODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND WE (,A.IM '1'O SATISFY • • • • Louis Shilbe Zurich 0NiN►000000041li0$00000fa000000AU000000000000 01Ai0M0 0011 1 Town Hall, Zur��h Monday, September 14th MUSICAL ECKARDTS SWISS BELL ;RINGERS With a Company of Variety, Entertainers 25c. and 50c. (plus tax) Election returns' from Stage FOR SALE A quantity of coiled alfalfa has •ffor immediate isale. Apply tug; Li•, Krueger. FOR SALE Ag cod !second hand Oliver Rid-, ing plow, Apply to Louis Prang DASHWOOK) Mies Elvi Richmond has resum- ed her position as milliner With J. C. Reid & Cys!. Mrs. Jas. Twitch,en of London, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. A. Birk last week. Miss Hilda Snell returned. to Lon don _this week after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Geo Koch left last week for Saskatchewan, where they will ;spend several months:. Miss Matilda Miller returned to Woodbridge on Satarday aftersap- ending her vacation with her mo- ther, Mr. Ira Tiernan of Lucknow; 'sp- ent the week -end at hi's home, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Sntith of Buf- falo, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Kuntz, 14th con. Mr Land Mrs. Clayton F, Pfile, Mr. Arnold land Miss Luella _Kuntz spent the, week -end at Lansing and Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman and Mervyn and Mrs. Matilda Kraft .srpent the week -end in Detroit:. -Mr. J. Hoffman of London'spent the holiday in town. • 61r, and Mrs. Albert Haas and daughter 1 .ir )li:'-, of Buffton, Oh. \-isiti d Mr, and Mrs, Ecl. Drorlock, Mr .arid ) I's. sum, :E'ih b^iner, and daughter moved. to town. Pea --A .ind Vera holt roan, ,R. N, who hag!. been holidaying,ur. der tlr:� parental roof, left for Ch- ieag�). The fore~:er will resume her former positionJr ndfatch-colatter ats taking a po'st'h w the, Ly3110-4n Rolsipital. HENSALL Mr. ;,and Mrs. Ed. Lindenfeld vis. ited in Landon, Dorothy Heffernan won fust pr- ao at a :swimming contest at Sea - forth.. . Mrs. II. B. Ingram of London,vis ited friends in town. The choir, of the United Church, ITheld a corn roast at Grand Bend last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eclaiond Geiger and children of London, visited ov- er the week with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Geiger. Dora Sherritt left for. California where she will visit for a time. J W. Skinner, who Chas been in a London hospital for two weeks returned ho'm'e not improved. Florence Reynolds, who has sp- ent the isuir oereat her once, l ftt for Calgary as a teacher. • Mrs, E, Rennie is visiting relati- ves in Detroit. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelland and children of St. Marys, visited. with �.,�, ua�;� u1 Mr. anti lvir . �. nuuoui,; Detroit, are visiting with' M1.antl' Mr ,4 and 11Trs, Wm. White,; who. have resided in London for: a blue are leaving for London, to. make their home' s seriotr ly ill. iRchard Pollock at. his henry here. The Herman Horticultural Soc- iety's flower show was held on Aug. 27, and wvas a ( creditable. success. It being the first of its kind, .and was largely attended,in the evening a short gatherincrwa 73 featured by an address by liartry of Seaforth. The remains. of Margaret Bell, aged 71 years, she was born on the old Bell .homestead, south of Hensall,b eing the.rldest daughter. of the late Robt. Bull, and spent most of her .life here, the funeral taking place to the Union Cein- e,teryl. . The 1redlding of Lours Clack, of Tucker•snrith, to Miss Bona Black well, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, C. Blackwell, of Hay, took place at th:e Parsonage here, Rev. A. Sin- clair performing the ceremony. Af- ter the ceremony the y ounc cou- Mrs. H. Hoffman. Mr ;and -Mrs. Harry Green th.er of Windsor, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. L, Hamacher !and Eddie, and. Mr. and Mos. Clayton Wi'idfong of Detroit, visited in town over Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mcisaac of Ford City, (spent the week -encs with"Mr, ;and Mrs, P. Mclsaac Mr. Arnold Merrier of Detroit, spent this week -end with his par ents, Mr. nnd,.Mrs. D. Pfaff of Sarnia visited in town over Labor Day. Miss Pearl Webb of Grand fiend h,a!si accepted ;a position in the post office. I-lrv, and Mrs. Thun and dau- ghter Olga of Napoleon, Ohio, cal- led on friends in town last week Mrs, Alma Preeter, and Mimes Maude and Bertha Eidt of Detroit visited in town over Labor Day. Mr, and Mrs, C. Anderson are on a motor trip to loo'a. This week we must record the cKralh offt, agled Leone Margaret 5 lrmontl s 1?le motored to London, where they eth and , days, ,only daughter of left for Toronto, upon thier ret - Mr, and )tits, Harry Kraft, of whom urn they will reside on a •farm in we have been mentioning 'as being rluAtl�thetfiddlers contest at the ill, which sad event occured on Sept,1st, at 3,30Bend the other evening, Thos, Mur o T? pre The cause clock and H. Bassenbt�rry of Pt. of her death was intestinal poison- Frank were tied for first prize, ing of which She had been ill for sorn,� tittle, She was laid to rest on Friday (afternoon in the ,Ex- ett'r cemetery. We commend the mourning ones to him who said "Suffer the little children to conte un•Yo rna and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Hear-- tien" And 'Ave and pra,y that filially there may (1Te a grand re -union in that home beyond this life. Mr,Ernie Pfile, Miss Lillian Pfile Miss Charad of Detroit, spent La- On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1Stli. bar Day at the home of Mr. ,and 1926, commencing at 1 o'clocksherp Mrs G. H, Pfile,. All 'that house and lot on Albert street, Hensall, known as. the Louise Neelands Ilouse. This will be offered .subject to a reserver hid. At the same time and place a qui- an'tjty of valuable furniture and effect:s, now \rn the said house, will also be ,Sold, including solid ,oak Martha Wenzel of Detroit, is table " 1 rs SALE OF ILEAL ESTATE AND ITURE Under instructions received from the Public Trustee of Ontario, the undersigned will offer for sale by Public Auction in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL Mr, and Mins. Henry Pfile and son Herbert, were over the week end at Kitch,eneti, CREDITON china cab - holidaying holidaying with her mother, 1VIrs, dining a e (andc r;ai ins M, Wenzel. Lulu Moriock has returned to Ford City where she has been re;4 china ,and tableware, and other c�rrga.gr d as teacher, ,, ous to United Church Anniver+sari es will 'r RMS tieles-Real oo `Estatel-0%, !cash: at. be .h'ld at Crodicon, Sep, 26th,and Limey of tsale, bal,aince in 3Q day on at Shipka Get ard. , Rov. and Mrs, 'Otto Brown and fancily of Whitehouse, Ohio, are isiting here, Mr, land Mrs, M, Roszell And fan, ily of Toronto, are visiting atthe '.) of Mr, andrn Mn, Iir.neia Cl- arlrite, incl, 'walnut rsetee, niohlogany chairs Ileintzman piano, Wand 'stool; o oak dressers, sbeds and bedding, d,e1ivory of Deed, Pup i tupe—iOast: For, further particulars apply to Arthur Welber, Attetiofneer, R. R, Na, i, Dashwood, X,,W. WRIGHT, Pttb"ie TrustWir Toronto, ThurSi-•a:b''@ Eeptetaier 9t14,1 14 i +++•I•+ •+a • +++ t•++++n„I.++° •44+++4 S ++4.3 4+++++++f+ t t• "The New Day Car" IT 4. ET SIX T. 4.1 ., Iay.ng been appointed district 3 agent for the abevve, celebrated A E Car, I Will be. _leased at Any time to give a 4eronration. + ..... .—........,—,.:4• . �.Y.o....-..,.,..e.�, + • WILL ALSO GIVE .fI PERT SERVICEOP BATTERIES: 411'' a .1. • 3F ALL KINDS— —NEW BATTERIES IN STOCK. 1 AUTOS 1f1E1'AI}iIaL7 OR OVERHAULED 163. EXPERT hI:ECHANIc,', SATISFACTION IS OUR MOTTO: GIVE I41* Itsr + • 1r ;' DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. •r . Plo points to fit most :makes of Lows .,.nat greatly reduced prices • t;}„ . •• 4E,.. i÷. • (, ..: ,' .ni '.h. Kiwi •� ,•r '��f- 'I>i gf " "' op. ti. - .4!. 4. 1:4444.44+++++414,44.14+44++444,44-2.4.41+++++44++++++++++,b1 SALE - SALE. In order to quickly dispose of the balance of our Stock on hand, we, are offering same below wholesale price, Don't miss thesebargains Don't miss this bargain! Suits made to measure From $17.50 up See our windows for oth'iter Special Bargains'' Good Pressing, Ekilltnlly done by a real Tailor, is ala Refresh- ing to Your Snit, me a good night's sleep is to you. PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. E. E. WUEJTH Tailor., Men's Furnishings - Zurich, Ont. • Where the Good Clothes Corrie from t1.l...c.�G'•!� '_�_,_•4� 060 *-- .!EreSec d..+ti wommuumairi-mowNwAymumi. Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a complete Stockof everythingnee- essaryin this line for the School Boy or Girl We have a new Stock of Stock of Scribblers, Note , Books, Pencils, Pens, Water Colors, and all textbooks. Also a fine supply of the High $ehooI Books ,used in the Fifth Class Pr. . A the • • •'bala• • •