HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-09, Page 1Voll. XXV b t "ZURICH, THURSDAY 'MORNNiNCII,, aaEY TEdNiB4 R 9,1.926. ' kr 0 air Q� o� rSnmrnor visits . ' vl,s . IM YI it) 431' CIEM 4a COW DJ CREDO MED a pl as, C6 °510 25•0 it T rienresh t g c ICE CREAM, Soft Drinks Also Ku c r.t>z.s, Patent Medicines, Statioae;ry, Boxed Canel.y,Icecream Groper"ies, rock .erfir, CtgcLrs, 'fob had, o and C.igi-,)1arett€ s • W;� 9 L one 91 Chester L. Smith, .Pahtfwita,01Z. 8145 a Saar in tlia rycl s ;. $1,60 IN A.RIts;.%.11, i, $ t19.Y B .0 R ivy};?, rs, phop:e o. � - P 1 . -.--,n,�+a.rxwv+mencmuis..«r ,tiY+,r � 14+ "11'lil Airs, W%'i'nd"1 i3rnith. are kr? u ir..r,crla; a few days at Dun- ville :'i' , 10•1. t ' ;!1 was a 'week'encl • •lit, t,.rt a 3c Il;)0ti spent thct hollia.y. at liii, 'tura:, in Kitchener; t'ii Atilt i 1'i •1:'�, r>lrient the el -1-7.0.1. at ..fu lr+:)ant' uC W, C. ti3'ag- p'er, Sti.onu Smith of Detroit, t)rl't i,li! Holiday with friends in. fall Johrn }I.1I';n:tui of London, •.r at c:tr,* home. uC Dirs. Lydia l lior. on ,1o.ad_cyr Mr. Nesbitt sbi t iS•+.Iart13•lxaas left for ar,I,.'rt+' wh,t• he has a position yt�li,lui: -Le clwr, l `. ()i +ill atieirahach left for lie intends to look fora position. Mr. and i1r;s. Quc'baQch. of De - Li Jit, s.p ent the ,a. eek -end visiting .frier,tts-rn Lawn. Miss Lylyan Rose h:is returned front i1'inciaor, after spending" th.e summer vacation thnro. • Mr. Claytux D1itt11'Inoltz of Kit- eliericr is ;spending a few hole daya• with. relatives and friends. - Mr. and Mrs, Doak and Mr. and iAii's Du,harme of Detroit, epent Stinday in Znrich. and vicinity, If) CONADOE143611ilt7 efla452.11 07,4+Yui.t1 '11DOSSIE Cil3Ofi'li lLI4 D I1 I G Dd ED 4.l n4 :"11"t1.+44 444-1. ti . ,;» t. g .I .rr.II.i •k a +tc : £ ^e� ! •I^sr+ rt�.••E.c.�w 4, 4 4, ti '1 O,p .>=.r„._O.., fl.+> +w,,,. mow. , ,. �, w�.w ....wwsu. a.w, ,w ...« �«e. ,x,.10 Place your next Policy with Lc 1L0N LIPE The Company that sold . more iN INSURANCE in CANI.DA. in 1925 Wit . than any other Company. 4 R E. OEFCH -----• Zurich •�• .44++++4444-4+4,++++++ 41++++++++++++++++++++4.44+41 +wwwe,wrwwr.a,-arui.,r..uswawa.rw.awrsawN+b'�+, '"'• Dr. and, :"1 a. :1. J. M+acKiniiok and fancily, ilart: op Monday for J. •irc,iit'i :1+I,.1 •t.`al':,cion East, • tI < J to ii: Ikt.I rnrrn of T)n 1 't.3(1"11i: 11t? 't crl 'fid „illi i1: iisL». f, Mrs. Clia.. J"+i.i: •z Mia. D. 1Jua••-tein and sero ,Tark Mich., :> 'enr iv �dnc,:a•- lay With Air. and liI s:, C'll i 1+tit: Dir. Noah S a.t_anis of Kitchener 1\ Ws a holiday visitor at his home here Mr. l:usseii ana CtaiF.nce Thiel of li;'ielle t er, spent th,;-. holiday with relatives here. ATr. and ;Mrs, Andrew Thiel of Preston spent the holiday 'with re- la tirs nnd friand y here. DIr, Nicholas. Deic'h*ert of Detroit spent s. few day's with relatives Mr. Milton Hey and Mr. Russell of Detroit ,;pent the holiday here 311, Her returning with then.for a few days. Mrs. A11'x. SI'arks and .son Rane• gent a few days last week " at the horns!- of .Mr, and MS. T.• 1i'urm. Mrs. John Sienu•o.n has returned t;M iCitch+.0 r, after spending -a couple of weeles -with friends and relatives here. • Mr. and 1irs.. Thar l\IeAdarra and a 'n Willie, ,attended t11,„_fun- ,eral of ,\1r,' Hartle at Corbett on Satin day. ]%1 ' John Wagner, Mr. and Mrs Bart Simpson and children of Gu- elph., Iapent Labor Day at the nnnra+•of W. C. Wagn2r. tMm Jack s'bond and two sons Miss Dlaigu rit' Pring, ail of De- trait, ',.sited tithe week -end with '6Ir, and Mrs Louis, A. Prang. Mr. Neell. Geiger, who, ( last mr . p. Pieic�, and two, c11i]clren. y e u con pleled his Pawi Alat'riculat ,and til .and Dirty. I . Kraft of De- i^:' 'with honors, has returned. to 4' r s)eni che• 'week -+card at the E ,_ter to .resume lois stuii^s. } 1a.Jn u ox Mr .and Mrs. Lour.iTCraIL. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Benedict and i1 •040A�10444114 E-lel..4600&0QJ@l<�ts90a&t0Pk�tOC�ITeF��4t€t+cNrtsWallPaT69.Y066606 w e:uni•y of Toledo,46F, Ohio, c isit2d re- At i:itivas lore. They were acconl- 07, �,,.,<,. r•,r. ,, a'�a n a' i':tried by Air. and Mrs. Hy,, Vol - 10, S..Nz aiR 4i Mtn rn.mn.nwaM.+.Aay..t,.v r._- nu,3+W,uwu ,nv,r. nat,mmin. ,n'0upno,nn,P,O•,.+, Owing to us disolving partnership we are now disposing of our. entire stock of ` . en's, Women's and, Chil- dren Boots, .Shoes and rubbers. ' m At cosi and many lines below cost Come in at ince to get first choice BROWN B OS (R. 0 land to Kiteh'+ner on P•unday, A.Tr. Sam Schoch, who 'aecmnpan- • ied ids wife to the Ann Arbor Hos- 6 pital last. n''':, recurtwd hon_: • iM ell nes day, Mra. SchochY is tau- -proved +tont''wha'7. 11'eth Rennie, who 1110 5+3 returned front her vacation will 3 reAum,' her leaching of piano and singing after .Sept. 15th. Hiss 3 ;:tennis' is making special rags for children's lesso•as this fall term, 0 0 0 dA 0 tt9 0 0 a0 0 RREPAIRING NEATiC fF DONE 0 SEE OUR WIDOW DISPLAY 0 0/i.MaamiteGl*4111**00 '010000e0 $WW1 1441 tl1#811+a9D +bI+Tta1t 004,5 i5tY404141WW0($6440 4,41 'i�+ , b;p ':4<14 Fall an 49, ro4' 0164,0"e1.04 4,4,0414.49'4)444) .414 4404,4444,4$'4+40 •404 ter al or RJC O Y -0.0(1104 61fLaA i?tleiG..69_ E ery 4- 4- Owing to the fine entertainm- ent, next Tue,:clay evoning in the Town Hall, namely the Bell Ring- ers, Dv stores in Zurich will close at eight o'clock, and the public is urged to do their shopping fore that tine'. Mr. and M.'!s, Meurer Either and :,.on Charles o fll, troit, .+;.pentlthe holiday at the home of Dr. and. -Mrs J,,,;. .Rtltrtl"d',). Miss Ida Ii,titletlga returnd with thein, wh^r^ ,he intends to .stay .fortwo weeks 'antler]. Mos. John Hey, Sr., Ills Ture.h- ased .'..purch- ased the fine dwelling property in th.e north end owned by Mrs,.L+n'.':nit J. iTern•'.r, who in m 1'•ing l'0 1?c'- troil, immediate possession is be- ing girlie Our ball team were at Exeter on Monday and played the first gars in 111.? Lr ru's'e finals, and as pract- ically nil the• breaks were against our boys th-y lost 4-0, The re- turn gnaw,- is';, played here on Fri- day evening' at 1.30 p.m, and 'n very k.rer.r, .ii11) is looked for. Miss 'Beatrice' Klopp, Gertrude Weiler, -Bertram Klapp and Alb- ert Dater.; motored to Kitchener on Monday, Labor. Day, to attend, •tha l.uth'r League convention which was held in St. Mathews church,Kit' charier. '!,An interesting nuatriinonal ev- ei)t .took. ulnen atathervange:licaal • p'ntss.'inag , ll +shwood are Satu,rdyra ' Whr'n M+ Emma J. Itorn+e'r or Zurich t't i) mill:orl in holy mntritn- 4 any to Mr. I?r'^clnrick William ail- 4- hul^y, of Dhtroit, Rev. F', B. a Meyer. The TF'iald join's in ex- t, 1r:7�iin1T c'ngrati.t:;tions. 7.' hey +$ will res'"1' in Detroit. 4 • i.':st h +rr:l•iv c.vc,ning 'while driy w inc. in 1`•.. -+ TI'nsal, Mr. Casp^r 4, 1.1 r r r took to ih' ditch, pr i. ,a! t.'x •'.i tot'1 wh^rte th^ real1 4' ;y l ?"'.-'1"! 'C' Wig h'i,ld"d by • ligbi, frc,m a c1r nrv.'tin,.,' hie) and $ f.,, 'it r -.cin , c I 03 a 1:1) 11i ,Rift of th•'. 1,t r;? t1•. y lir: 't'i Aft'.`'• f•;: r' it.t?. r .....oyow t) a 1. 114 r. dV alp,•1', tlr'* iF3Nla+ 67 �. Only ,oca1Y 1 f n' rh;' e1r,'c;icr11e:1:Eman Emanuel E ;ttochca1 Chur 1 i:ih'nra, rid °r-*wasnot 'dam- w a'wrtl to ,nry exlont, I ZT.j11TC1;1 ONT. Mr. and Mrs. E E. \Vue.rtll were holiday visitors at Kitchener. Mr. Jacob ,`,Town, 'who h:Is 1a':'n at that place for a few weeks, :re- turned with th}nu, A Real ill on gist uy tth $8.95 AN RETURNING TO SCHOOL OR COL $8.95 ONE WEEK ONLY IDEAL GIFT FOR THE GIRL Our TelePhones are at -your p vice, the information is free, O C_... BUY THE BEST, IT ES' CHEAPEST. GENUINit H Lackawana AND D L & W o DIRECT FROM TWIANES SOFT COAL, GENUINE TUCKY MILLERS CREEK, CORN GENUINE BY PRODUCT LEGE ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Y o G. Hess & Sons Cara.teloazi. HENSALL own, Phones --Office 10w, Horrrr Le. 1,00®+Y44Q•A9•AO+MO@00OOOOOO••b•••4*..*+&44444•444*d!*0E•god i '' •2 O • My Accounts are Notice • m n o1 w ready, an d any persons indebted to me kindly t call at once and settle same. FRED THIEL ZUR it 1iTa'. and MI "s+ John Oesch, Mr. 40• 0,0'®00'-4-44COO"t'+y+406.$+44•4Q. ' 4,4).** +1'ar�3• h : •*•<??.4,triv,041A, dt+g and Mrs, Elm: ire Erennerma.n and ehilldrni of. Dlilve:tua, and Mrs.. ,i. ` Smith, wore ere :Sunday goes: s at the +. hoer of 1Ir. and Dlra. Wm. O'Brcin. Mr.antl illi' 4 Callen oftxreen• - way and Mr. Frank. erKsn and leson o• fDstrc'it, Mich., 'isitedfAb�ateasonab. Etta a�- �ty the home of Air. and Mes, n. Daasow on Sunday, Mr (and Mrs.. Roy Paid, and Mr and Birks Ben Pask and family of Clawson, Michr, visited at thr Horne of Mr..and Mr3. Wm. Bass,ow over the, holiday. Dl'r. a.ncl Mrs. W. Welland and family and Mr. and Di.^m. Fred Welland an dMiss Edith Jaggerd ill of Detroit, s,p 'nt. the week -.aid :It .the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Adams. • Mr. end Mrs. Joe Eisenhoffer of Waterloo, Mrand Mrs. Kraft and daughter Dorothy of Kitchener, Mr. and Airs. Harry 'Price. and Lankily of Hensail, were Sunday visitors with • Mr. .and iNIra. L,cihold, Falrylon Line. D:Tr, Ernie. Nile and sister Lillie :and Miss Evelyn 'Chirrird of Dei- t:rvit, 14I,'. and 11Irs. Louis Steppler and daughter .Romayne of Kit- chener, itch ner, and Mks 11laud :Deb^I of visit'd at th^ homje of Mira. Lydia: Pfile over Labor Day CHURCH NOTES Our 'services continue to be well attE nded, Re' (j'r) , of Auburn, 1'r aalua.l very ably to large go-. therings on Siniclay both 'morning and evening, and took very well,, Next S'rl.day our i'c olth.y` Eaesid ,nig, Elder, Rev. I3.,;A o TTnvi:stock w]11' sae with:`u:`;•`and Lein+i ii tic 'communion rites, The Presiding Elder hs very well and. f.ii-criby known as a fineorator so cnida Find worship Wtth '05. Frlria.y e• ening. 'Sept, 1Oth, Pr p- atory '0ervices and Q►ar'Irterly, C inferaaice in:t ttng after. Service al 7.30 Quire 'practic-e after the ;'risk' S,,nd ay, Sept. 12th,, 11+ 00 a + $1,e io r,, like'-. I ca''l"rina)a 11.0a .i.in $x11)1, ath School. 13 (1 p.1: Pr -ear ching e: t''ice l'y :.Rpv, 11 N. IZ'lsrnirrr •1' 4- 4. Our Stock,is complete in many nem, r. lines; Oxfords, Strap Slippers, Chit-• drens Footwear. Men's and Boys best everyday Work B. s. with outside counters TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC. School Shoes of every description.. C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS It ,Q••} i+ ++i++!^i++k+++d++f+++63++P+b+F+l+•Mk+•t++.kt"I'•E+ +I++++E++a••FSE +++ ++ ++1, D'q;'t" j ,>{ii kr;4 + New Fall and Goods inter Call and see our new flannel dres,. Goods and cotton flannel suitable for children':;Sdresses, etc. HEAVY FLANNELET'E SHIRTING AND BLANKET WOOL. BLANKETS,, SWEATERS, JEnR.SEYS, SMOCKS, AND UNl.1DER�, WEAR ALSO GRAIN BAGS. A FULL LINE OF STAPLED 0001)a, ALU' R.ED"tN'A.ap T : BARGAIN' PRICES,. it ` rrG Ark th Nfa- 1r F� AN7'0 PHONE 11 07