HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-02, Page 84 , I CAL Con blued. While a number of lines are completely sold out, we will con- tinue to offer you seasonabie goods at ve educed prices,, Come in and see. SPECIE S Voiles Reg. 50'to 85c. at yd, 19c 5 -yd ends 27 -in gingham each 75c Princess Rib Hosiery brown & white size 41to 7 for 25c Sizes 8 to 10 35c Boys Jersey Suits each 65c Oilcloth rugs 4x43 ft. for 2.25 Oilcloth rugs7),x10i for 7.50 1 only tapestry rug 3x3 yds 12.50 Glass tumblers each - 5c White cups & saucers dozen 1.40 2 pcs only linoleum 4 yards wide, per yd. 3.65 Congoleurn Rugs 6x9 at 6.00 9x9 9.75 9x10 1-2 11.00 9x12 12.50 Supply of New Potatoes f sale .• Prod Wanted s Phone 59 1 Gana e Gas, •0 is, Greases ENS, 11113S, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS ll'UST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES NVE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS cps IF IN NEED OP A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OTJR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON 100., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE arou SERVICE, tWE moin sATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CITMING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRIN'ek EITHER ELECTRICAL OR 111E011.A.NICAL, ALSO AC - STY LENE --wT4:1, DING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. Mousseau Zurich WMW000*00640QZV9M600020004e2M 1t4 ------- atemeeiemboo oommemeao 8 i a * 0 0 We wish to advise the public i cip I that we have added a few more : 3 lines tlf furniture to our stock which I we have already carried, ana are I en • a in a position to supply almost ev- i : erybody's requirements. 0 • ZIIRICH HERALD ' .'..`!,W0.7.04!,..*.0!!!!!!!4050fft1100,1•040•100.0.0...0010.*WmP00,410,tootmtttm,g,,,,,4mtot04,,,Itmt..,,,,,Ifo,rf,t40PARtwiT.PMm9,0.;!*0,00PRIPPC'40R0RWM000•05.1..904.a.t0twat.s,, , • - S ecial Prices We are "Wieling the balance of our Summer Stock at greatly• reduced prices ress Voiles, Regular 60c at Reg, 75c at 30c 40e Cotton 13roadeloth, Reg. 35e, 40c A few pieces Boardered volts dress lengths, Reg, 4.50 gain, for • the length at $2.00 $Ladies' Summer Vests 60c at -35c Reg, 35c at 20c Reg. 0e. at ...15e Ladies Silk Hose, reg. 11 for 65e Reg. 75e. at 50c One line 'of Silk Hose ,at ._ 25c Men's Balbriggan ',underwear, Reg, The. at...60c Men's Silk and Cotton Sox, Reg, 76c. at ...50c Eoya Khaki Bloomers, sizes 6 • to 12 yeara,,Reg. $1, at ._ -.65c ,Boy's Cotton jerseys, sizes 6 to 14 _years, ,Reg. 50c at ......5c Boys, 131k. ribbed Erase, ia4•1 - ize, Reg. '25c. at 15c FRESH GROCER IES IN STOCK. Mr. ,and Mrs., Jacob 'Weido were Sunday visitors, at Kitheener. Mr, Jacob Brown is (spending a few weeks at Kitchener. ••••• Dashwood lAlr. and Mrs, Win, Zimmer en- tertained the following guts from Detroit at a dinner party Thurs- day evening; Mr and Mrs. E.Moon and son, Mrs. A.. Kiang, Mrs, Geol. Pletch, Mrs. M. Berenson and deur ghter Leona, Mr. M. .Berenson from D who visited the Wra. Zimmer ily, has left for Now York 'cit on his return he and Mrs. I3ere and daughter Leona also Miss Zimmer 'will motor to Detrol Mr. and Mrs. H Dark, who been visiting here returned to dsor on Sunday, Mr.. and Mrs.- john Rstk Port Elgin who 'spent the pas ek •with Mr. and viis,. J R. returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, 0. Restenaeyer family visited in St- Marys on day. Mrs. Pope of Hensallds visi in to Wn. .thila week. Mrs. E. R. Siebert and child of Detroit are visiting With and Mrs Hy. Ehlers. Mrs, Thos. Klurnpp has pui ased a low Chrysler 'six seda Louis Willett of Zurich sp'en few days with Verna Kraft. Mr. M. Mclisatic of Detroit, sp Sunday in- town. Mrs, Derstein and son Saginaw are visiting in town. Mr. Wm, Musser of Detroit, ent th.? week -and in town. Alusser returned to Detroit w hint, I , I Re V. and Mrs. P. B. Meyer a famPy have returned after spa iig thir vacation in.,NeW Onta Little Betty Kraft, daughter Mr. and Mrs, Hari'y Kraft is on t sick. list. We hope for a •,sp edy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Noll, Mr. a Mrs Wm,. Galcke and claughte Mildrki of Milverton and Mr. an Mrs. D. Staubus o Zurich:, we SU Addy visitors with. Mr. and M L. E leinstiver. Mr. and Mrs. Ailex, Birk an son of 1 hilip•sburg and MO. P Birk and •son of Sisslau, spent Sun day with (Mr. Sj. Lippert. Mr and Mrs. O'Rourkend M. 3:1 Mrs B1.1 r...ban an ,t) • • • cenils'it 1 funeral of •taa tat • a inl Li'rnn or on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Gassman an r. and Mrs. Hilligar of Pt. Ffuron IRA in town on Sunday, ATE SAMUEL BRENNER • The entire community was Itho an PridtrY afternoon last upon ming of the death of Samuel minor, 'who was instantly killed a motor accident •near car ran into the ditch and over lied and Sam was es -tithed unr derneath 11 causing instant death, Tha awful istaddeness of his death 119,3 cast thewhole community into deep, .gloonr. „ 'The deceased was ag (moral favorite .of,a, most kindly i1i3QStj1ij and highly respected by all who knew him,. an. was a man in the, prime, of life being 37 years,: 2 rri anths and 27 days; Is survived y 1113 sorroWing mother, 2 broth ,r8 aol 3 hters; of .Strat- ford and Jacob of Das-liwood, Mrs. Cook of ''Drurabo, Mrs. N.Stire, of Oshawa and Mrs, Pla.aboard of etroit fam- y, up - won Ella t. have Win y of t we eid, and Sun - ting ren Mr. -eh- :n. la 0111 of sp- rs. ith just received a shipment of n'i, the newest Styles and Shades in rid felt sport Hata. Call and see, rio I them.—Moderateiy Priced. of nhe e- d d 1'51 d Western Farmers' Mutual eather insurance Co.. OF wooDsTocK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429.61. G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT', ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OP FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 Finery • al We are showing -some w nderful values in Hats now at $1.95 The regular price ranging from, 450 to $6,50., These 'are excep- tional values. And miy onewant ing one now should take advantage of this SALE. We also have annother. showing 1 hats at $2.50 and up. 51 t Sa vis L. lea 4:1 :VAT SHOPPE ZUR.1C9„ OHT, V. Siebert NOTICE. HAY TOWNSHIP VOTERS' LIST 'Ibis Voters' List, 1926, for the I Township of Hay, County or (Etu- r. ran. ” NOTICE 1 hereby given that 1 d have transfe•rred or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section ' 99 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies or the list, made par- - snant to the- said'„Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll 'of the Municip- ality of the, Towuship of Hay, to be entitled to vote in the aidMu icipality at the lections to the Legisla tire Assembly' and at Mini- iripal elections, and the said list was first posted up in my office in Zurich on the 16th day of Aug- ust, 1926, and remains here for in- spection, I .Ixereby call upon all 'N.Sters to examine the said list and llany errors or omissions are therein to take immediate paceedings to have the same eor tented according th law. Dated at this, 16th day of August., 6, A 1P, Hess, bitunicipal Olerk. moused Auctootieer incensed Auctioneer ter County, -4 Huron. In a position to con - net any auction aale, regardless to size or articles to sell. 1 ,Ii:telvgiesifileeliilY:Waillbnaltilir 1%, acilhdargiges notfor ,1023eArthxstal5r.larir, DashWoed, POULTRY CULLING Have your hens culled. now by 3) EX pOrt, GOVentttiVIt Culler at 'WO Lents per lion, L. V. 110- arak 'Exeter Phone„ Crediton 4-6t ' 1 AVE ARE SHOWING A NICE LINE OF DINING ROOM AND 4 BED EOOM PURSITURE, ROCKERS, CHAIRS, KITCHEN' IN AND SEE OUR GOODS, FURNITURE UPSTAIRS * seeeeeeepeeeeeessaveafalit * * CABINETS. SPRING S AND MATTRESSES, ETC. ETC. CALL OTHER LINES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FROST TIGHT 016 4s FENCE, SIIERWiN WILLIAMS PAINTS, GOODYEAR '610 ALL KINDS OE' CLOVER SEEDS, ETC., ETC. 4110 co :000046a04100 asemeeeme to* 33 We appreciate your Patrona e D ZURICH LOCK TIRES EID 49 4 - en ot funaieemosio***********0. 1 -- ONT. Zurich. The funeral was held from his la lir residenep on Monday af- ternoon to 'HIP BrODSOTI Linc 0.1:i333- utpry, Rev, E. 33031'6In Cif! ti 11 Cf 1.11 floral tribute's were numerous, , Oa high estcr'm ili whiph the deceased was held. The bey- , the symtp a thy of the en tire community. Married — Xoessel — At • • • Zion Lutheran Chinch, MLA - Wood an 'Wednesday, August 25, Bruer, ,Nri33 Elean'Ora A 'of Mr and Kra Ott ' 1.4i• Rot' 14`. Koeasel; of g , • 141.1.1S .) t wan. 18-31. 1 1 Thursday, September 2igt1t1M4 ,I....(r ...--;• '.' ;.),,I.,t• it,,,I.11 i,1',,'. t'i,", '' '-'1 1; .•,i, 0 _ ,.........,.................--auxwamatimit7.....,-,.........oinalm..............,.......i...............: e.,........................,.... .... .4..0 P;11,4, i," P. .,',.:, '..ft. k ,'.'' i'•,'! ''',;•'''('' e have received a large shipment, of new Furniture including Living room, new diningroom suites, and rockers, kitchen cabinets tables - and ,chairs COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A FULL LINE; OF THE FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR, ANTEDD SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. BRING IN YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. now.. coiltznrcs•krzaertmociansaaa‘mneu.r...........47.04ftt, 6 1 A FULL LINE OF SHELF' AND HEAVY HARDWARE, BEATTY WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, WIRE FENCING-, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY' FENCING, AND CEM_EN.T, LET US DO YOUR PLUMBING, EVETROUGHINTo OR ROOP-' ING. ( 44 • WE CARRY A FULL LINPsOP 100% PURE MARTIN SENIOUR PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES, SPPE —TEST Gas and Coal Oil. TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RA.GOS, TRADE OR CASH lc. lb. jahrlStOn Kaibleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ..arnwpwericiatrawiSamn wactaccesmoirmananal., 11' rustee 1 111 tg: v f4.1. st e .6 I' t filur n r Erie Li z'ebentures ARE AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT AS AN VESTMENT FOR EXECUTORS OP- ESTATES. SUCH SECURITIES ARE KNOWN AS "TRUSTEE INVEST.MENT" SHOULD AN EXECUTOR..CHOOSE 071HER TR- USTEE INVESTMENTS IIE MUST ASSUME RESPONsIR11,- .1"TYPOR THE SECURITY PROVIDED. • Better play safe and invest in Huron & Erie Trustee deb-. tures. •to 5 years. 5% per annual], is paid half-yearl y upon $100 or more Viz, any, timme by; ! Applications for Huron & Erie DebentureS are accepted at Andrew E, Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO ;---SER VIC% AND S FET Have You IVIADE YOUR WILL? rtzteartgrremomecamtnimanam,.., Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPEREIANUI/V,, & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A. MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE' DO, TEY US ON YOUR 30.13. EICK1\IEIER3 ritaa — tWith an r-st tii rtItt ' ' WHERE YCO./ WILL PIND PITIVELY THEmBIGGEST T,AILOR 11 ING VALUES EVER HEARD OFF. t'YE A S OP -.EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMY IN At AKING — BUYING TR MATERIAL DIRECT FROM THEMILI.0 AND SEnifING TO 'YOU AT TREIVIENDOITS SA.VING4. S.. TEIA.T'S VVIIAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOU POCKE BE'PTER HURRY AND GET YOUR ORDER IN'EARLY. ere 3011171 DrugPess eer aud EXETER AT WALPER Every Tuesday, 17711.11, Practiou- Op 4ician Twa. TA; orrsu. 7,911R101114 10 a.m. to, 0 mattA 47- extraordinary showing of the Season's Newest 1Viaterials for Men's Suits; farfrIft 35' MERCHANT TAILOR. H.HOFFMAN & Son: EMBALAIRR sa Pi 4, TAND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day and Nig/a Phone Ne lte, 4