HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-02, Page 4) •r r HERALD EktALD 41) 14) :rrs kiro azt ar±L!P1.m.efltS ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FART? IMPLEMENTS AND HAVE JUST THE LINE AND KIND OF ,MACHINERY YOU NEED THE MOST. ,,ALSO PUMPS, PIPING AND FITTINGS, WT' INSTALL OUR PUMPS. See us before , purchusing your Farm. dlla'lennents GAAGE SUPPLIES e carry a cmplete of lbww Supplies AND CAN Surr.1.`s YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS. rhes, The Creases and Oils WHILE THEY LAST WE ARE OFFERING THE PUBLIC THESE SPE Of AL BARGAIN'S 2100 at -cries for $15,00 OE MAKE A LITERAL ALLOWANCE ON OLD BAT- TERIES, atteries are Guaranteed by the Company and myself ALSO DO BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRINt4. Our tiO 48, L rang, Prop. i i 1 6 1u Y a 4' i i 6 4 4' 4' 4' t0 6 al 6 iA,4e-44.4-1. i••II••F••F••§••I••§••§••€ }••t••F••, d••F••t••4 44+.4 '.••r•fi••7.3••F•1••1.4•i ++•i••Ih•FaPd••F••4••P••I.3•+3 t 4 t3� USB BIRD'S PRODUCTS I WHY? 13 THEY ARE THE OLDEST MANUFACTURERS OF ROOFINGS 4 IN CANADA. THE ONLY CONCERT THAT MAKES TR [R iFEL'i AND USES THEIN OWV PRODUCTS FOR 1liAKI3 0' ROOFINGS. THEY GUAR Alv 'T'EFi THEIR PRODUCTS AND 'WILL REPLACE ANY ?+IATEst1 L. NOT SATISFACTORY Cali in for a Sample a4i:1 coup-4re our roofings with any ' other en the market. Then let as quote you on roofi,.+s's, asphalt 'shingles, Building Papers, and Waall Boards, ALWAYS A LARGE STOCK ON HAND. F. C. Ki LBFL1ISC rHONE 69 - - ZURICH 1 d..14+ -++++++++++++++44.1.+41+++++++++++++++++++++++:441 w WATCH This Bpace for Prices Regards Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. !F YOU WANT l'SERVICE, WE HAVE IT r WE RERUBI3ER YOUR UGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZIIRICH 410000000.041.00000000000000M00001000000N0001/11 • —ARD COAL 1 We have made arrangements • whereby we can supply our custom ers with the very best grades of Scranton Anthracite Coal. Leave :- 41 your order with us and we will fill. them as shipments arrive.• 1 '!q'OOD SUPPLY OF BEST BRANDS OF tk''LOUI#., CHICK 1+`E- 1 FDS, S`rOCK FOODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND WE (AM TO SATISFY Louis Schilbe Zurich 2 osearbosooseeeltstosompooloosoommostileeiroesiessoosi Are You., Paying or Rediv:ing It ? H£.RE is much more satisfaction in receiving. interest than in paying it. • Build up your savings account at the Bank 6£Montreal and let comp oundin- terest help your own efforts to getaheacln diff Ma r Establiahed 1817 Total Assets in, excess a 4750•000.0QQ i 111 rigMom lDt GRAND Monday night at the Casino,Mr. Harry Bessenberry, the 95-yehr-old fiddler, 'successfully defeated his title of chn.4pion fiddler of`thedis- trict: Four fiddlers attempted to Wrest the cusp from him but he • maintained the audienee:s approval gas the best, and held his 'cup once or twice it was in doubt, but at the close of the competition the doubt was removed and the old gentle- man won .out. BEND CONSERVATIVE PICNIC There will be a� big Con�seY v -• ative rally at the Casino, or Sato; day ,afternoon at which noted 'spe- akers will tell .the electors the Conservative 'policy as ,outlinedby Hon. Ai•tlur Meighan. The speak arts will include ;such known, polit- icians as the Hon. Manning Dohe erty, late Minister of Public Wor- ks in the Drury Government, Mr. ,Consitt of Hensall and And rew Hicks, the Government Cam- didate for S..Huro.n riding. It is unfortunate that the .Premier co- uld not attend. •Mr. Harry Eilber, Ex M.P.P, will also address the audience.t The Management of the Casino have turned over the rounds for their use and it sho- t. uld see a monster meeting. THAT GAME AT CREDITON• OF JULY 16th, 1909. In one of the best baseball; gangs witnessed' here for ,Some time the Stars Ment down to defeat at the hands of the Zurich ball tosi- 'secs last Friday evening, ithe score being 4-3. The Zurich teas: although only organized this sea- son, slowed easen,'sl,iov.e1 them elves worthy op- ponents of the Stars and 'won the game on its merits. They did better batting than the local's and iiefielding showed some class, the irfield pulling off some nice plays. "King” 'Fahner ova's not at hisbest but att Ii ft pitched a good game. To him ,can be,given the credit of losing the. game, a, wild pitch and a mise of- an easy grounder ;that went by himy in the ninth innig be- ing accountable accountable tor the winning run being 'scored, Art FLoltnizann at iaeennd for Crediton, put up a perfect game, and made some plays of the sensational or- der, The first and third baseman for Zurich also put up a capital game and considerable credit is due thein. Charles Fritzz the _heft' fielder for. Zurich put considerable ginger into the game, handing out a big line of talk. to the players and 'spectators all the while. He wa's the most tickled reran on the team and after the game teleph- oned ahead to have the !land out to meet his 'stalwart play;R(•s. there Vas a big attendance' many of which were outside the fence and avoided the admission °'ltte. • The box 'score. for Zurich was, Zurich 1t H E Edighoffor 0 0 0 Knapp 0 0 0 Fritz t 1 0 Warm 6 i1 2 0 Weber 1 1 0 Rennie ; 0 0 0'. Tint rnui 00 1 Littln 1 1 0 tL Weber 0 1 0 t :0,li.ea 21e0;',0!)00-3 7' 4 &&rich 060210001-4 1 Grand Bend CASINO Saturday Sept. 4th. at 31.30 p.rni. I Big Conservative Picnic. Speakers— Hon. Manning Doherty, Ex -minister of Public Works Drury Gov't; Mr, 1 Herry Eilber, Ex/ -M. P. P. L'iri' 1 Consitt, Hirman, and Mr Andrew Hicks, Gov. Candidate Lori LABOR DAY—Big Girl's Soft Bald this riding. Match. The Brownie Gira of Lon- don, _v1s. An All Stae Team picked from till: Grand Bend District Girl's Soft Ball League. The win- ner of this game constitutes this champion's of this ,district. DANCING AFTERNOON A fr) EV- - ENING WITH , Hugo D'Ippolito's Buescher Boys'$ pierce Orchestra As Labor Day is the last day of the season, we invite you to come and enjoy the beach, play gro- und's, we will make you truly wel- come. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Rev. q. Eicher and,,fam'ily Ite iruak, N.Y. have been visiting for a few 'day's with rMs. 'Eicher's sis- ters, Mrs. Ed, Johnston and Mrs, N'eison Keys. On Sunday evening Mr, Eicher occupied the pulpit in the Goshen United church and preached a very fins 'sermon. Muss Emma Keys of Micb has been visiting her friends and relatives in Stanley. Mr. John A. Armstrong and family 'spent Sunday at the home ; of Mr. John McBeath. Rev. Wni, 0. Robinson, :spent a few days at Walton last week, re- newing acquaintances, . The fine weather thiss week is very acceptable to the farmers, who are staking .good ase of it in getting their grain into thebarn. • BLAKE. r Mra. Wini Yule of Fullerton,,vho visited et the ihoine of Mr. wnd Mrs Rods Johnston, returned' ho- me on Sunday. The Misses Jean and Mildred Hey, returned home after a pleas- ant visit with friends near Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas and family, 'spent Sunday with friends near Parkhill, Miss !Sarah Manson, who spent a few clays with friends, i%n Rene, sal'l, returned hoir.e, accompanied by the Misses Jean and Margaret McQueen Miss Dora Sherritt of LEfns<all, visited att he home of Mrs, V, Meyers, and .,other friends in the vil'lag'e. et... Mr, IMusadihru 1 of Elmira, is Vis itiing with,.hi's sisters, Mrs. Peter Gingerich, and l'dris. Menno Steckle of the Bronson Linc. Mr. 'and Ms+a: Sam Gingerich and family ;spent Friday evening at the home of .Mr. and Air's, I;. ,N' Do ugl,i��s, Master David Meyers who sp- ent a few weeks with. ,his sister and brath�� in -•!awl 1 'r.' anti li,1rs. Brown, rteht4 rx et ., 1:11,1110 oiuia ein ,Sun- day i' 'T otraday, 'S'eptember 2ncl,tid.5 ;: If + +'1,3.,1.+ 14++.y., ~+•.!P•+• !+ 1-14 ,r 4.+, ,!2D lee i• >t• 14+Iele14 i• '++3•+4, 1/g 4. 4. . "T . e New ay 4. Car". .V II �.4. BJ)( „,... ,), ,.. 1• 4, r ?; a [wing been appointed district agent for the above celebrated Car, I will be pleased at any time to give a demonstration. WILL ALSO GIVE EXPERT Si:R V1.CE Oh' BATTERIES �1{ ALL KINDS— --N]i W BAT!"T'ERTES IN STOCK. AUTOS REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED BY EXPERT AIECTIANIC. SATISFACTION IS ORFR MOTTO, GIVE XY IiY • AND NIGHT SERVICE. Plow points to fit most makes of plows • • t greatly reduced prices 4..� �: ..,� N ill.o. !Lot? 4.44'0•4.4-getale24+tF+1-3. ,484 1•• ' .14,40; lei lI-H4,4>„r1-3-3•+3•.i..l•.g..y,p•.l.•i'Mr 1 11 p �. �lr 7 411. C•a•'`: `Ls ,a ' om• �J •� i1•s,.WCW' moi `., U•� O 4 `a ti MCI In order to quickly dispose of the balance of our Stock on hand, we are offering same below wholesale price. Don't miss these bargains Don't miss this bargafliy. Sts made to measure From $17.50 up See our windows for other Special Bargains Good Pressing, Skillfully done by a, ,real Tailor, is as Refresh- ing to Your Suit, as a good night sleep is to you. PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. . E. WULI�TI1. Tailor, Men's Furnishings n. Zurich, Ont. ry}: Where the Good Clothes come from a Zurich. Drug Store School Supplies Wei We have a complete Stockof everythingnee- .� . essary in this line for the School Boy or Girl We have a new Stock of Stock of Scribblers, Note Books, Pencils, Pens, Water Colors, and all textbooks.. AIso a fine supply of the High School Books used in the Fifth Class Dr M i rcy � innon.Zurich yamiwwwwwo awit• c,