HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-09-02, Page 1Voil. XVII No Lot us us ow • • • ZURICH* THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2. 1926. K;r0 ilim..Aovi,t,GF),chtp.....4lDGMEMODGilell)CDoltrzoaDagglOGIRRIMG:1),GRESDG)01111 [ 11. ofr c? air .1' s,,d.o.... lilts .„...,„ „,, , @ .,,„.„, ,'IOP': eather '''I I ' itaillsolte tin Basi ICE itfitailt _ Soft kinks 1 Rel t{gb, 44' • here. Also Kaiaks, Patent Medicines, Stationery, Boxed. a ady,Icee re a al Grooeries, Oroekery, Cigars, Tob bmo an! Cigarettes Wa flier - Phone 91 a miner visits or visitors, EN`.. ' 4*.r....0.4.•10..110 31.1131, Helen Lambell is visiting at IsdZelr.w.‘r. Mr, Herb. Nile of Detroit, is visiting with ,relEttiv es here. Mr, mid Mi's. Harry Eicicitelef wasvaenemetrase**41*.emernAl*,..weienem***Nr*.*********AS2e.sremenam Mrs. Harrison Becker ot the U. S. ts, vi,qiting 41: (.1),.! hortic.* of hex' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. :Klopp Rev. 2 D. Becker, of Hanover, called on Zurich, friends last Sat, J errla y. Miss Mildred Hoffman is holiday • ,,,0 mg with friends, at Kitchener and Stra travel. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Steinbach of GRIIDGDGINEDG/KillIMGEs,4210800/1, GDGEIECIDG /30=11lieDQE laCIMIDG•aHL1v Mich., are visiting relatives' 45141- '413, .;*4.4•44.4•401.444444.444-1..++++++4.4.4.-1-4.4-**4.+++1,444.444. Aaron WeiT'y 3E13 Plirellar,e'l from C. Fritz 6r. Son', a new !Ford , •,• + • mrs W. Merne rand family, who + ▪ spent a few m,ecks in Elmira, have ..***3*.11**”...0..*******031.0161****1 exnfinetiveat.emeaerree*reclautereextecen.fra*roriameheseiniretelammerawo re tuilvd to Zurich. Place yo....r next Policy with + iitirgp. Tow weeks at Mei home of .Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Sparks. Miss -Melia -Howald has left for Miss Jean Sparks of Hamilton, •LONDON LIFE j• Stratford, where she will attend • calitral Business Collego.. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Weber aro Th.e Cbm9aily that sold. "more :f• visiting at CroaRwqi; Mick, tor a' + week., iNsij:RANCE ir CANADA,i 1if/ welirsley •and Toronto the • pasq (1,a 4. Arr. Nesbitt Woods. visited 'at . week, than any other Company. 4. ispent ;',4unday at St. 31.Tarya. 14,11. Leonard Prang is attending Toronto E-;hibilion.BUY THE BEST, IT 0.18 TEM Hay Colwell meets next Monday CHEAPEST. GENUI/S,"fa alto r anon for the regular monthly .,-.0n 'iL,/' Lacirawanz, qr-ir Chester L. PublictoMl; $1,25 a Year la AdvsectlizAZ 44.1so IN A.Rilm.klts, $2 MAY offh..F...enitr hone or send 4100011.0n04.).4.41. 7 c -F1te best WC' ,./Freeh rafes ch.; tely guaranteec.:, —At prima for every pee, —DG -ng cliZolD celycole paswercul. , and Mrs. M. C. -lir. and Mr. Airs. Louis Prs n g, visited at -.F'akJijLl on Sunday. 1AND Mr. Reginald Moritz: of Guelph wasi e go,lit 4)f his cousin Ward Fritz, •Yast Thursday. Me...and Mrs, (eogre Thiel and ralati\-,,s were Sunday Visitors at Grand Rend. ,and Mrs. Hy. Emit .of Cario 181IFLIZIMMEtsomusem !DL&w Scraritor o et, DIRECT FROM THE SOFT COAL, GENUINE EEMie IN*.q. .1.1n1 clangliter, Mrs.'131augh TUCKY MILLERS CREEK,. CORR and famiiy of Detroit, were week.: GENUINE BY PRODUCTS end- ViSjors with relatiN es litl‘re. I%Iersrs- Clay ton and Clarenca Our Telephones are at yollnv vezto' Hellman and Mrs. Eraser of Galt vice, the information iafree. We .carry these in 12, 16 and ts Niekte and Gold Filled Cases $1?, TO $35.00 THE WATCH WITH A:WRITTEN GURRANTEE Wm Ca Hess Sens were ‘veolo-entt viaitorder a unthe parental roof. calateic4c... Md Al r, anva. Aib.rt Poster and krnily .0.1: Biggar, Sask,, arc •sp ending h few weeks with friend and relatives here. Mr .-and Mrs A, L. Moritz, and the Misses •,111.argaret and Florence Moritzi of Guelph, spent. the we ek-end with, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Fritz. Mr .and jacob Wurtz„ of Pigeon,. Mieh Mr. ami Mrs. Earl. Wurtz, . of Sewaing, Mich., visited at Mr. ,and Mrs, Chas, Fritz Ion Sunday.M. . iHarry• Angel is having a /IOW- and attractive gas pump in- stalled from which will be sold a special high powered gas. A lecture "The Attractiveness of ,I.e.§ats.74 b? given ion Sunday eVf`110. ,47 in411-4 Luther:1.n church, by St tident -41.U3odere . Wagner. of the Waterloo Semint ry. Everybody is HENSALL ONT. Plaones—Office 10w, Eloase •4004.440.404.00,40i3,04.4409).8.4.433.4.+4...04,044+40.(1* • • 4t4r Z's Miss. Pearl Sararas s.pent a few 41,1 4. (.1„,ays with her _friend Miss Edith ..I- 44++++4,4.4.4444-1,4++4.4,+++++++4,4 Geo. stephenson of Marlette, Mich q• .1.: Ann "Arbo,r, Mich., Mr. nod 11Its. .1. Mr. and Mrs. Louis. Hartman of g any persons indebted to me kindly fit fo e• t , ri,ich + T• .Clorip.. it er. * 4.* * . .f...... _ ........._...,._..........„...,....,.........„,.........„,„ • . ftir I ' I • _ a Mrs. J'acob Weide: . f..- call at once and settle same • ,dp., •.r,-• • tell at th2, home of Mr.. 'and • tll I atttlitteltG4141101,11141441141&11414001Ralla tiNDeeeeeeeeeneeeelem. atinitaiouleolt Mr, Albert Demo -the of 1 , g, Arthur, is .spending a few holi-, rich boy. , Pt art ii.,.'d to cow', and hoar this Zur- t •Ilt I',..i.'3,,A4itiliiii„ ff, .TY'lllikkid. <.- ' sit? .49 . . , , e le '.1e:4:1 til, to 0, Chas. Welvr. Mr. anti Mrs. Tod Po-s‘ter and 'troti, were- rpeent N-isitor.I. at . th., . Mr. a-nci 'Mrs. Sh....pperci ot f)e,H ' . L til:IS ::: FRED THIEL . . da N'Lir, :1 I' I I'M • hom-: of Mr. and Mi'. Mr.. ,ind Mr4. J:Is. .1. ....'lkiitri-r., . 2 ,eb ili.4- . _. ,•.4 : .., e• . 4,1 .4, 0 children, Miss Clara Wilber or Dr+- Ilvmv.nr of Arr. and Ma. John Fuss. ttlE tf'g eit etirsorsieureaavberree.C111.31t.**IenilArxrareleiVr,...10,143seemereeyer.ccelameranuTemeleireselse*Henks.*.rtetzniati****,:e : holichtyt belle'? 1'11 riace3 ol bull- 11-'d t°1) uild 36 Yp'Irg Ig() MP g I MI, it 110. Mr-Sf, 1, Woh.lr, , tat a.cla fili 1,a'bor May and- a puhli,, I w el l known Sarnia tunnel which 14: '4.41+++++.1.4.4‘"44++++++"++4'.°4 4 i'l 4 I. 1611*1* f, ,174.„, 6 1 trOit, ar:, visiting at tin home of j M3'. Sam, Deitz, and tr,..o da.tglzters . 1 • I 1. i 't or' observed in Can I Air. c4. Peitz was intf.resi ell in tli., 4.. I tve;•!‘ l:41...4•Klav vishors al Striila , 4 4 4 Ven•VMS11,•••,,,,I1,014.4.....1, Vitt ° . 6.t) Mr. (..•Infl Ares. Louis Schilb9 and a , 41 I1,.. 0 113081, Will 1)0 0 ).()Wti. -E- e Owing to us disolvin' siaartnersialr...) 6 , • t- • - • • • . • - , .........4-, t2i ,. &nigh m nugatet, l‘It. it MD,. My Accounts are now ready, and ,50 1 John Albrecht and daughter Rase . 3 we are now-- disposing of Otliv entire : B,-r-Hd, .i. 6 ...1p.utt Sunday. tvisiting frionds in if The !farmers of the community 0 f Men's, - omen2S and ncho. fg are, lardy engaged With finkhing- stock o / Cia hauling, in ithoir h111 -v', . and tuanv Gi fE, lo VC' thlir ha mg filltid. Waidilg for dren Bbob, ,Shoes and rubbers. e e ith,,- thrnshing kvichilte. C Levy and family of . * Clintr vc:31•0 'Week-o‘rucl V:sitot-S at "' to tz thr: hint.? of Mr. And Mrs. Martio ‘Vnrm and Air .anti Mrs. D, 08,ra1d Mr. ,and Mrs. Ptrl-) Kraft •of Detroit, visit -N,1 at the hont- of Ilan fornysr'i't par.tals, Mr, and . Al r8 Louis Ki A't, Air. ,anti 1V1w3. \V. 0. tineeht.oln net fninify of Kiteli 'ran', we've ,nct vwton, ,nt tin home of .Mr, and Mrs. W. L SiA)-'rt. ..11c,s.irs, Il',. ITintlivrgor, ile, Bech- ler, E. "A.r,,,v,r, 0. r,,bairivr ;w0,., .r,ciay \ i:litori at t he itorn2 of 11• At cost and many lines below cost. Come irz at once to get fist choice BROIWN BROS. sEREEITR P0AIRINwIwis NDE0ATE.DYDpOL1Nlyil a t,effeetellfoNediglf4041P0Mthilteat-emetmgeateeo t'13,404108001..,,stemtgeoglog.e;0 0 0,0*****************4********4404+,;, mr1nni Mrs. ,Tos. Dram. • "011 evera rgams m VAP11114.04.14411,..1.0•4.4101VICKIYASYS•16....WW4a44k4.74.110M.444.4...10.1.0.MMOC.1.111741,1312r.IMIN e :11.11.1'r 7 4:4 tZ) 444,1 an ovsh 1 15 t t 4 amage.*****.******101..aleemaaerfer....1***Agmleatleimsirelee;Mintreegre*frilMesimmaeionmet.ergewlereiremOOMPIPmenemel**ULTemea;6&***emie Men's, Sts $14.95 1795 20.95 Wonderital raige of men's grey' all oy's, oults wrool Serge for 20.95 2 bloomers, sizes 26 to 35 for 6.95 Be sure to see this line soon as sizes are limited • 3ASC'1104 id-,72.e.o.N4'i) ett • • 4 • „Tohn buntapt who '...4nYrit thc, s,ain...mc,r a t Kite11:3110.t", IYIortr.N.1 la Zutich list week, wher. I), will. qui 11 y ij ni..1 1 ho wiit er montinc Mrs.. S. Svli.n.th of the 11th crm who fry?. bon•n very ii1, is thi.1 "we.- ek bein,q transferrN1 to 1:11:_l •Ann A.rber, wher!.•!she will .lake \trt.,:itmonts. Rev. S. E. Schrader and Harry Pletch • spent 'Sunday in thijI1ago the •1att.'n. Auld, 1)07,r) a ..foynr:r r-s- ident or zuriz.h, txiving Tharned tla' harnesSinaking trade from Mr. 0. ' • Rev. -Dengis movL, ed tiv?ir household effects to Pros- ton,"-wh„:ro 41.e has. purchased ,a sittIll farm, which. w trust will 11,!, ng rota help to Dengis' health which has not boon Th,ir nyary• 11'i2uti4 are vorry 10,0 rev 'Llient leave. Mr. and '-i- -. Milton Deitz and JNN(.1eA.RA SOLD .- Mr, ,flonry St..,iebach. of the ilth On Hay' dkpAc,.1 of iii ri,15 .sa-nr, being sold iii part -'-i, the I/00 acre. 'going to .114r Alt,„ of Windsor., while rho 50 ayr.,s, ;1.'e •tr.sing taken -ovor by Mr. jeffr"y„ This wan. I orw ot finest orlon in fh., eon - arninr,ti 'od nicely - feneoJ,and,the land in a. very high kylaoys 67 .0.• stat,•, of iivai ion, and will 1 an ideal purchase, to the new own- zulticit 0Nr. **.p0004444,..**4444: .one of his, old forme» c• -,r,•;,1 wito is now a watchman of the tunnel. (Mt/ERICH FAIR NEST WEEK wed/INA-lay, Thiirstqy and Fri,iay S.,pt"mber 8, flth and net, Tho popular holiday event of tlursea- son. Four track events, purses $f100.00 -Special attractions, iTlig midway. Splendid music% After - Loon an1 evening perforntinces,Ad riission .2-, cents. Everybody conte CARD OF THANKS 11IrA!. Alos Brenner and ffaThilY e.xtpnei to their many' fri- en.h and neigh hors their sinc .tletnk. and appreciation for the. hextend.A to Them- during the tit-. of thlr -berevempnt an cl for iirs DIV.* floral ttihntew. ORN Ste11i.omf)0.-At Patr"Lins, Stanley en Augast 28th, to Mr. and Mrs wen 11. ,Stephenson a son, . Sauble Hay, on A1%11'0 28th, to Mr, and mrs. Jant;.g gasge, Irwin daughters. Trtylvaci.---- At the 1.ith Con. Hay, 011 Augast 20th, to Mr. and 11,1r3. Hilton Trnonmer, a .son. --" _•-- CHURCHNOTESNOTES wo had ;most blessed Sunday SI‘rvie.,.. 1 Li bliath, with largo atten.,,,s bili morning and even - r1'1,•• S. E. Schrader of Kit- cipm Vel'y ably occupying Ur? prt pit, D I` and Praise -nor vi.e.s on Friday \ ening at 7.30 o'clock. Mr, Josiah Geiger will be th, leader. hav,I, had moal' rn,,etings reccntly.Come and !y thti hoiu' in this, was'. end -l\ .tith r,,s/i a%.01 Morning worship, R'-r. Ovo•13, Aub,vn win Th., choir will rrownt ,with 'Hp:Tint mnHie. met! a.m P•1!) -bath School' for all. Vx.Vre.11ges Lymith,<.; 1)evinc. worAit p, Setallon by Rev, G.1.. G•ros,l, w not W0051iipitqr Olte,- wht,re, come with Emanuel Evang• elicat. 'Church • .2. 4. men t F 14 ,„, %1/4f7 tVOL t 4. A.42ar it. f Our Stock is complete in many new I. lines; Oxfords,' Strap Slippers, Chil -:1 ii . drens Footwear. iMen's and Boys best everyday Work Boots - .1* 4' with outside counters. + TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC., School Shoes of every description:, 4. t ;.1.• 4.4,44+++++++++++4.4.44+44+4.i-i+44+444-i.”644114i=ftielgli.e O. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS fte • 4 ecial rg ,3‘ We wish to draw the attention of our Customers to the follavving Special Bargains we are offering in if:a RUNNING AND CA NVAS SHOES, OXFOrS, ETC,, GOOD WORK SHOES FOR MEN. A SPECIAL IN MEN'S SHIRTS AND PANTS AND rzrz, rti SUMMER GOODS, ALSO GLOVES AND HARVEST PUTTS SEE THESE GOODS BEFORE BUYING. HAVE A LARZE; STOCK CHOOSE FROM PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. ' 4 Highest Prices for Produce tC 1\1' DOUGL, 19 CENERAL Alfai701-11ANT" PHONE 1( 97 iBLE. •