HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-08-26, Page 1'ol.XXV.0 No8 ZURICH, THURSDAYVVIORNiNG,:;AUOUST26, I926a Chester Smith,, Pub' kil tr. i $145 a Yei f'pi 'Atri fll'fit vt to $1.50 IN ARRL,IR.3 qa2 MAY 9'E (7g91R4= Let•„... us know of your.Sommer visits or •✓ sitors, phone or sena T- 4.'01011,)Qt'/ /Vfi'M1IIIIIVNI49(1'.fR43100 ,6ii VMENAG.1Y•.MIDG OI,d1SCfY<C0010Q.(rQUIL . ` fr ° Bfl s Weatiter Hast ICE CREAM, Soft Drinks Amy Jam; Also :Ko .ak , Patent. Medicines, Stationery, BDxec Can yx oeeream Groceries, Croblcery, Cigars Tob- baco and Cigarettes Wagner - Phone 91. 1 2' .p 6 iYQi)01111118BDalSO iYOs: DONEND DOIR 0 DC000,4301CA 0+; 36 Z.04+++++444444444++++++++++ i'14++++'rk44.i!•x,.{;,.. ^tr*.£,.,,•"r•t•• •i'+ +•:•+ ÷+.1 -1.++,++41.E -2,++++++4414+++.T. ..`;' SURANCE „. Place your next Policy with LONDON LIFE e 4• • - I The. Company that sold more • ti I -INSU a. NC in CANADA 1925 '3: L *. than any otlher Company. . z I d: - E. ESQ ----- h ' ,,,++•>H• k '....14 4A+s ' 4(1,1,4 iv++*, •H a�• ra •k••f• I++•II•.k+++.,..cyr +•4000it i 01 9 Saki 046 006hath tD 3 t 4• •4.f`,1' 2 c. 4W Owing to us disolving partnership '40 we -are now ''imposing of our entire Mr. Euissel, Foster of Kitchener is spending his holidays with rel ati\ ca and friends here. • 111r. And Mrs. C. Stump -h of Kit chcner, 'spent a £ w day's with Mr •and Mrs tllenc, Fc;stter. 111r. Stephen Peachc', of Renville I'enn.,• is visiting at the hone of. itev .and Mrs;, C. Schrag. Rev. S. R, Knechtel of New Hamburg, wars a visitor in town one clay 'last •w -eek. Mrs, Jacob K•.:11t'rnlan of Dash- \ nod, 'spent• the well end with Mr. and MrsC. Fritz, t Rev. TT H. Leibotr3 and family of Ayton, are visiting friends in thi's vicinity and at Crediton. Mr .rid dlrs. Conrad Sdiilbe., \vete week -and visitors at Brod- Wen. Mr. and Chl's. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. J ickni,eier spent Sunday at Goderich.. Mrs. Lottie Gor'lock and tut) children o fDetroit, are *visiting at th"c., h once of Mr. and Mrs. T. Al- btec'll , Mr, Grant, of Brandon, repr'e's- enting th7 LaFrane Fire fighting company, is here trying to sell the tillage one of their outfits. Mr. and 1111S. Waiter So+stettler and tenthly of .No\%'; J1Zliitturg and Mrs..Roth and family of Tait' chener visited at the home of 11Ir , and Mrs. Louis Kraft. ?dies Edna Leibold 12, N of the ructnorial hospital Lisfo\\'ell, ited with her Uncle, Mr. and. Mrs. , • Wm Loibold of the Babylon Linn o,'er the ,we:'isf-end. l3^v, II 1I, Leibold and family 0 of Ay ton Vi .1tmd at the home „f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leibold on Sat-- * :(hers,*. 9 iIr. AVIA. Leibold and sots of. the Babylon Lin% motored to Br- antio-rd on .a b1Xsille55 trip on All Thursday last. O Mr. Jos. Sma}licombe of Ashawa. aged 81 years, visited at• the ;lonal. of 1.[r. and Mrs. C. Either the past week. alar. int l,licombe being an uncle to 1Irs. Lieber and is quite smart for ,his age.. Rev. S. E. Schradr'r, who con- ducted fav •.�ervie.: s in the Evangel real church last Sunday will be lion d^. again i.cSt Sun':lay- and preach both morning and evening. ?Ir. al,il • l\h a-. Louis Taster and 'son Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Caplin and fa.rnily, all of Kitchener, calk led 0.11 Nis. and Hr's. Alex, Foster on Sunday. v. Rev. and 1171:;,. Ir. Rrmbe and children i -'ft- on Monday for a two vweek's vacation it Han,llton, and as a cfi) s qui" neo there will hello .preaching services an the Lutheran church. L.a 1'B 1%, RI, JOHN HOWARD The late \Villisnl Howard 11s'•. 'sod away. opt .,must 1.1tit, he was burn at Drysdale:, }lay To\\ ,rs,hip ,65 years .troy being thea c'idr;at son of the lata` John Howard, and lived on the, faros at T)ry'adal? up '1:ill two ye.al ;x. a.go,, when they sold fh . farm and mnve'd to l)a hwood„ wh- ere they livid one y l'a , aft .'a wh- ich they moved ed to Jia>,ls:ill, larch aatng ti,.." rr\\•raidence of John Sta- cy. ) Ir, Howard was ;lever mann. ries. 'but i.iv;ti :rich. .1313 lan.h •i• tarry and sister , -era l:n{;1i,511. Son•ie+ time, ago he \\a& atrick: ti rich ;i c.tnc.'r. :and cltl)it:o taut,. best m dical still and nursing it fin r 1r sappntl his lift* away, He lettvOOa to mown:his to ,s titre.' bro. tet t1 r;i. and. f,11.v' 3i'+t"ra, .11Eenr'i' and Mtt'. En; t1h 1t ha0,::', 111,:,. IY1v='lie of Gravid• Bend, i1tra, P 1'l+m1c of M1,. Porritt of Calgary, Cdt rgiof N . of 1., "til Int .11 t c'd ririi Thi funeral took lire;' on Monday afternoon to t.lc_ centl'a'y. Tiii services were itrncluciri by the .Rev, 4. Sinclair, r\u+l th- 111i1b: in ct,, vvr1'0 J. A. 1%1a "f ,nil \Vni Boa Vet: N. l'ee'k,, r',Tlaraeli 004l4464+ I+w•. Hess, and U'. laoti 'i;ts. stock of Men's, Women's and Chit' • 3� a .ren Boots, Shoes ,and rubbers. • • • At cost: and many lines 'below cost. Come tip in at once to get first choiceREPAIR7 e NG NEIATLY DONE BR i 1 v 'R � m SEE/ OUR I WINDOW DISPLAY 3440016.00~0704141004 liimtessesaFarmectoeseevi; 4000000000 a .tA*fa0o0aia•ii,•iia•sn4!),00.0440 044000eaM44 . .4.4 •5 9' Se arg L :s en Suits ,u;wmuvit.an,x.104..oaksten9tMmhaw.sc,tclvHmixvYv,u :w+.ay.amrn+smaequemrteirmir msp.w,•w.mertnreaesVE. Men's, Swigs $14.95 1795 20.95 .40 -Wonderful range ofmen'sgrey all „�arom!�aBoy's - Bo su i 4 'wool Serge fQr 20.95�. 2 i,00er sizes 26 to 35 for 6.95 �a`r�rW*d .this line :soon as sizes es ares l ihrllrl;<ted .: i• rte. Xr 444 4. 4. i ONU 67 1 W e bla.Ye them, popular Sheet music.. -Ue,i s the Jeweller. Must I,)9ne11a Ruby left on Mon- day morning for Kitchener; • Mr :and Mrl.. Ed, Grey. of De- troit, were \: c;t+lc-Pod visitors here. M'1 Y'nl. Lamont is sporting a new Poled coupe, which is indeed quite; beeonting to hunt, Mr, an+:t Mi'r. Studer of Detroit, \seta visitors at the home of Mr and 1I01J. Writ. Johnston. Rev, G, •P. Brown and daughter .fli,ss Miranda, left all Sai:urday to frleaids at 'Tavistock. Mr, Ezra. 'Koehler and two dau- ghters,. were week -end visitors Kitchener. Mr. alld Mlle David Gottschalk of Pigeon, Mich., are 1)olidayin for a few' d,tyw with friends here Good supply of choice timothy ;seed on hand Ina fall sowing -I... Schilbe•: Mr. Casper Rarig of DasJ,iwood was a \•isito rin town the, past week. Mrs. P. Koehler, who spent se.v eral \veldts *with friends at New Haven, Conn., and Pt. Huron .fiich, has returned to her homy here, Rev. M. W. Ehnes•, and children. who Ila) e li<'I~n holidaying here, returned on Monday for their home at Leonia, Nal. ]'dr. and ;1t . Wm. Fi,11ny, who have been ,ri. siu en t r) of Zurich For some toile row. t i i.ht'ir effects fo ''sley wh.:rMr PiijI'i son has the position cif principal in the schhool the IT. A C'HAt LENOI% Mn.• Hairy Bosselrberry, who is tilt? l ' 1 ' of the Sitter Cup as (ata cilthienie, I1ddlcr, will b • glad to challEngz any ficidlor in the district and will play at the Grand Bend Ca+'na on Mondly r:i ht,.lug . uit 30th no age hunt, tin, fiddlers chlice of untie, t1lt^ audience to c Ars tit uta the 1,adgoa and will for frit the cup li holds if (kc'e ifted. t. AT JOHN REIC'TIER •1' Thera pa'saecl away 0'1 .r1t;g use. 191.11, :,t his bon c in Zurich, John aged t., years, and months, 'nth3 he' was t highly 1•3spect- e d r.si he .lt of the community, bo- ing horn .in II,I.y 'lot;uahip and Irc, ing spent rail his tint' in the To n;thip For about the last. louriven yeaVt.i. he hay not enjoyed the h"'st of health being afflicted with her trouble and rhenmatistn. The i iii eight years he has been t residml of Zurich where he has na car many warm friends. Da - ("0:13'd is survived besides his oe- i 1\ ing widow by t , n nrnth in, of 13 •h, {ieorge at,cl Henry Rei- chert, also four sister,; his own c'111'c11 11 consist, of two sone Wm. and Emanuel Reichert of the To wn Line. and Mrs, A. Price and Mary f , 1,;'rt a.t home. The funeral t, Ilich was largely attended wM.s h.•lii on Sunday •aftornoon to the 1.11thara'1 cemetery, of .which cb- nr,•h. deceased was a lifelong mem 1,0r, k:'v H, Sembe, his pastor of- Lrt.itinl,;. CHURCH NOTES DM in'.' worship was observed in ,nr charah on Sunday last with it v. ,1 E. Schrader in the pulpit, In the i0 )•ting '.service around 201 out, while the. evening brot<- s;ht nearly 300. • Rev. _Schrader is \ est terra cunt and f orcc'fu.l oa'- 1C x awl has .the dostinetion of h) lit!;" the prom.i00nt charge. native 1 isf-or of Zion church, Kitchener, hi 11 i the ia' g st church and lar g0:11 (011g1Pgation in our Canada t eo er; nee., and the .Reverend g nli';lllrl 15hn\vs himself \veilcap- b''c' +)f Lhiing this position, He We.) kindly consented to be with in next Sunday for both'sor- • l)n,'i f feet to attend ciurPlayer lnl Pr i s"rvica'on Priday 4lv1.n- lug at 7,1•o, 15 Worn, pres0.111 last I;.• 'a 1 i hAd blesa:'d. t10yc, ;^1i 1 }.�lv' \1 •:r)if: 29ta. 111.1)0 \.in --Sermon, by itev. S. E. I' a'. IXitcht*sten,. lima 1.11 Sabbath School for all. 7.3, _Worship, Sermon by Rev, ,1•0i1.1; n..'l Worship with /r / n ;'!w. Evangelical Church 11'11101I a. N't - The bat gift watch -- accurate, • durn9 utetq guarantees -.At prices far od,,r;, pnee.o. -Different eizoo fpu pr¢se, ,Porwc. 7+�lJ I ail I; *►ItFlrtii r We carry these in 12, 16 and 18 St..e,;, Nickle and Gold Filled Cases $13 TO $35.00 THE WATCH WITH A !WRITTEN GURRANTEE W. G. Ness & Sons COAL BUY THE BEST, IT IS VIZ CHEAPEST. GENUA' H L ackawan AND D L & W Scranton DIRECT FROM THE Il"4Iw +. SOFT COAL, GENUINE Eall.fd'»S T'UCKY MILLERS CREEK, COKE GENUINE BY PItODUVA"Si Our Telephones are at Tour taxa' vice, the information to, fes;. .,r'• .te1on HENSALL ONT. Phones -Office 10w. Hrat N, .›.40 4. 04 0000 04 .040.4.+G.'9440,0,0+0.0+600? 04440000t -0411M0 ? 0 4 4. 4 0 414=Ma -1.11,1.F.44.3411..13 434 bMy Accounts are now ready, and. any persons indebted to meindiy lice t�M 4 • call at once and settle sar.e. FRED TFUEL 4�a�w0aa40C�fi0a�s��90Be�A4r4�ah+3*�tacb� � � c•�.P;4�0���4��,,n„:_;a�ea�ai•��+ar�i�,. .T.a, S �}. �}��}�y t L t y �{• �p�y .,+. t.I."i-T'i'T°i'•i'i�'3'+'i'+4 .4.t. 4. emu.�j.,},•i4.{'e, eb•, ,',{"��•S" `; Tali'"Si.b"!�\A '4Tr44 ..V''=�1•Y.FL '1a=: 0 1111.' • H 4+ 4. 4. f. Bey ,pr,,�p :H,.+ jA•i"1'+ I�•ty+�,tif +'L .0++ �i�+. +ap `•'F7"�"'�++intl�.++++I�"L + f"'F 1,.i'tt'�'F'FV.11j." Id '.v'' 94, 1923 model Ford 11 In first class condition 1925 model Good as new 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS S eciai We wish to draw the attention of our Customers to the following Special Bargains we are offering o .n RUNNING AND CANVAS SHOES, OXFORDS, ETC., .E'Rai,;(SC GOOD WORN SHOES POR MEN. A SPECIAL IN MEN'S SHIRTS AND PANTS .AN D • ass SUMMER GOODS, ALSO GLOVES AND HARVEST . I Pit SEE THES.E. GOODS BEFORE BUYING. HAVE 'A >t, of Fda STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT:, Highest Prides for Produce R. N. it '+vr GL.. GENERAL MEF'HANT PH ONE fit ""97 IlGiwl±il'LAK. iue+iiiMr„i 1