Zurich Herald, 1926-08-05, Page 8'et Olt C1L o tin ; ec While a number of lines are completel3r sold out, we will con- :tin .. e to offer you seasonable goods at !reduced prices. Come in. i.'nd see. P L4 LS 12 pieces Voile at yd. 19c 5.yd ends 27 -in gingham each 75c Princess Bib Hosiery brown white size LL -to 7?: for 25c Sizes 8 to 10 35c Boys Jersey Suits each 65c Mees overalls, blue stripe for 1,38 Oilcloth rugs 4x4. ft" for 2.25 Oilcloth rugs 7';x10 for 7.50 1 only tapestry rug 3x3 yds 12.50 Glass tum blers each 5c White cups & saucers dozen 1.40 97 -piece dinner sett, blue band decoration for 16.00 Ginger snaps 2 lbs. for 25c Castile soap 7 bars for 25c Corn flakes box 10c Rio Coffee lb. 40c Canned peas 15c Sai non lb tin for 15c Sun:Monday soap 4 for 25c Supply of New Potatoes f . r sale ProdUL.. Wanted Phone 59 L h h' Sas, Nis, Greases ra e Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FOB]) PARTS JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES ENE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS Erik F94 IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE, WE MAE.E SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. MATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO 1<REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- rETYLENF w T,PING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. Mousseau Zurioh etteei a fiBF€meeee'di8easmeaFbeetti3`$tiDtf:eDeeemaea'3+ea9 ee—atmaaeQ * +3f 1 ta We wish to advise the public fi that we have added a few more lines of furniture to our stock which we have already carried, and are in a position to supply, almost ev- erybody's requirements. iture ds Ema • • *, ei1 Q9 gs a cit as as a a a Q aaa as WE ARE SHOWING A NICE LINE OF DINING ROOM AND 3 BED ROOM FURNITURE, ROCKERS, CHAIRS, KITCHEN CABINETS, SPRING S ANI) MATTRESSES, ETC. ETC. CALL IN .AND SEE OUR GOODS, FURNITURE UPSTAIRS., 0 00000000 INH240441000***04406 (to Or HER LINES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LTN:E OF tBROST TIGHT LOCK FENCE, SII ''R WIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, GOODYEAR TIRES ATI, KINDS OP CLOVER SEEDS; 'ETO., ETC. We appreciate your Patronage ZURtCH ONT, 0 2 2s as 0 a IRs ar 0 cial Prices All Ammer ress aterials t Reduced Prices Broadcloth, Voiles, Rayons, Etc. Ladies' Silk I o's& Reg. $1 at 75e Reg. /5c at Reg. 50c. at 60e 37c Boy's khaki bloomers, reg $1 Tse Buy's cotton tweed bloomers $1,25 Boy's Cotton Jerseys grey with, Blue -Collar .;40c We can supply you with Fresh Groc- eries at all times ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST The School of Commerce, .Clin- ton, lipton, has had the pleasure of pres:- enting to their 'students a number of fine awards which includes those of the Underwood Ty1)t riter1de. Typewritten ritten tests, to Mary 'Coll - yet, (untott, 33 -word's: per minute,• pearl + T€Mor auburn.' 31; Lorette Kin show, - Auburn 30 words; •Annie Simmons, Exeter 31 words; Marie Crave 1^, Goderieh 33. Bronze ,wed al won by Kenneth Hunt, Clinton 40 word's, won by Mabel Wright, Londeslmro; Silver -medal by Ev eiyn Reed, Goderich 52 words, Gold msdal by Ernest Barker, God:• erich for writing 61 words per minute. BORN Sch.ilbe -On July 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Se;ilbe, 14th don. IIay Tp. a daughter. • Fuss—At Hay Township, on Aug- ust ist, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry PUSS; a daughter. Edkins—In Hay -Township 'on Aug ust, 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edkins.. a son. Miller—At Hay Township on Jiu1y 31st, to AIr, and Mrs, Sam Miller a daughter. Jennison—At Saubles Line, Hay, on July 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jennison, a son, Bedard—At Lake Road, ITay '1`p.. on July 22nc1, to Mr. and Mrd, 'tufia •ld Bedard, a son. DASHWOOD i\1i's. E. Heinbach o;' Toronto,vt itcd friends in town last week. INIrs, Ernest Stir* of Oshawa spent last week with hair. and M N.Slu4 Mr.and Mrs. A. Jones and Mis Ethel IIare':eib of Russell .PinOhio, (hi' , and Mr. and .Ira. Chas. Isar Jail: and family - of Windsor, ,art visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs, Ilarry Guenther and Mr. Jack Guenther of Wind- sor, spent the week -end with 11I and Mrs. Ch. -is, Guenther. 141r. Moine Taylor of London spent a few days with his brut tlu!r, Dr. R.II, Taylo•: :Mrs -P i 1, lluinble -and cltiteu' of Sarnia, 'spent last week with, Mrs.. C. `Finkbeiner. 14It,a. Burns and 14 Ir. J. Hoff o earl Huron !spent the week -end G"4 with ,1Tns. it ct, Mis,s E.lsts<* I 'nus i c turnt'd to Port Burne with, them, Mr Gordon dallies of Sarnia'sp, t.nt the week -end with his father. A number from hero attendr''cl tb,e funeral of Um1 ate Midi. Ann) at P.irk-hilt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Graybeil {tf 1Vc,odstoek ;spent thci week -encs in town, Mise, 11Tytt.a Ii'othnan returned Lo Kitchener, on Sunday, rifer sp... 'nding her vacation at ler €tont, a' , lor. Mr? and Mrs, Milton Cook of aitch.-n'r, c:cl el on iri'n. �s in town an Si'ne'wy. 11:1rs .Roy Ft it. :ley caf Ci ciprich. pent a few clays with her par- 2,1isse�s Ella, Tillie and !lntnnett iinnit'r of Detroit, are !spending heir vacation with their pampa,Mr, ansa, Mrs. S1''aa, Schwalm, Mrsal Mir;sno, Schwalm of :ie'l,,t, wing, lvlirh,., called on Mr. and 4it s IT 1In1'fman on Sunday. Mita Tillie Miller is visiting her t at h.m, Mrs. M. Miller, r, VII . and Mrs Geo. Shore !spent > wr'ok ,.nd with Mrs, M. ivrijle Th, ht• funerla of the. late Marcumc: nd;'r, took place on Monday at - yawn). ib'.olTionder posed- ay str se'd ay .on Saturday rat the age Of years, and 8 months. ,Tho do. - had 'been. ill for Only\ a, LOCAL MARKETS, (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ib.__. .. 40 Egga._. __ _.._... _ p3 20-24-26 Potatoes per bag 2.00 Dried apples lb. 9 Buckwheat Flour_ ... 4.75 3.75 S'hort's per ton ..34.00 Bran per ton... ....- ... 32.00 Hogs cwt.....- ....., , ...: ,13.00 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather losnratae Co. OF WOODSTOCKK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON `TIAND $85,429.61, G. Hohtzrnan—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER:IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF ,FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 i.Vtiiliner 1!j sr We are showing some MI wonderful vale es in Hats naw at 1.05 t, The regular price ranging from t $3.50 to $6.50. These 'are except- tianal values, And any one want ing one now should take advantage , of this SALE. W4( r. also have another showing of hate at $2,50 and up. f ow, Just received a shipment of the newest Styles and Shades in felt (sport Hats. 'Call and see then.—Moderately Priced. HAT &HOPPE ZURICH, n ONT. Vera i` SIA NOTICE. My -acdount's aro now ready payment, and 'anyone owing kindly settle ;:at once. —V. Siebert: for me V. short timme. Interment was made itt thhe Evangelical cemetery, Rev. B. B. Meyer officiating. Mr, and IV.f s. Josiah •Cas'sel and Mr .and .Mrs, Ben Krotpp of New Hamburg called on Mr. and Mrs,. Wm. Nadiger and Mr. and Mrs. 1Iy, Rader on Monday. M'r, !esLlie Goetz of Chicago is holidaying with bids parent% Miss 'Duffin of St. Catharines called on friend's in town on Sun- day. Mr. Vernon Schatz underwent an operation 'on Monday for the rcoval -of hmi,;1 tonsils. Mr, lWe'S ICibbler of Listowell it visiting with Mr. /and Mrs). ,Kellerman. 1031 t . Luella Seh.atz spent the week -end in town. Nelda and Xt to T+"aassold spent a .fear day's in London thto .week. alrarat147. August PA,nu' We have received a large shipmentof new Furnik are room, new din.i.��•a suites, Livingrockers,.$liitfi'!.1 � �� 171�,�i��i�y9 and.en cabinets, tables and. ,chairs COM IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS BEDS,_AND A FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS -AND M9. T I'R.T.SSES, BRING IN YOUR PICTURES. TO BE FRAMED. A FULL DINE OF SHEr 131�A-TT72' WASH' MACHINES , A1IVD HEAVY HAIRDWAI3E, B ATTYEy S,' MAC NES AND WR1:NGERS, STOVES AND, IRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, P'OdI,LT.fi1 " 'ENC/NG, AND CEME'N;i;, LET LIS DO SiOUI; PLUMBING, EV.ETR€ tTGBIN OR RODS`_ ING, WE CAZtItY A FULL LINE r [ (C [ 1:�I PAINTSOF ti PURE 1lIARTIN• SENIO,U7'R i ,, r OILS, CHHiN.A,Ii EL VARNISHES, i i „ E'''' TEST Gas TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER 63. BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR C'ASII le. Ib, Johnston & Kaibfiejsch Hardware &P 9 , it e Pone It's not what You wha you. save thatI} AWE E.b'�Lil1.� Suppose :you deposit a certain suat;; of money 'in the Bad each year for a period of 20 yeas. The Bank will ;Pay you+ back the money deposited with, the 'hat:'+a good baasiaess. T , interest: earned hat's having money. The Lite Insurance C"oatz panyg sets further. They not only will pay you, the amount dePosited with thein, as an annual premium with interest but should you the before the 20 ye... ars, your beneficiary Will receive' the full amount of the Policy without further payments. That's saving money and Aso Protection. Get my rate on Life Insurance before plating your next aodaey ridrew F. less, - Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR 171/111.7 a..�. R cris.'" ...,10E ted, Painting and Paper Hanging ing LET 'US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PA.PERRANUIN L, & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR :CUS TOMERS WITH EVERY `FOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR "" gT i .TOB. TC.': H. EICK fEIER, 0,0 0N taw.AZ Drug iess eer and Optician EXETER Ph e AT WALPI R ROUSE, weft, ---__L__------------ ,._ ____ ON' Every Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 6 pax • ,aha -,Y. °%-'�i—<�m } 01f 0 „T •1• °With an extraordinary t Newest Materials for showing ezn's Suits of the e on:A i q" WEER YOU WILL FIND PITIVE Y THE BIGGEST TA. IL0 ING VALUES EVER HEARD 0.F•, . t YEARS OP BXPERIENCE COUPLED WITR ECONOMY' IN tAKII G --• BUYING THE ICATERIAL DIRECT FROM TIFIABEELL6 1 AND SELLING TO YOU .A,2,' 'TREMENDOUS N.iiOUS S.iA:'V"ING•S. IH A.T'S WHAT PUTS THE 'DOLLARS IN YOUR TTR ?OCKET. BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR ORDEB, IN EARLY. 1 + e re SPiti 5 ,ME RCIf t4lti T TAILOR. W. H. ROIL E AN lti Sou, & AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Day a'nd Night �iR4ISALMIGRS tg"Iicrzao Not,