HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-08-05, Page 4a J -Zurich tIla MA 10 10 • ft INSECTICIDES11: ' The season has now , a' rived • wheii everyone, especially the ii farmer, 'has to fight against • various iddds of Insects.. • 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 Or M • •• • •A 11 1.. • rr 111 In the Fields with the F nne s( ),. .,ter-,:^•'.aCU._> film 16 - tie r` a. 6446.‘ lea,, J1,6, t _L•y:�i I-N whatever section of the Dominion . farmers till their fields, there will be found a completely equipped branch of the Bank of'Vim-areal. And in whatever branch of the Bank of Montreal you may find it most convenient to do business; there you. will find banking eo-operation especially designed to meet -die needs of farmers and the farming industry. Each of our 600 branches has the strength, ex- perience and services of the entire organization. Call at the nearest branch. "A Bank Where Small Accounts- Are IT ;come» ANK OF MONTREAL Established over I00 years Total Assets in excess of 47$o•000,000 cooserelacatlinee ZURICl3 HERALD street and to elinin to acc.9cl*lr e,. such. tae have ,o cc trod recen 1 , The iltain St, is a niaJn through., fare and sa great many ,tourinete are pa'ca:.+itag through daily. The funeral of the dente 1\iiu Mat' the Aim Lewis took place ,to .the Exeter cenneery, un Saturday' last She pLAS Sod away on July 22nd, at 117:3 age ,uf 05 years, 6' month'r.atrcl 13 clave, Deceased had. been UJ for over a year and in Juno last year landerwent Lan :o portation. she was ,born in the t o'tc'iedi.ip 'of Stephen a anile from C'reditou,be-. ing a flaughter of the late Gee. Lewis, She moved to Exeter w tb her father ccncl had be.'n a resident for over thirty years. COUNTY NEWS Robert 1T, Johnston, Godt'rich, eho h:td been in a, cr tund coedit-. ion for some claye, the result of a 'stroke, passed away laabst Tuer- day, the funeral taking place ion li'riday, to the Maitland cemetery. At the North Huron Con'aerv,at- ive Concntion .held at WinghaM last Wednesday 'afterno+on, t H. 3. A. M;acEwa'n, Mayor of Gode.i;� Nva d chose;, Fo contest the riding in the coaling election, The d'e'ath ocoured in Detroit the other day of1a 'former old and, welt known resident of •Seaforth, in +tl& person of J'ohlni Kale, for many years he conducted a blacksmith ing Obusiness in Seaforth, some ye- ars ago the .diQ+posed of his ,bus - inns and ;moved to Detroit, where he has .since resided. One of the ,prettiest weddings of the season was 'solemnized last week, at the hoof ' of the bride's 'parents, Mr.. and Mrs. O. W. Potter Clinton, \\*hen their youngest da- ughter, Lillian M. was united in marriage to Louis Dippell of Ren- frew, 'soot of Mr.. and Mrs. M. GC Dippell of Walkerton.. Four ;liquor 'cases were ilispo's- ed of ,y' Magistrate Reid ; on ;Friday last lilt Goderich, Dan Johnston of LSeaforth, and H, Beattie and M. McDougall, of God erich Township, ,and each was sen tenced to ,pay $200 and cost's with one m'onth's imprisonment, and in 3/!0',4'6'!!!6 x060 !®!!! Oritse!a®!!®.lith it.tlefault of payment two month's O•AL d A ! • We have made arrangements Sl Iwhereby we can supply our custom ers with the very best grades of Scranton Anthracito Coal. Leave your . order with us and we will fill rt them as shipments arrive. • ! a GOOD SUPPLY OF BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, CHICK PE- E EDS, STOCK FOODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND r WE ;AEU TO S11.TISFY • Louis Schjlbe Zurich s gip`Belleserrereiroistertee!!!!!!!00!!O!!Q circ erre !!! VETERAN'S PICNIC The, annual annual picnic of Huron ' `eter,(an'3 will ibe held at Bayfield •3'ewett's Grove'on the afternoon W'ednesckay, August 11th next ;Snpirer at 5,00 o'clock, all togethe -•Eperts for all ages and CIasses: 1E011 game's, South V,S, No. Nort h rabibition Boxing between local + m and a 6 -round bout t etween %tea expert's front the city. Pz .e •Lor the beat Vet'eran's ;Child .ince Nov, ,11th, 1918. Clinton Viand has kindly granted. their ser Vince, for the afternoon. SCHOOL REPORT S, No; 3, Hay, promotion exy- erettivation First honorls'A, Second Milers B. Entrance to H. S.—Wilfred Mou- em B; Ro.s .Pich,'ardnon B; Elda 'phan B. Ter Jr. IV --Ruth Richardson, 1+ ai garet Mou iseau, Tin Jr. Et -Ray Broderick A; =' gson Kyle 13; aDa". e Kyle .B13;„ Tfo Sr, II -Clifford Weido 13; `'•:Harold Broderick. To Jr, II --Edward Shrader A; 'Laird Jacob& B; 14o gr. I—LouisForest A, David ',46t+arhwell, A. To Pr. Primer—Orlando Reich'- t A; Iierbert Stephan A; Vyrne ''eiao A, other on Roll 17, r • mt passed. ' , D. Walsh, Teacher. GRAND BEND opportunity is afforded the res- orters to hear the political issues of the day discussed, which other wise would be missed. It also affords the Premier a . chance to reach many::voters who uneeet no ,other way of hearing him to 'ape:ak. One :of ,the leading ,teantrs f the Grand Bend eagLue of girls soft ball iteanes made Medford, take beating of 29-9 at Grand Bend Casino Diamond last week. The ;batting wa's ;splendid`4by botch teams tbut the fast fielding; t y the Craig . Girls •nnade Thedford louts out, The game was interest,•-; ing through -out ,and well worth the watching. as every member offered good attention; The pitching from, Ailsa ..Craig was worthy of mention, .. :'rtE1ER M1IC+HEN TO SP RAKlt HESE The 'Coniservatives of this distr N -i•. announce a p olitical pie -nit to Itaitie place late in August after the 1,1'.1't»tnier retutsnf roto his western hill: The date ha's not yet been fib, but full particulars will alp- ler in the tidally papers, . The 'The di'striet aroumi Grand 13nitxtl Altste this is <, llltl�all , . rc:•n rt f r� ly dur n 9 •M Y. L .. p ati la lr., c, I. .1 a.,.. on and y > an view f the election emipaiang 'being lin a l liwing t t the same tinge, The EXETER, W. J. Beer and J. 1g. South-cott spent a couple of days ,at .'.ort Rowers .on Sake Erie. Mises Elia Link of town,, Mrs, Bertrand and daughters •of De- troit are holidaying at the Bend The, (fifth annual re -union of the Pfaff family /vas held at port Htr- ron, Mich., when 135 members ;of the family ,;net at Lighthousse Park While the majority came from dif ferent points in !Mich., there was a large contingent 'from Canada, Exeter and district being well rep resented, Friday ,July 23rd the McDome, aid clan numbering 68 tnat at Sp- ringbank to enjoy, a day of get- to-gether ,of which there was a gr- eat deal of lhand shaking, relati- ves gathering frahi north, gouda, east and west, after a srrmprtuou.s d.iianer eseryo.ne enjoyed themsel- ves with sports. The Exeter council are having stop .signs placed on several of the ;streets leading onto the Main St. 'This action is being taken to safeguard the traffic- an the Ma. additional. David'.£rawford, hotel keeper of ;Clinton, received a heav- ier 'senterree, vaa fine of $1000 and two months tin jail, and in default l,f paynresa't four months additonal, ;The 'sentences were for selling li- quor, CREDITON lvtarie Werner, Ella Dreier,Re.v tJ.C. Dreier, student at Naperville are 'visiting at the morale ,pf Rev. and Mrs.. Dreier. Mrs ,J .N. Collins has returned to her home at Jackson, Mich., of ter visiting with Mr. and , Mrs, Mose-- Feist. • Lillian Eilber of Detroit, ,who has been ,visiting her parents, is now visiting .frienel's at Saginaw, Mich. H. Knaff of °Long Beach, ,Cal,, and M. Schwan . ,f Minh, are vis iting for a' few days with Chris. Heist. Mr. ;and Mrs, Dart Oestreicher, have returned from visiting at Hanover. John Grill of Mich., visited. with Joseph Heist, who has been ill. Mr ..and Mrs. Ottewell, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Kerr. left for. their home at Edmonton. Mr. land tMrs, Goad, Maynard left last week to visit friends at Drinkwater, Sask. Rev. and Mrs. Otto Brown and family who visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Eilber have retunred to Whitehouse, Ohio. Lawrence Hill, who underwent an operation for apnencdieiti's, 'at London Hospital is .improving. HENSALL Mrs, C. Price of Zurich, visited with. her 'son, Mr. Harry Pricefor a few days. Wn'a Feet I!tnd 'sisters, visited fri- ends at Watford, • Joseph. 'Hiagen of Windsor pis visiting in ,'Hensall ,and the vicin- ity. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Erwin, 3, Johnston and Mr. Erwin of Lona - on were guests at the home of Mr•. and Mrs, 'Harry Prie•:ty , Mr. and Mrs. J. Down and fain ily of London are visiting ,the for iner''s another, Mrs, Bullard of town. Mrs. Currie and little ,daughter of Brandon,;'are visiting Mr. and Mrs, W. flopkirk:" Garfield :Broderick, of . Detroit, ins vi'sitin g .Utile parents, west of the villagei Mrs. ,T. Murdock la visitingb,'er daughter, Mrs. B. Campbell' at Tor- onto. Mr, and Mrs, John; Reid and fault ily„of Flint, Mich, visited with Em- ma and Mary Johniston ever,,the week -end. Lorne Scott and 'son Jack of Toronto, Margaret Chapman, of Palmerston, and Mrs. Ballentyne, of town, were vi'sitin�g.IVIrs. Ba.11en'- tyne's son, in Detroit. Thi Dalrymple 'picnic on Thurs day latst to Grand Rend proved a most enjoyable on as there were over sixty present and a gonerally gaud tint:. 'enjoyed, including tall i d.of e' kinds 1211 g' • i'1» and T'Ir°s. J. Jackson, ZC1lti, Begley and daughter Nina, of Pt Main Dover, and Mr. and Mrs„ Rola[•, Drysdale, of , atndusky, e•AVfich;,, ,aud Miss Tyle, of 'taattle Creek, Mich., Visited Mr ,and Mrs, Mark Dry k- diaL�. ' .Master Harold Shepherd, 'st�con . •son of John Shepherd of Tucker. 'smith, had the misfortune .whileri-. `diug will a, bicycle in Ren'sal'I to have hie wheel Islip on the pave- ment, and in falling fractured Iris. Peter Freshett, of Cavaica, N. Dak, and nzenabere of his family have been 'spen,ding the past few Weeks, ^tisiting the vicinity and Mr. William T'ruemner. Thely,ca i ie all the; way by motor, INSURANCE E. C. Harvey L. V. Hogarth — Agent. --1 Mutual Life of Canada EXETER AND ST. MARYS .ddress all ,.Corres,pondence To Box .190, Exeter, Ont. tt4 Grand Bend CASINO ANCING EVERY EVENING WITH Hugo D'Ipp'olito's Buescher Boys 8 piece Orchestra - MONDAY August 9th, Fiddler's Contest, With Silver Cups for win nets ope nto all, send entries to Mr, Eccleston, Grand Bend. WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAY, SEA- SON 1926. We, the undersigned business men of the Village of Zurich, a- gree to close our resrpeclive p1- aces of business every Wednes- clay afternooia beginning . June 2nd and ending Sept. 29th', both dates inclusive. A. F. Hess, Chas. -Fritz, Brown Broca., J. Gaslcho & Sons, Louis Seh Elbe, L. W. Hoffman, Stade & 'We'idis, E. E. Wuerth, J. W. Mer- ner, John Kipper, Williams Bras,, George Hess, Edward Weltin, ,OL- Grein & Sons, Harry G. 'Hess, Al- bert G. Hess, Fred Thiel, Johnston & Ealbfiei'soh, V. V. Siebert, T. L. Warm,- W. L. Siebert. HENSALL C. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Kippen .., ,_, 8.22 a.m. South, Hens'all ... 8.32 arm. South, Exeter , .,.8.47 a.m:. Stage leave Zurich .,, 7.00 a.m. North, Exeter ... _,_ ... 10.16 a.m, North, Hensall ... ,,, ... 10,30 a.m, North, Kippen ... .•.10.35 a.rn. AFTERNOON R OON South, Kippen ... .,,4,40 plan, South, Aens'a[l ... ... 4.50p.r. South, Exeter .., .. ,..5.05 pan. Stage leave Zurich ,.....3.00 p.m. North, Exeter .. ... ... 6.04 p.m. North, Hensall ,,, ,,. ,,, 6.18 p.m. North. Kippen .,. 6.23 p.m. ZURICH • HERALD ?stabli+sh'ed 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE H'eraid PrintingOffice SUBSCRIPTION RATES -- 1$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in far/tears or $2,00 may be charged. U. S. $1.50 year in advance. No paper discontinued until all ,arrears are paid unless at the •option of the ;publisher. The date of which every Subscript- ion is paid is denated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATS • Display Advertising made known on application. Miscellaneous artieles,of not more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, round, fete. each, in+sertion 25c. Farm. or Reel ' {state for 'e'ale $2.00 for fist month, $1,00 for each subsequent month. strayed Animals -- One insertion 50c,, three insertions $1.00, . Professional Cards not exceeding one inch $5 per year, Auction; Sales $2 per single in- 5e2t 1x11 if not (over inches a five `n ' s `n x r I n th g Address dal' cOriaaunlo,,;i,tians to 'flirt HERALD Zti Mat ON 't 4, 4 5 4. 141 !Il afa nc3ay ns, eat 11th; 1926 +R•°3•+.$.+; ,.f,., •,0::Y.,ih ''y +++,1013:'1` "g' lllpe"�+4HeInt • i• ''t++ ++++++1„6 Q • t"Cement I wish to inform the •Public that .1 hay;:' dissolved partnership with my former employer, and wish to announce that •,, I have opened an Lc -to -date 'Garage +ey s Block. l AM IN A POSITION TO GI'"; a' EEPERT SERVIOl e. • 'AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE, OF CAiT,. .A..LSO RE-', 4. •i,. 0 • BUILD .&bTD OHA.RGE BATTERIES ON SHORT NOTICE A FULL, LINE OF GENUINE .FORD PARTS FOR SALE ▪ 1 AT FORD P1>IC'E3 • , SATIS irAC TION GUAIANTE D . Day and Night Seryiee • 13. 2NG Prop z 4 . ,++++ .tele tn 'i+4+i• • •*443•4n++3••1•+d•+o' ..++,++++•F•++•1•+•'P*b �►� oo SPECIAL V. ,LUES Don't miss his' bargain, Suits made to measure From $17.50 up 1 T Ties! Ties! h i.t a Special Price. Ties Regul $1.00 to $1.50 at 89c: See our windows for other Special Bargains Good Pressing, Skillfully one by ;a real Tailor, is as Refreah;- ing to Your Suit, as s good 5night's ;sleep Is to you, PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. E. E. WULRTU Tailors fen's' Furnishings ' Zurich, Onto Where the Good Clothes come from 401•111•1•111111/1•••••11..111410011701.1110r 41110011600.0•111.., We can supply you with the proper remedy for each hind of Insect Pest We have Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Hfei>tbore, Insect • Powder' Fly Tox ,.arid various other Insect destroyers , a n , .R.a1.)