HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-07-22, Page 8e,M IF`. '1 rx IYt' 161511 SC Vii. w �ilr•:_.i) Jr, y•osur4 53o a!orrive' Sr. ,> '11.17F; Jr. 7 Mme 50"' 41'82�ii�s . Gey 4 Lely 076F; Go,, fir. II. ;3T ; Rat:,; Tau 426P, Jr. 11r "Itl:' .Y00i 'trr,riveau a 'roniotect mer SPECIALS Sale 12 pieces Voile at yd. 19c LinenLinentoweling,toweling, yd. 16c ham each 75c 5 -yd ends 27 -in gingharn Rib Hosiery brown &25c white size 4 to 74 for 25c Sizes 8 to 10 Boys Jersey Suits ce for 1.3865c Mens overalls, blueeach 98c Mens work Shirts for Door mats 18x36 oilcloth 2 fort 5c Oilcloth rugs 4x4 ft. for Oilcloth rugs 7x10 1 for 7.50 1 only tapestry rug3x3 yds 12.50 Glass tumblers each 5c White cups & saucers dozen 1.40 97 -piece dinner sett, blue band decoration for 16.00 Soda biscuits 2 lbs. for 25c 25c Ginger le ps2 lbs. for 7 bars for 25c Castile soap l Oc Corn Flakes box 1Oc Valencia raisins lb. 25c Brick cheese lb 15c Salmon lb tin for 25c Sun -Monday soap 4 for 15c Canned tomatoes Canned peas 15c1c Icing sugar lb. 40c Rio Coffee lb. E ONLY A FEW OF T HE MAN'S BARGAINS WE aRE liiBOVE AR OFFERING AT THIS SALE. SEE BILLS FOR FURTHER NEWS. J. GASCHO & SONS ProduL Wanted • Phone 59 Zurieh'S Garage GasOils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs 9 G1T1JUB FORD FARTS FUST RECEIVED GAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES IFR -ARE $.. • &TTEPT PATRONAGE. Van IVO IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR P T. EATON 17VE OTHER OUR PICES TOCHEAPRBATTERIES LOF AND BESIDES WE GIVE CO., AND D D ,013 SERVICE. EVE MADE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BAT - BATTERY REPAIRING AND TRICAL OR MECHANICG, EXPP ALSO LEADING GARAGE REPAIRING EITHER ELI; L T YLEN E T'vLPING. lie asseau Zurich Irl. tit R1Ci; .HERALD `<<. vices n our Voile, Rayon Broadcloth _dOc Volies, Il;.sg„ular 60c. at dui i Cay, ' R c 50c. at g5c Reg. 60c: at ,. .. _ 40c Broadcloths; Reg., $1.00 at _.. 75e Ladies' Silk Hose at 39c, 75c. $1.00 Ladies' Broadcloth Slip's, ;$1,25 Regular 1.75, at .-• --- Ladies Nightgowns reg. $1 at 75c,- Ladies' Nightgown's, reg. 75c at 600 �and� We can supply you with Fres.. Groc- eries at all times j • W • MERNER SCHOOL REPORT Promotion Exam of S. S. No. 6 -Hay. `Ai" indicates honors. Xro Jr. Pr—Freddy Farwell. To Sr. Pr—Grace Wein, Irene Fos ter, Rose Hoffman. erich H; T o Pt. II—Gladys Ginger chMH; Winnifred Battler. H; ers II; Anthony ;Iloffmo4 Ii ; To Jr. II—Orlando Battler Mar W;tmer H; '1''o Sr. II—Olive tha Foster 11; Violet Adams, Al- Hogs vin Gingerich, Louis ,Farwell. To Jr. III—Dors Greb, Kenn neth Greb. erich; ToSr. III—Elda ing Witmer ;;risciila Farwell Heatrice Farwel AAlphonseDabuls,E Hon, Caropbel,l ,Teacher. .A LOK:AL MARKETS - (Corrected e• very Wednesday) - 40 Butter lb.... -... 20-24-26 Egg's--- - ...y •.. - 22 Potatoes per bagb--- --•-- _,.,..2 0 .00 Dried apples — . 9 Wheat _:... . ..- _. -a ........ 65 5 Barley •----. •.. , 65 Buckwheat ......... ...... Flour ...... ... .- ... 4.75 3.75 '-"' "-" ...34.00 Shorts per ton...._ -----• 32.00 Bran per ton_ 32.00 cwt....— GRAND wt. _ . . _.. GRAND BEND :Medford in new uniform's st- eply.,d out and won their 'second game in the Grauc1 l3end t11 'sSOf t Ball League fixtur.: o we- ek -end. the;. play was fast .and in- teresting 'co soft ball fans, and l iThedford''s gmae was real Their base running being featured emery girl out to 'score and fight for it. The co-operation and.care fill handling of the players was unotable in Miss Brooks, and.Thed- ford • look's :like a leader n i the grhup and is now tied for first place with Ailsa Craig and Park- hill. Forest girls are still in it to a finish and deserve commend ation for the manner in which they stay to the, finish and never let up• Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co.. OF WOODSTOCK l THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAN D $85,429.61. G. Holtzman Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 r eees•eeooeieA•••••••060•6000040®N�•••••••••0000 •9 �e so � • 1 Furniture Needs • • s w • • W wish to advise the public We it • that we have added a few more I lines of furniture to our stock which we have already carried, and are 2 in a position to supply almost ev• - 1 erybody's requirements. Thur: tlay ,22 �ad' • ranntnnontoteattauttguslOtairall We have received a large shipnie .t�: of new .Furniture including Living.. room, new diningroom suites, and rockers, kitchen cabinets, tables and ,chairs COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A FULL LINE OF THE F'AMO'US SIMMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES, BRING IN 'YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. Dashwood lion Lutheran church, Dashwood will celebrate its annual Mission Festival on Sunday July 25th, at 10,30 a Rz.,, 3 p.m. and S p.m. Rev 1<: illinger, B.A. of London and 'st- udent Harry Seebach of Stratford will hai.e charge of the 'services. Th.e collection's to be lifted at all { three services will flow into the District Mission Treasury. Ev- erybody is cordially invited to attend. Miss Laura Mae Reid. is p` ending her vacation in Blyth. Mr and Mrs. May of Kitchener spent the weeke tid with Mr. and MMrs, S. Oestreicher. 1131 Writ Klein'stiver spent a few days last week in r ^ ""..11:4 ^11 Miss Lena Steinha;gc ' r - land, Ohio is visiting with friends 'them—Moderately Priced.PE in town. HAT SHOP' Miss Matilda Ehlers has return-' eel to Kitchener after 'spending a vacation with her sister, Mrs. Sam O•estr. icher. We are pleased to report' little 'Mindy (1{ Kip for i':. improving ic ely from a 'severe attack of prier!! nionia. Miss Rose Zinune.r of Detroit, its '''isiting with her parents. MiGs Rose Guenther of Windsor' i,s spending her vacation with her • I nares its. Mis's Myrta Hoffman of Kitch- ener is ,spending her vacation at her holy, hero. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottschalk of Seafor1h and. Mr .and Mips. Rud- olph. Stade •of Zurich were Sunday • visitors with Mr .and Mrs, iWrn. gtnde. of • Air. Win, 'Tiernan and son • • Stratford are visiting in town. tit • • WE ARE SHOWING A NICE LINE OF DINING ROOM AND • BED ROOM FURNITURE, ROCKERS, CHAIRS, KITCHEN • CABINETS; SPRING S AND MATTRESSES, ETC. ETC. CALL • • I : WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FROST TIGHT LOCK PAINTS, GOODYEAR TIRES '. WILLIAMS • FENCE, SITER�VIN • ALL KINDS OF CLOVER SEEDS, ETC., ETC. • • • • ✓ ■ �Iilhnery Big Sale Big ..,,R,�.....-..,..-......-,tea HARDW E , A FULL LINE OF SHELF A{ND 1TEAVY HARDWARE, BEATTY WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, .. POULTRY' [FENCING, AND CEMEN T LET US DO . YOUR PLUMBING, EVETROUGHINu OR ROOF- ING c i (1 i � ! 'ii WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF 100% PURE MARTIN SENIOUR PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAIIZEL VARNISHES, SUPERTEST Gas and Coal]01, TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGt•GS, TRADE OR CASH lc. lb. Johnston 8c Kathfieisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 `�� 11 We are showing some wonderful valu es in Hats now at $1.95 The regular price ranging from, $3.50 to $6.50. Thecae are wat excep- tional values. And any ing one now should take advantage of this SALE. We also have another showing of hats at $2.50 and up. Just received a shipment , or the newe's't Stylets and Shades in felt sport Iilats. Call •and see • IN AND SEE OUR GOODS, FURNITURE UPSTAIRS, oo••••o••••••••••••••• OTHER LINES ▪ Mr and I trs, Milton 'Oestreich.er of Bucyrus, Kansas are visiting ith the ��nxp ink parents. � Miss ' pupil of Miss ISlfriecla Schroeder, .Dashwood, has been Successful in passing`, with h.rrne,rs., her Junior Piano examin- ation of Toronto Conservatory or music at London Institute of Music • tint M'i'ster Stuart Wolfe, also a • ZURICH. - ONT. Vera V. Siebert SCHOOL REPORT It's not what You earn but why � yousave that counts Suppose ym? deposit acexttin HUW of money �n the Bank' each year for period of 20 yeas The Bank will pay you back the money deposited with thq interest eR[ned, That's good business. 7CLaY9 sating money. The Lite Insurance Comganyg ow3 further. They not only Will pay , • f Suppoee yoe certain 1sunR of money In the Bank each year for a period of yearn. The Bank will pay you the money deposited with the ekrned, That''s good business. That"a 'saving money. The Life Insurance Compaoyg oers further. not only will pay premium you with the amount dapaai jed with them gas an annual the amount elepotsited with them es annual interest b•ut should you die before the 20 ye- MIF r, �k. f• cars, your beneficiary will receive the full amount of the Policy without further payments. That's saving and also Protection. Get my rate's on Life Insurance before placing your [policy. money mext Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR W i LL? IOW marrotrossomorrount Arrommrossimammorimc Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANuIN,.., & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR '' • FT JOB. H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH •— OTS' Report of exams. Sl ,S• No. 11 Stephen. Those marked R are not promoted. IT. honours; A, absent/ ( t Jr III- to Sr. Ltl--Anna Dietrich: H;, Benedict Dietrich X11;. Blanche Morerz, Earl Baker, Minerva Vin- cent, Charles Dietrich, Leonard :pis Jardine R; Marjorie Dila.ardineR. We appreciate your Patronage • '-STARE &WE100j 0 I ZURICH • ONT. gm,••••••••••••••••••••••r••••••••••••••••••••••eit ittiateAts nupil o1 Miss Schroeder, has pass eel his elern'ntary loath ena,tnin� iia„ora iti)n with • Married — Smith -- Baker -- At Dash+.�.Ooci July 19th, 1926 Miss r,r,reen 'Baker to Ir. W. Smith of Loridrt'+l. 'Rev. F,, 1S, Meyer of.- 1 Sr, II—to Jr. Ito --Edna BBreane H; Hazel Disjardine, Dorothy' Vin- cent, Jerome Dietrich R; Earl Vin- cent R. Jr. II to Sr, II: -•Clara DietrichH; Lorraine Baker; 'TTh,eluta Vincent, ITugh MVlorenz; CarrieWeiberg. Jr. II' to Jr. II A 1 rne'3t Frnech Elda De'cine, Ervin tx.:,ine:R; Ira. Vincent; R. Trellis; Di'sjardiii.eA;; Lester Disjardin5A; Jr 1Pt, II—Eugene Dietrich, Ilnrima Brenner, Veva Adams, Ver- na 'Drsj>irdine. :1'r, --Iva Kipper, Louis Die rich, Erma Kipper, R aymond Weiberg. H Nettachw'anger teacher -3OE1T WAD 1 Drugless PraetioO- eer and Optician !. EXETER Moms 'may AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURZOl Every Tuesday, 10 a.rni, to 0 Rise' -sir=+k—+lti—�F—Cdr-'-�slh—+F•�--di^--�fi^—:§�--t�..._,iM�--+li--4�•^,PP•--•�--1F—•.h-•-#—�—• 1 We're Ready FOR B2kI1TG With an extraordinary showing of the Season's Newest Materials for Men's Suits t 1' t WHERE YOU WILL FIND PITIVELY T 1 ING VALUES EVER HEARD OFF. 1. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMY TAKING — BUYING THE MATERIAL DIRECT FROM THE Bitt.r..S00, '�' 1 AND SELLING TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. T THAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET. 4;; BETTER HURRY AN1'I GBP YOUR ORDER IN EARLY. 1 E BIGG1GST wAuraR- IN 1. i o1' J 1' U r d r x yyh rc G t R pp ' N 1 El r3T TAILOR. W, II„ Se Son,, EMI3AI"a'11 R 1 MERCHANT AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR5i.. Hay and Night Phone Nee,6.,