HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-06-24, Page 715.11 O ui
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Have You Tried This? Tobacco for Worms..
TO' repaove the burnt teSte from .a :My flock of poultry became heavily
pan of slightly scorched milk add a .infested with worms. I went to a cigar
BY NEIL B. NICHOLS. • pinch of salt and set the pan in. cold' manufacturer and for 10;cents get
water -7, M. about five pounds of tobacco stems. I
Dr. Ii. W. Wile has said that this CHIME OBJECT.
Wiley t a is IFrB
cunt "
c t r .a
y s 5 far for a sow or hog to; The prime object of the child-^areT•
live in:than it is for a little baby. This fare movement is, of course, to reduce;,
especial true in districts where the!
I think T have cooked on ells! the def- this it is necessary to remove the cap boles. This not only preserves the I used one Duni o£ the powdered , the infant mortality and in 'addition;
scent kinds of. oil stoves under the at the end of the pipeand force oilpan but also allows the sediment to i. h p latest. scientific methods are employed ? to tryto:have the mother's res irbibf+-'
ree i ^ �! stems „to each hundred encu steepingto protect livestock, while the infants ! e sial
On, My home has never been Ale through until it flowsly. j be easily riesed out with ad water, the tobacco two hours in enough waterity shared more or Less by the to
e, t one. From experience I've:earned • Kerosene stoves, like automobiles :--T...'W,to keep it well covered. on the farm battle with disease and de- I through .such local organizations at
ve care and stove language. This and people, will last longer if we are To freshen upan old mattress, snake Then I mixed the tobacco water and facts as best they can, public=health nurses, medical hea'lth•�
a the soliloquy I've overheard in mynot constantly worked at full capacity.' a cotton pad fit the to then sew all in about four quartsof dryrias' The importance of making
the cern),
and departments of publics
tchen; ,. Most stoves are capable of consuming a strip of cotton, as wide .as the mat- or bran,makingacrumbl wet mash, munity safe for babies' is so great as health in general, working throug}><I
Please locate me in the part of the from eight to nitre ounces of oils an tress is deep, around the pad. Sew a This as feabout 2 p.m. to birds to challenge every forward-looking local agencies.
rural resident. Recently 22 ba clip- A
room where breezes from open doors hour, and when this is done the maxi- plain piece of cotton the same :size as that had not had anything to eat since y by physician with a large rural prac-
windows do not blow directs on mum 'heat is produeed. Ordinarily the pad to the other side of the strip, the previous day.Two hours later I les frought forth 852 infants to be ex -
end flee recently .declared that he was"
he flame causing it togo out. I this type of flame' is not required.; leaving one end unsewed. Suri over fed hem oncepound Epsom salts,dis-
ambled, with the result that 2,231 de- often confronted with the cgnfeseinia'
Slow cooking brin"s out a better flavor ,the mattress and overcast ,the :open- salved in warm water an I facts were drscovemed—man were of the yours mother, who unhesitsit
r #p d mixed about ?' g
Stela d •tto I'll not sin* you'll g � minor defects but in a considerable 'in 1 said that she knew nothingabout'
fact have to scour the pots and pans in'inost foods than a rapid one. If a ins -L. E. 1I. three quarts of the dry mash, seeing nu g y
total in cooking. I do not object to stove is operated at three-fourths its When I stem gooseberries for can- that all the flock got gene of the salts, mbar so serious that medical atter- the. care of her new-born baby. It fi+
being placed under the window;pro- capacity it will enjoy a longer life.' ping I use a screened -box stemmer The droppings were removed at day ion was required, although a great the duty of every mother to teach hex`
majority of the children taken to the daughter i
tidied the upper sash is lowered when THE RIGHT overt. which saves me hours of Wine. I take light next morning to prevent re ghrber these facts, and lessons
apiece of new screening and tack it infection. clinic were ,apparently quite normal, should not be withheld until the young
ventilation is desired. Be kind enough to buy the oven that g Some of the children were found woman becomes a mother.
:' Soap and is manufactured to be used with me. over the open aide of a small wooden This is the best and cheapest worm
Give me a `daily bath
w+at are the -best clean im agents Different burners have different oven box;, allowing the wire to sag slightly. remedy I, have found. Two treatments; underweight, others under the normal Where women have an effective
and everypart of a stovegbe requirements, especially in regard to When a handful of freshly gathered a week apart, clean out the worst in_ height, and some suffered from adeno organization, the public health nurse
may q berries are rubbed over 'the wire the fested flocks.—E. B. F. olds or diseased tinsels, •may be employed along these lines to
washed. A brush will reach the cor- the. space between the flame and the . These clinics should be held in every aid and.direct the young mother, sot
blossom and stem ends are removed. sey g
reties. oven floor: There must be space. for A few stems are sometimes left, but part of the country, and should not be that she will, be better ysieally te•
"' I need to be set on se level founds- • adequate combustion. The great ad Green Feeds for Poultry. held for sick children, but may better :bear her burden, and be in possession;
} Ithese can be quickly picked by hand.
tion I have no objection to pieces of vantage of the oven of a kerosene
1—N. T. .Dry clover leaves gathered from the be advertised as "well -baby clinics." i of .at least elementary principles of
' the flod being placed under my legs stove is that'll
avf heats quickie. becauseAt these clinics a
the floor sl it is not heavily insulated. This bur- I have a time-saver to offer in con- barn floor and fed in the litter provide' complete physical , care of the babe. Fortunately the rural,
apes' i neetion with the laundering of lace one of the most satisfactory green examination of the child is made. The, districts are not faced with alums
, ries the baking program. Folks ac= child is weighed If I am of the'wickless type a small o curtains.. ,I had some fine lace ones feeds for winter egg production. This g ed and measured and where thousands of people- live in al
i eustomoo tea range oven .frequently its weight whisk broom will help to clean the ;burn foods when theybegin to bake that were old and would net stand was demonstrated in an expeieiment g t and height compared with small area, but both in town anc>
asbestos rings, the metal jackets, the tstretching . on a curtain stretcher. described in the latest report of the a standard chart. A chart is made out I country there is an altogether too'
readers and all cher parts. Gentled with kerosene or natural gas. orkThe Neither could they be ironed. I wash- Dominion Poultry FIusbandman, which for each child and any defects are: high percentage of Ignorance regard-
I oven is not'at fault. The guesswork
'Wishing removes all particles of dirt • e 'thermometer could saveed them and put them back while wet is distributed by the Publications Pointed out to.the'mother. The chart ins the proper care of our most imp
`•hick might interfere with the flame. is. An oven th rmom ter ou xl Branchis retained by
g i all the,tragedies caused by burned on the curtain rods at .the windows. , Dept.: of Agriculture,`' Ottawa, is the examiners, a dupii- I portant crop—the babies.
etch ends need to be removed, as , foods Then I took a long rod- and ran it The other•green feeds tested in the to being sent to the parents. To 1 Child -welfare work should never be
they have a tendency to make the thrangh the bottom hems of the cur- experiment were manges and sprout- make the c:•fnic most effective, it Is , looked upon as the work of charity,'
flame The field of the kerosene st ve has .
yellow. This yellowness gives been broadened in recent years, not tains, p acing a pail containing a flat- ed oats:' ill three proved to be vela- necessary to see that the recommends- but rather as a course in "mother-'
pelt but no heat. The blue flame cooks only because we are more effleienti iron in the centre of rod. This weight able from the point of view of winter tions are carried out, and thus a letter i craft"—that is, the education of moth -1
constructed but also by the creation stretches the cu"rtains down evenly, egg production and of their affect en of inquiry should be sent three months . ere in personal hygiene in regard to'
IIOw' TO CLEAN wivxs.. of cooking utensils purposely designed and when dry they are fluted as evenly I fertility and hatchability.. The clover later to find out what has been done, the feeding and proper care of their
Perhaps I'm a stove with a wick. If for .our use. This is true of the broil- as though they had been done by ma -1 leaves proved especially favorable also and if no steps have been taken, learn children. The World War brought'
am, keep my wicks smooth and even. ers, the use of which' makes. it possible thence. My friends could not believe' hatchability. The experiment also why the parents have ignored the re- home to us the fact that a nation's
This means that the scissors muse: not
have steak broiled perfectly as it is that I had achieved that result by a shows that where green feeds are not commendations. The results have strength chicley consists in the ineil
tie used for trimming. I have never in cit homes haven expensive broil- simple home device. Filet curtains available Epsom salts dissolved and been satisfactory, as the average par- : tal and bodily strength of its citizens.!
seen a human who could cut evenly.y " g looks splendid when stretched in this fed in the" wet mash at the rate of ent cares enough about' the child's wel-I By neglecting the welfare of the chilid,'
ins ovens.. Then, too, there are toast- fare and future to endeavor to relieve therefore, the man and woman- ower
When the wick is new let the uneven ars for kerosene stoves that make it manner. In fact, any ,curtain with two ounces per pen of fifteen birds 1p
flame burn .a few .minutes until the possible to toast bread exactly .right. 'hens at bottom can be done with great daily make an excellent substitute, any defect once he knows of it. 1 of the nation is sapped at its source.'
edge is charred. Then wrap a piece of In homes tannin water in satisfaction and a -wonderful saving At no time In the history of civilize- Every race marches forward on the
tissue paper around your' finger and having g e ortime and energy.—E. M. J. Thought He Knew. tion have so much time and work been feet of little children, so that the con-;
cousin the kerosene heater for the gY
down gently. Olean my wick in water tank, is mighty convenient for spent on the all-important question of servation of child life is far-reaching
pressOne evening the famous song writer,
this way every day, child welfare as at present. Nor is it indeed. The babies of to -day will
summer use. It provides warm water To soften a hard paint -brush, stand Madame Guy d Hardlot, was dining a local issue alone. It is nation-wide. form the nation of to -morrow.
The supply of kerosene needs to be for baths and other purposes without it overnight in a. dish of soft soap, or with a party of friends at a restaurant
replenished frequently. If it Is ex- a coal ;or wood fire being built. - The soak it in hot vinegar, then clean in and, in. honor of her presence, the People ask why such interest is being ; During the war a welfare worker
tainted while the stove is in use, my care required by these heaters is ap-gasoline; Put brushes in oil to keep band played one of her popular songe..exhibited along these Imes and some declared that it was more dangerous
{wick will burn. This shortens its life proximately the same as for stoves. thein from getting hard. Hang them At an adjoining table were two young of the older thatfolks are possibly inclined to be a baby in England that a soldier
and the soot off blackens upthe The high lights are: Avoid drafts,on the side of the bucket instead of men, one of whom said to the other: to tell us that in their day if a child in France, and to verify this, showed
stave. given slave Dili n the supply tank at all times letting them touch the' bottom. "What •do you think of that song?" lived and grew, all was well, but that that in 1915 nine soldiers died in
"Oh" resiled his companion, "the if it dial, nothing could have been France every hour, while in that same
Sometimes my flame becomes Tow, and keeg a1d parts clean. And thedone for it. The great burden of hour twelve babies died in the United
even though there •is an abundance of greatest of the three is cleanliness. She doesn't strike, she doesn't profit- music's all right, but I •can't stand the responsibility as to whether the child Kingdom. This is at the rate of one
ser; she still works for the same old composer; Ire's a bruhe, and beats his g
wages. Let us foster the honey -bee. wife:' I lived or died was then, as now, placed every five minutes. It is estimated"
g y Ion the mother. that as many more died prematurely.
Think what it would mean if the death
If your kerosene stove could talk, kerosene avaielablel chances are the I ecie�' the bottom of my refi•iger- powdered the: steins by; grinding
hat wou �d it say? Ie it satisfied with pipe which carries the oil from the atom pan with a half-inch of meted through a small mill. (Or they ;can
the treatment you give it? tank to the burner is clogged. To clean paraffin to keepit free from rust and bepounded upfine withhammer.)
w h a mm )
Why. Carbon Knocks Out
When a piston head and cylinder of
a gas engine becomes ` covered with
Carbon, the heat of combustion will not
pass into the cooling water as fast
as it should. This is 'due to the fact
'hat the layer of . carbon acts as an
of farmers in Guelph, Waterloo and
Kitchener during a five-week period
last March and April. They have been
grading eggs strictly on the Guelph
market for over a year and at Water-
loo for a considerably shorter .period.
At Kitchener "grading has been In
effect .only fo'r`e' short time and the
graded eggs do not constitute more
insulator to prevent this passage of than fifty per cent. of those offered for
heat. ' It acts very much like the coat sale. This situation resulted in the
oY' asbestos cement which is placed Guelph farmers receiving three cents
around the furnace and :steam pipes a dozen more for their eggs than the.
of a heating system to prevent the Waterloo farmers, and seven cents a
heat being radiated in the cellar. dozen' more than those in the vicinity
There are two . influences which of Kitchener. There can be no doubt
cause the engine to knock; Fixst, the that the higher price received by the
heat within the cylinder becomes in- Guelph farmers was a direct result of
tense, thus causing ignition ahead of a careful application of the grading
• time, or detonation; second, the clear- system.
ance between the piston head and cyl6---
leder (combustion chamber) is reduc- How I Trap Cabbage Worms.
td, thus making a higher -compression Cabbage worms practically destroy-
The fly -wheel has enough power
stored in it to push the piston up and
past dead centre even though ignition
Comes too early. Thus the wrist -pin,
eceinecting-rod, and the main bearings
ief the engine have exerted upon them
tiv ce the pressure they were designed
Consequently the oil
�o withstand. •
is squeezed out u and metal -to -metal
contact occurs. This is the real dam-
age to the engine. worms. Every worm on the plant had
About the only thing to do is to moved on to the leaf.
clean the carbon out or have it burned So after that I covered every plant
out. Cleaning is the best; you get it with a leaf in the evening and removed
ell andwhile you have the engine head them and killed the worms nett morn -
m, the valves can be ground. Most I kept this up about two weeks
any one. can do the job if care be used and completely cleared my cabbage of
ell series . f' week/ii articles
am• Copyrl9ft 1926.
It is 'deplorable how little thought is
given to the designing of the garden
gate and fencing for the smaller`house.
Many houses would be much improved
ed rhy patch last year and I, raised had the same careful study been given
only about half a cropp the year before, to the gate and fencing, as the house'
It was by accident that I discovered had received, The house has been
considerably cheapened, both in appear-
ance and as an investment because of
this fault.
The architect's genius seems to have:
a way to get them and, as a result, I
have more cabbage this year than for
many years past.
One day when the cabbage was just
By W. S. Limbert'.
lustrated. Stain the boards and posts
a neutral green or a tree bark brown.
The open. 'wood lattice or square
packets for fencing is preferable to the
close bdards.
• The hedge, however, is undoubtedly
the most befitting and graceful enclo-
sure for the grounds of every home,
and will not cost as much as suitable
wood fencing..
For hedges there is a variety to
rate among babies could be reduced
e one-half.
Do you know how many babies are
sacrificed yearly in your community? .
Was it safer in the trenches than in
your average home The casualty list
is the horror of warfare, but the in-
fant mortality is the horror of peace.
The loss of life in the war has made
a baby's life doubly precious, so now
there is no more patriotic duty than
that of protecting the children.
Should we ask a man living in a
section comprising 25,000 people if his
section is healthy, he would probably
reply, "Why, yes, I should say that
If there is a plain wall to your house it was very healthy." But the chances
that particularly annoys you, oover it .are that it is nowhere near so healthy
as it should be, for Canada as a wiaole
is as yet, from the heath point of
vierv, hardly developed et all.
If your county has a population of
25,000 people, here is a very probable
about a foot from the wall. picture of its condition:
The walks should receivey:more con- More than 100 people died in your
sideration than is generally given ,to county last year who might be alive
with a pergola lattice, as shown on the
illustration. This must be secured
with bolts to the well, and havea per-
manent foundation, as some climbing
plants are heavy. Keep the posts out
them. Be sure to leave ample space to -day if methods thoroughly emown to
beginning to head I happened' to pluck, "petered out," or it may have been one choose from -the stately English pre- at the turn of the gate, and then ••two health work had been applied. Forty
a ground leaf and dropped it on a of the many (unfortunately) important vot or prim; splrea, with its graceful feet nine inches will he wide enough babies died in your county last year
plant. When I picked this leaf up the matters, in which his advice was not white or pink falling clusters; bar- for the walk to the front steps. Make of preventable disease. One baby out
next day it was literally covered with acted upon. The owner tells the build- berry, with its wonderful autumn tint the walk of brick or flag stone. If of of every eleven born in Canada dies
before it is a year old, and one mother
out of every 136 dies in bringing her
child into the world.
Your county •spends an average of
50 cents per capita for health protec-
tion, and if yours is an average county
you do it grudgingly. At the same
time you are spending $1.50 for police
protection and $8.76 per capita for,
public education. Suppose we spend
as much to keep folks well as we do to
put them in jail? Wouldn't we have
- - better communities?
Public health boards, newly roused
to the need to conserve human health,
are teaming their attention to the
group where the greatest danger and
the greatest hope lie—the children.
til �mafee �U1�2h_ B
In getting all the parts back correctly.
Don't allow carbon to knock out
your bearings. It is too expensive.
-R. U. B.
Egg Grading Results in
Better Prices.
worms. The same leaf may be used
about a week if 11 is green and has
no perforations in it at the beginning.
-L, L.
I• Feed at Bedtime.
- For the last three months I have
The advantages of egg grading are been trying out a Omen taking care
becoming more apparent every day of my flock of 100 birds. The idea was
and it is resulting in a rapidly in- suggested to me by the natural early:.
creased per capita consumption. •Ac risiig of the chickens, consequently. I
rding to officers of the Dominion have been using the following schedule
L ption has ean amounted to over con-
ten to I to the chicken house
• gojust after et
from tee pullets. Give them a cone
e sper person in the last five dark when the last sera lots are'on` le, r ' i. s, .„ I L I As soon as the sexes can be deter-
gg ;" I P Irt_ ' �{• I parated
years, and during that period prices the roosts. I sprinkle the grain- about `rt.;» : 1yld., It l
.,{ r--�... i, mined the ma.hs should be separated
have been more uniform and more in the straw which I always keep in .. van.. a a, -1 • • Portable shelter with range and feed
profitable :to producers• than ever be- abundance in the 'scratching-rooinr' "'
fore. The great deterrent in the way Then, with: a fork that I have handy, v from •a dry mash hopper.
f increased production" in the past -I stir the grain well into the straw. or to Dopy "Mr. So and So's fence clown foliage and orange red oval berry; or brick, lay them on a four inch bed of - The following ration has proven
�pe been the fact that too often one When the birds fly, down in the morn -
egg found to be good was• no criterion ing their breakfast is awaiting then;.
of what the next would be. Grading This saves me time, in the morning
Iias resulted in a dependable product, when the other chores are the heaviest, gate in the brick wall is shown with a
thereby increasing the demand and r and it gives the hens a good deal of , hood or roof over it, carried on wood
maintaining the price. invigorating.. exercise. Many tines. I brackets, the hood being shingled,
There is a striking proof of tho have gone into the chicken house in
middle of the forenoon and found
benefits of grading in the experience the iii
the flock still busily scratching out the
feed that I had placed there the night
before. ---R. 11.
It Gets the Mites.
a < w Il
We paint _with a generous amount permit different, the side 'enelosuree and a stinieler house and swig fortthe Make the platform at least four feet
of roofing tar the sockets in which can be rough board fencing, tel chiltlrerl. wide, s0 as to give ample room for
the roosts rest. We have clono this boards being kept an Rice and one-half DO NOT SPEND ALL i'O CII1 your visitors when owning or going.
MONEY ON TI• E HOUSE, SET *1'11e steps' and platform ries. be built,
GAT S, I',l1NOIl q, WALKS AND of either brick or stone flags to match
SLIMMER OUT•D0011, W 1. the walks.
r w,m1
evergreens, such as cedar and arbor' sand, using paving brick, 1aM with very satisfactory:
vitae, bringing summer colors into . cement joints, flag stone is prefer -Ground wheat, 30 parts by weight;
winter. A cheap hedge is the common able, :square or irregular in, shape and ground hulled oats, 30 parts by
hemlock. litid;aabout ono and a Half lechcs apart: weight; ground yellow corn, 3'0 parts
Pay some attention to the gate hard- Let the grass grow up between the by weight; meat serap, 10 parts by
ware -you can now purellase well -do• .joints. It will not hurt the lawn weight.
signed gate hinge straps and latches at mower to run over the joints if the Give them what skim milk or sour
How will we enclose our groulids? moderate prices, at any good hardware walk is first swept.
d ri the best encio- shop. As a real 'worthwhile expend;- A word regarding the front entrance
If yotr desii e li v ay, p
sure is a brick • or stone wall, about turn, have the garden gate made 01 steps andplatform. Make the steps
6' 6" high; or a •ooncrete :wall, weigh hard woods ---oak is, preferable low and wide, about five inches for the
can be finished "pebble dash." Either In your fence plans, do not forget to former or "rise" and•twelve lushes at
of these would be suitable for the work in
street trona, and if the cost Will not gola•-•to be .built later if not now— least for the later or "the tread."
street, that is good enough."
Tho illustrations show simple treat-
ments of gates and also of fences. The
.V . i'J,Plan Book
liandsornely illustrated with plans of
moderate priced him sbyGantdlatiAlt-
ehitcata; MaCLtlan 3uI1dea'a
Gude sdil help Seap decide
On the type of liOnie, e:rteXlbr
finish, materia , interior of•
ransom ent and dedoratton,
Send 21c far it copy,
MacLean Duilders'(i,)(rte
sin ;Add1aldo sir Waal
E'orente, Ont,
'every .speing and once every summer, apart, so as to allow air and sunlight
Whet the tar gets dry, for three years, to get to the patents where near the
and `We have not had a mite in the fences. The top of the fenoing can' be
chicken houses in that time.—E: 11', finished: in seine simple, manner. as .11 -
milk they will take. Keep the intik
fountain and feed hopper well sup-
plied and before ;;lie birds all the time.
On every farm there are a number
of young males and the most profitable
way to dispose of thoni is to develop
them as broirers and get then, off to
market early. Broilers are aleveys in
demand and the price is genoraley
If you Want something done right -
and in a hurry, go to the Mae who''g
already busy,