HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-06-24, Page 5urselbert June ,24th,, 1926. RUMNESS CARDS L x E. HOLM + S E+AR13IST'ER, ,'SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, Ere. ? lit e% HamiltonStreet. Just off Elm .Square, GODEP.ICH, Ont. Special attention to Counsel and ' oert Work. - FOR SALE Cur. Holmes may be consulted at leoderieh by phone and phone A limited quantity' of gold, el - Charges reversed. can buckle heat 'seed for sale, Tap- , ply to' Sneed) Creb, J abylon Line. Estdrew V. Hess, Township Clerk 1llae8 of marriage licenser, Notary iXilib 1L Commissioner, Fire and Ant- S 'RAPE i Plitielbllls ' Insurance, Representing IMIlitseia and Erie Mortgage Corpora- From my premises, Lot 13, Con. 100110 The caMella Taunt Co. Zurich, 4• Stanley 7'owr+ship, five Illeisti0. calve's, all mostly red eoolr. Finder kindly notify Mrs, J. H. Taylor, Brucefield, Ont. $ Warts,FO►r Sale; L OSt, FOu1'1d, Notsce, Etc ;il9. IN THIS 1 o,1,UMN FOR SALE Ag noel Second hand Louden hay track with car, L. A. Prang . Knapp, D. D. S.,' L. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON 1 WAIN OFFICE - BENSALL • Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. i%„ D. D. S. .;ENTAL SURGEON: • At DEITZ BLOCK, 'ZURICH eve ereef T1 '.edgy,' Friday and Satur- .. i'J Maim -Oleg* fil .&R1LRIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD OBCAR =son; er'aduate Carey M. Jones Nat - 1 School of Auctioneeringgtocicy We e tor Registered Live Breeds). Terms in keeping GYM prevailing prices. Choice Bene tor sale. Will sell ,anything) eteywhere. Zurich. +yye 18-93 or write, Licensed Auctioneer Hurn;Licensed In ct ueeit� n to County con • Huron' regardless 1nct any auction sale, I Es to size or articles to eell. • ,cit your business, and it not Iterated will make no charges for Arthur 'Weber, pi Dashwood. 11001130 13.67 - Zurich Meat . tiliRKET i;• Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Piece for Wool CASH FOB SKINS A. HIDES Deichert uRicH LIVERY LOST In Zurich, a 1atm of money,, fin- der of same kindly communicate with Herald Office. EGGS FOR HATCHING Purebred Minorca's and also White Wyandotte. Choice (stock. Apply to George H. Farwell; Zu - ich, Phone 58. FOR SALE A barn with good latrong frame on Victoria Street, Zurich, for further particulars apply to Herb Mousseau. 1 any in a position to meows, ;rte SU requiremen a in the Livery, as, have Auto for hire. Any., Mug done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Mehl MI Zurich LIVE POU LT RV WANTED EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure bred Ancones eggs, from very good laying strain, .choice stock, Our price is- right• leave your • order early. -Lloyd O'Brein., Zurich. Phone 127. tf-39 Mar n every day till 3 Oclock p.m. De not teed fowl same morning! aileron brought Plighest Cash, Prices; --,-PSH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'•Brien1 iM„444 Zug The Ford. COAL 1926 Z>l7Ail, i•1 HERALD Sorry to .report that. M,r, Jacob Weido ii13 tette ill gat her homehe;•a:' Mr :Albert gess, .was to Visitor to Detroit last „Week. Mr. Herb Truemner sof Pigeon, Mich., visited his:Other, Mr; Dan True ever• the past week. Mr. Oliver Jo.hn'son • of Goderich visited with his brother, Mr. 'rhos Johnson ori Sunday. Miss Alice Johnston, who has been visiting at T'oronto,_ returned house last week. 13e 'sure and buy your 'supPlY, of horde -ramie baking on Saturday eve. July 3rd, at the Gaseh'o block Miss Aorothy Feltz of London Wes a Sunday visitor at her horse here. Mr. Milton 'Hey of Detroit, was a Sunday visitor with his pare ents here. Mei Con. Schniker and 'sons Al- fred, Oscar and Clair of Milverton, visited at the hoiue of Mr.. and Milo. John Brenner on Sunday Messrs. William Schniker and 'David Tonle of Paris, were week- end visitors at the. home of Mr. and Mrha. John Brenner. Mr. Ed. Haberer at the ealst•end of the village i!3 bui'lding' a very up-to-date garage on his prop- erty. Mr. Louis Durand of the Sauble is improving his dwelling by bu- ilding a new kitchen and siding his house with Bird's Octab 'shin- gles.\,- • / �1 r:ureber of the community .are taking advantage of hearing the •splendid Evangelist, in the Goshen United church, and getting well rewarded foeg oiag as Mr,. Keys is a powerful speaker. The annual meeting of the ,S. IHuron Libera:s Association will be. held in tli: town hall, Hen'sal,l on Friday, June. 25th at 1.30 p.ny Hole Nelson Parliament' and Mrs. Zoe Stevens of Torontp ,will Le among the !speaker;, The meeting wet be for •hot:. tU?. Jeri; and Provincial WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE, GENUINE • Scranton Coal MAGNEJO Ooes get weak Our re -charger is again on the job TESTING FREE Prop, WOOD MOTOR SERVICE - ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE $OUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son ._ PHONE 35 HENSALI. -17 - SCHOOL FAIR IDAT(e .Grand Bend -Sept 7. 'Dashwood, Sept 8. •Crediton -Sept, 9t1a: W i n chef sea-Sc:,pt. 10, Wroxeter -Sept„ 13. Gorrie-Sept. 14. Pluevale-•Sept 15. Ashfield -Sept 16. St. Helens -Sept. 17. Colborn -Sept 18. Hens -all -Sept. 20. ZURICH --Sept. 21. 1 Varna -Sept 22. Blyth -Sept. 23. Ethel -Sept. 2.4. Walton -Sept. 2S7. Goderich Tp. -Sept 28. Belgrave-Sept 29. Dublin -Sept. air Clinton -Oct. 4-S. Mrs, Wm. Bassow and daughter Edith visited -with friends in Cred iton on Saturday,. Messes Dan iilerj, Wm. Iii Miller and Win. Leslie !of London, were visitors in town over the wee ek-el.d. r S. HURON LEAGUE BASEBALL SCHEDULE 17 -Thames •Road at Hentail. 18 -=Zurich 'at Exeter. 21 -Zurich at Thames Road. 21--Hen'sall at Credito. 24 -Zurich at RerrsalL 25 -Exeter at,Crediton. 28 -Crediton at Thamels Road. 28 -Exeter at Zurich. JULY 5 -Exeter at Crediton. 5 -Thames Road at Zurich+ �• 9 -Crediton at Herrsall. 9 --Exeter at Thames Road. 12 --Zurich at Crediton, 13 ---Thames, Read at Mullell. 16 -Crediton at Exeter. 16-Ilensall at Zurich, 19-Heneall at Exeter. 19 -Zurich at Thain Road. • 22 -Exeter at Mensal;. • ', 23 -Thames Road at Crediton. 26-Giredlton at Zurich. 26-I#eneall at Thames Read, 29 Thames Road at Exeter. 30-Hen'sall at Crediton. ,2 AUGUST, • 2�.. Crediton, at Theme% Road. 2 -Zurich at Exeter:, °Exeter at atrial!, 9,--Zrir:ich, a ti I ensau, A purpose;e. T;;edecti)in in letter rate's of post- age from 3 to 2 cent's, as tau• r bounced i the federal buJvt, ; ea iuto of eeleon July 1st. In this connection the poet office depare nretn announce that on and 'afte that date the •rate of postage o letter's £or Canada, the United St ates, Mexico and all other peter in the North American continent will be 2 cent:; for each ounce or fraction thereof. Mr. and Mrs, L. W. Holffinen Mfr. and Mrs. W. H. 13oifinen, Miss Mildred Hoffman, and Mr,Le. •O'Brein, motored to Stratford o Wednesday last and took in the Galt vs. Stratford game of base- ball which -was won- by Galt and in which the Hoffman brothers are :prominent players, the tea'tn hav ing won every one( of the 14 gani^� payed thus far. Building operation's are pro- ressing very favorably in the village. Mr .Harry Gellman has the foundation up for his new 'sidence. The concrete work on rete neer' shed !of the Lutheran 'work completed and ready to put on the roof. . The meson work el_ the addition to the Evangelical church, 'will b> c:o np°leted this week is expected. A very pleateant evening Was .spent at the home of Mr. and Mr, E�•'elyn -Broderick on Wednesday, June 16th in honor of Miss Ethel, leech elect, when a large chicle of neighbors and friends who man- ifested their interest in the young couple by pre'aentmg them with a miscellareows shower. They re- ceived a g rat variety of useful gifts The evening was spent in music and dancing, after which re'- fre'shments were served. WATERLOO SEMINARY GRADU- ATT: HONORED WITH MASTER'S DEGREE The Anima Divinity School of Wittenberg College, which college is also the largest in the United Lutheran Church in America, have singly honoured the Rev . P. L. Howald, B. ;D., of St, James Evan,. Lutheran church, of New Dundee, Ont. with the degree lof S. T. M. [:Meister of Sacred Theology) This was conferred "in absentia" at college commencement ,on June 10, at ,Springfield, Ohio. Pastor F. L. Howald is the, second graduate of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary to re- ceive such degree for post grad- uate study. ; The South Huron Wome&s In- stitute Convention, consisting.. of: Hurondale, Crediton, Exeter and /urich, met at the Instttute Hall, Crediton on Monday June 21st, in the 'afternoon. A 'spelndid pro- gram was •given, two xrumber-s from each branch, also Splendid' + • 'cls show what the e dif- •e sets which reports, , ferent branches are engaged in Mrs, J. Hey, Jr., vicerpr'esident, handled the meeting very ably in the absence of Miss Jeckele, the president, of Exeter, who was un- able to be present on account of ill' health, The election of offic- ers resulted as follows; President, Mts. J. Hey, J�., Zurich; vice-prest Miss N. Keddy, Hurondaie; 2nd vice. Mrs. Yoe, Exeter; Secy.Treas, Meg. IT. I Either; Crediton; Aude itors, Mrs. Zwicker and Mrs. Orme Crediton. For the yeer 1927 t convention will be held at Zurich, Refre'sbments were served by the C t f th.<it:l; S;; iv en for 'their isospttality i a y Pegs' Vire UV 1� . WINO NOP � .• 00000.00004.00•�r!�wlr'wp► .per es +r....•aa�sgrw..........�r MOW TQ il•AIS:l4 .BABY 1i3E1+,t ON 0 011 mom MLLE, •: arm mplements I Experiments at the.O. A. C. Showy a s, You Can Do tire, Milking, Sell he w 0' WB ARE HEAD U'AltCt,,1t;e ..Oti ii.l.,eit iel:0eh\ii: ler; as Cream and Still Have a Good.Calf. ,: Q (Contributed byOntario Department of • AND 1IAYE ,.JUST TILE 1eINi✓ iU.i? Kl l U O ' M..A l3T I.Jt ,T C a m agriculture. Toronto.) • YOU NEED THE MOST. All >() ,IaUVII'S, .i'1['.II�IG ANI) Many breeders of ,beef cattle pre,. MOST. fer to hand -milk their cows and, with • FITTINGS. WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS, r the growing demand for young and • to handy -weight beef, the question of : WHILE THEY LAST WE ,A,11 E O Pee ;V N ( PH FI P Ci nt. f the possibility of making baby beef . e e THESE SPEC`rA L B A1'a A'[t�`S on skim milk is a live one, Of course; a . e.,a..e,„;e . no one will argue that better baby • beef can be made with skim milk $2111TJ 0 J3atterles for$15 CO than With whole milk, but many be- ' lieve it impossible to satisfactorily e , • WE MAKE A LIB:I�RA"r, ++I,i,C.i\ -ANC:E 0�T OLD B. s finish calves at baby beef age and 0 ID T.I4Y,1J.S, 0 weight without whole -milk for most 4 se of the feeding period. • Our Batteries are Guaranteed by the 1 An experiment with four good grade Shorthorn calves by a pure- bred bull and fed off with skim milk. j Company and myself 0 gave us some rather valuable results. + •ALSO DO BETTERY Cl1 a The calves were put in in late Jan- A:i WNG AND RCI, AIRINu.IR uary and February, 1924, and were i marketed in late January, 1925, at Tires, Tubes, Greases and011 • just about twelve months old and at e 1• an average weight of approximately • 800 pounds each. They graded • choice handy-y►eigh catty and were! • VP very choice baby beef in carcass.' 4 L. A ■ Prop g • They made a daily gain per steer of i.• • 1,961 pounds, a profit over cost of •' m feed of•$54.85 and a profit of $34.85 ; • over all costs; including initial Cost of calves. We were pleased indee with the results. These were good cattle, finished ready for market at the popular weight and grade, had given good market rices for .feed Consumed and had taken practically no whole milk after the first titree weeks of age. There are some pos- sibilities in this direction, but good beef type calves are necessary to start with and more than the usual care in feeding is necessary. It would not be advisable to try it with dairy -bred stock and certainly care in feeding and housing are essential, but it looks possible to make fairly good baby beef from skim milk calves of the right beef breeding if they are fed right and. kept in the stable, prefer- ably in box stalls. Tho Dairy Veal Calf. Experiments have shown that dairy -bred steers and heifers are not suitable for beef production, so it be- comes necessary to dispo,;e of many calves' from commercial milk -produc- ing herds as well as cull calves from r pure-bred herds. Most people do not n el 3 like to destroy such calves at birth and so try to veal them off. While a dairy -bred calf does not make as good veal as a beef -bred calf, if he is to be eaten at all he is more likely to meet expenses and more nearly suit the consumer as veal than as any other kind of meat. With a number of calves in our own herd - Holsteins, Ayrshires and Jerseys -we found they averaged 71 pounds each at birth, that in feeding for seven weeks it took 7.98 pounds of whole milk for a pound of gain in weight, and the work showed that the best way to handle such calves is to give them whole milk for the first three weeks of their lives and get them on the market as soon after that as pos- sible, or, in other words, profits drop week by week in feeding whole milk to an a v era 3 dairy -bred veal calf after he is three weeks of age, at which time he is marketable. Calves should, however, be put in the best possible condition if to be marketed at that age, •aa l,00r veal injures the market f :r all veal, -Dept. of Animal Husbandry, 0. A. College. The Big Co -Op. The Big C. -el e. can fix, and force buyers to accept fair and uniform grades; can establish its own brands and maintain an exclusive market for there through advertising. The Big Co -Op. can develop new uses for a product; can find new mar- kets where none existed previously; can usually find a sale for low grade products, without damaging the mar- ket for higher qualities. The Big Co -Op. can make sure of the credit of the buyers, and fight fraud; and can establish retail out- lets for its products when necessary. The Big Co -Op. can blend and pro- cess the product, and collect the pro- fits thereat. The Big Co -Op. can demand and secure better railroad service, and the cheapest storage and insurance rates. The Big Co -Op. can sometimes sell the product direct to the manufac- turer, exporter, or retailer, reducing speculative danger and colecting the intermediate profit. A single farmer or a small Co -Op. can not do this. AN AID TO THE STAPLES. When Fencing Rough Land Nick the Posts. The up and down pull exerted on the staples used in keeping wire fenc- ing in position is often so great as to loosen and extract the staples holding the wires to the pests on higher ground. A sagging feriae is }torn tp.au useless as it tempts stock to go over. and slat cause them in- jury. All wires may be }sept tight and in place by simply cutting a shal- low notch `in the post where the wires are to be held and then resting the wire on the shoulder of the notch. The post will then support the pull whether up or down, and the staple he wire can do its part in holding t in to the post, all that a staple is intended to do. -L. Stevenson, Direr- for of Extension, 0. A. College. 0' 0' •00GARAGE! GARAGE so • w We are in a positions tel give you I the best of services in repairing or m ove+haulii ; ally make of (gar I .0 t•PT{ROTTJMechania a eeessliseeeeeeeseeeseecs�+orimese eeste@e�esoeeetra ea Canada Thistles. The best way to kill Canada this- tles is to use a short rotation of three or not more than four years, such as a grain crop seeded down with red or sweet clover, left one year to pas- ture oi• hay, followed by a hoe crop and sown with grain 'and reseeded. Timothy seed may be sown with the clover and it may be left in meadow two years. The clover plant does most of the work in smothering this- tles, and in being cut at a time that will be very hard on thistles. Being rediton ladle's, also a, Vote n follow, water gets in the sty is caus- al -" .a1;.�'«.a I afi •f••P•..F�••i••i•d••1••1••i••i•�4••hfi•3..F.p•.l••g..q•.l••:o++,1$ L•• ••F�B•fi•3• •e•++ +1..!••4..1••iv,i +.p.•i.'i 4• THEY ARE THE OLDEST MANUFACTURERS OF ROOFINGS IN CANADA. TIIE ONLY CONCFITh THAT MAKES TIleIR ,e1+ PELT AND USES THEIR OWN Pe,ODUC'TS FOR MAKIL;G ROOFINGS. THEY GUARAN �'L•'i. THE'I'R PRODUCTS AND • WILL REPLACE ANY MATER: eL NOT SATISFACTORY • i• Cali in for a Sample awl eon ear. our roofings with • any .l. other en the market. Then let us quote yo'i on loo oge, asphalt shingles, Building 4. Papers., and Waall Boards. ALWAYS A LARGE STOCK ON HAND. USE BIRD'S PRODUCTS WHY? . V. KALBF'LEISC PHONE 69 +i+ i t • •e•1 +++++++• 44+ ++•i»1.H'+++•. •4••i• •i•dra•�i••i4+ ••F•i••ih•Y�+ +•II••!••3r•�•�•i••�••b•II"l 4 n - ZURICH ace. lade now than WATCH Tliis Space for Prices Regards Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH i •F•h '!.44..l4444+l 44.+F3�++4.+F•td>µ•,e..F+�+.1,•.s,..g }..1 ++•i•.l+•i..l+.i �.•l.•F•F$•�••F�4+.1,1 L ., IIERALDOFFIOE Do You Knowe- '+yL, THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR ;SERVICE FOR + GOOD PRINTING THAT WB CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING It. INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENITS 4. • THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH "i+ AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS TWO LEADING MANUFAOT UFAOT • • THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR i URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- S, PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOSTS 1 THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEE- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON 0H TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ;t4.TIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO, 4. SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC, } , • THAIT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY RAIN P N INK FOR 5s. BOTTLE LARG- WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN + REDUCTIONS 4+ .OS- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER • THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALEP '1+ TE.1RS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL 4. PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY' • j�++l.'t'.•.l'.l'3++l.+i3•�II+�i•3+3�++�"•�'�'�'�+»s•�3++Y•+.g•3,•i+�II•.i,•N+l+ �t•4•4o-4••1••¢•,l..l„4..i,.l..l++l•+fi••l•�h