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Zurich Herald, 1926-06-24, Page 4
Reports on Canada's Grops' • 44, ' 4 At frequent intervals throughout the season the Bank of Montreal issues reports on the progress of the crops in Canada. These re- ports, telegraphed to headquarters from the Managers of the Bank's 600 Branches, cover every Prov ince and form a reliable . index of crop conditions. The reports are furnished free. Upon request at any Branch of the Bank your name will be placed on our mailing list.. • 8AKOVMONTREAL Total Assets in Excess of ;750,000,000.00 ZU1i.I00 HERALD ad � at the big 'e,wamp h ly dauaa •gilrg this oreutt and the, program will hi'& ear:" Margaret Wi &oPP . ,who , i'a ing for a nowt e; in' Yeeekerrje New York, ins he on `P, visit with he,r parents and friends , line ,;,t a cs. ;of squat timber from the .east of the village are being brought in front dayi to day to the C,N°.R Yards for !shipmentk Mr's, A, R, Ross, .of Livingstonee Monti eel is here viisiting illus we- ek with', hes old,. friends, tee 0••!•0)•(961109400009••0•••••00• ••••••••.••••••••••••Ny HARD GOAL We have made arrangements whereby we can supply our custom ers with the very best grades of 1 Scranton Anthracito Coal. Leave your order with us and we will fill them as shipments arrive. GOOD SUPPLY OF LEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, CHICK PE- ! EDS, STOCK FOODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND ` . ;+• WE ;,A.IM TO SATISFY Louis Schilbe , - Zurich legeo••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:. Jean Ma ive.l of London, visited her sister, 'Mrs Peck.' Mi and Mrs Harvey Pope of 'Preston, and Mi 5 Irene Pope, of Toronto, visited their Mather, Mrs, pc pe. .• • Sid McArthur, while at his work and kneeling down, 'seriously hurt hia knee,. conripeliing him .to use crutches. Wali. Fee hes been adding to the ;appearance 'of nips neat dwelling on Main L. by, repainting 'tl;e roof and other parts, and hxs lately tr- eated hirnaelf .-to a fine ..Chrysler car, Mrs. A. .C', H'oggsnrth has been •sp ending the past time; with her pare eats, Mr. and Mrs, T, Murdock,but is leaving for Tonawanda, N.Y. Death claimed On Friday even- ing last, John Bruce Dinsdale, a- ged 68 years. He was been in St- anley Tp. and lived there all his early life, was married in 1884• to Mariah Jane • Butt and they `con`- tinued to live in ;Stanley up till the time they •moved to Remelt, some 15 years ago. - He has been been- a sufferer' rtotn r':2eu:rnatisnr for a number of years and for, the lest ten years has been .confined to the house. .Besides his now be- reaved widow, lie..leaves' to mourn his loss four children. There passed away gat her home here, on Tuesday, Jane Sth, •Mrs, ! Alexander Sparks, aged 61 years. Some two months sago Mrs. Sp- ' arks suffered a stroke, and des - rite the best :Medical skirl and nurs ing, was unable to sufficiently rally and finally passed peacefully a- way. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mr's. .Peter :Dougalas, of Blake and spent .her early y=- ar•e in the Township of Stanley Wal married to her now bereaved husband in 1886, and they;' continl- ued to live in Stanley till they mo- ved to Hensall some 11- years ago. Besides her husband she leaves to • mourn her loss, one daughter, Mrs Norman Eyre, of Speeees, Sask.; and three !sons; Leonard , of the west; Neil , of Detroit; and Archie of 'Toronto., The funeral took pl- ace to Bayfield cemetery,, Rev. A. Sinclair, her. pastor, officiating. EXETER - Mr.. and Mr's. T. S. Woods and family have Moved to their sum- mer honne at Grand Burd.. • Betty' Burger, sof Canton; Qhio, and Mervyn Carom of London vie- ited with Mr. end Mrs, A. Ca.n1m 71Ir, and Mrs. Oscar 'Broderick of Pigeon, Mich., visited with the latterS sister, Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, On Thursday last there was held at the home (of Mr.- and Mee. John Bell, London Rd. south, the annual reg -union of the Bell fancily conn- ection. Some sixty were pees-, ent from far and near, Seaofrth, St. Marys, London, Medford, Sar- nia and other places aei oss the box der being represented. -Mrs. John Ward had the misfor- tune to fall •down stairs sustaining injury to her back and bruises a- boutth:e body. She was taken with a diz.y (spell when the _ac - uaideubtedly R•b>a Tee of the begs ever produced in Coder, eh, The funeral of Mrs R, D, Mur- dock, who diced in her 69th year, after a long illneelte wars held from her residence, Bayfield, en June 4th, and was .largely attended. The services were Conducted by 'Rev. G. Armour, pastor of the United church, of which •deeealeed was "a, ;member, and interment made in Fai d'e cemetery, The tat. Wei. 'Murdock resided in Brueefleld ter :many years. • , Dr, WSproat, Son 'of Wm, Sp- roat, near Kippen, -a,.lreeent gran dilate in medieine of 'the Western Univeeaity, I.oridon ,Ont., who hats j just passed the Medical Council Examination, which licenses to pr- actice in Canada, will 'shortly open an office in ISe1:Vottta At a meeting of the congrieg4 etion of Trinity church, Bayfield, ;on Tuesday last ewes decided to do 'some extensive repairs to ' , the church. The work is. to eontmence. in September, Hon. Janes Gardiner, Premier of Saskatchewan, has been visiting his bid home in Usborne Tp. He spent some time .with his 'father at London tHespital, where the el der Gardiner is !seriously illi Mr Gardiner says hat; •conditions in the West are sound, the feeling cheerful, and the prospests most encouraging. There 'hats ,been a 'bard struggle, but the Westeinfar mere have pulled themse'lves out of the Islough of depression. The Huron county councillor+s and theri families held their ann- ual picnic this year on Wednesday last in Jewett's Grove, Bayfield, and had" a most splendid teepele. It was an ideal day. :The yweath er man was in the best of hum:or, and so were the members. of 'clue council and their friends, and all thoroughly enjoyed the sports, and meeting their -old friends and chl onus of the present council and of patat years, More than two,-eh- irds of the present members ofthe Council wer:'. in attendance, besides many ex -councillors and e:;wardens ,,oticea Uiy the' oldest living - ex - warden, Thos, E. Hayes of S•eafortli who was warden in 1879, and is still hale and hearty. 1Our Mailing .List has been cor- :cled up till June 21st, and if yon 'eve renewed your isubscription, to the Herald . before that date and. i1have not been credited, kindly mot- ility us .and .we Will adjust etes we have hundreds of accounts ite look after and are liable to make` home with a sore leg. estistake Erma Brown sof Kitchener, cal- . led on friends here. BLAKE Mrs. Adaun Klumpp, of Caled- ?Mr. and Mrs, Gescho and fang -Ionia, U.S. is visiting with Mrs. WV - !spent a few ,days last week under the.parental roof. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fahner and Carrie motored to Michigan. - Henry Motz is confined to his :may :of Emily City, Mich, spent the ese,• --end at the home of Mr. and Tu.'s. John Bechler and other fri- .maenels in this vicinity. 'Miss Ada Meyers returned homy en Saturday after 'spending a +fest weeks with friends in London. 111iiss Jessie Toughspent last 'seek with friends on the Goshen Mrs. Earl Weida and daughter, 'Nerotlry of Zurich, visited at the 'flraa a of Mr, and Mrs. Ross John- 'listen ohn-• en last week. Mrs. Oesch, Sr. of the village, .his added to the appearance of litter cleat dwelling by giving it a Want of paint. 'Mr. and Mes, Gordon Manson of Ifileetle spent the week -end with iiends in Ulla vicinity. :Mr. and Mrs. W.nt. Finlay and ;erten Harold,• attended the wedding eat a relative near Kincardine last `' etlnescay and Miss Alberta Fin- lay, in-l, who spent a couple of we - Js 'with friends returned 'home;. ;nth; them on Thtp sday. Ir. and Mrs,. John Dick of Or- iiti ., accompanied by Mr. and Mr's. Asian Tait of .'Toronto, and Mk•sv. 'Vela 'of Hensall, Ispcnt Tuesday of - (taut week at the h,ora of Mr. and tis. 15;. N. Douglas, • `Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb and fate i W espent the week: end at Niagara 0a.tls and with friends down east. Mr.. R. N, Douglas, accoon - tip an , . 1 by Mr„ Lorne Man on, , spent Sae neck -end with friends at Lon- ealen and erdet lurk. ZAtss Grace Manson of Rensall, ald. Rev. and .Mes. Dreier, J. H. oRitz man, Clinton and Clara Molock, • Alma Smith, Clara Geiser and Mrs G. E. Wenzel iatteeded the 'Strat- ford Dist. Evangelical S.S. Conven tion held at Lingelbach church on the S. East lope circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown and daughter Kathleen and Mts. M': Drummond and daughter all of Ailsa Craig visited with Mrs. C. Ho ffman. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Heatherley and daughter Thelma and Muss, Pearl Mote of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Hy, Motz. Children's Day was observed at the Evangelical church on Sunday in connection with the morning session, and in the evening a fine program Was given, Visitors at the Evangelical par nonage recently were; Mr. and Mrs C. R. Gies, Mr, and Mrs!. Fred Gies and daughter of Waterloo; Mrs. A. Loire and daughter, Edwin Filsing er two sons and son of Kitchener HENEALL: Mrs. 0. Knapp has sufficiently recovered from liver recent opet - atiott in the Seaforth Hospital to return to her home. Ed. terry, of Detroit, visited his mother, Mrs. Thos. Berry. Thais. Palmer liars on display in hie grocery stora, a stock of rho barb grown in thb � *arclen of Mr r� 'Fred flt'as, measuring over 51 in - Oise long. Alfra d Smith; 'wile coming into Hernsall, 'ran into tto. ditch back,. .1 4. 1 Ann ''An.n.uneemeut I 1 wish to inform the Public that 1 have 41.6 dssotved partnership with my former G4. t. employer, an wish to announce nce thatt io- IR% � I have openedan Lpto-atearage IC'in Mr. Hey's Block. + 1J ▪ ]b Am IN A POSITION TO a 1'� le 1+i XPERT SERVICE T. AND REPAI is TO ANY MAKE OF CAR. ALSO .RE- ÷n ▪ BUILD' AND CHARGE "w..f'"fanisS ON SHORT NOTICE rr. 34. A FULL LINE OF GENUINE!. FORD PARTS FOR SALE irk 4 `` • t SATIsFACTIO & GUARANTEED : S Day and Night Service 1 it. ..... •ir... i 14•Prop.ril '.'t'llMtrr!. deree Jane r».+NrrtM•' ees rwRlMw':earee .:'.x wee..gni..i=%;::.n.i.-..,.::.:,p,N^ 4, + + ++++++IIS+'t:+4 f# AT POi1D PRICES cide.nt occured. Fortunately no bones were broken. Chas, Jeffries and Jas. Fraser, Mrs. Prounce and Miss V, Willis, of Marlette, Mich., and Mee. A. Neil, of Pt. Huron motored over and 'spent'a few days with friends in Ex.ter and Hensall. Mrs, J. Wanles, of Duluth. wit.) has spent the past couple of we, eks with her mother, Mrs. L. Hardy left for her home. Her daughter also returning. Thornton Baker was found not guilty bythe jury in the county session at Goderich before Judge Lewis on Thursday last after ne- arly an hour's deliberation. The charge against Mr ,Baker arose text of an 0.TIA, case tried in Ex- eter last December. One day last week while several men were working for Milo Snell cutting wood in a bush near Crede iton iaoreeone. stole the top Doff, their Ford car which was parked alongside of the road. The whole top, frame and cover, was taken, cleadn of! is broad daylight. COUNTY NEWS. The •public lacho:ol hoard Goder- ich, at a !special meeting the othee evening had before it 132 applic- at.ions for two vacancies on the tea ching staff. Mrs. H. Tlerrington has returned to her home in Detroit after spend ing ,some time with.h.er sisters, Mrs. R. 0. Reid; of Vernal, who was pu, ite ill the reedit of an accident, Mrs, Reid is im,prored. A very pretty wedding Was sol- ereneted in St. Jude's church, Brant Cord, the other day when Mitss;Jen 'Me 1Valters of 53r'antford Was un- ited rn the holy, bonds of inartie moray to Seymour Peppler, of Hensall, Bev, Rural Dean, J, Mills officiating. :l'r eparetioria are proceeding for `on r li'u e gaton ofDominion Coil rt � c l br o Day, the clic if feature of which will, b, -a grand tattoo in the evening lit Aeri ti tem" War':., Eighe bands, .tre, bluing engaged to tai oft' it j WEEKLY HALF ,HOLIDAY, SEA- SON 1926. We, the undersigned business men of the Village of Zurich, a- gree to close opr resipeetire• pl- aces of business every Wednes- day afternoon beginning June 2nd and ending 'Sept. 29th, both datels inclusive. A. F. Hess,, Chas. Fritz, Brown Bross., J. Gaecl o & Sons, Louie Sch- Ube, L. W. Hoffman, Stade R. Weido, ,,,,E, E. Wuerth, J. W'. Mere ner, John ,Kipper, Williams Bros. George Hess, Edward Weltin, ,0'- Brein & Soma, Harry G. leas, Al- bert G. Huss, Fred Thiel, Johnston & Kalbfiaisch, V. V. Siebert, T. L. Wurm, W. L. Siebert. HENSALL C. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Kippen _.. ... 8.22 a.m. South, Hensall _-- ... 8.32 am. South, Exeter .-. _.. ...8,47 a.m. Stage leave Zurich ._. 7.00 a.m. North, Exeter ._...- --- 10.16 a.m. North, Hensall --- --- .-- 10.30 a.m. North, Kippen --- ..."...10.35 a.ns. AFTERNOON South, Kippers ... ... ...4.40 p.m. South, Homan --- --- --- 4.50p.m. South, Exeter _.. .- ...5,05 p.m. Stage leave Zurich ......3'.00 North Exeter .. --- ... 6.04 p.m. North, Ilensall --- -.. ... 6.18 p.m. North. Kippen ... 6.23 p.m. t , ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1$4.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U. S. $1.50 year in advance. No paper discontinued until ,all ,arrearsare paid unless at the option of the .publisher: The date of which every ISub'seript- ion is paid is denated ton•, the Label, r ADVERTISING RATES. Display Advertising macte known on application. 1vliseellaneburs articles of not. more than four lines, For 'Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, ietc, each insertion 25c, Farm or Real. !Estate for sale $2,00 for, fitist month, $1.00 for each !subsequent' mouth. Estrayed Animals — One insertion. 50c., three insertions $1.00. Professional Cards not exceeding one inch $5 per year. Auction Salus -- $2 per 'single in. 'sertion if not lover five inches ;n length. 1 11 Addre51 all communications to THE HERALD ZIMIC'a Q]st • i C•aFi•!a•i tea_ �" C` °Q 'Cs'C�• a�`�- G^ 4 4Q•�� Zurich's portunity Greatest Value in Clothes for liken 125 to 150 CENTS FOR YOUR $1.00 It's the Wonder and envy of the Tailoring Trade. How we do it is oarr business That we D© it is your business 'YOUR, SPRING' SUIT MADE-TO-MRASURE. OF DEPORTED WOOLENS DIRECT FROM THE MILLS TO .YOU' HUNDREDS OF THE VERY LATEST SH'A'DES AND PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM COME AND SEE US: Good Preening, Skillfully done by a real 'Tailor, is as Refresh-` ing to Your Suit, as a good might's !sleep is to .you. PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. E. LWUtRT1I.' Tailor, Men's Furnishings. - Zurich, Ont. l Where the Good Clothes conte from O•Q•**�v'•'c. 4 O '� 4.4 4 b tea^ ene rwwwMImvMMwmNwww � w�`�. Zurich Drug Store INSECTICIDES The season has now arrived when everyone, especially the fanner, has to 'fight against various -k dds of Insects. We can supply you with the proper' remedyfor each i kind .of Insect Pest We have Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Helibore, Insect Powder° Fly Tor, and various other Insect Se destroyers Dr. 11, J. 1]VfacKinnon, Zurich MittIMPIRMAMMANTAMMAIMOZ