HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-06-24, Page 3.M0
f -
Great Success of
Can tOs slum
A Well-known. London surgeon and rcoognlaed
authority on Cancer hoe created world-wide 'In-
termit in the dlvere that Canon! IS due to a
dell:thane of Potassium oleo" In tho ketly0
Which mums the cell. to break doWn and be.,
In order thateveryone may learn
-The Real Cans. e of Cancer
a remarkable hook has been lally written.
TM* book wIll bo sent free to Petlents gr
any one who le Interested In the most sum:0mM
method of fighting "THE CANCER SCOURGE."
The following le a Ilst of the chaptores
The Limitation" of Surgery; 2, Some Doctors
Oppose Operatlon 5 What Weer le; 4, Why the
CookIng Method*: 8, Common Errors In Clot:
7, Vital Element' of Food; 8, Medical Enderee-
mont of Our, Claims; 0, The Chief Minerals of
the Body; 10, The .Thymu" Gland: IL Age When
Lime Booths to Acoulatalate; 12, Potassium Cams
Lime Excretion.; 19. Great Value of' Potassium:
14, Parts of Body .Llable to Cancer; 13. Ports
Which Aro Seldom Affected; 16, How a Doctor
Can Hole; 17. Hew to Avoid Cancer; 15, Death -
rate From Gamier, la Arterial Sclerosis and Old
Age; 20, Rheumailmn, Gout and Kindred Com-
With this book are o number of Int.reetIng
case -reports proving the great value of "Cantos -
Hunt Treatment" In various mess.. The treatment,
Is simple and inexpensive, and oast he wily
taken In one's .ovin home.
Apply for' Free Rook to
Charles Walter
The Violin's Varying Moods.
It lien old saying that a thoroughly
'healthy person is "fit as a fiddle," and,
like many other old sayings, it co
tains an essential fallacy. •
The health of a violln, or any other
instrument, varies according to cir-
h cumstances, and every player will tell
you that there are days when las in-
. etrument fails to respond to his de -
e. , e:riends, often just when he himself is
o at his best.
le ..
The violin, In particular, is eas dell-
cate instrument that requires to be
., wrapped in silk or same other fine dry
• material to prevent •it getting cold or
being seriously affected by the heat.
It will become almost seriously
disposed in the'course of an hour when
being played in a hot room; it gots
tired end out of'sorts if it is played
too 'continuously or too strenuously.
_' Good violinists prefer to have at
least two reliable instruments, be-
en cause they know that holedays, are as
et necessary for the fiddles as for thein -
selves, and *sometimes just when they.ingcase will Interest -those who need
are busiest one of the fiddles gets over- a tonic for the blood and nerves. Mrs.
worked and must have a few days off. D. Veno, ;Union Square, N.S., says:--
leeee "fit as a fiddles if you can; but "With a feeling of gratitude I write to
e most of us wish to be fitter .than a fed- tell you wbat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
dle. did for me. I had become badly run
Only a $111/10,
poky a allele Mat Ives 'gems me
On the erowdea etraet one day,
But it elemea .of• aor lead-
Like a sudden :minbcanile ray.'
The ,shadow doubt lung CVs' me,
I. -end the burden Of pain I ))pe,
And a Voic•e or hope 1 eoeld suit beer,
Thetigh 1 Idittnerl 4;Yiei! and o'er.
Bet there came 1 sift iti 'thecrowd
ebout, ' 4.
And a faCe that j know paeise(i by;
,And the snare that 1 caught PireS7
briglster to the
Than the bine of a summer elven,
For it gave me back the outshine, • '
And, it seattere,a each sembre
''thought, .
And my Boort rejoiced in tbe kindle
warmth ' • .
Whice that land smile bed bet:ight.
0111Y. e smile from, a. kindly face
On the busy street that day! . •
Forgetten as soon as given, perhaps,
As the donor went her way.
But straight to my heart it went speed-
ing, '
To glisi the clouds that were there,
And I found that of sunshine and life%
blue skies
I also may take my share. '
"Falls, from a cloud • the, singing bird
Into her nest ef grass;
Say to nes but a single word
And I will let you piss.
"Between her winking stars the morin
Pauses' beyond the hill; , •
Whipper that word—eh, whisper
And ,paes me if you will.
"The wood grows. darker, quieter
Than ever yet it was:
One word amid the whisperlese air
And I will let you pass."
Listened the waiting leaves all night,
• Shadow and bushi and mound:
The high moan. shed a softer light --
There waa not any sound.
, --Edward Davison, in Poetry.
A Condition Always Due to Thin,
• Watery Blood.
Thin blood and weak nerves gener-
ally are found togethei. Red blooded
people seldom complain of nervous-
ness. The reason Is that the blood
Leede the nerves and keeps them toned
up to do the work nature-ifitended.
Wheen the blood is thin and weak it
fails sin this important function and
nervous troubles follow. The follow-
ke •
down, and reached the stage when I
..; Cleaning Molds. could not do my housework. I was
not only weak, but my nerves seeme•de Cake tins and molds are frequently
very difficult to get clean after thecompletely shattered. The leaet noise
es:. e
would startle me and I was subject to
lit 'as•have bee,n used. A reliable method of
nervoes, headaches,. Worse still, I
thoreughly cleaning them Is to ni.dx
could lot sleep at night. Perhaps I
[ , a quantity of whiting and water to a
would get an hour or two sleep, and smooth _paste. This should be •Sillihr-
tben lie awake `for the rest of the
ed well over the tin and then left to
night. I had reached a stage when I
OW dry. Rub with a chamois leather or a
actually feared 1 would lose my mind.
' eery soft cloth and a beautifel polish
Up to the .time I decided to take Dr.
will result. Any of the powder which
Williams' Pink Pills, aothing I had
rist s.• stroke should be brushed off. If the
taken seemed to do me any good.- I
tins awe very soiled or greasy, rub
got a few boxes of these and soon
them with powdered bath -brick mixed
tar with water.
there was no doubt they were the
medicine to help me. As I continued
des.. •
Gormless Spitzbergen. the use of. the pills I gradually grew
me stronger, ate better and could sleep at.
of Spitzbeegen is the one place, in the eight, and now I ani as well and strong
elie world where it is possible to live in,
, as a woman could. wish to be. I hope
comfort without illness, for, owing to
the some' other weaknen,
, cies person will
ear Arctic air, it bas been found that •
be bertefitted by me experience."
no alseese can exist there. ••De. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
ta all medicine dealers or by mail at 50c
When a man tells you that if you a box from The Dr. Willianis' Medi -
want a thing well done you must do it eine Co., Breckeille, Ont.
.• yourself; tell him to go and cut his
, hair. • Developments.
Men' and women deilrous of earning good
Immo, toil or part time, Wanted, to sell
our linuorie direct from maker to wearer.
Liberal • commission, attractive prices make
. and repeat order" easy. For full Par.
tieulars, iihply:
er, •
alt Buy Street, Room 118, • TOrontll
d -fa -
. the
al in -
g al
te of,
"Does you boy Josh know anything
about a farm?"
"He bas found one thing about the
dear old home that I never dreamed
of," answered Farmer, Corntossel. "It
took him only one, morning to show
me where we could 'pet a _golf course,
a tennis court and a motion picture
See us for guaranteed Ueeti Ford Cars., We can save you money.
Ton Trucks at prices that cannot bo equalled.
• 60 Ford .Ton Truck, Stoke• •
$85' Ford Ton Truck, Stake
13oby, •
$110 Ford Ton Truck, Express •
$140 For Ton Truck, 1921,
Stake Body.
$176 Pend Ton, Truck, 1923,
Stake Boitia.
$260, ,Ford Ton Trude 1928
filtake Body.
$e95 Ford Ton Truek, 1928,
• Starter,
$380 Ford Ten Truck, 1924,
Stele Body.
$375 Ford Ton Truck, 1925
Stake) Body.
215 roN Half -ton Truck, 1922
125 Ford ilalf-ten Chaesis, 1924
$410 Fora Tourittg. •'
$88 Ford Totting ,
1 140 EOM, Toirring, 1921.
lee Weed Touring, 1922.
196 Foxe. fUrfng, 1923.
g50 Ferd Iteieg, 1924
4176 Ford eadeter
3216 or Roadster, 1922.
Sedans and Coupeo sit all pricet.
• Convenient terms, to tuft purehasers. ; ..
Look them oebrana obligation to buy,
- AUTIldeeilletelle FORD DEALERS
feHONE8 GERRARD 2604 . 03 - 06 - 07.
This fine looking group are the children' <if Scottish parents born in
Canada, we° ere on, thelawey to visit for the first :time the homeland of their
parents, Time pieture was taken on board the Anchor Donaldson liner Letitia
on her, last trip from Montreal.
is good tea"
Pa/WM Wu 441te "gm/ Oa .'W16
I, 510-4, e/xlaia good.
From the Foam.
The seaweed lies like dleoarded
wreaths of playful nymphs ane sirens,
or frayed garlands tossed upon the
store by water -babies with laughter
like waterfalls, who gamboled on the
shore, then straddled phantom dol-
phins and sped away during the night
in caravans through the phosphoree-
A PERFECT MEDICINE Cancer WithoutOperation. cent foam, to their home in the deep
sen waves. Upon the shore the weed
"It is a strange thing that concern- lies unruffled,
left by these departing
the medical profession, or by the great- not yet. greeaviniho , irpeesdt(11:710bthilitstrilh:e2 e.
FOR iwntichalmhaosst advanced for
oy ceainthceerr
est quack or imposter that ever exist- their thick plain IMPSteensparent,
Baby's Own Tablets Should be ed, 11 that so-called by's. hint of brown.
Every Home Where There cancer, or in any way to modify the
"cure" could be touched but faintly
with the incoming tide that boomed
shown in any way to benefit a case of They cling where they have floated
Are Children. course of the disease favorable', upon the beach.
even be suspected of prolonging life,
Draped by the dripping fingers of
The perfect medicine for little
that on examination, it will be found the foam around the pebbly shore,
is found in Baby's, Own Tablets. They that, If the• drug or nostrum' -which is some form graceful, curving patterns;
are a gentle but thorough laxative lauded be carefully examined and look- others rest in pools of water tree exist
which regulate the bowels, sweeten ed into, potassium, In varying quante only in the interim, the tranquil inter -
the stomach; drive out constipation ties and proportions, will be fond t,o mission between the surging fore and
and indigestion; break up colds and unwittingly form ane of the main con- aft of the singing tide.
simple fevers and promote healthful stituents of such drug or nostrum. The sun beats down upon the wide
refreshing eieep. It, is impossible for Take, for eistance, the so-called strips of steaweed, merging its yellow
Baby's Own Tablets to harm even the "Violet -leer cure," or the "willow -in- into the folds of green. as they float
new-born babe, as they are absolutely fusion cure" of can.cer. These two leisurely and aquarium -like in the
guaranteed free from opiates or any "cure
s" are made by procuring violet pools that stretch immeasurably across
otter injurious drug. leaves in large quantities and boiling a lea bordering the utmost reach of
Concerning the Tablete, Mrs Alex. them -down and then drinking the low -tide. Other fragments of green on
J. Perry, Atlantic, eleS., writes:—"I water in which they were belied. Wil- the sun-dried beach become animate
always keep Baby's Own Tablets low bark and willow leaves have been with the whispering of the wind. They
the house for the children, as I have treated in- the same manner, and the are teethed lightly by its magic as
foiled them a perfect medicine for water in which they have been boiled they lie upon the gray but glittering
little ones." has been drunk with the assertion that beacb, with its rim of diamond and
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by caseof cancer have been known to sapphire sea.
Medicine dealers or by mali at 25 benefit. The above claims, put for- Responsively, they quiver to this
cents a box from The Dr. Williams, ward for bath "cures," have been sup- slight encouragement of the playful
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ported by members of the profession breeze, sensing a delightfully dry
on many occasions." change from the accustomed urging of
"Every quack nostrum prepared by the cloying waters.
Schubert's Serenade. the infusion of any herbs can be shown Dreamily, half-dormantly, they bide
Franz Schubert, like Beethoven, was to contain, all of them, one common the promised and inevitable returning
accustomed to carry with him a note Product of nature present in all vege- of the tide which is never late, for it
book in which he could jot down must- table life—potassium salts. awaits not time nor man. In this afl-
oat ideas. as they happened to occur to "No method of treatment yet prac- enveloping vehicle they are once more
used by the "Ultra -orthodox" among
theenembers of the medical profession
but, can be shown scientifically to owe
its method of action to influencing di-
rectly or Indirectly the potassium -
economy, and perhaps, also the
him. Many a beautiful theme would
have been lost tad it not been for this
practical habit of theses great com-
posers. There are times when the
muse is stele,ep, wheat:he Meas. will nest
come; then It is that sachet notebook
becomes, valuable and the inspirations
of other tiro.es may rouse the dormant
Wherever Schubert happened to ha,
in the cite or inS the'fields., in the
tavern or the beer garden, did a valu-
able Idea occur to him, Out came the
note -book, and It wilehastily scratched
downfor further teestaient. When he
was seized by anede,a it must go down
on the first scrap of paper that came
to hand. This W13,9 the Manner in
which that beautiful and, well-known
"Stanachen" first appeared, though it
is also told of "Haft, the Lark."
One Sunday, during the Summer of
1826, Schubert, with ,several friends
was strolling about among the subur-
ban villages in the vicinity of Vienna..
As was their hustone they stopped at
a beer garden, where thereat chatting
and enjoying the good conipahy they
found. Schubert picked ste. a book of
poetry one of his ecquaintanoes had
laiddown, and, after turning over the
le.aves, suddenly stopped and, pointing
out a poem, exaslainede "Such a delici-
ous melody has just come into my
head; if I but had a sheet of music
paper with me!"
One of Isis companions hastily drew
a few staves on tete back of the billsof.
fare and passed it to him, and, in the
mast of the hubbub of a German beer
gaptlen Schubert wrote out that beauti-
ful Melody, Schubert's, Serenade', that
has leased such a multitude of music
lovers since his, day.
• Where Eves -Score.
Nature, for some reason or other—
possibly because women are not en-
dowed with the Beene degree of Physi-
cal strength as men—favors Eve in
many cellar ways.
A woman'e brain, for instance, al-
though 'smaller than that of the aver -
10 of lunch higher quaeity,
That is an abselute eelentifie fact
Further, little Eves are much strong-
er and healthier than little, Adams.
Statistics or infantile mortality proses
conclusivety that girl babies have a
much •better chance of Nee than boy
babies. Again, while the average
Adam generally attains lee full height
at twentseone, and in any event'has
tno chance of a,caling to it after be is
twatity-five, Eve will centime to add
to' her stature en to thirty, or even
beyond! And, 'ae distinct from put-
ting on. weight, she views. (In bone
developnient, and .ao on) for some
yeate after the sterner sex has finish-
ed- •
And for every Inuldrea men who go
bald, there is but one Eve! And Oho
lives Ion ger- Thus women have many
"nateral eighte"
• Varieties of Apples.
There are well over one theirs:me dif-
ferent varieties of apples grown 121
Various parts of the worlsl. Of this
nunther however, only About one
droll are of commercial Value.
.economy of the earthy salts . of the
"Mere arse/pony in the medical pro-
fession who will at once refuse to lis-
ten to or attempt any form of treat-
ment other than that recognized and
smiled on by the "experts" in cancer,
or rather •canoer as it has hitherto
existed and been treated."
"There are those in the profession
who will attempt the treatment at the
earnest request and pressure of a dylug
man or woman, and only half-hearted-
ly carry it out."
"There are those in the profession
who are of an introspective and pes-
simistic turn of mind who Will start
by saying it is no good, will honestly
believe it is no good, and will ultimate-
ly prove themselves to be quite right"
"There are those in the profession,
very few thankfully, who won't be
bothered and who don't care."
"There are those who take a delight
in proving everyone else but them-
selves to be quite wrong."
"There are Ultima in the profession
who, with the best of intentions and
otherwise, spend their time in eagerly
misrepresenting Affairs and other per.,
sons." •
"There are others, very- many, whose
name is legion, who will strive hard,
and worry, and fret, and eagerly1
watch and become over anxious, and
earnestly try and give the method a
fair and just applioation, not trial."
The late Dr. F. W. Forbes Ross, M.D.,
Edin., F.R.C.S; Eng.. D.P.H. Loud.,
Civil Surgeon His Majesty's Guards'
Hospital, Lexie'', and for more than 20
years practising In London as e. re-
cognized cancer authority, was the die-
osverer of what is now known as the
Centime= treatmettsof cancer. The
above quotations are taken from his
book, "Cancer: The Problem of its
Genesis and Treatment," and in view of
the fact that, out of all the many
Oata,dien and American- sufferers to
whom I freely sent home ereetment
directions before Press generously
published them, 1 have yet to hear
from the first who luras not been bene' ,
Med, 1 suggest that all who-. are
stricken wth this terrible disease of
the blood will do well if they satisfy
tb,eineelves as to which of Tice above
elessee ably defined ty Dr. Forbes
Rosse their own doctor belongs. By
so doleg, many a sufferer may avert
the antequated and unsatisfactory
methods of. treatment in vogue prior
• to the dootora prieeless discovery.
Melees Walter, E. Brunswick Avenue,
Toronto, Canada,. ,
launched upon a transport
that merges
into a fathomless ocean, where they
will again float among the playful
Use Minard's Liniment In the stables,
In June and early July, the most
constant lights of the night are the
pale midsummer blossoms. The glory
of- the moon and stars is cut short by
late sunsets and early dawns; and the
Plough, which is the genius of night in
our northern skies, has, scarcely be-
gun to awing low acros.s the north, as
best we know it, before it is sponged
out by morning. But as soon as the
twilight falls, whether the night be
fair or cloudy, the white flowers shine
forth in the meadows andabout the
e-oodsidee, and earth stands iit 'till
morning with their drowsier stars. and
moonse—Anthony Collett, in "The
Changing Year."
To Keep Cranberries.
Frosh cranberries may be kept al-
most indefinitely if put in crocks an,d
covered with cold water.
On one or the islands of the Georgian Bay
OPEN JUNE 24th. 1926
Fishing — Tennis — Bowling — Denning
Mph Glass in every reepect.
Excellent cuisine. Ideally situated.
High altitude. Daily steamers from Midland.
Direct connection from Toronto.
Write foe Booklet and LeTIMI.
Capt. 7, me.I,COLM SON, Alniland, ont,
• Chinese Typeeneters.
A typewriter has been .developed
capable of transcribing 5,7110 Chinese
characters. Instead of each character
being mount•ed on a separate key, a
single key arms drops down and picks
up 'the letter desired.. and after 1:1 is
used, drops it hack to its spe'Cial slot.
Minard's Liniment King of Fain.
A prominent physician made the
remark recently that if people were
half as particular in regard to in-
ternal cleanliness as they are about
external appearance three quarters
of our ordinary ailments would be
eliminated. This medical man said
people did not stop to think of The
importance of keeping the system
hist as clean as one is careful to keep
hands, face and body. The result is
that the intestinal tract becomes
clogged and waste material which
should leave the body daily stays
there for an indefinite period doing
a harm few people realize. So many
ills arc traceable to these clogging
poisons! An internal bath sounds
novel, but it is meth easier to take
than any other kind! A spoonful of
Sal Lithofos before breakfast (or
any other meal), dissolved in a glass
of tepid water acts as a gentle clean-
ser of the bowls—provides a sooth-
ing internal bath that rids the body
of dangerous toxic poisons and gives
one that feeling of freshness, vigor
and well-being. A further advantage
of the internal bath lies in the fact
that a healthy body ensures an alert
and active mind which makes for
greater efficienty and happiness ea
One's daily work,
aassified Advertisements.
at eese nuts.
V V Canada,
ewe. Describe and Ore Pipiton,waster.
ROYA New Weatmitoitee,
Majolica Plate.
Yellow and gree,n, with garlands gee";
Pale Madonnas on fields of blue;
PJfimp bambini with birds, art play;
Coatoaarms on etaillan hue;
Peruvian Griffin with Lion of -Guelph,
Fighting to prove their civic prides;
just at this point—I help myself—
A. crack rune down whece the Mayor
Which of the cities has won the fight
Majolica chronicles/ have this pl4ght.
—Ruth Mason Rice, in "The Golden.
It's no good suffering in silence If
you're going to talk a lot about it
Harris Abattoir Co., Limited
Strachan Ave., Toronto
Bathe the face with Min-
ard's and water. Place a
piece of cotton wool satur-
ated with Minard's in the
cavity of the tooth.
Eczema on Head Itched
Badly, Cuticura Healed,
"Eczema broke out in pimples
on my little girl's head. It itched
badly and she scratched causing
sore eruptions. Her hair fell out
and she was very fretful. We had
to tie her hands to keep her from
scratching, and she could not sleep.
We had her treated but the trouble
kept getting worse.
"We began using Cuticura Soap
and Ointment and in a short time
could see an improvement. We
continued the treatment and in less
than six weeks she was healed."
(Signed) Mrs. A. G. Awcock, 706
,Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg, Man.
Cuticura Talcum is cooling,
soothing and comforting to tender,
aching, burning feet.
Sample Each Pree by Math Address Canadian
Depot; *atenhonse, Ltd., Montreal." Price, Soap
25c. Ointment 25 and Gec. Talcum 25c.
Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c.
Restored to Health b3rLydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Stratford, Ontario. — "After my
first baby was born I started to work
-on the tenth day and did a big wash-
ing on the twelfth day. Being so
young (I was married at 19) I did not
know what was the matter, so let It
go until I was all run-down, weak
and nervous, and had a bad displace-
ment For nearly two years 1 could
not sleep and 1 would always complain
of having 'not a head -ache' but a
brain -ache.' My mother Istaking
Lydia E. Pinkhames Vegetable Com-
pound during the Change of Life and
she recommended it to me. After
taking two bottles I began to got a
little sleep and to feel better and I
have never left off since then, except,
for about three months. I Can safely
say I have taken thirty bottles since
my second baby was born. I think
it makes child -birth easier as I had
terrible pains with my first three
children and very few with my fourth
eta I was so much stronger. 1 ant
now able to do iny work alnne, but
am still taking the Vegetable Com -
round as 1 am nursing baby. ”---Mrs.
Oesee PAUL! 49 Cherry Street, Strat-
ford, Ontario.
11 you are suffering from any weak.
ness which -causes such symptoms
as pains in the side and back mid
nervous feelings, give Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound a trial
ISSUE No. 21—'26.