HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-06-24, Page 21V TAPLOW EXOIRITS HIS NIGITINGALE Nee' ranee, The hedges tueued I then proposed that we should go Snowy with the blossoms of the law, out when it became deck to hear the thorn, the buttercups) mingled their nightingale. He agreed, and said the yellow with the white of the daisies best place for them was a mile or so t in the peeture1S, the dandelions' ,began ' down a little valley that the villagers to get grayheaded and bald, • and the called "the loug lithe." Ixorsecheetnut and sycamore trees , , ' We heard a bird chirrup just thea, came into full bloom,and stopped intent to hear more,• but. It was on a morning In the middle' no song followed, end after a little of the month that I went for a walk' we went through a piece of &crubbY with Me. Taplow. We climbed a path ; woodland end on the other side sat on through a beeehwood to a broad,' a stile and listened. From near by bushy pasture hill known asg Sedleigh , came the sound of a little brook rush - Down or OOmmon• i ing andtumbling down the hillis,de, As we went along he peered into but no nightingale vouchsafed to sing, the bushes In hopes of findixtg birds' i and Again we resumed our walk. The nests. At last, with a good deal of ' path now kept along the edge of the delight, he pointed out the nest of .a afloat" in a pasture, and here we found thrush in. a scrubby young apple tree. our bird .and heard it p4pe and twitter The old bird was still on, and oontin and break into full sang. .& halt-moon, teed to sit very quietly with head alert, I shone high in the sky, a, dog barked though we were within a few feet of far off, some cattle lying in dark it. When we went on; my companion heaps' about the dim field made them - paid, "The old ledy didn't take much selves apparent by an occasional =ge- netics of us, did sale?" He He' had a rent and by their heavy breathing . . marked fondness for blyde and showed ;1VIr. Taplow leaning forward on his considerable knowledge of their ways cane chuckled huskily when the bird and songs. I made a particularly happy run; I put We returned to the village by a . my hands in my pockets and got my - long -disused road, that led down the I Bele into email compass, for the even northern slope of the hili, sometimes , ing was chilly and damp• in the twilight of an evergreen woody I; The bird was not far away in the sometimes in a .pasture dell where the !brushy wood, and its singing was most short turf sparkled with daisies. It was almost noon, yet along here we caught several times. stray notes from a nightingales song. Mr. Taplow trod very softly and bent over and craned his neck and was at great pains to. catch sight of the bird. He ,dad not succeed, but his interest was aroused and he described the wonderful a song should sing only in bird's song with enthusiasm and said the night. Darkness seems a time for whip -poor -wills, owls, and frogs, and other weird -voiced creatures—not for such ,dainty music. . , • charming. It trilled and gurgled and whistled, with many quick and unex- pected, nexpeoted changes. The song had the freedom and strength of noble musk. Some of the notes were of the utmost - purity and clearness and they seemed to penetrate into all the region ebout. The wonder was that a bird with so we must go out again and hear it to better advantage. He knew a plaoe where the nightingales sang every night and he would like well to take hie 'there some pleasant evening. A little later in the week I met Mr. Taplow on the street one afternoon. and I remarked-, "No one could ask for a better day than this, could they?" "No," was the response, "ft couldn't' be better if we made it ourselves," Mr. Taplow said he often went down to Cramb Wood of an evening when he hadn't anything else, to do, and sat for hours listening to the nightingale. He took great pride in the bird.—Clif- ton Johnson, in "Among English Hedgerows." Teaching Music. In former days, music study way generally conceived to be a deadly q•erious business The ability to play Make Allowances. Its amazing how uncharitable we can be at times. Our impatience and intolerance often cause us to form "pieces on the mane or violin was a wrong judgments without taking all sort of fetish to which countless thous the circumstanoes into account. ands of unlucky youngsters were sacri- ficed. It makes one groan. to think of the tons of sheet musics worn to tat- ters, atters, the miles of scales traversed and the years of "practising" wasted in the effort to teach the previous, generation; We often get astray when we judge accordingto the things we see. The in- visible is always greater than that: which is on the surface. If we knew all, we should judge more kindly. Our mistakes and misjudgments almost en - f children without real musical ap- tinily occur because we only think we treciation or ambition, how to drum know the lives of other people. but a piece or two when -company We sheet people in the street and came to call.. This sort of mechanical hear their laugh, and think everything teaching either fills the child with such is going well with them; did we but a loathing for to piano that he never willingly touces it later in life, or, if he really has talent, it hampers his original development and may per- manently injure his ability. Nowadays we have come to realize, however, the vital importance of stimulating - the musical ambition in Children by surrounding them from SIZE DIDN'T HELP DINOSAURS Little Animals Pushed Them Off the Earth as Conditions Changed. knew, our sympathy would often be called forth, for they may have many disabilities in their home, health, or in anxiety over loved ones.- -Look at it in another way. How of- ten we condemn a person for his hasty temper or sullenness; we seldom try to discover the cause of these failings. If we had to suffer in a similar way as babyhood with good music, as a foun- the one we condemn we should perhaps• bastion for musical training. If you be much more disagreeable. cannot make music yourself, by all If we are to get the best from pee - means get a player -piano or a phono- raph, and as many fine rolls or re- ords as you can afford, Start with he lighter classics, and as the child's taste develops, progress to the immor- tal muic of Beethoven, Schubert. Schu- mann, Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Wagner and other great masters. Any• good music dealer can help you to Make a wise seleotion. The child who &earns to love such music has the !strongest Incentive to musical study Iso as to be able to produoe it himself. - Music in the Home. It is In the home that good or bad music is formed. Musically speaking homes may be divided into three class - --- The mammals shown in the sketch here—the saber-toothed tomer the ' hairy marmoth and --the woollyrhinoceros—roamed the earth about 50,000 years ago in the Pleistocene period. True man --so called homosapiensr•-had not yet made his appearance. But earlier types of man had already appeared upon earth. Secrets of.Sclence. By David Dietz. Thereptiles, it will be remembered,. The next period is called the Oligo- cene. Elevation of the land due to movements of the earth crust con- tinued and the grazing herds were were over -specialized:• Hence when a able to spread 'over greater areas. vast upheaval of the land changed con- ditions they 'couldn't hang onto their supremacy. The little mammals now •came into The third Period, was the Miocene. In this the mammals really came into their own. For the first time now, we find the their own and began to grow and de- elephant with his trunk. There are velop and take over the mastery of the also a great variety of camels, includ- world. Ing one which has been named the This marks the beginning of the Age giraffe camel.It was a sort of camel of Mammals or the Cenozoic Era, as the geologist calls it. That means the era of recent life.. SUNDAY ON AN . iTLANTIC LINER • The Captain of a Liner is Also Parson of His Floating Parish. He Conducts Sot -vices and Marriages and Performs Many Other Clerical' Deities, h. lounge steward* Then, as if at a' The usher's siren breaks suddenly upon the Sabbath calm: it is that same siren 'Which,in the dank Pugs and blinding snowstorms of winter, amidst the s'w'eltering heat-nniste of the Gulf. Stream• in summer, blares a warning to other craft as the ship rushee through the ocean. But now its call has no hint of danger.It is summon- ing the passengers to church. Its voice dies to give place to e bell on the bridge, the sleepy chime of, which, sending their echoes into the veil of the ocean, seem`to bear a reminder of church -going in some quiet glen: Indeed, when we see hhe greg•ation, . Bibles and . prayer -books under arm, make their way along the decks to devotion, it requires an et- pie we must take good care not to fasten them down to their faults. A little generosity in thought would help us in sound judgment. A pian is usually better than his worst manner' and action. In doubtful things grant liberty; Show oharity in all. If we want to find fault we shall be able to do it without magnifying glasses; but think of the struggle some have. If they do slip or trip, well Dont' look for the flaws as you go through life, And even if you find thew, It 10 wise and kind to be sometimes • blind, And look for the virtues -behind them. es; Learn to make allowances far the Fl.rst le the musidess home, where old and young, the wine and illiterate, there is no musical instrument,' no the wealthy and, impoverished. Teiu- sound of happy song. In such a', home per judgment with kindness; help iu- musical instincts die for lackof food. i stead, of condemning. Many people No one would dream of starving a never get out of the shadow. Penury (shad's color by forcing him to gaze all ; pulls at their heartstrings and 111 - day at utterly blank white walls. The ; health discolors their outlook. home without color and devoid of pic- tures is unknown but the home.with- out music still persists among he. Then there. is the musically unodti "He who is most charitable in his cated home. Here there may be rev- judgment is generally the beast un- eral instruments, but the music played I just" Things brighten for him and he le usually trashy and the *singing is of, remembers, when he sees another less the sort popular in vaudeville. A child j favorably pia,oed than himself, that reared in such a home will grow up; place might easily have been filled by With no knowledge or latre of musk!.1 himself. Popular music need not be totally fore -1 So long as a pian is trying, though (sworn, but see to it that your children he may fail,- he is worth help and tol- hear in their hems at least some really ! erance, for such a man is doing his fine, noble music to reline and ennoble best. their spirits, Last, and unfortunately tenet num-1 Brous, 1Q the truly musical home,1 Where good music is recognized to be •]"lowers rejoice when night is (lone, riot merely' a lu7tury, but a necessity,' Lift thir heeds to greet the sun; where the elsild e• spirit is, fed with Sweetest looks and odors raise, ;good musfo as his body` is nourished ; In a silent hymn of praise. With good food and his mind with goon' So my heart would turn away books, The Age of Mammals is believed to have started 40,000,000 years ago and lasted until about 25,000 years ago, when man became the dominant crea- ture upon the earth and the so-called Age of Reason began. . We present-day people would have felt more at home at the beginning of the Age of Mammals than at any pre. vious time: For at this point, the with a long neck like the giraffe. Mammals now -began to. conquer every corner of the earth. There were flying bats, burrowing moles, primitive dogs, some as big as bears, and the first eats, , But soon life began to get hard again. In one corner is the orchestra, the collection thus often amounts to many There came the Pliocene Period same that played popular dance music hundreds of pounds for a single morn which Professor Richard Swannlull of the previous night. Ship's church is ing service. • Yale University has called the "period complete even to the juvenile choir, There is one more hymn, a blessing of great unrest." whose chubby, shining faces we reoo,g- and ship's church is over. It has been Weaker stocks were pushed to the nine as those, of the bell -boys of week a simple service, inspired by quiet piety, which makes the worshipper forget the, sumptuous surroundings and creates an atmosphere not unlike fort to remind :us that we are really. on shipboard; and that a thousand miles or mare divide 'ns from :land. -given signal, there is silence. The captain! The worshippers stand . tie he makes his appearance, a grizzled old sea-d.og, who has taught many a battle with the elements in all the waters of the world, and' w».l live to light many More, lie contact with the' . mysterious oeean has tinged his char- acter with a strong religious fervor, He takes his place at the pulpit, an' upright figure in immaculate swallow- tailed coat. His -staff captain stands behind him, with other officers. The seryice begins with a few words of prayer ta the captain's sonorous voice, then the congregation shuffle for the "place" 1n their hymn -books, and the wail of the violin fills the ball. - room. with the strains of "Fight the Good .Fight."... It is the -purser who reads' the lesson, It is hard to realize, too, that only the and we can compare his style with the previous Sunday these ` same people captain's. The "old man" is unbending in attitude, his simple seriousness elo- quent of a sailor's faith, his voice olear and , resonant. The purser is more quiet of speech, yet none the less ef- fective.. Both, indeed, carry out their functions with unassumed naturalness. were praying in the great churches of London, or Paris, or, it may be, New York. Bell -Boys as Choristers. Church is held on Sunday in every ship afloat. Ina great liner there may be as many as three services for ,die trent denominations, in the course of a morning. The principal service, that of the Church of England, is usually taken by the captain himself, except in the case of storm, when he isun- willing nwilling to leave the bridge. Then the purser officiates. It Is more pictur- esque and impressive, however, to have the captain and his principal of- ficers present. The service is held, perhaps, in the ball -room, with itss glitter and gold, where only a few hours before the pas- sengers danced to the syncopation of a jazz band. But . that does not de- tract from the solemnity of the occa- sion. In fact, the very unconvention- ality of the "meeting place" reminds us that religion and worship depend• not upon the edifice but upon the faith. The chairs are arranged in rows be- fore the pulpit, which is covered with the 'Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes, the latter out of courtesy 'to the many Americans on board. Echoed In Every Heart. There is no sermon, the proceedings following the order as laid down,in the prayer -book: Thecaptain offers up a supplication for the King' and the President of the 'United States, then comes the most eloquent prayer of all —"Bring us in safety to our desired haven." The words are echoed in every heart and by every lip, for the sound of the sea is in the worshippers' ears to remind. them that they are still hel dal` the mercy of Nature, whose mighty murricanes can make even this giant at a vessel seem like a cockle- shell. The sidesmen appear with the col- lection plates.. The:e is a rustle of notes. Such congregations, on ship- board in the Atlantic, are as wealthy as any in the world, usually including at least half a dozen millionaires on pleasure or business bent. So, while the be1'l1boy gives his •threepenny piece, the man of wealth standing next to him maycontribute a £10 note. The world began to •take on an appearance wall in the struggle for existence. The days- suchas 'we are am familiar with "missing link" the common ancestor'' A Sea -dog's Simple Faith. ' As in time case 'of preys eras, the of man and the present-day apes, is The worshippers come one by one, geologist divides this one into various supposed to have lived: et tine time.ushered to their seats by the sides- that of a humble'`village kirk}'in th periods. Then came a great ice age. Period. ;man, who, on otter days, are; the I3iglviands. Loudon Answers..The first is the Eocene,. In this gists call it the pieistocene Peau the The benefit of a charitable fellow- ship Is that the man who gable it is wonderfully helped. Southey says: period the earth was covered - with When this age ended, man was great meadow lands such as we know dominant creature upon the earth. today and the smell archaic mammals That period ended 25,000 years ago which first appeared at the close of and from that time on the most Ina the Age of Reptiles were supplanted by portant creature upon the earth has - more modernized grazing ones, been man. Habits of Alligators. ' pool and deposits them in the shallow Alligators do not lay eggs until 20 yearn old, and then they lay about 25 eggs in a season. The number in creases each year. Very old alligators have be -en known to lay 75 eggs in a s•eason. The eggs look much like duck eggs and hatch in G0 days. The nest is made of leaves and rubbish, which the alligator scratches. into a high mound with her hind feet. She covers the eggs completely with the rubbish, then lies down beside the nest to guard it. She would kill anyone who molested it. When it is desirable to hatch the eggs in an incubator, the alligator is lassoed and tied to a tree until the eggs are removed from the nest. If the little ones are hatched in the -nest, the mother immediately takes there on her back to the nearest Matins. Sob -Haired Women Taxed. Corinthians, xi,. 104 reads: "If a woman, neve long hair it isf a glory to 'for, for her Stair is given Ixer for a costal:tag." On this grori t oestaift p>i aIi worsga who o jays and ravens are not w�el�tii;y of• much eiicotiragement. The Astute lid, -common crow, sit' ough destroying From the •darkness to the day; tying opeit in God's eight Like a flower in the light, -Henry Van Dyke, in "Songs Out of Doors." Crows Eat Mice. 4.'ustl,'ailiin• vljiages hare ine d a tax The crews, wt al r Bali " "Elsie, why should. we learn gram. young `'cern and eating the eggs and, mar?"the young of other birds, atones for his "So -we can correct omtr ,papas and evil deeds by destroying large hum. ixiaintlxasi" bets of mice and cutworms, weAT NUMBER PLEASe 'IEGRU : 666777 PLEAS ,ter. There ' she abandons them and thereafter:, takes no more interest in their •fate. They know instinctively how to swim and what to eat, so they are in no danger unless another alli- gator eats them, which is very likely to happen. Peter and Paul. The old expression, "robing Peter to pay Paul," is said to date back to about 1560. At that time many of the lands belonging to the cathedral of St. Peter at Westminster were appropriated to repair St. Paul's Catdredeal. Hence the expression to rob Peter to pay Paul. True Enough. "The doctor pays a lot of vtslts:" "Yes-, but they don't all pay the doc." An Insult. Silas, the farm hand, was telling a neighbor how the wife of the farmer treated him. "Why, this morning she came to the table, and said, 'Silas do you know how many hotcalces you've eaten?' And I told her that I never kept count. 'Well,' site said, `that one makes 14!.' " ' "What did you say, Silas?" asked the neighbor. "What did I say?" retorted Silas. "Why, it -provoked me so that - I got right up from the table and went off without my breakfast!" Here They Are. • "Have you any leisure class!, in this country?" "Yes, we have the men who sell pen Hants and badges when there's a parade." The height of tactlessness: asking a man who's just returned from a fishing trip, saying nothing, how many he caught, ADAMSON'S ADVENTURES .. ut L'n»rriyhi,:ix"s, by 'r1 n Mott Syniliaa'ta, ati Dyes, Old and New. Among the ruins- of Pompeii you may see the remains of a workshop, ge with vats, utensils, and ovens, It was a Roman dyer's • shop, for from the earliest period 0! history men have loved to stain their garments and the r fabrics, that made their homes,'beTutt ecl ful With red, blue, purple, and yellowy i3r dyes. ve But until 1856, when Perkin lis- 1, covered how to procure beautiful, fast), dyes from coal -tax products, all dyes : cane from vegetable substances. modern dyes are derived from coaltaro tr,, products and give the minutest shades., of every color of the spectrum. Once alis dyeing was done at home,., and even to -day, in the Highlands of Scotland, there are old wives who still acs, po•esese the secret of it. But the epoch-making discovery of coal -tar it dyes started a vast industry. The raw material is subjected to many delicate tests by the chemist in search of a new tint. He tries, pis v 1 tiently, day after day, the reactions of - 137 the black- odoriferous, substance to al- ,O12.! keels and acids; he wasghes it with ether, ,cleans it with benzine, cooks it, cools it, and so on, until, at length Ile sees •a..ipearing a new and very beauti•, ful tint—a new dye. It was ,in England that Boal -tar or, as they are now called, aniline deal.. were first discovered, France •grr sped • the idea- and , started large dye -works. But both England and France were outstripped when German soientiste, working from the groundwork of the Eng:isle chemist Perkin; entered the field and made German dyes world -fa - MOUS, During the war an attempt was made to wrest from Germany the supremacy she had won in the dye industry, But the clever, hard-working, if not origin- al, chemists of Germany still lead the world in the line they have made their own. bel like ta. incl cu, yo etil at earl wr bel be dishbe tir to% to to sed hr� way Iui de ve lea th• a 6t Hh Mus!o's Antiquity. Music has been a pleasure of tate Iranian race for thousands of Years past: afore ancient people than our- s selves know nothing of our musket in. strufl tints, and we know nothing of theirs. The Chinese, Indians, Per - Wane, South Soa 1, Zanders and other pooples all have their own ways ot, making music anc1,have had them from time ineraeinorial. Our classical ii hits iod of MUSIC., old to us, is•, really q modern. Music is one, of the world's. olcleot posscsr,inus. 1 Tho quantity of oil obtained from an average whale is about 2,0041 gals. Bronx is an ata.Y of copper and tin. Bach is a. comparatively sort meta;;, but wu combination they be 'coni,: very hard. `L"he'word bronze also means ',1 harden.°