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Zurich Herald, 1926-06-24, Page 1
VoIM CXV R No 51 Next ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNIN„O, JUNE 24, 1926. Chaster L Smith, I kr i Wad'a Year . ,&tif r . $Lss IN A,11 1+4118, $2 MAY BB (7iLPt EM eek is our annual holiday week and there will be no lleralcl aoct c1a'e anlla1. c ..t 4.:� g eed 1:1010111100D041 t SPring ffer.i,:ngs OF GARDEN- SEEDS The annual meeting 'of the South ti` + LIBERALS Attention! • Also .oclaks, Patent 'Medicines, a I.cecream ..� Stat�.c�yit.e����r �ox����.t�:��d.y�p Groceries, 'rockery,.:. igarts, Tob b eo and. -Cigarettes Huron LiieralAss,oeiation, as coni +stltuted for both Provincial and Federal purposes,, will be head in The TOWN HALL, 11ENS.ALL -on- Friday, June 25th • Phone, � - I �e a e "°Hon. Nelson Parliament, iYTrs.Zoe ,sal. kD4{SDGE)4 1041D� 4�D, 11 '0) DOWD4ii�' �D 12« 8 e5 °r + + 4+ O 4' a 4. Steven's and others speakers will address the meeting. A full attendance of the Liberal in the Riding in desired.. C. FRITZ Vice President T. G. SHILLINGLA W - Secretary - t Gillette tte Razor ,.avi ad. blade bgiven. 4 Rev. Deriggi�s and a number of � 4. delegates attended tli.� District S. school convention at Shakespeare with one -tube i Shaving : last Thursday. t Crew for� 35. cents...1. + The J?ub:ic schotol picnic to Gr and 13enct on \Vecinesday afternoon ',if.:f. last was fairly *well attended, the OR SAM AS AE.BOVE WITH5 GILLETTEBLADES ALL FOR' r day being ideal- for the occasion. NG BETTER SHAVING CREAM ON THE MARKR7f' 'r0- k ei �g run programne off whieh vas axe of spoits pt - DAY. + iona.ly well 2n;joye l by the kiddie's i0c. . SEE THIS BARGAIN BEFORE .B"QY1NG FLSEWflSEG. 4.• ESCH Zurich:. 44+++++++++.04.4-44+4++.1.444- 4(4.4.+444-+47+++++++++++++44+41+ , y meet 9 He isal on the adv sabl' of Ata meeting held in Herman., last Saturday, in the interest of Telriperance,. it was decided, to call xi Convention .of ail interested in ad\vaneetl temperance legislation, to to the lity of bringing out a dry candidate 80/0.0.44kitCN+!►s 4®ttieimege***@6.61.' 66."" 0®40®®400 at th;. coming Provincial e'lection ® independent of all politics: Alp growl. s �cscle Footwear r Mr 1ri�'VVFd2P. • T�and LMrYs. Wilsoni•®Sk-i1:rmstrong spent a fe\v days last week frith. AT TiEASDINF:+3BLE- PRICES., • Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph Stephenson of Parr Line, left last week for Pilot Mound, Man. to visit , their daughters and oth'er relatives. They- expeet to be aw,ay till Oct - 4,u buy their daughters in London. 40& ii'wether� Tata lelliief interest is in the (style of 'sit oeg y. , toor perhaps the comfort and fit or warknxs:nship and materials, 4b tp we guarantee chat you *ill not be .di?ssapointed here. And • Beck it with, the prarniseis 'to make good arty purchase that Q a� floes not satisfy' y©m • ,p Mb t S•'i T 4- AND SUMER SLIPPERS 6 Itli ai AND ,yh.NDALS • i „� Mr.. and Mi.s 1V, FI. Stephenson Women's/Patent Colt, and Kid : 1 of Marlette, Mich. are spending a with fancy centre Straps, Low a) Iweek or two" \ith their friends in rn heel's, Spacial $2.8.5 Stanley. i and me Women':s.. Pat. Celt fine kid, ;grey Fawn and Elk Sued leathers to with low walking kee'l's, Spec. 3.05 • W ours blk canvas„ one strap, ,,leather 'pole and rubber heel, 0 .qa 1.I5 ���" '� •ti�a�x' real cana.fort, special .._ IS Nees 'Elk anal brown ,calf -Oxfords, Goodyear well solesEubberr heeis, Special at ....._$8.45 ¥en'ts Ink and! brown calf Oxfords, new Parkway `La'st, Sp 4.45 • teen's. Harvest shoes, comfortable and light 2.15 and ... $3.75 2 aCiildreri shoes, ssippe- s, newest Manioh last from. 1.24 to $2.50 al,:: 'Braining shoes, eat every description, Lowest pricr3s in town.tt BROWN i ` S �`C +°PA .I1'T INE, .PLY DONE e SEE of WINDOW DISPLAY �, N%MNi•��M1t��+RN�f'�1�I�Mb•�tQs�,�p�8ti�11W1@®�R9QD � 41, ,a ad N Sunday, June 20th WIII 1 4 Fathe s Day, • qk Buy him ]a Tie » -Buy Milli Two Ties A,+A+O<>40444.0,440,4-4.440O4,4,4.4.44... ay of _lfS- 4 4 IS - 4 DON'T • STOP THERE Buy ilk/ a Dozen ays 4 4 Kt' GASCIlfrS/' OUP Sre.AND, !ITONl'+, 67 f . 444464.0444144+4 •4.• 5444`, Mr. and Mrs. -Geo Lilley ancl•Mr. C'aivir+ Dowson of Seaforth, spent Sunday at the, home of Mr. W. J. Do\t'son. Mr, and Mrs. Colin Carrtpbeli, have returned from their wed ding trip, and have settled down to the stern realities of married life. on their farm on Bronson. Mrs. R. Stephenson Sr., who is staying with her son Chas. Steph- enson of Parr Linn., has not been well for some time and is ('"s grad - 7 gig weaker. Ili�e'r. �lle' fpr. gs es very little hope for her convention, . reC,OViTl MMissMur. iel Preetc.r of Kitchener was a.,; Sunday visitor in town. Mr. and. Mrs.. W. 1•I. Frank, of Waterloo, were 'week -end visitors withrelatives here. Mr. Thornton Baker of Exeter, in the village on Monday evening. M. and Mrs. Wellington John- �ston •motored to London of Fri- day The Huron County Promotion e'xar inatipn�s will be held on Fri'- day.25th. and Monday 28th of June P,% . and Mrs. Adam Sipple anti. !son °Wi]fred, and Mrs. Sipple Sr. ofMil\ erton, were week -end vis- itor's' in the vicinity. Mr. Roy Merner' of the 14th con. is rrnproving the appearance of his! house, by 'building a s: it t' 1 a>da, • Mr: and Mrs. Q. Taggart Mi'.s' Acleliade Pilcher, of South Bend, Ind.are 'spending a few . weeks visiting relatives here. - Me'srs. Clarence and Clayton Hoffman of Galt, were: Sunday vis itors here. The former has 'tre- ated himself to a new. -Coupe. rfii.._ and Mrs. David Schlueter, 14Tr. i . d Mrs. Jacob. Schlueter of Michigan Were visitors at theh'ome Mrs. Of Ms. G. Hess and Anna, ;one day Week. eek � ���:le of ,hon�,n luade candy find ra'>creg•"n•711 foe Reid' in the Ga'scho Block, formerly post office, by the Dorcas Class of the Evangelical S. School, on Saturday evening, July 3rd. Mr. 11.:If Neeb Tp. Road Super- intendent, is completing the rere- co1�.+'+'nt.:!)n oG tl1? 0�,1111 ^Line, into the \ iilag which 't;.'hen completed will make a very cr- editable piece of road. Mr. Gordon Wolper, who has been aceountant in the local Bank hers, first with the Masons Bank and lately with. the Bank of Mon- treal, has received notice from he- adquarters that he has begin trans- ferred to, the Simcoe branch, and has left for that place. Mr. Tewsley of London will take Mr. Walper''s place. A Sunday School Convention of much. importance will be held in the local Mennonite church, Zurich on Thursday, July 1st, when a large delegation' of. S. School workers will be present; This is •alway's, a very inspiring and interesting .tre- eting and worthy of comment.The Convention will then be follow ed by deviiie 'services for a few evenings, to which the public is ua lv g t g cordially invited as well as to the y ; Have you bees i tci the 'ser ises IOLI'p`fx W EIIIK being held at' the little White ch- urch, 'Goshen? Mr. Keys of Cal- ifornia, the Evangelist, is a very forcefulspeaker, and the meetings are proving a blessing, to those who attend. Meeting every night until July 4111. Conte and bring your friends With you. C1-IURCH NOTES ----- It's • a matter .of great ,satisfacr tion that the large najjority of the ••pe,op'ie who • belong to Emanuel •ehtrch, attend the Sunday Serv- ices so regularly Please note the following, Prelpartory Service, for commun- ion, on ` Wednesday Eve. i'at 7.45, Rev. .H A. Kellerman will,piea.c:h' 'Quarterly Conference` at 9.00 o'clock 1'7 day 4.10-Catechtsaki Classes. . 7.3.0 Teacher's meeting. 8.30 -Cham practice. Sunday June 27th. 10.00 a.m. Communion Service, at \v.hich. 4111 who love Jesus arse invited to take part. All are. °Frit corn •welenrne fat the ;service 11.00 am, Bible School for all agi'si 7,30, S^rmDn i "Th :Pillars of Civ - 1 mail on'," Sr; 'Le;<igue Toleic, Rose Bud Blue White Diamond Rings VERY BEAUTIF.II. IN DESIGN Priced from '$20.O0t o $100. SEE THEM ON DISPLAY IN OUR EAST WINDOW ti W. G. Hess & Sons COAL BUY THE BEST, IT IS SE CHEAPEST. GENUINE ' f? H L ackawan. AND D L & W Scranton DIRECT FROM THE MR' $. SOFT COAL, , GENUINE HENizi' TUCKY MILLERS CREEK. CO],'., GENUINE BY ERC1D11FCT",.I. Our Telephones are at yeg ; vice, the, information is free.. HEN SALL ONT. Phones -Office lOw+ House 12i.Til 4,40404.0.444.4o0o4,••4ro4♦a44wam4.,00.04+444Sk,11137£ " O v a 4 0 a 4. 4 A • a 0 a 4 Notice My Accounts a are now ready, and any persons indebted to me kindly call at once and settle same. FRED THIEL - ZURIO 440+4.4,40.4,o4,444••••••••••••• ®oo+5ab 4.o >ofi 4T.04,0400gvii"P r H,80 , +l++II+.4.+ 4,4+3++f+i++d++F+t+++F+f++Ad++� ++ ++++ic��rF+� 44.44***K4114140A • 4. O Food ar mum inuasittlomalf.0. f. Frequently Arrive n Our Stock is complete in many new Styles 4 and Patterns for Women and Children. BE SURE AND SEE THESE BEFORE PURCHASING YOua NEW SUMMER FOOTWEAR. 4 •A FULL LINE IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK BOOTS. I t MEN, TRY A PAIR OF OUR GENUINE REGULATION ARMY 1 LEATHER EVERYDAY SHOES FOR WEAR AND COMFORT-.... .7.: . week is our annual holt- day week, ,sci there will be no + Herald on July 1st. It is now 26 years 'sihce the weekly was first 4 established, and we feel we are still going strong, and receivin; good support from: the commun- ity for which we are very grate- ful. The editor and his littlefar.- ily have planned a little outing trip up north, and will leave on 'i•iday June' 25th, and with fav- orable weather will likeyl return on July 5th. So .our next public- ation will be July 8111.. During our absence ourshop will . be closed, but. in case of any emer- gency call kindiy isee Mr, A.. F. Bess., Tp. Clerk, I;RODEI'tl CK -MOUSSE AU A \ ery pretty 'wedding took pl- ace at the parsonage, Exeter on .June 10th, when Ethel .V .Brod- erick, ick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs! Evelyn Broderick, Parr Line, Ilay ToWnship, became the bride of Mr. Robert 1). Mousseau, son of Mr. and" Mrs. J,,Moussea,n, 2nd con. Hay The bride Was charming dressed in a gown of maim. crepe de chin.'. with hat to thatch.'Rev. Mr. Foote officiating. Th++ bride was %.u, pnrt:eci by her sister, Mrs. O'r•- vi 1' Sm'th, whit:, the ;room was by Mr. Orville Sm:tb,,,Th' "H 1,r to in. Oto ;.t Nation grain'` hippy pi'y" c 4 rplc left on the e "Hing train fin 1)<+troic :111.1 ntit`+r 7 1111 1 Emarmel Evangelical Church 1" 1111:(hIgni" f.)n their r‘'turn the!: ZURICH --• ONT, will r-'sld» on the groom's far'ii ! XJ 1'4.1., nship, \Sher they have If you are not n Christia,i you the best wishes of a largo circ]^ ought to he, if fr•ienrit, 0. FRITZ #8L SON SHOE MERCHANTS • 44++++++++++++++++++++444-1+++++++++++++++++++++.1. i NEW G S We have opened up a lot of new. Spying and Summer Goods, i w Prints, Gingham s, Voiles, Broad-. cloth, Galatea, Etc. ALSO CURTAIN GOODS, SITIRTINGS, FLANNELETTES, TICK - TNG, COTTONADE. SEE OUR HARNESS REPAIRS AND SWEAT PADS, TO. A PULL LINE OF MESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAM ' t„3.12:1)EN SEEDS, ROOT SEEDS, SORGtUM, AND No. A Gt V INMRNT TESTED SEED CORN. Highest Prices for Produce R J U. 'I.avl 1,G' • GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE" Ii - 97 81 r J '• A '