HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-05-20, Page 47URICH HERALD Thu aleyay 20ihz 1926 It's safe to buy your -tires wherever you see this sign, for the efficient Dunlop Of- ficial Dealer stakes his reputation on and invests his money in them, Dunlop Official Service Depots: Herb Mousseau, Zurich Geo. H. Beatty, Varna 1M•i.1•••!!!•!®•166!•MI!**teeoeet**•••!•••••••••••••i Spring Seeds • We have received our supply of I Spring Seeds and can supply you • with practically everything in this line, such as Garden Seeds, Flower • • • ••• Q • • • •• 'SEEDS, AND GRASS -,EE VS IN LARGE QUANTITIES FOR THE FARMERS. CHOICE SEED CORN 'NIbW IS THE TIME TO LOOK AFTER YOUR SEED CORN, WE 'RAVE IT BEST BY TEST,IN MOST OF THE LEADING VAR STIES. GET YOURS NOW „deLET US SHOW YOU OUR SUPPLY OF SEEDS AND BE 'CONVINCED THAT TIIIS IS TILE PLACE TO GET YOUR SUPPLY. aeo Louis Schilbe - Zurich Valtit••••ee►•••®erae cooefttneeeelpe•soee•erse,asee••eem•••s• 'Thursday Friday Saturday tir.ltly 2it 21 2 'SPECIAL SALE OF MILLINERY FOR THESE THREE DAYS i Lb�v`LY COME AND GET- YOUR NEW HAT FOR MAY 21th. WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS ON RV RYTHING IN STOCK.. 'T ATS FROM $3.55 DOWN. WHILE THEY LAST. ANYONE IN 7LED OF A HAT DON'T MISS THIS. COME EARLY AND GE 'or FIRST CHOICE AS THERE ARESOMIi EXCEPTIONAL 'BARGAINS =.FDR THESE TIiR^'EE DAYS ONLY HATS ON THE TABLE ONLY V. V. i. lab Zuni BORN Braun --At Forest on May 17th, to 'i'Ir. and Mrs W. P. Braun, a son =<tiranaboise—At Saut•a^ Line, Hay 'Township, on May 14•th, to Mr. sand Mrs. Chas. Lalra nhoise, a leader—At Hay Township, 14th con. eon May .14th, to Mr. anal Mrs. Milne Rader, a son, "atieatit—At Grand Bente, on May 19. •!to Rev. and Mrs. Grauil. a dau- Iter. SCHOOL REPORT til' S. 5.' No�, Stanley foe ,A.p- ; 11. Those marked with an .ast- -euiek. have been absent. Sr. IV—Emma McBride 94, Elgin' 1 ayter .83, Sr. III—Grace Robinson ..611, illiargaret Robinson 1'8, Edgar Mc •• :'la n :hey 104. ,Jr. III—Bert 'McBride • 127, Thee Ace McClinchey 112, Elmore Sterns- •illetrson 56, Vera Smith 1'21. -Sr. II—Russel Hayter 208, Cararmp ;:h ii McKinley 201; la7orenc Robin - non 1197, Elmore McBride 41.57, ,l'r. II—Allan Armstrong 78, par. Iiayter 108, Elva ' i 1Clinchey 106, Margaret Lamont ZED'S. • :("timer Isabel Rcibi+non, Dor- K^6"t'hy Armstrong, Lolus McClin;hcy, Winne McBride. 4 - C. E. Reid, Teacher. HENSALL Wim Eell hale stir chaeed a new I ttRuileibalser 'sedan ana now sports Orono of the .fitreet ar'e iin the view. a�tlty. Mr<s Jahn Park well, Landon. Dor, and Mrs, Sy& Clark and family, who have been good res- idents of the village for a num- ber of years, left for their ne\v home in London, where he has secured a good. position. W. Vanhorn of London, vr'sited friende here. Mrs. Larne Zuefle and little da- ughter of Detroit, visited with Mr and Mrs. John Zuefle. A representative '0z the Lorne Fire WEngine Co. of Ti1'sonburo- was in town and met the comm- ittee omm ittee appointed for this better fire protection. The Co wish to give a demonstration of their wa- ter and ehemi_al engines in the village •in the near future. Quite a number of our leading ConeervatiFes in Hensall and d inity were in Loudon last week, attending the reception and ban rluet_kendered to the Premier, Hon Howard Ferguson.. The ].Presbyterians from the Car mel Church are having now from Sunday to Sunday, candidates for the pastorate and will likely de- cide on one !sono CREDITON Arrangements are being macre for a celebration on May 24th. There will- be a base.all game in the afternoon between Crediton and some league team to by followed by a horseshoe todrna- ment. In the evening a three - act comedy entitled. "Are you a Mason" will be given in the town hall. This is a screen]. from 'st- art to finish. Michael Beaver, who has beep spending a few days with his brother at Morriston, returned to his home. Wm. Brown and son of Forest was a recent visitor at his home hero Rev. and Mrs.'W. Y. Dreier we- re last week visitors with the lat teras parents, at Ayton. . J .A. Humble of Sarnia„ spent 1 a day at the Central hotel. Lillian and Cora Stah'.'s, -of Lon don N i.iited their mother. Madeline lT'a st vi Detroit, is sp iending a week with her parents, Mr and Mrs. E- ra Hai at. :EI"rb Fah.ne.r of Detroit, via.ited la week -end here. - i Mrs. Dan. Swart;:, and family l's h ine for a fewweeka with her Iterrnoh, Mrs, Leah Holt ;men. Henry Guenther, son of Mr.and 'Mrs. Matt. Guenther, of Kitchener .bord at Crecliton departed the;• life at his parental home on Mae 5th, aged 11 years, 2 months and 18 days. the remains were brou • • ., v'no was taleen On the evening or May Utl the 1, elc for a eerlous operation, is get- Crediton, was the scene of a veru i �• to the hoop t Zl London, last we- ;-hn Evangelical pars n'r'- •ifa e ght to Creditor for interment. , at l ting along nic..ly, and her many harpy 'surprise party tt*hichwas friends wi,h her a speedy recon- 'staged by the members of the lees' omen' -a Mission Aid Soc, when Mrs. Harry Smith had the nes a fine program of music, readings fortune the ••her day, while go- and addresses were given: ing down the {steps to hurt. her +a+•- leg very badly. .EXETER Mr. and Mrs. Wei., Dabus of near Zuric& moved into the horse they recently rented from Mrs, B Bullard. ,. Mrs. A. Sparks aril Mrs. T. Sher. - vitt tivlio duffe l strokes a few weeks ago, art'• not doing as well as their fri''ncls expect. • John Carmichael, who has fin• ilshed hie court at Business .College :is huem for a few weeks with hie mother, lieforeg oing to• Detroit to '.take a 1'o.itioa. Mrs. J, S. McDonald has been very poorly for the past few we- eics, and is confined to her room with. Milani. Mere .1 .5, McDonald has been very poorly fora few weeks and ie confined to her room. •f3onthron tC Drysdale are put- ting Ota a large gasoline pump re placing their forret oneby one of double capacity. The merchant's half holiday, comae/me:a with the first W ednes' clay in .Tune and contllnuon for thee,r months, iewrlevy 'stale are near Osten/ay. Mrs These SherrttiSr., Jas b -ing their t new quarters, and the th- ing ;Vis iced by her. daughters; Mrs, ,teruption was made' without any IrvingIrving:froru the west, ` Mrs, Tur- fent 'r^ruz.tions' 'of service�e t1-t•of `,intoa txid Mit, Wtt� Veld�1 ilei btrt rest Jaclr Stire had the rni:^r•fortnne to fracture two ribs when he fail t at about e 1, r It feet t t -, the t,. salt In 1 Tnnk Routlnrl6;re of Dutton, sp- ent the pn et week -end in t'ovc n, ,ho was acconi,paniecl home by Mr.. Routledge and 'son Robert, who hare been visiting here and at Zurich.. Z 'E. Powell 'suffered a 'stroke_ at the bomj' Of Mr. Ta.rnan, Mrs. 1. Snell returned after sp- ending th- winter at Winck-q The Plymouth l3rethern held ser vice on the Math St, the other ev- ening. This was the first appear- ance this smmn-er. C C. Pilon is enlarging the, 1-Iu- eon garage and will add. another :struetuj'e to the Main St, The len ilding will be a two story with -shnw room on- the iiret floror and a dwelling on thea :second; The Bell Tel Co., who for the past weeke have been fitting 'up a new office -south of L- Wso-n 's took place in Exeter the other day when Miss Pearl Luther, daughter o fMr, and Mrs. H. Lu, they and elle pert Bissett, son of Theo Bissett all Of Usborne, were united in:znare riage by 'Rev. E. Sheppard, The young eoulile were attended by Mrs. H, Hill sister of the groom, 'Mr, and Mrs. Bissett left on the ev- ening train for a short honeymoon to Windsor. They have takenthe groom's farm on the 2pd con. of Usborne, COUNTY NEWS North Baron Liberals will meet at Wingh.am town hall on May 25th to ehocesea candidate to contest' the 'riding in the coning :elections for Provincial. The other night three garages jvere• broken into, namely Bruce - field, Varna, arid Bayfield, and a lot of tires, oil, etc. stolen. •Capt, Harry Finn of the steam er Jolly Inez, was the centre of a pleasant little ceremony at the town hall, Goderich, when he was presented with the customary gift -of :a new hat for bringing into Goderich harbor the first vessel of the Season. Acting for J. W. King, M.Pr,mrrd three voters who opposed the el- ection 'Ie-ition brought by George Spotton, in North Huron, G. E. Parkinson has issued execution a- gainst Mr. Spotton, to recover $639.94, the Costs of the litrgatic11 which ended in the Appellate , y-- $Sion and resulted in S. W. King, Progressive, being declared elec- ted. Alonzo 316 years old adopted eon' of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lloyd St; Mary's was drowned in the cis- tern at their home on Way 7th. It is thought the lad lifted the light "s covering and fell' in, the lid then fell in. Percy Armitage was on Mon- day last elected councillor of Bid- dulph Tp. by •a majority of 130 over his apponent P. Dickens. The vacancy was chu'sed by the death of Thos. Armitage, father of the suecesafut candidate, who formany years held the position. The total number of votes cast wad less than. per cent. 'of the total. Mrs. Frank Coates of Usborne, the other day had the misfortune to be thrown from a baggy when a horse she was driving while in 'the act of turning cramped the buggy and threw the oceupant out Mrs Coate; Was driving ion the 'S. Boundary of Exeter, she was bruised and injured in the fall but no bones were broken. Another newspaper amalgam- ation in Ontario is that of the Or - Packet and Times, the two old eat papers in the town, the Packet ].has longg been considered one of the boat edited s' eakl'es• in On':azi:o and the Times always held its own with the be -at. e It is reported from Stratford that 'that city is to be shortly til dig' s'onal centre for the Kt-h-7rer London, and Goderich. branches of h' To o to K-trhn-e•:ant London Coach Lines, tdL. A passenger 1•:u3 'sarVi••e betwcea K'tchenar .and Stretford..un with the Tor- onto line. and betlinking ween tither Lon- rlon•and•S r tfo•c1 o S'r''fo• don' Goderich would be ,star eel in a few dans, with three lines operating within a 'week or two. "Never has the opportunity for Canadian business in the Orient been se good as it is today," said' Allan Cameron, Oriental Manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway,. in Montreal recently. "It is true that the general volume of business in China and Japan is somewhat be- low normal owing to both local and, world conditions but if Canadian manufacturers and producers now fail to make an effort to secure the large share of Oriental trade that would naturally come to them, the• opportunity will pass and someone else will get the business." , Following its success at the Brit- ish Empire Exhibition, the Cana- dian Pacific Railway is arranging unusually fine displays for fall ex- hibitions in Canada. At Toronto, the exhibits will include a Northern Ontario hunting scene, having a painted background sixty by six- teen feet, a feature of which will be noose and deer . moving through, the forest and an attendant guide to give information to enquirers. A full-sized model of the front of a Canadian Pacific engine and other displays illustrative of the Co m- pan s manyactivitieswill a1so be• shown in Toronto. o Won erf d ulle e e trical models depicting Canadian winter sports, round -the -world cruises, etc., are slated for Quebec,. loadon and North Say;. HENSALL C, N. R. TRAIN CONNECTION MORNING South, Kippen ... .. 8,22 South, Hensall .• . 8.32 South, Exeter ... .8.47 Stage leave Zurich 7,00 North, Exeter . 30.16 North, Hensall - .-.... 10,30 North, Kippen ...10.35 atni, a.m. a.m'. a.m. a.m. a.m. AFTERNOON South, 1 ippen .. ..4.40 p.gi'. South, Henault .,. . 4,50p.m.. South, Exeter r :. .5.05 pan. Zurieh ...3,00 . p.m. Stage leave North Exeter 6,04 p.m. North, Hensel(... .. 6.18 pan, North, KippeKippen. �,.»8.2t yeti, 4 ,1. Annouric-ei 3'^F••II.•3,^�,.�i,•�''rla�'JF9E'��i'4h�'�',+��'�• 1'!�e��l^ X' i � Yfi�'�^•P�• �'�i=''i•�F���F6•�'�F'�'>h•II'•;t'�!�� t 4 dj r I wish to inform the Public that I have t• ' dissolved partnership with my former employer, and wish to announce that Au I have opened an z p 4o -date Garage 6 In Mr, Hey's Blocks fS4. I AM IN A POSITION TO GI. -3 EXPERT SERVICE ;g AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE OF CAE, ALSO RE- it BUILD AND CfARGE BA'rTBRIBS ON SHORT NOTICE A FULL LINE os. GENUINE FORD PARTS FOR SALE •lr .1. AT FORD PRICES SATISFACTION € VABANTEED`'`' Day and Night Service St ata ain a cs 1' 11- ANi-i, Prop +++++4444+44+4-744-444+++++++44++++2,,,r.' •l,y: 4.4.4•.4•.1.•t•3•d. ✓vor•i +.17 • Zurich's tpportunity Greatest Value Clothes for Men 125 to 150 CENTS .FOR YOUR $1.00 It's the Wonder and envy of the Tailo prig Trade. How we do it is our hu iiness That we Do it is your business -YOUR SPRING- SUIT MADE -TO -MEASURE, oz. =PORTED WOOLENS DTRsg:r FROM T.EIE MILLS TO YOU HUNDREDS OF THE VERY LATEST SH , }-.."., AND ._ TO CHOOSE FROM COME AND EE ITS. Goad Pressing, Skillfully done by a zeal Tailor, is as Refresh- ing to Your Suit, as .a good -night's asleep is to ,.you. PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. CR • r • Un Tailor, Men's' Furnishings - Zurich, Ont. Where the Good Clothes come from 1 �` G• �, "^ • ^kms W �:,^' h: : a `w 4 L urich Tug Store We have a complete supply of Toilet Prepatations a n d. Patent Medicines, �^�•�1••lf•e3•�'•1• �'�t• 9 •� �^°!•^�•I-�.�..g.�a.71^a'^.1• �•-i• F'Y� Ow Stock of Stationery er'y comprises: Writing Tablets of all sizes, Fine . Boxed Statione t:s '�i y �+flDu:n�a]ilill. �en.Ti at a variety of Prices Kinds Drug PHOTOGRAPHIC DrA. !MacKinnon, Zurich Nato. ai�� 406