HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-05-20, Page 3COMFORT DEPENDS,
Weak Stomachs Can be Made
Wrong Through the Use of Dr.
l>Jiams' Piuk J?ifls.
The sufferer from indigestion is
greatly to be pitied!, This trouble as
sumes various forms such as pain af-
ter eating, gas on the stomach, sour.
stomach and often . vomiting after
meals. The sufferer cannot get relief
by ,cutting down his food to a starva-
tion basis. That only ;still furthee
weakens.. What is needed is better
digestion, not a poorer diet. And the
way to get a better digestion Is to so
enrich the bloocl that the stomach will
do the work nature .intended. As a
tonic for building up the blood nothing
else can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
As this new blood courses through the
veins strength and tone is given the
stomach and the pangs of indigestion
disappear. Not only this, the whole
system is strengthened and new life
and vim comes to the former sufferer.
The value oe-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
In cases of this kind is proved by the
experience of Mr. E. G. Malcolm, Port
Malcolm, N,S., who says:—"For sever-
al years I was a great sufferer from
indigestion. I could not eat meat or
potatoes, and often: could not retain
the food I did eat. Only those who
have been afflicted with this trouble
can realize the suffering I endured. I
took a lot of doctors' medicine, but it
did not give me more than temporary
relief. I also took other remedies re-
commended, with no better results.
Then I react in a newspaper the case
of a woman whose symptoms were like
my own, who found new health
through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills., I at
.once got a supply of these pills and
had not taken them .very long when I
began to find relief. Thus encouraged
I continued the use of the pills., and I
can but sum up what they did for me
by saying that they made me feel like
a new man. Every trace of the trou-
'ble has disappeared and I can now eat
and enjoy my meals as well as any
You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a sox from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Bright Scholar.
"Why, Everett," exclaimed the moth-
er of a bright five-year-old, "what are
you doing with your shoes and stock-
ings off this cold morning?"
"Studying my lessons," was the re-
ply. 'This book wants to k.aow how
many 5 times 5 is, and I haven't got
enough fingers, so I've got to count my
toes, too."
?hose old enemies, gas, acidity, pain and dis-
comfort are soon knocked for a fare -thee -well
by ScigePs Syrup. Any drug store.
British women are tinning back to
plain black silk stockings as the mode.
Over -use of light colored hose by all
classes impelled society women to drop
that fad.
Economists cZlh.tsider the amount of
sugar a nation eats a good key to its
prosperity. Last year the average
American ate 101 pounds of sugar, the
average Russian only nine pounds.
At the present time invention is go-
ing on so fast that the mind can
scarcely keep pace with it. A chi id of
fifteen or twenty speaks of everyday
things Which men over forty remember
'doing without.—Lord Askwith.
Bees can fly faster than pigeons,
.;:..:4•1111I. I1111`Ilillr
1N IIIIIIi1111gIl,lu11110ll61
8) gtze
Take it daily. A spoon-
ful in a glass of water
before meals and at
bedtime will do you a
world of good if you
feel, out of sorts, dull
andheavy. A pleasant,
effervescent, saline
laxative prescribed by
leading doctors for.
over 20 years.
Wingate Chemical Co.
Limited, Montreal.
In the centre of this group of officers of the Cunard liners "Aurania" and Ansonia" and officials of the
Company, is Captain J. C. Townley, of l,Rhe "Aurania." The photo was taken immediately after the presentation to
Captain Townley by the Quebec Harbor Commission, of a gold -headed cane for being captain of the first passenger
steamer to enter Quebec Harbor in the year 1926.
Windmill Etiquette.
The picturesque Dutch windmills
are fast parsing from the landscape
of the Land of Dikes, The Dutch.mf11-
ers are modernizing their mills and
turning to electricity. They are right,
of course; but along with the great
blades and stubby towers there will
vanish much that is quaint and pic-
torial in tradition as well as in archi-
tecture, for the miller has made his
mill, through many generations, show
and express his joy g: and sorrows.
Always the Dutch miller has given
his mill a name and called it by that;
never just the "mill." When a daugh-
ter of the household married, the mill
was gaily adorned; when a member of
the family died, the mill was put into
mourning, and the degree of that
mourning was governed by fixed rules
of windmill etiquette. If the owner
died, all the twenty boards in the anus
of the mill were taken out, and the:
mill stood motionless for a given time,1
as if in grief over the loss of its own-
er; When the church bells tolled,
marking the' procession of the funeral
from church or home to the cemetery,'
the boardiess blades -were turned in
unison with the bells. When the wife
of the miller died, nineteen boards of
the blades were -removed; for a child
of the family, thirteen boards; for the
miller's• parents, eleven boards; and
so on down the line of relationship to
the -children of cousins, for whom one
board was removed.
cktA, Ty
'Twas..Ever Thus.
Mrs. alin.k--"The Silver IF`oxe•s have
declined our invitation to dinner."
itir. Mink—"Not at all a surprise.
Since they heard that hunter say their
coats were worth at least a thousand
a Niece, they've cut everybody they
Let Baby's Own Tablets Keep
Your Children Well.
Little children very quickly get out
of sorts. By prompt treatment they
can usually just as quickly be set right
again. Most of their 'troubles. arise in
the first place from the stomach or
bowels; that is why a good cleaning -
out is the first thing prescribed by the
doctor: Formerly castor oil was the
means used to bring this about; now -
a -days Baby's Own Tablets do the
same work, but without trouble to' the
parent or discomfort to the little one.
Children take Baby's Own Tablets hap-
pily because there is no nasty taste
and because no griping after-pains fol-
low their use.
As a specitic for childhood indiges-
tion. vomiting, constipation, colic,
colds, teething pains, etc., there is no-
thing to equal Baby's Own Tablets.
They never do harm and always do
good. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box.from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Vital Vitamins.
Nowadays everybody talks about
vitalnines, bat few people know any-
nything at all about these strange pro-
perties possessed by some foods and
lacking 111 others. in fact, the scien-
tists themselves are stili mystified.
But they have ascertained that this tit-
itle family of invisible life givers has
three members, each doing a particu-
lar job for us.
The vitamins family consists of vita -
mines A, B, and C. Vitamine A is the
unseen property jn certain foods which
causes the body to grow and thrive, it
fs present in greenstuffs, which are
grown in fresh air and sunlight. It is ly, mother. I'se boiling over."
in grass, lettuce, cabbage, watercress
and so forth. The milk of cows fed on. I hate discipline; I ]]refer honor
good pasture contains this mysterious and comradeship.—Mr. Ramsay Mac-
Donald, M.P.
She Loves Dogs.
Miss Swelle---' And don't you just
love dogs?"
Mies Nurich..—"Hot with mu'atard, I
should say!"
v --
Lord of the Sea.
The Procession.
A (bear .March day
A drizzling rain,
Puddles of water
Little rivers running wild
Like antics of a naughty chifid.
A cold March day
Flurries of snow,
Snow -banks piling
Every where—
Oven' the hills and shaving round
Forming mountains ever snow-erown-
Most people would think that the
word admiral is a typical English ex-
pression. Its origin, however, is Emir
el Bagh, which is Arabic for "Lord of
the sea." The term captain comes to
us direct from the Latin caput, mean-
ing head.
The coxswain was originally the man
who pulled the after -oar of Uie cap-
tain's boat, then known as the "cock's
boat." Cock -boat itself is a corru.p-
ticn of the sword coracle, a email round
used for 'fishing. Commodore is noth-
ing more than the Italian Commenda-
tore, or commander.
.Frequently'we hear .about "Davy
Jones." There was, of course, no such
person, but should you speak of "Duffy
Jonah's Locker," you have the original
phrase. Daffy is the West -Indian Ne-
gro term for the spirit of Jonah.
The term "dog watch" is a corrup-
tion of "dodge" watch, the "dodge" be-
ing an .arrangement to prevent men
from being on duty every day at the
same hours,
A small child, aged three, got hold
of a tin containing health salts, which
she started to taste, Soon it began to
fizz, and she called out: "Come quick -
A warm March day
With gleam of sun,
Snow dseoiving
The breath of Spring is ever giving
To everything, the joy of living.
Then an April day
With sudden showers
And singing birds
Heralds of spring -time, almost here,
Warbling their songs of peace and
property; so do eggs.
' A child whose food is lacking in
vitamin A will bet onle hickety.
Vitarniue B helps to fend off certain
diseases. In China, where large num- Choice Large Bulbs. 50c doz.
hers of people live almost exclusively
The Common Days.
The course of life is a thousand because rice does not contain vitamine
trifles, then some crisis, and again a B.
on rime, beri-beri is prevalent. This is $3.50 per 100. $30 per LOCO
America, Augusta, Baron, J. Hulot,
Halley, Loveliness, Niagara, Panama.
Pease, Pink Perfection, Prince of
Wales, Princeps, Le Marche' Foch,
Schwaben, Mrs. Frances King, Mrs.
Frank Pendleton, War, Red Emperor,
White Giant Feet.
We prepay express or mail un all
orders for $5.00 or over when accom-
panied by cash. Under $5.00, add 10
per cent. to ('Duet' cost of postage.
thousand trifles and a er'isis; nothing Then there is eitamine C. 11, too,
but green .leaves under cOmnl.on stuffis essential to life.
and a shadow, and Bien a storm ora In the days of the old sailing ships
rare summer day. And far more than scurvy was the scourge of the high
the stern) or the perfect day, the cone- seas. It made its appearance on long
mon sun and common shadow do to voyages when the crews ate nothing
make the autumn rich. It is the "every but salted ]neat and hard -tack.
to tell, or the years have failed. --W. C.
t otell, or the years have failed. --W. C.
The Indulgent Parent.
While oil a motoring tour in the
west of Ireland an American stayed
one night at a little inn in County Gal-
way. He was much struck by the
splendid physique of his host's five
sorts. and warmly congratulated the
father on itis family.
'The innkeeper beamed proudly.
"Sure, sir," he said, "they're fine boys.
I've never had to lift lee hand to wan
of them--excipt in self! -definer.."
Gare is Price of.Safcty. '
Safety cannot be purchased over the
counter nor lueastlred by the yard-
stick or scale. It is something which
you can create yourself. Yon can
make it a very valuable part of your-
self. Just. be careful at all times and
you have it,
Can Ton Solve This
The above letters when properly arranged forint the name of a late President.
Everyone sending In the correct solution will be awarded a beautiful lot, size
20x 100 feet, FREE and clear al all eacumbraoces, located in one of our 8011-
divisions; between Now York and Atlantic City. this offer expires July 15, 1926.
lilhritm Devvlepmenf Coz2., , 110•40th Ct., Dept,1200 New York City
Scurvy has disappeared because all
modern ships provide a diet •contathing ,
all three vitatninese
These vitahnines are essential 10 per-
fect health. To get vitamine A eat un-
cooked green foods, especially water-
cress; for vitamine B, cod-liver oil,
butter, wholemeal bread; for vitamthe
C, orange and hum juice, apples and
grape -fruit.
The first physician to stress the im-
portance of these health givers was
regarded as a faddist.
• Release.
Shave his chin, and bind his jaw--
Place 1lhe weigihts on Danny's eyes --
They will not show any more
Joy, or anger, or surprise.
Parson's been to show the way,
From this world bite the next.
Doctor, too, has had his sal"—
Dan has done with drug anti text.
Rough and bent This still hands lie,
Long an bumble way he trod... -
Now he's Awe and Majesty
Second only to his God.
•C. Itibton.
Beat 0 carpet on the wroni side
first, and then more gently ou the
right side. ' Beware of using sticks
with sharp points, wbich may tear the
Minard'S Liniment King of Pan.
A bright May day
With flowers abloom,
Budding trees
Snow storms are now a memory dim
And every raindrop a tuneful hymn.
—L. Belle Perfect.
Classified Advertisezraeuts.
{ 1 acrais ,Teroxg I3O'CGIRT AND 1101.0.
lt;itna, IProderlek 8t., Toronto.
wrlto Abort Roan. Nouetatlt, Oat.
Fine Slitting of Cheese.
.1,. machine has been invented with
which a piece of oheese ureas ring one
inch .in each direction can be cwt in
12,000 slices.
Advice to a Buttercup.
Undistinguished buttercup,
Lost among myriads of others,
To the red ant eyeing you
You are giant stillness.
He pauses on the boulder of a, clod,
Baffled by your nearness to the sky,
I3ut•to the black loam at your feet
You are the atom of a pent-up dream.
Undistinguished buttercup, 1
Take your little breath of corltempla-
Undisturbed by haughty tricks of
--Maxwell Bodenheim.
Use Minard's Liniment in the stables.
There is 110 one so liable to be angry 1
with others as he who is ill at ease
w!1h hinise:f
Bananas were first seen in London!
in 11113, when a bunch were exhibited!
in the window of an apothecary
If we saw ourselves as others see us
we might refuse to believe our eyes.
--E. T.
Cash for Old StR,R; 120
Will buy old Canadian or Foreign
Stamps used before 1870. Look
up the old letters in your attic
or office. gr' It will pay you!
No Recent Stamps Wanted.
London - Canada
r.wnst ,,,SH1 P US YOUf —
Wife 'today for prices - n'e , J sarantee
Mein far a week ahead
rtabfl $h 1d o ,: r eo saps
6.39 Bonsocou rs I larkat — Montrepl
Bathe the head with Minard's
in water. Also heat and inhale
Just Dip to Tint or Boit
to Dye
Each 15 -rent pack
age contains direct -1
thins so simple any
woman can tint soft.
delicate shades ori
dye ries, permanent
eolore in lingerie,
silks. ribbons, skirls,
waists. dresses.
i rt > c o a t s, stockings,
xlveat ns, draperies,
coverings, hangings
Buy Diamond Dyes—no other kind•--
ancl tell your druggist whether the n m-
teriai you wish to color is wool o1' silk,
J. Qaammage & Sons, Limited or whether it 1s linen, cotton or mixed
LONDON, ONT. goods,
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds headache. Neuritis Lumbago
Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Etandy "Bayer" boxes' of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggiate.
metro! Is the trade mark (heel:Acted in Mafia) of Barer Mannfnetntc o!' \tonoacetic-
heldoster et Salicylic/Laid (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, "A. S. A'."), while it is we)1 known
that. Aspirin 11108110 hater manntaetarc, to assist the pointe against lmtatloas, trio votota
of ]3nyer Company will be stamped with thetr 'general trade utak) Cite l'J3b1l:r !frost,"
Cuficura. Shaving Stick
Medicated And Soothing
Keeps The Healthy
It produces a creamy, lasting
lather which doubles razor efficien-
cy and makes shaving easy for ten-
der faced men, while its delicate
medication keeps the skin clear
and healthy.
Sas plo Each Pres by Mil. Marna Canadian
Depot: Stenhouse, Ltd, Montreal." Price, So,
:Ec. Ointment 26 and 60e. Talcum :6e.
Cutiaura Shaving Stick 25e.
Read Mrs. Menard's Letter.
Her Experience May Hell -
Chatham. Ontario. --- "I want to tell
you how much good your medicine
has done rue. Be-
fore my baby
came I felt so
weak and run-
down that i could
hardly do my
work. My head
ached continually
and I was so dis-
couraged that I
could cry from
mor ningtilinight.
I had another
baby just one year
and a half old and it gave lee a lot to
do. So 1 thought 1 would try Lydia
E. P.inkham's Vegetable Compound,
as I had read so mach about it in the
little books. I found a difference right
away as my head was relieved and
my tired feelings gone. My sister
had been doing my washing and she
continued doing it, as she said it
!night set me back if I started to de
it again. It sure did help me and I
had taken just two bottles When any
baby carne. He is a line big hoy,
now nearly liveuiont s old. I am.
taking your medicine again and I ant
able to do my work all by myself now.
I always recommend the Vegetable
Compound to women, and especially
to expectant mothers. as I believe
they need help at those times.." --
Mrs. O1.iVRIt MPNAltbi, 54 Center St.,
Chatham, Ontario. C
ISSUE No. 2,0-x-'26.