HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-05-20, Page 12OE "—sww-rt, Inept iving and ables BRASS S GUARe E VARE, ES AND Raxar, ROOF- ENIOUR p meet. LIM 3tion,— cian Phone , ZURIGIti to 4 p.m t, Vol. XXVI No 46 , A - • ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1926. Chester L Smith, Pubilatai, $1,25 9, Year ta Adverailak $1„50 IN ARB vouts, $2 MAY BE mamma Use these Columns to Advertise your Spring line of Merchandise E0111111111)11)111=11)011022110,011100DalialleattemoaD11111101E)11111101DGIN 'AS 1 Spring Offerings COAL 1926 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE, 1 1 Wagner - Phone 91 OF GA_RDEN SEEDS Also K.Ddaks, Patent Medicines, Stationery, BoiedCandy,Icecream Groceries, Crockery, Cigar, Tob- baco and Cigarettes eal1111DCIDOIMEOGEMIND(4DCM13DiEDOEIBIDefl 11,472111111D1 /IGIINiiBuCi D, 0111111Da -7. I Now is the time to get your Car In- sured for Fire, Theft, Collision, r STRANGE Pu.hlic. damage and.pu.blic • - 4. I also seii Insurance for the well known LONDON LIFE IN- SURANCE COMPANY, Get a Policy started with the London -46 Life and you will always have your family protected. "Tr SEE ME BEFORE ,BUYENG ELSEWHERE. -71*, E. IESH — Zurich Ye? 1 1 4. 4. 4. 6- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4,444.44++++44,4444+++44+44+4. •2 - • F• ashionable New Spring IStyle inns • Fine Valm ••••••••aseseeeeetteeesaeseeameeeeeresseessegeoes•: • • Everybody g Footwear wants t h. e / t new styles pp tri817 for Easter Yoil win MA to our Store 411 ▪ ;carry. a fon lime of Rubber 411 wearing LIFEMIOY Rubbers BROWN 4":ROS. You will get better values. Boots. Prtoect your health • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • 0. • 0 We • le by • 111 • • 110001111000•004141041000a009000110411411411•01111**00084143000•000aCtalli REPAIRING NEATLY DONE SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 4.'w' • •••••••••eotee,4404.eue.4.•••••••••••••••••04.40••••••••••• • • • DRESS WELL AND SUCCEEal The Talk of the Town are these • • New Styles and Values a a 4 a 99 a 410 9 9 4 • 4• 01. $28 • A 4 LARGEST )j,3ir TO MEASURE FIRMS. OVER 1000 SAMP- LES TO CHOOSE FROM. , AGENT FOR 5 OF THE .... . Tip -Top Suitor' Overcoat $24 EVERY GAREMIT GUARANTEED PERFECT GR MONEY 0 .e. 'REFUNDED. •4•',. The men.' who, comes here once for his clothes, \ invariably 4, o -4 comes back — me tretnrris. because his clothes ha.ve given saalen- <• I did service.,. Such as, -ran net be found elsewhere at Undo pr- 3' -4 ices. We, are glad to Show our new sairs,17Iess lima *lag and : es 1, prove to yoga What. values we 'really brave. . -.• * , , : 114 IP : ! -0 • e 40 ckAsoncrs. ateri ItMANID 4k, . PHONE (61 t, 44.**41.4141w4160400.1000044464.044.4104 •41,44.414.04144,1* 1 1 GENUINE Scranton. Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS TO EARLY Case PHONE 35 & Son HENSALL -17 Flowers and Plants POT FLOWERS, FUNERAL RWFA.THS, HANGING BASKETS FILLED, AFRICAN MARIGOLDS, SNAP DRAGON, MINNIONETTE SALVIA, STOCKS, ASTER TOR, ATOES PLANTS, CABBAGE PL- .A.Nr, 11TC. HENS ALL GREENHOUSE, John Zuefle. Our Corner About the /first thing the ,early bird gets now is the lawn mower Seethe that Some men rise bSe, airplane and others by plain air. Boys will be boys, and so will men, but women will be girls. 'Sfunny, but "a conscientious man 'who eweS money can't settle down *anti] he Isettles up, The old_ hit-and-run idea may be all right hi base, all, r,ut its no good in the an -ie- played frith autos and pedestrains., Sall right to hang in the lime- light, but some, clay it may show you a isa lemon. Stealing a few m'nutes from her d 01112'S tic duties -a busy house- wife has figured out that she wa- Oses thr;:e acres of dishes in a year prepares 5,G00 meals- and sweeps .150 acres of floor -space. The "leisue," tbne between these tasks was filled in with cooking, laun- dry work, house-cleaning and a few other 'c'hores" Judge Lewis of Goderich pre- sided at the local Division Court sitting inthe Town Hall, Zmich, on Tuesday afternoon. Many re- marks were made by the large crowd present about the markers attached tot he Judge's car which still were of the 1925 numbers be- ing 195-893.. It does not look of the, best when our highest officials 'violate the motor Act, when we feel we 'should be able to look to these men for an examplE., of b.,- illg obedient to the law. However we think there was no harm done. CHURCH NOTES The large attendance at our 'ser- vices ,especially in the Sunday School and Evening •Services .sp- eaks well for the people of the community. Our average atten- dance in the Sunday School •is near the 203 mirk, white the. even- ing Iservice average is o‘er '250 reeently. Everybody welcome at any or • of the ec, iowisg serVices— Friday 7.30 prayer and praise. Sunday 10 00 n m Worship hour. ti laza 131b1 Sal 7,30 p.m, Sermon, First in ,aser- . ies of three !s.ennons, Subject, May 23rd, •"The Mind of. the Prodigal" • 8.3) Sr. League Emanuel Evangelical Church • ZURICH — oi\rr. if you are not a Chriatiari you ought to be, Mrs. Albert Rase is 'on the 'sick Mrs. C. Price of London, isvis- itiing friends in town. IY1r. and Mrs. Frank McCutcheon of London, visited at the home of Mrs S. Rennie this week. Mr, and Mrs. H. Ilse of Dash- wood spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Elmore Oeschi. Mr. Albert Siebert, Ws. W. D. Siebert, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Axt mo- tored to London on Tuesday. Don't mise the Special 3 Days Millinery Sale, at the Zurich Hat Shoppe.—V. V. Siebert. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel and Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Weber, were Thursday visitors at God.erich. A number of young people of the village attended the play Dea.-on Dubbs" in Dashwood on Thursday night. Mr. Harry Galltuan has purCh- ased a building lot at the west end of the Village from Mr. Sam Deitz, Musses Hazel Bedard, Ceielia, Lu- ella and Charlotte Pamela, and Mr Ed. Bedard, 'spent Sunday with fri- ends in Mount Carmel. Mr, and Mrs. W. Sweitzer and family of Shipka, Visited Mr and Mrs. Theo: McAdams on the Bron - 'Sone me, iast Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bey ofLon don, visited with. the former's father, Mr. Christ. Hey, Babylon Line, oneday last ,week. Dr. .11 rj. Cowen, dentist is this week attending the Dental Conven tion at Toronto, and conseuently his offices ,at Zurich and Dashwood are closed. Mr and Mrs. A. C. Levy, of Clin- ton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of town, and Mr, and Mrs. D., Os- wald, Bronson Line. • Mr. George J. Thiel liveryman, had the misfortune, to loose one. o fhis most valuable horses last week, death. caused by indigestion We understand that Mr. Thiel had been of..ered over $:0) for this an- imal a few weeks ago. Much sympathy is being exten- ded to Mr, and. Mrs. Milne Rader, 14th con. Hay, on the lass of their infant son Earl William Henry, who was born last Friday and passed. away on Monday morn'ng. We feel for. the bereaved parents. Don't forget the, meeting o f the Zurich branch of the Womens' fnstitute in the town hall on Thurs day eve. May 20th. Some very important matters are to he bro- ught up and all ladies ,are re, nest ed to be present. A Box Sociel will be held under the auspices of ,the Luther Lei-,gue of the St. Peter's Church, Zurich, on Friday, eve. May 21st. at 8.30 in the Town Hall, instead of the Band Mil, as was preNiously an- noturced, The members of the church and friends are, cordially invited—The Luther League. The comedy Play "A PoorMar- ried Man'given under the ausp- ices of the local R. C. church in the Town Hall, Zuri,h. last Friday ev- ening, ,vas well received and in ev- ery way aIsuccess'and drew out t Lirge crowd. The play was gi- ven \03`,Y creditably to those tak ing part. Don't forget this same play will again be given in the. Mt. Carmel Hayy on Wednesday ev- ening, May 26th, Everybody go. The lecture given in the Town Hall, last Thursday evening by a bible student tlecturor 'was not largely attended, Everybody in the Community of nrich has their own •ehureh, and find plenty to do in Ploperly isupperting the :4rim 'and following nye docterin,s as hid down, and nICX5i: of us wo- uld find very little satisfaction in these oksy7going rligions that iv b,ins 'soadvertised and ped- dled frairt house, to house, stating that jt iS NO "free. ELECTRIC WIRING Have you considered wiring wiring your home, Etc.. Nowis the time before spring houeeclean- ing. Let Us .fuote you a free guaranteed estimate on the com- plete, job. We also carry an up to date 'stock of Fixtures, Ranges, Hot Plates, Washing Machines, Irons for the coining Hot Summer Days COAL BUY THE BEST, IT IS TIM CHEAPEST. GENUINB, H Lackawanai, AND D L ec W Scranton, DIRECT FROM THE MINES - SOFT COAL, GENUINE ICEN4 TUCKY MILLERS CREEK,' COMik GENUINE BY PRODUCT& Our Telephones are at 'your !Rept, vice, the information is free. • ID cte1 HENSALL ONT., W. C. Hess & Sons Phones—Office lOw. Rouse 11,1„ • ;•••••••••••••••••••=.N....1 e • • • • • • 4 0 • • • • • • Notice My Accounts are now ready, and any persons indebted to me kindly t. call at once and -Settle same. 4 • FRED THIEL ZURIO 4, 4. • BE SURE AND SEE THESE BEFORE PURCHASING YOUR. :1 NEW SUMMER FOOTWEAR. A FULL LINE IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK BOOTS, + MEN, TRY A PAIR OF OUR GENUINE REGULATION A11.111Y LEATHER EVERYDAY SHOES FOR WEAR .AND COMFORT:. 0. FRITZ & SON 4+;l.+++++4.4el.4elel,4.4.+iet.+.i.++iet.++444!,44'. -4114144,4-4114-44T, 4'." 4 Fo t ar „ ; le, ,••"11,, e•••••••••••asonemanmsan.....aarnavamteirEcsaaustessa*,* Frequenti wanommaarmenmemelrunam..-.....-.....moncmeorio.m...marmmurvemonr-• Our Stock is complete in many new*Styles and Patterns for Women and Childreri. SHOE MERCHANTS ++•404.4.4.+4++++++++Iet4.4.+++++++.4* _ .. NEW GOODS...mt We have opened up a lot of new Spring and -Summer Goods, in Prints, Ginghams, Voiles, Broad- i• cloth, Galatea, Etc, ALSO CURTAIN GOODS, SHIRTINGS, FLANNELETTES, lacv- ING, COTTONADE. SEE OUR HARNESS REPAIRS AND SWEAT PADS, ETC, A FULL LINE OP MESH GROCERIES ALWAYSQN HANDA ()ARDEN SEEDS, ROOT SEEDS, SORGUM, AND No. /, ERNMRNT TESTED SEED CORN, Highest Prices for Produce R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL AI EROHANT PHONE 11 -97 SLA