HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-05-06, Page 8Y'. ere May Days Dean �.w lwers, green trees, beauti- ful sunshine, New Dresses, new hosiery, dainty ingerie, new house furnishings such as window 'shades, curtain drapes, linoleum, congoleum Rugs, Wall papers, etc. 1„JT US SHOW YOU OUR DISPLAY ,0? DRESS MATERIALS FOR PVA:RM WEATHER SWEAR, FLAT CANTONS, IN ALL THE ,NEW UADES, VERY FASHIONABLE FOR SUMMER WEAR.; BE0ADC'LOTHS-In striped effects also all :Sh'ades in plain colors, Ieilk or cotton and 'a complete range of Ray on Silks. ;DRESS GOODS-I.n bordered and figured Voiles, *Broadcloths, Silk crepes, all different designs and colors, t, SWEATER COATS -A new 'shipment of Sweaters for Men, Wmoee :and Children, 'suitable for 'spring wear, also Ladies' fine silk scarfs, at $1.50 to $)?.00 each lIIOUSEDRESSES--In all sizes forLadies' and Misses at $L50 to $12,80 each i5 -''ARD WIDE LINOLEUM, 5 PAT1.t.ERNS TO CHOSE FROM. ALSO f$ YDS. WIDE CONGOLEUM, OILCLOTH IN ALL WIDTHS. •CON- OOLEUM RUGS IN uREAT VARIETY OF PATTERNS, ALL SIZES IN STOCK, IGET OUR PRICES .on New Curtain Goods, see our Silk Pannel cur- tains in different sizes. ;,PATTERNS, PATTERNS -New ileal Patterns now carried -in-Stock. See our Fashion 'sheets and Counter Style .Books, every pat- tern listed is carried in Stoc k price is only 20 cents each SEEDS SEEDS New garden seeds, Mengel and ;turnip, Sorghum, Chick .feed now- ! in Stock. SPECIALS tlTurki'sh toweling per yd. ..- ... 15c Iftuffled curtain's 98c. ,a pair $1.25 G ingleams, 32 -in. wide at ...25e 'Ginghams, 27 -in. wide at hosiery in Ladies, Misses and Chil Arens, sizes in broken lots and ' siers at half price. GROCERIES Caustic Soda, 5 lbs. for .....:..:...SOC Salmon, 1 lb. hies for 15c Canned tomatoes per tin _._ ... 15c Lennox Soap, 6 for a 25c Sunny Monday Soap, 4 for ,..., 25 Ginger Snaps 2' lbs. for Washing Ammonia, 4 pkgs. 25c Pickling onions 2 lbs. for 5c 100 pkgs. garden seed, 6 for 25c See kWC r t 'f1 L. TEN el M� is Of Prints, (mgharn, Galateas, Plain and figured Broadcloth Boardered arid printed Voiles all. moderately priced: LA.I:)IES' A R11: Silk Hose in all the new shades r price from 59c. up. Also a full line of Children's Hose rresiii urocei{es always to be had here J. MB. Evangelical Conference The Canada Conference of the Evangelical Church convened in' the Kitchener Zion church from April 21st to April 26th., with Bishop ,T. Maze, D.D. of Harrisburg Pa., as chairman, this being the 62nd an- nual meeting of -the Oonference.The church as a whole has not as yet/ been disturbed :y the wave .of moi. e ernism which has swept over the world in recent .years, and at the same time it has !steered clear of the opposite extreme fundamental ism the .Bishop stated,' also predict ing a bright future for the Church in Canada. A petition was pres- ented by the Zion Church, Kitch- ener, asking that the question of Organtic union with the United CChurch of Canada be (seriously eon 'sidered, this was refered to the gnreeal Conference which will be held in October in Pennsylva,.ia.. Sebringville was 'selected as the 1927 meeting place of. the Canada Conference which begins on april 20th,. Condemnation of card pl- aying, particularly the 'so=called "Sucher deck" and dancing was eni'hodied in astrong resolution passed, stricter enforcement' of the regulations onpool rooths -was ur- ged, and ths* ministers, were asked to preach. special sermons condem ning theis.e habits, together with other questionable amusements. The ministers were stattaned as follo'. s.._• J. GASCHO & SONS Produc, Wanted Phone 59 ,Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases - Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS SUS'I tUi E1VED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES lRVE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S. L. BATTERY $F IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON co., AND 0't't3ER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE Y01J SERVICE. VTR MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND 13AT'TERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO A.C- HTYLENF, WC.T,DTNG. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE �.11ivusseau Zurich : •4,M•ar•#•!•••••••••••••••••Q•••M4)0011•••••••NN••••0 • 1 Furniture Needs • • S We wish to advise the public i i that we have added a few .more • lines of furniture to our stock which • 1 we have already carried, and are • in a position to supply almost ev- • j erybody's requirements. I • • i A • AVE ARE SHOWING A NICE LINE OF DINING ROOM AN,D 0 0 BED ROOM FURNITURE, ROCKERS, CBA.IRS, KITCHEN . 0 • CABINETS, SPRING S AND MATTRESSES, ETC: ETC. CALL IN AND SEE OUR GOODS, FURNITURE UPSTAIRS. • •IIS 1 • • !;•1/•••••r••••r•••Ni• OTHER LINES WZ; CARRY AO CMLT P TE LINE!� N OP FROST TIGHT LOOK FENCE, SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS, GOODYEAR TIRES ALL KINDS OF CLOVER R SEEDS, ETC, • s ETC. _ • at►g •{ We appreciate your Patronage • i STADE WEIDOJ• ZURICH -� OMT • I t fill, ' via ...•4•••••••••••• 40111006041 Hanover Dist -M. L. Wing, P.E.Chesley, N. H. Reibling; Elmwood F. Meyer; Hanover, E. D. Becker; Listowel, M. L. Wing; Mildmay, K. Greteznger; Milverton E. Burn; Normanby, E. HIL Leibold ; Port Elgin, G. F .Brown; -Wallace, L. H. Plebs -ch,. Stratford Dist -H. A. Kellerman, Crediton, W. Y. Dreier; Da�sh.wood- F. B. Meyer; McKi11o�p G. L. Gross Rodney, J. G .Burn; +Sebringville and Fullarton, A. W. Sauer; South Ea�sthopel, W. S. Henrich; Strat- ford, J. B. Dengi�s; Tavistock ILA. Kellerman; Zurich W. B. Dengia. Waterloo Dist -J. P. Bauch P. E. Waterloo; Bridgeport, A. Clemens;Elmira, E. 11..Bean; Kitchener, Cal- vary, M. G. Geil; Kitchener, Zion, S. E. Schrader; New Hamburg, S.'cR. Kneehtel; N. East! .' :1, • J� Ostreicher; Rolseville W. 2i. Ca.zip bell; St. Jacobs, J. C. Morioek ;LI Waterlolo J. P. Haue1 , Hamilton Dist -Rev. W. J. Vat - merman, P. E.; Attercliffe Stat- ion, W. J. Yager; Campden, J. G. Litt; Hamilton, W. E. Beese; Mor- riston J. W. Hammett; Pelham, W. M. Sippel; Selkirk, J. H. Grenze- bach; S. Cayuga, A. F. Stoltz; Tor- onto, W. J. Zimmerman; WiIlough by 0. Cornwell, under supervision W. M. (Sippell. Ottawa Dist. -W. 0, Hehn, P. E. Arnprior, W 0. lIchn; Golden Lake. C. 4 t;Kauth; Locksley„ J. E. Bender; Parry ;Sound, N. E, Dahnts, Pembroke A. E. Pletch; 'Rockingham J. G. Domm. Northwest Dist; --Rev. H. L. Wagner, Regain, P. E. ; Bruce, A.G. Knopp, under Edmonton !super- vision; Edmonton, E. M. Gishler; Didsbury, A1h;. A, E, BBq,pel; Esk, Sash. A. A, Regier; Hanna and Drumheller to be supplied; Rally land ant imild;a to be Ise:plied Ke*aston A S. C`uglie11; MO"lir, F. Krota, Medicine Hat, L. K. Eidt; Melville S,.i�ik E. N. Mohr; Morse to' be supplied; innWipegf! Morris, 3, S. Surn,; Neudort to be lsUpplied by Lipton land Melville Pennant, Sa'slk, A, W. Miller; Re- gina, 3, 5 ,Domm; Rhein Salsk, A'. A. Rieger; Ro(sthern, Sask. I3'. .1`. Holtzman; Siebert and Mayton, A. W.Gauerke; Warner, Alb. ]Ci'. A. tleaeroft; Winnipeg, Calvary, S M. Hnnsh, The appropriation% front the as en fund of th;e,chnrch to the r'o'ts fiedls of tabor, which ,re. MARKER'S (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ib,._. .....40 - Egg's- 20-24--26 Potatoes per bag Dried apples lb, Wheat Barley Buckwheat Flour Shorts per ton,,..,. Bran per ton... Hags cwt....... 9 1.25 60 65 4.75 3,75 .34,00 32,00 .13.00 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Cm, OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaN Y DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429.61:' .G. Holtzman -=Zurich A'iQENT, ALSO DEALER. IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 IV[llhinery We have a fine showing of Easter Sonnets and Spring Millinery OUR SELECTION NEVER WAS BETTER and LOOKED MORE PL- EASING, SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR MILLINERY AT THE HAT SHOPPE ZURICH, - ONT. Shop at north entrance of Bank Block, SHOP EARLY AND GET FIRST CCHOIC'E Vera V. Siebert not iself-amtaining were also fixed a d:ecrealse of almost $4000 was mad in the total appropriation (rent lalst year's total .of $25,040. SCHOOL REPORT S , 5, No. 11, Hay for month of April, Sr. IV-Doniinac Jeffrey, 1VIarie 'Charrette, Precilie FYuehaime, Dor- othy Ducharme. Sr. III -Gordon Smith, Ruth Hen drick, Anthony Masse, Irene Clar- vette, *Raymond Reding. Jr. /II -Clarence Latromboiael. ,. Sr. II -Lucille Jeffrey, Dennis Chert ette. Laird Hendrick, NormanSararab, 111'a int Jeffrey, Arne! Dili Jardine, Regis Dueh;arnte, Anila Duch,artn , Jr. II I -Riehard Mfanne, Maxi '' Lafromboise, Marie Siemon Jr. II A-•Iray Disjardine, Ther; esa Masse, Marie Marsse, Rosalie Dui charrne, Leona Lafrarnboise. Sr. Pr Cherrie Jeffrey, Eva M.as'wo, Ma*..im Du whsrme., Alphonse 'Hauge Jr, Pr. --Harold Siemou, Lein )Chat len Lafromboilse, Cyrille Du- charme, Normae Beier1ing. * absent for exams. Mit ..Ilowaid, T; tchert 1 Tilra day, May tt1, .3826,. We h`hve received a large shipment. of new Furniture including Living room, new ,dini.n room suites, and rockers, kitchen cabinets, tables; and ,chairs COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE 'BEDS, BRASS' BEDS, ANDA FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR ANTEED .SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES, . BRING IN YOUR PICTURES. TO BE FRAMED. Hr4RDVJARE A FULL LINE OF SHELP A{ND HEAVY HARDWARE, BEATTY WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, ,STOVES AND. FURNACES, WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY' !FENCING, AND CEMENT, LET US DO YOUR PLUMBING, EVETROUGHINU OR ROOF- ING, l WE CARRY. A FULL LINE OF 100% PURE MARTIN SEN'IOUR. PAINTS, OILS, CHI -NAME. VARNISHES. SUPERTEST Gas and -Coal Oil.. TRY OUR OILS' NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR CASH 1c. lb.Sr ohnston c Kalbilejsch 'Hardware • & Furniture. Phone 63 Per Cunt. You Get Your Interest "Oa the Dot" Time and :mosey are logit' when you have to "dean" a ber- ,rower Ior, interest that is one, two, or three lmontht over- due < When invest i,n a Huron & Erie ,Debenture you re- ceive your interest "right on the dot" These Debentures are issued for $100 or more for 12 months or longer of to 5 years. 5✓ PER ANNUM IS PAID HALF -YEARLY, SURPLUS SECURITY TOTALS $6,750,000. Make .your savings earn extra interest dollars to helpmeet ever-increasing living expenses. -.... he urou Applications received at any time by - Andrew F. Hess,. MY MOTTO; --SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? r vie Zurich Painting and Paper Hanging LET IIS DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANt.IIV., & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY 013 ON YOUR " ' T Jo13. }1. ]ICKMEI, ZURICH . ON`. SOFIN WARDj; Drugless Praction. eer and Optician EXETER 9 -.- Phone nt T WALPER ROUSE, 2UB1 Every Tuesday, 10 amt. to ! R t We're Ready 411 it FOR 3PEfl'G with an extraordinary showing et the Season's , n. s;II�, 1 :f' Newest Materials for Men's Suits t WHERE YOU* WILL FIND PITIVELY THE BIGGEST TAILOORR ING VALUES EVER BEARD OPF, ' {4. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMY Is M LAKING BUYING THEEATERIAL DIRECT FROM I3EMIL%A AND SELLING m "YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. N .r TaA' % W,IIAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET, ' t BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY. MERCHANT TAILOR. W. n, PIorr'MAN', & Son, ,EMIR .. I,1' > ,tl.L&k�3ftS� AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Day and Night Phone No 4. *4—+--+ -+--4-+t,=4-f'-e +-- --4r-- --4-+ -^ --+-,iF * 4