Zurich Herald, 1926-05-06, Page 5!k)rxrsdlay, May 6th, 1926 HUSINESS CARDS `UDEEYE. HO.LMES 3B, I3It%ST'ER, SOLIC1TUti, NOT- ARY P'UBIdO, ' LTG' Office, Hamilton Street. Just on OM Square, GODEI ICH, Ont• Spatial tial attention to Counsel andI Court Work. Mfr. Holmes may be con'sultee1 at tldaatterich by phone and phone ttlargols reversed.. i1*Ir.w F. Hors, Township Clerk i tel marriage licenses, Notary }FIs. Commissioner, Fire and Ant- iduab'btle Insurance, Representing Ogres aid Brie Mortgage Corpore- ally*. 'rhe Canada Trust Co. Zurich, S. Knapp, D. D. S., L D. S• DENTAL SURGEON at*IN OFFICE -- HEN'SALL Dr. II. IL COWEN } '• Ia. D. St, D. D. B. DENTAL SURGEON; At DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH ev- Thursday, Friday and Satan - Main Office yiiARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD •,A.U-C-T-1-O-N-E-E-R �t OSOAA GLOP! 'Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat - i School of Auctioneering. Try !Yee for Registered Live Stock :len Breeds). Term in keeping 'stab prevailing priees. Choice intsms for -sale. Will sell -anything atoywhere. Zurich. gi3one 18-93 or write, Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneeer for County, 'Huron. In a position tenet any auction safe, regardless is to size or articles -to sell. I isolinit your business, and if not' iitatisfied will make no chargee for •en'vie's. Arthur Weber, e Dashwood. ¥ane 13--51 - Zurich Moot 1 MARKET .�� Fresh and ' Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Ir, hest Cash Price for Woul CASH FOR SKINS & F 1DES uangbi" t '&' eiohert ono in a position to aeearmo-, age rail requirements in the Livery, 2,181Ine, have Auto for hire. Any -a IUdzig done in the teaming line. G DRGII J. THIEL: Mott 611 Zurich til. L I VI3 OU L,T R Y WANTL D filLR kers every day till 3 Oclock p.m. I3th not feed fowl same morning delft, brought in, Iighest Cask Prices --CASH li'OR-- Cream and Eggs e O'Brien ilPiil�loe 64, Zneiniti The F�y-n, 1:AGNETO Does eget weak - Our re charger is gain on the job TESTING FREE 1 Wants, For SaIe,',Lost, Found, No;ice, Etc. Ad's IN THIS COLUMN Moving Pictures Under the ai*piees of the Zur- ich Jubilee* Band, a moving Pic- ture lahow will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, commencing at 8 p. m. Saturdey, May 8th. Ad- mission 20c. Children under 1.2 10e. EVERYBODY COMP. FOR SALE A good ipumping windmill, Leader, with 40 -foot steel derrick, apply to Jacob Gillman. , • NOTICE WIIIMINIVMEIVIMM The Zurich Egg Poet ins again in operation at T. L. Wurm'n store, and anyone •so interested Can pool their eggs there by making arranse ment's. WANTED , Girls Wanted to' operate rsew- ing machines in S. M. Sanders Clo- thing factory, Exeter, pleasant work,g ood pay, S. M. Sanders Mfg. Co., Exeter. WANTED An •a'asistant Matron for the Huron County Rothe, at" Clinton, Ontario. Dirt es to commence June est, or as soon as possible there- after. Application's received by. the undersigned until May 26th. Personal applications preferred. John Torrence, Inspector: Clinton, Ont. FENDERS WANTED FOR ' CONCRETE WORK Sealed Tenders, addressed to Chairman, Building Committee, Lutheran Church, Zurich, for con- crete work in connection with build ing of church Sired will be received up to 6 ,'o'clock, pen., May 1811, 1926. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and !specifications may be seen at F. C. Kalbflei!sch's office. H. Yungblut, Secretary. Zurich, May 4th, 1926.. FOR SALE Sorrne good cheap cattle hay, 'slightly damaged through wetness, by shipping. CCall at my barns J. Hey,..Jrr, Zurich.. WANTED Girl for, housework. Plain cook- ing. Good wages. Apply, Mrs. Jones -Bateman, _Britannia Road, Phone 289, Go.derich, Ont. FOR SALE We have ,the following Wised cars which we are offering ai good value for the money - 1' Ford touring at i);i7fi. 1' Ford touring at ---_•- -._,... _._ $100 1' Ford touring 1922, !starter $1145. 1' Sedan at ' $325 C. FRITZ & SON, Peed Dealers FOR SALE A barn with good strong frame on Victoria Street, Zurich, for further particulars apply to Herb Monaseau, FOR SALE A good second hand DeLavai Cron-,+ Separatme — apply to Louisa Prang, Zurich, EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure bred Anconaseggs, iron. very good laying strain, choice stock, Our price ie right, leave your order early.—Lloyd O'Brein, Zurich, Phone 127, tf-39 FOR SALE Standard Combe ,Foundations, manufactured by Ruddy Co. Brant ford. Prices up to 25 lbs. at 65c lb. 26 lbs. or over Esc lb. J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich FOR SALE Flex seed• far > ceding your !stock IL S. •11 EIN, - Prop. at $2'.50 par be>tshel: ;:l• ; rt, MOTv B svaviceB p'tct •• t" nel_Ixtlei.sciri,, .Zetieh 30-5 e• 4 LOCAL Plc Mise Donella ,Ruby of Strathroy, is visiting at he'r home here. Mr, and Mss, C. Fritz were Sun- day evening visitors to Dash- wood. _ Mr. 'and Mrs. E. WI Stoieltell of Kitchener, were visitors. , here o'er Sunday. Mr. J. W. IVlerner ,wa1si a , izus•- iness visitor to London on Tile -- day. !. " Mrs. (Dr.) A. McLeod of Wrox eter, ifs • visiting with her; .father; Mr. Peter Koehler. Mrs. Tal Block is spending a few week's with her brother, Mr. Ed. Wurm 'at Markham. Pleased to report that lMius Dorothy Fritz,, who Is confined in London Hospital is improving. Mrs. H. Eickreier has returned after upending a few weeks in' London and St. Mary* Mius Veola Hildebrandt of Hen - sail spent the week -end with her aunt, Mr§, Chas, Weber. Mr. Albert Siebert of Montreal is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. L. Siebert, Mr. and Mrd. Louis Weber cif town, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weber of Hensall are spending the week at Detroit. I 1 Mr. George Hes hes recently purchased the building, equipment and good will of the Hess Carriage Works, and will in future conduct the business in his own name. • Mr. Jacob Haberer who has spent the. past few months in Tor- onto has reurned to his hornehere Mr. Ches. Fritz and son Ward, Mr. Elmer Oesbch and Dr. H P'. C•-'ven were in London o. Sun- day: The Ontario Religious Education al Society have proclaimed Sun - nay, May 8th. as the 'bilg ab - bath in which everybody goes to heavy strain, wear and early destruc- Sund•ay School. tion. Tar a.pplications to rope, while increasing the rope's resistance to Mr. M G.. Deitz 'has "greatly' irtl-- weathering, reduces the strength proved the appearance of 'the about twenty-five per cent. Rope village by removing all the old should be kept dry. 'telephone poles that were not in use any longer .owing to the recent cable work put in. The hardware and furniture firm of Johnston & Kalbfleisch, has just strand ropes together in the form of sold the last of what was a. car_ a splice increases the diameter at the point of repair to the extent of mak- ing this type of splice objectionable if the rope is to be run over pulleys. THE PUG N° Of.11.1)PE MAY SAVE THE FARMER t4f17CI'l TIME AND T1100310E. Hope Is Made of Cotton, Hemp, Jute and Flax—Strength of Manilla Rope -- Skort, Long and Side Spljecs — Rope Halters Are the Strongest. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Rope for stock halters, 135y fork and grain sling equipment, the tying of animals or materials, hoists or ,holding is used on every farmstead. A knowledge that will enable the farm boy to tie quickly the various knots and bitches will save much time and reduce the possibility of accid•:nt on all operations where rope is used. The ability to quickly splice a broken hay fork rope at the time when it is most needed wild save hay, time and trouble. Rope Material. Rope is made of various materials such as cotton, hemp, manilla fibre, Jute and flax. The rope most fre- quently used on the farm is made from hemp, imported from Manilla. Common rope is generally composed of three or four strand. The four - strand rope is stronger than the three -strand of equal diameter. • Strength of Manilia Rope. The safe load for the various dia- meters of manilla (three -strand) rope is about one-sixth of the actual breaking load. For three -strand manilla rope of one inch diameter the sale load is under 1,000 pounds, While the breaking load is nearly 6,500 pounds. Half-inch rope should not be subjected to a load greater than 230 pounds if it is to last and give service. The breakingstrength of half-inch manilla rope is 1,620 pounds. A three-quarter inch rope can he expected to carry 525 pounds as a safe load, or 3,600 pounds with very great risk to both material and operator. Rope should not be used over small pulleys or runs if it is to last and give good service. Many of the hay fork pulleys used are less than eight inches in diameter, and are very hard on the rope, causing The Short Splice. The short splice is of great service. It is quickly made and strong. The weaving of the strands of two three- ioad of . woven wire, and are rap- idly sending in orders for more supplies. This is probably a , To make a short splice, unravel the new record for wire !sales in Zurich' ends of the two -pieces of rope that When the new 50 -pair, cable cs it iS desired to splice or fifteen inches if the rope is one inch in diameter, ready to be installed from Zurich or less if working on a smaller robe. Central to westerly limits •of the • After unravelling wrap the ends of village, the service ;on all lli.nr' . the strands to prevent them untwist - leading west in the village and ing. Bring the strands together by into the country will be cot off tying by pairs with an overhand for 'such. time until new cable is knot, the strands from opposite ends installed. of the ropes being joined by the splice. This done the work is cern- Mr. John Baker of Hey Town ship has recently purchased a very fast trotting stallion from R. 5. Dora, of Illinois, State r imeiy Galin -Qat Gratton 2.11;x, n hien a undoubtedly the lowest tio'tieg r;•-• cord of any hirer i'n th icirii s: 'I'Ir. Raker made the purchas:' t•'IP the benefit of incl i ; i'ag the trete- ting 'stock in this district, Con'siderabl^ ercit^m nt was caused in the west end of the vil- lage on Tuesday afternoon, when ilio team of hoes ownod by Mr. L;''111. Rennie took fright and ran 'westward, they did however not go far till they ran against ahydro :nee, broakene t a•; w'er e a num- ber o ftheir own equipment. At (hits time they subdued and agai'•t became manageable. With the new cream regulations coming into effect on May the local cram gathers are oblig:ecl h use larger trucks, and an indiv- idual can for each customer, and n :sample 'o? each 'can will be tested and paymnet will bo made accord ing to- the rin•Zlity of !fl^ cream rr'tr''eted, Me's 11 G^im in and T, Weber have each purchased •. `new truck to handle this large vol- me of can's. The Blake Mission 13aiu1 held their MOD tb1y meeting on Satur- day, April 24th. The meeting was opened by sin; ing, prayer and reading, of th^ •scripture lesion ;from John 1, vers" 35-45, The toll 'wee .calW.1 and responded to 'by a versa of !seript:ur':-, r he•- ing 19 present, A number of le- terest•ing readings were g iven'. Edith; Walters read the memory text's, .. the meeting closed by eine. ing "Je'iue Loves Me", and repeat ing the Lord's Prayer in unison. The weatherman is giving us a bi gvariety the past few days, on Sunday was probably thewarm est day in over six months, when the mercury went up to 80, then on Monday the snow was again !lying. There was 1. uite a storm on Sunday night, among the dam- age done was the blowing down of Mr. Jacob Galltnan's pumping mill north of the village. The wea-; thee continues backward and slow progre'ssi is being made at seeding. and the heavy bed of ice on the lake 'still remains. Some of .the older settlers remember many ye- ars ago when the ice 'still was On the lake 'on May 10th, but this year will likely see it at a niueh 1 iter 'ate, nlcted by weaving the strands into the rope in both directions, using a fid or a tapered and pointed ' •r '.en pin to e sen the strands. The free ends are passed under every other strand for a distance of six or eight inches each way from the centre of the splice. This donn,the remaining ends of strands are cut off and the work completed. The Long Splice. This type of splice is used where it 'is desired to make a union of two pieces of rope and sti71 rca ,in nearly she same diameter at the splice. A long splice in a three -strand rope will be composed of not more than four strands at any one point, and the length of the union is very much greater than in the short splice. To make a long splice count off sixteen turas from the ends to he spliced and mn.rk by tying with a strong twin,•. Unlay the rope ends down, to that point of tying and force the ends to- gether to begin the s, lice.. Develop it further by unlaying rine strand from each rope end and filling in with one of the loose strands. This accom- plished, three of the loose strands will be much shorter than formerly, and the ends can be woven into the rope as with the short splice and the union developed. The strand ones can then be cut off and tuckc:den o!'' of the way, leaving a long .smoor it splice. The Side Splice. The side splice is frequently usotu: where it is desired to join two cop e of the same or different, sires, It extensively used in halter nral,cr, ;, This splice should always be road,+ so that the pull is in the same direc- tion 1t the spliced in rope strands. Rove Raters. Rope halters of val•iou, types and y sizes can be easily made ba6rhandy farm boy. The rope halter has the advantage. of greater strength over falters made from leather or cotton web. The cost of• the home-made retie halter is very low—tire purchase test of the rope—if the work of mak- ing is done on wet or stormy days. --- L. Stevenson, Dept. of Extension, 0. A. College, Guelph. Care of Strawberry Plantation. The care of the strawberry plan- tation during the fall months will de- termine very largely the size of the crop next year. Clean tillage should be maintained. It is especially im- portant to keep down the perennial weeds, sueh as plantain and dock. No farmers' organization can con- tinue to live that is managed arbitra- rily itis likely to succeed only as members develop a livir active manifested in its board of direct . 1 Farm Implements WE ARE HPADQUART.ERS FOR b ARA IMPL•G141JN.i• i AND RAVE JUST THE LINE AND Klnit) O1+ MA,C$TNE1?3,' I YOU NEED TIIE MOST. .ALSO PUMPS, PIPING AN .D ewe** FITTINGS. WE INSTALL OUR P (1M1$, • r WHILE TIAEY LAST- WE ARE OFFERING THE PUI;I,JC • THESE* SPECIAL BA.RG•rNS •$21.CO Batteries for $15 .00 WE MAKE A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON' OLD BAT-, TERIES. • Our Batteries are Guaranteed by the •• Company and myself • • • Tires, Tubes, Greases and Oils ALSO DO BETTERY CHARGING AND R.E.PAIRINu, I • i L. A. Prang, Prop. • GARAGE! GARAGE rI We are in a position to give you ! the best of service in repairing or • overhauling any make of Car • P. ROPF Mechanic eeeeses••a•see•••eeesooseseecaoesse•susoe oe se?acsapriis• . g 1 E 6 figi +++++++++++++4,++++++++++++.:.4.4.+++++++++++++++++.1V SHINGLES! Ski JNGLES WE HAVE LOTS OF S1iINGd,ES ON HA NII) TO 'RE -ROOF 4 YOUR BUILDINGS. WHY PATY p101;E, ..--'.l•a\51VE MA'l E?.R IAL SUCH AS GALVANIZE WHEN YOU CAN BUN' THI GOOD OLD CEDAR SHINGLES AT SUCH RE ASONA B L is + PRICES. f •5x White cedar shingles at'u1'.50 per bunch. •i 5x .B. C. Red Cedar Shingles at $1..70 Fee: Burtch. 4 Put o.n these shingles with proper •Mill's and you will have a + roof for a lite time, cool in 'summa r. svarrn in winter. No ,I. painting or tarring. t Easily patched n•leek a .;I e m t sires. of Irpart of the woof, where with ' civ, \ • N n s d t., rr•r:.tir. + We 'still have a.number of edar posts for. 1 :!i 5nc•. t'•''T + in and look them over. A:wa.ys a good supple of mele- e- board, roofing, lumber and ;3ypr t,• • o•" 1::n•i. 3 . • 4. XALBFLR'lSCJr PHONE �F 60 Z RICA +4,4-€..}..a,•p..#•.+,..+,i .., ,.V,.h.h`i-F',H•a"++++ ra. .. SS'ius X51. .. .mm't .!'leallleut.3 PR.C)i' G-et one of Our Auto They will protect you t'roin the cold winds and will nl ike ViIinter motoring ig a p1e<isui'e IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR BUGGY + 4.+ 4 THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEI;,- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OE TRACJNG PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- 'f' ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWQ .i SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., FITC, • ' • THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR St. LARS- + GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS 4 THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- + TE.RS, MEIICANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL . PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY .i it''i"i:'+l't+.'i it+1"!'oi'tII ++“.'_•*14+4"4••4••++++++++q- :.+44+444-1-/ . HESS - ZURICH 4 . a, -lac , .<40 y L ,1- �. L.L.1..•p' �i'•I•'�'t4'"!:'°M'4•'I�••fi"$a ^'d•7 ,li•'$•,I"^�"'i°•Nf ")• i v' : •i a > 0 • ".-'i'ti ti 0 "A a " h ,'i :•Oa E OF 1101? Do You Know?Air THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR . 1400D PRINTIN 1 THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFACT URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS tele n