HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-05-06, Page 1Vol. XXVI No 44 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNINCI, MAY 6, 1926, 6 '6 -i -ester L, Smith, zb� $1.25 sk Ye= hi .6,Aliveatelki Imoo 114 &RR h; ARS, Wilt BB OBATIGIM Use these Columns to Advertise your Spring line of Merchandise DellignoGDOEMGDOMie er.WW)r,(3^, {. eV.eI)*4illM100:3D pring feringS GOAL 1926 OF GrAii D N SEE D S a Also K.otttki, Patent Medicines, I .:, Scranton Coal statiwiery, ,-,t,0:-;_o(lCiainc1y,Icecream i Groearies, Cirobkery, CigArg, 'rob ba_oo and Cigairettes W. G. Warisiaer - Phone 91 i . .c. DOMIEHMISIND011),Milfee.; O.-11E0;014i e GfilaW)E DGS11043 FOUND epozgaDaigm ea .2. t1-1-14.14+1?-1-1-1..rel--1,-.1.4-1-2.1e-let-1-4 -teiet-ietet.i-1-1-e.efe:-H-E-teeiee.tei-elell.; * PHONE 35 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE - s 44. 4 a 4. 4 J Now is the time to get your Oar In- sured for Fire, Theft, Collision, Public damage and public also sail Insurance for the -well known LONDON LIFE IN- SURANCE COMPANY, Get a Policy !started with, the London Life and ytouwill always have your family protected. -SEE ME BEFORE 431IYING ELSEWHERE. OESCH -- Zurich ALSO CARRY\ Coke Poeahantas and ,Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son 7.1.÷ 4. 4. +, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4+++++44444.44.4444+++4,44.4 .1144.44+++.1-We++++++++4444.14 140.4.•••••••••••••••••,......f......404-140.0•••••••• : f Spring Footwear : 2 2 I 2 Fashionable 2 i AD i New Spring 0 1 Style imams0 1 Fine Value. • Everybody • wants the n e w styles t r Easter 2., Yon will Lind in our Store You will get better vs.lues. We • ;arty a full line a Rubber Boots. l?rtoect your health by • wearing LIFEBUOY Rubbers REPAIRING NEATLY DONE oa 2 • SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY BRC)WN BROS ...•••••06•100e0.006.04.04141•41•••••••••••••••060.060.•••• ,.., DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED?" -* z. The Talk of the Town are these „New Styles and Values 4 -0 411. -0 441. • 4, $24 $28 • -0 4110 :1. * , . 4 4 csi 5 AGENT FOR OF THE * 4, LARGEST MEADE TO MEASURE FIRMS. OVER 1000 SAM?- . .........______„............._ LES Prommon FROM. TiO"TOP Suit or Overcoat 524 (EVERY GARMENT. G.U.A.RANTEED PERFECT OR MONEY IEFUNDED. • The man who comes here once for his clothes, i, furvItris,b13r, comes hack --• Re eturna, beeattse his clothes have g„ivon, =Spleh- nia service,. welt tts, cannot be found elsewhere at vaircls pr- iceS. We are, glad, to show our new slample% and Wilt S and prove to 'goo wiftta. vabzes we really have:, • P. 10 .0 W -4 414 44 2 44 4 •14 (Siv -• GAECRO'S VPAD .......04-0440•0 44444 • *** • ......0,441,444 4. 4, 4. 4. . • ti 4 4 4. 4. PHONE, 67 Zi • •••.$04, 00100 4 HENSALL -17 STANLEY TOWNSHIP. The marriage took place , at Mitchell on Saturday, April 24th, of Mr. Gordon Hayter, son of Mr. Harry flayter of Stanley, to Miss Ione Steward of Tuckersmith. •Up- on their return from their wedd- ing trip a reception was held for them at the home of the groomls parents, Mr. and. Mrs. H. Hayter last •Thursday evening and on Monday they left for Flint, Mich. where they intend to reside. They have the liet wishes of theig,many. friends for a long and happY ,married life. eeee*"0'''-'114petiiifleVige. • , REGINA WATCHES Constable Jul. Block was in Sea - forth on Monday. Mr. J 5, Pink spent the week- end with friends in Ailsa ... Mr, and Mrs. George. Hess were Sunday visitors at Dashwood. Mr Albert Gies of Katehener is spending the week with relatives here, Mrs. L. Schiefle and' family of Detroit, is visiting ,her parents,Mr. and Mrs. John Gunman. Mr. Oliver Sohnson of Goderich spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Thomas Johnson. Mr. D ,A. Cantelon of Hensall, called on Zurich prople Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Thiel, and family were Sunday visitors at London. Mr. Emanuel Koehler of Detroit is spending a few days. with. fri- ends here. - Miss Veola Prang of Stratford Normal School visited at her home here over the week -end. Mr. Wm. Lamont, attended the funeral of the tete Ralph Elliott, Seaforth, on Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. Routledge and Isola 'Bobbie. of Dutton, are !spending the week with Dr. and Mrs. Jos: • ',Miss Florence, Hayter and friend Mr. Alvin Stewarts of Flint, Mich. motored over last Saturday. Miss Hayter intend's remaining at home for some time, Word has been received that Mr. Ralph. Elliott of -Seaforth pas- sed away quite suddenly on Mon- day morning. Mr. Elliott was a former resident of Stanley, having "been born on the Goshen Li, and he spent a number of years farm- ing in Stanley .where he has number of relatives and friendsand where he is well and ,iavorably known.. Mr and Mrs. J. a. Trevithick, of • Brinsley, were Sunday visitors at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hess. Miss Alice Johnson left for Toronto on Tuesday last to „at- tend the funeral ;of Mrs, Harold C. Johnston. -We take rancbi pleasure in re- porting that Mr., John Gallman, who has been ill is improving as well as can be expected: Mr. and Mrs. Wm K. Finkbeiner and daughter, Miss Hazel of Strat- ford, .pent Sunday with Mr. •and Mra. W. H. Hoffman: Goshen United church, last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John:L. Routledge At the morning iserVice in the • 0,-• beautiful and impressive cere- and infant son of Duttou, !spent ihe week -end with the formers mony took place, when the Pastor, parents, ' Rout - Rev. J. Durrant, inducted foer ledgeDr. and Mrs. .Tos. Elders, as members of the Session namely, Messrs E. Johnson,, J. T. Mr and Mrs. Theo McAdams, Keys, Henry Erratt and Nelson their family and Mrs, 'Bassow, of Keys. . the Bronson Line, visited on Mop - day at Mr .and Mrs. Gollin, at Net Sunday will be observed Greenway. Mrs. GoNin is in poor as Mother's Day and Go -to -Sunday health. School Day. The subject of the • address will be more especially in The moving pictures held in the interest oft he mothers. the town hall on Saturday even- ing, were well attended and a large crowd was out. Things are going so good that the .Band boys have deeded to put on another Show this Saturday .evening. Bishop Durstein, who gave two The closing •service in Mon very • interesting lectures in the Church, ,1,4th concession was held :Nfennonite church fast Wednesday on Sunday afternoon, May Tud at and Thursday evenings, comman- ded attention and drew large con - audiences. He is a very fluent ,speaker of the American type and never needs to .sibap and think fOr words. CHURCH NOTES 2.1-5 with about 200 people in- at- tendance. The choir and org- anist of Emanuel Church, Enrich, rendered special MUM C for the .oc- maSion. Letters from Revs. G. F. Brown and J. G. Litt were read. .W‘ :F.dighoffer read a. well prepared. historical 'sketch. Rev. F. B. Meyer 'spoke fittingly on Heb. 1.1; 10, .And the- Pastor, Wlao was chair- man, addeci a few words. The4 friend's who up till, now have attended services there are /assured of a welcome in Emanuel Church, Zurich, and are invited to 'worship and work with us on Sun day May 9th as follows. 10,00 a.m. Mothers DaySerreon 11.00 a.ni. Go to SundaySchool Day in the Sundays -01w%. 7.30 p.m Mother Day Program, by. the Ladies Aid, .:10 Sr League Thurs. 2.30 p.m. W.M.S. meeting Fliday 7,30 p,m :Pr 0i' and Praise Emanue1 Evangelical Church ZURICH -- ONT.' If you aro not a Christine you ought o be, We ar:-.,A official Agents; for these well known Regina Watches. Timed almost eq. ual to Railroad movements. Guarranteed. Come in and see these, W. G. Hess & Sm C AL BUY THE BEST, IT IS TRW CHEAPEST. GENUINE H Lackawa AND D L SeW Scranton DIRECT FROM THE MINES SOFT COAL, GENUINE KEN TUCKY MILLERS CREEK, COM GENUINE BY PRODUCTS Our Telephones are at your eaere: vice, thq• information is free, Carteio‘ HENSALL ONT., Phones -Office 10w, House 14:414• A comedy Play entitled "A poor Married Man" under the aus- pices of the Catholic Church, will beg iven in Me Town Hall, Zurich on Friday eve. May 14th, Admis '- sion res35e., erved seats, gallery 25 cents. Plan of Hall at T. L. Wurm's store, Ulla play promises to be a goodone, and everybody is inVit0a, to come and have a good laugh. T he: small brick. Evangelical ch.arch, of ' the Ilth Con. Hay was very-tillingly closed on Sunday af- ternoon with a large attendance, and, what was once a, fine large congregation some years, ago with a membership of :twenty -three fam Wes, is now 11 thing only to be re- membered, as tiv Zurieh and Dash- wood churches are absorbing the V 17 1 s'thg rnembors. The chnrch Imilding has already been pract- ically crod to the ground, and it Win only b-!. a short time until tiv.‘re, w:It remain VVr.y, little Of the material, 04)•••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • My Accounts are now ready, and any persons indebted to me kindly • call at once and settle same. .1••11114. • • ee 4144 ....44.444.4441EISIPm Notice 0•1•14.0011215111•419110111! 4 • 4,***40 • • • • •••••••••••••44.4444441KM FRED THIEL - ZURICH r4.1.1.4444.4444+444444444.4444.444+444.4444.4.444444eKek.i +10it144 4 44, 4 4 44 4. 4. New Foolw arSi Frequently Al Our Stock is complete in many new Styles and Patterns for Women and Children., BE SURE AND SEE THESE BEFORE PURCHASING YOUR NEW SLVfIMER FOOTWEAR. A FULL LINE IN MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK BOOTS. MEN, TRY A PAIR OF OUR GENUINE REGULATION ARMY LEATHER EVERYDAY SHOES FSR WEAR AND compoRm, C. FRITZ & SON S H oE E RCH A NTS t-14444.44.4444+444+++++++++414.1.4014++++++++++.14444444404%, 1.44.44,411••••••••••!.. 4. - NEW GOODS We have opened up a lot of new Spring and Summer Goods, in Prints, Ginghams, Voiles, Droad- cloth, Galatea, Ete. ALSO CURTAIN GOODS, SHIRTINGS, FLANNELETTF ING, COTTONADE. SEE OUR HARNESS REPAIRS AND SWEAT PADS, ETC, A FULL LINE OF PRESHGROOERIES ALW..4.1ZSON Highest Prices for Produce R. N. bOUGL GE! ERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 97 IE3LAKE 1 1 1 4 11 is a 4 4