HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-29, Page 5Thursday, April 29th, ;LJi2C . �...... • .___-.:...., /Wu10 MN.ru.+.f - 'r.�YY.-'.,'Yi'!e h` Ml�.r!n! SIN S 1. C .R i. DUDLEY �'Y E . - oLiviVAS i)4i?1ItRISTER, SOL+ICTTOIei NOT-. J RY PUBLIC, ETC; ' :Office, Hamilton Street. Jest off It Scones, GOD + RIC'.EI, Ont, 4 7HPecaal attention to Cauin'sel and Court .R''axi+;,,, ffitr. Holmes may be consulted at Ilio. .rich by phone .and phone clax•gen reversed. Alkafirew F. Hese, Township Clerk *Boer of marriage Iicenses, Notary 111�1fgtl, Ceraunaissiocei, Fire sad Aut- " Mfilli4l Insurance, Representing lie and Erie 'Mortgage Corpora- _' Mao. The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, 1Under the aulspicee of the h e Zur- ich Jubilee Band, aenoVing pic- ture (show will be held uin the Town Hall, Zurich, comm'encingat 8 le m. Saturday, May 'flat. Ad- raissioix 20c. IQhildren under 12 10e. EVERYBODY 'COMP _ 'ants, For Sade, ..oat,, Found, Mortice, Etc. Ads IN. TilI9 COLIUMN Moving Pictures 1. Knapp, 11 S., L. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON IKON OFFICE - HEN'SALL Dr. H. 11. C O W E'N L. D. Se D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON,. .M DEITZ BLOCK, 'LURICH'ev- cry Thursday, Friday and Satur- �aya Main Office 3HARTLEIB'S BLOCK; DASHWOOD A -U -o -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR /CLOP?, graduate Carey M. Jones Nat - demi School of Auctioneering. Try WO far Registered. Live Stock 1 Breeds). ' Terms in keeping 'with prevailing prices. Choice iiisruss for sale. Will Belt anything 4eseywhere. Phone t8-93 or write. Zurich_ Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneerfor ,,. Count Pal Huron. In a position ,duct any auction sale, regardless SU to size or articles to sell. I **Reit your business, and it not esillslied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. goilloins 15---57 Zurich " Meet MARKET Fresh. and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES Mingbint & Reichert ZURICH LIVERY 9 am in a position to accomo- 'iate mil requirements in the Livery Mme, have Auto for hire. Any-, thing ig done inthe teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL flame if Zurich 1VAN, LIVE POU LTRY WANTLTh AIM' every day till :3 ()cloth 0".m. IDA not teed fowl same morning rliem brought in. 'Highest .Cash Filmes -CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs y .. Wt O'Brien. MOD* St Z F rl MACNETO Does get weak � Our re -charger is again on the job TESTING FREE & WEIN, fro„,p. A" ILIASSWOODMOiro FOR SALE Some good cheap cattle hay, 'alightly damaged through wetness, by shipping. CCall at my barns J. Hey, Jr., Zurich, WANTED Girl for housework. Plain cook- ing. Good Wages. ARply, Mrs, Jones -Bateman, Britannia Road, Phone 289, Goderich, Ont. CARD.,OF THANKS The bereft family of the late F. M. Hess, wish to convey their most 'sincere thanks to the many kind friend's and neighbor's who ex- tended their 4a'ssistance end sym- pathy in 'the recent illness and dep tiariure of the departed. FOR SALE We have \the following weed cars 'which we are offering ; at good value for the money - 1: Ford touring at ------ $75. 1' Ford touring at -.---- $100 1' Ford touring •1922, starter $t45. i Sedan :at $325 C. FRITZ & SON, Ford Dealers FOR SALE A barn with good strong frame on Vic:tor•i'a Street, Zurich, for further particulars apply to Herb Mou'ssean. FOR SALE Saxon . Roadster in good con- dition, recently overhauled, equip ped with starter, generator, good Hart Storage Battery, 'standard gear. shift, new license, 33 tb. 4 miles oe ,at gallon, wilt go 38ami1•es per hour -Owner wishes closed carte -William Finlayson,' Zurich. 0 FOR SALE A good second hand DeLaval Cron:' Separator. - Apply to Louis Prang,- Zurich. EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure bred Anconas egg's, Iron, very vngood laying strain, choioe stock. Our price ie right, leave your order early. -Lloyd O'Brein, Zurich, Phone 127. tf-39 FOR SALE Standard Combo Foundations, manufactured by Ruddy Co* Brant ford. Prices up to 25 lbs. at 65c lb. 25 lbs, or over 60c ib. J. Haberer & Sons, Zurie h FOR SALE Flax seed for feeding your stock at $2.50 per bushel. ' • Fred. • C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich' 30-5 NOTICE TO ; CREDITORS ]%'OTICE IS HERERY . GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst theestate ofJOHN TAYLOR lite of the Township of Hay,farmer who pied on April 2nd, 1926, are let tired to forward their cleft= !l'tty proven to the undersigned on or before the 3rd • day of May,1926. AND NOTICE IS.• FURTHER GIIVEN that after said date the. Executors will proceed to distrib- ute the' €/state having regard telly to the claire& of which he then !shall iaaVe notice. oti ''DATED at Exeter this 12th 'of April,; 1926. I GLADMANe& .STANBURY Sollicitc ars for Executor. Messrs. John Torrence and John Jacobs of Clinton, called its the vil- lage on Tuesday. • Mr. Mole') Amy, k# highly resp- ected resident of' the vicinity and foreseer cattle buyer of promin- ence,. died at London Hospital on ORRVICE "' , day. 5 • • WV1.ti't„fi tii.ld.ALD LOLAL N 'Ir, and ,Mi±s. M, Gq, Milliken iala- ent Sunday with friends in lCrecli ton. ' M. H. Eickiueler, who Isperit _;, .I Marys, the past week at St. Ma. SO , r,e turned 'home on Monday eve. Mr. and Mils. Sylvr Witmekl Mr, and Mr's. Isiah Witmer, and Mrs, J. Allan, were at Kitchener p.viEl Sunday, attending the funeral of a relative. C, Fritz & Son, ,Ford dealers are doing ,quite a busine'as, the recent sales made are; new coaches to Jos. Foster, .Jr., •B,abylon Line; Mr, Aaron Erb, Stanley and Mr. Peter •Mcisaac, Dashiwood. Misses Pearl, Winnie and Gerti.e Ortwein, of Detroit visited under the parental roof on the Bronson Line, over the week -end. . •the former returning to the city on Monday. At a specialemeeting of the town'sfxip council on Monday ev- ening lest, it was decided to replace the 25 pari cable leading west in the village with a 50 pair cable, also to install a public pay stat- ion at the Voisin House, Zurich fer the convenience of the public. Splendid, hiones of worship were •experienced in the Evngaelical- .ch- urch on Sunday. In the morning hour, Mr. Colin Campbell gave.. a very instructive and 'spiritual dis- course on "Love". While in the evening Rev. C', Schrag had the pleasure of addressing a well fil- led church, to which he preached theg 'ooci of datory" of Moses. About 98 .farmers out of every 100 consider it good business to carry all the fire insurance they can get on their baildixigs. . St TREE' PR CTfcALINSTRUCrIONSAta )U`t'. i VEBX NLX)1,+1SSARY WORK, Have a (.rood Outfit ---Spray as the Calendar Tells Yiau-,-el ray Bight Through the Trees -- Keep Tank, Pump and Nozzles Clean. (Contributed by Ontario (Department of Ar?rieultu;it,, 'i'aronto. ) 1. Do not spray at :all '.Mess you are going to try to do it well. It will not pay, 2. You cannot niake.:a success of apple growing without good spraying. 3. You cannot spray well without a good outfit which will give you plenty of pressure. So overhaul the old spray machine at once, or if it is not satisfactory buy anew one with plenty of power. 4. Get a spray calendar from your Agricultural Representative, or from Mr. P. W. Hodgetts, Director Fruit Branch, Toronto, or Prof. L. Caesar, O. A. College, Guelph. Tacit it up in the spray shed where it will al- ways be available. 5. Use only the spray materials recommended in the spray calendar. 6. Do dot spray when it happens to be convenient, but spray at the times the spray calendar says. The time of spraying is of vast import- ance and the times given in the spray calendar are based on years of study. 7. Omit none of the first three regular sprays, some years the first is the most important, some the se- cond and some the third. Each spray helps to make the next more effective and each must be given to insure clean fruit. 8. McIntosh and Snow trees should always receive a fourth appli- cation. Read 'what the spray calen- dar recommends under "Extra sprays and remarks" and be guided by it. 9. You will not control San Jose scale on large trees, twenty-five years old or more, unless you first prune ati!,ticsshow/ that out . of every- them heavily and scrape the loose bark off with a hoe. Then see that 1260 buildings insured ones burr • every particle of the bark is wet with On the other hand .for 'every life, the liquid; a mere mist or a light • there its a death. For rates on I spray will not kill the insect. Use life insurance sea A. F. Hess. All policies guaranteed. Mr. J .W. Merner, wh,o ils o;p- onitig u'p hi's store for business on, Thursday morning of this week, int ite' the pubile to dome in land tsee what he hats for sale. See his adv. on page 8 of this issue,. Mrs. Merner 'and family of Elmira have also arrived and we welcomer them in our midst, and wish Mr. Merles every 'success in his bus- iness undertaking. The cold land wet weather 'over the week -end has' haulted the sseed- i.ng operation's, and few farmers taro been able to do anythinglaince Many fermaiis are getting alarmed over the backwarnne'ds• of 'the Isea- son, •as• on Saturday 'will usi ot�?n the month of May with practically nothing done ,as yet. The roads ere" getting somewhat more corp- paet and .the auto runs fine. Rev. W. B. Dengits end Layman J E Gasclo, returned on Monday evening from the Canada Confer- ence Iseesion at Kitchener, and ev- erybody is much pleased to learn that Rev. Dengi's is ,stationed in Zurich for another year. The Conference also sanctioned the closing up of the 14th church and' taking 'same down and using the material in the building program at Zurich. Mr. Edmund Oesch, proprietor of the celebrated trotting 'stallion Hygrade, hes recently teold two very fine hos+sea sired by this horse for which he received handsome Cigures, the ,sale being made by Mr. Chas. Wallace, of Clinton, and the pair have been 'shipped._ to, Quebec, Por the improvement of stock in that province. They are: Pat Winters, 4 yr. old, sired by Hygrade ,dam .Dufty J.; Minnie Mack, 5 yrs. old by War McKin- ney, dam Dufty J. LUTHERAN 'CHURCH NOTES At thie meeting of .the Lutheran church members held on Tuesday evening of last week` it was dec- ided to' build a basement 'and a 'shed. The 'old shed has 'been •er- ased to the ground and building giperations will be began _neons es the weather turns warm. The new shred should be completed by early 'summer, and the ba'sem'ent ready for occupation by fall. Rete. H. RRembe, Lit. BtS, Will celebrate 'several important an- iversaiies during' the month 'of May. • In the lieglnti1n of the month he will celebrate the tenth anniversbary of his present' past- orate. On the 10th not the month the tenth anniversary of (his •ord- ination,• and the end of the month.; the tenth annivei+sary of his instal- lation. The palstor has not yet conduct a public decided if he. will eonP 'service comanem�orating these ev- ent's, however, any wishes on the part of the church council and intim hers will be given due consider- ation. `The Lutheran S. S. t chers are ,preparing for the S. S. Conven- tion which will be held on Vretoria Day at Brodhagen. The 'Conven- tion this year will be much bigger as many new 'schools have been added to this district. Formerly only 'six schools `participated and five pastors, now fourteen tri represented and eleven pa�stors.Thr' chief speakers at the co.nv^utio•n will be Rev. Moisig, New Ilalnbirrg and 'POI,Itt2.. bee lime sulphur 1 to 7 of water, prefer- ably just as the buds are bursting. 10. For scab and codling moth cover both sides of every- fruit and also cover every leaf. Scab attacks the leaves, too, and is often washed from them to the fruit. It will re- quire from 7 to 13 gallons for each tree twenty-five years old or upwards, not just 2 or 3 gallons. 11. Be sure the spray reaches right through the trees. To insure this go in, if necessary, underneath the tree and spray the part beyond the trunk first,, then step back to the outside and spray the remaining part. Do this from both sides. Remember that it is the centre or shaded part of the tree where scab naturally is worst and poor sprayers nearly al- ways miss this side though they often cover the sunny or outer side all • right. 12. A tower, even with a spray gun, is a great help. Often it will suffice to stand on the tank. A rail- ing or support on it removes the dan- ger of falling. 13. Do not use large openings in the discs of either nozzles or spray guns unless you have 225 pounds pressure or more. They are wasteful, make it difficult to maintain high pressure, and give too coarse a spray. 14. In many cases better work will be done with a rod and three angle disc nozzles than with a gun. In any case use some system in spraying so that you will make sure everything is being covered in a methodical way. 15. Have a handy place to fill the tank. Ten minutes should be long enough for any tank. 16. Do not stop spraying because rain threatens. Go right on until the rain bas well begun. It is rain and moisture which cause scab outbreaks. 17. Do not stick to an eight or ten hour day when spraying, but make every effort to get it done as soon as possible without sacrificing thor- oughness. • if the second spray is not -finished before the blossoms open, omit the poison and go on until it is finished. 18. Wash out the tank and pump clean water through the machine and nozzles at the close of each day. 19. Remember spraying gives healthy foliage and is a great factor in producing annual crops as well as giving clean fruit. Even trees that ate not' bearing should be sprayed to keep them healthy. • 20. Get a new spray calendar each • year. 21. When in difficulty consult your Agricultural Representative or write to Prof. L. Caesar, O. A. College, Guelph, or W. le Ross, Vineland.- .L, Caesar, 0. Ar College, Guelph, Farm Notes, • improved . breediri urgently needed to dairy,. herds. Most dairy- men feed and house; their cattle in a manner that is worthy of much better cattle -than, they are keeping. Effi- cient cows, efficiently fed and housed, are the, dairyman's economic salva- tion. The" most successful. dairymen are breeders and improvers of dairy cattle. While silage is an excellent feed for dairy stock, it should be.combined with some leguminous feed, such as clover, cowpeas, or alfalfa, owing to its insufficient productive quality. The leguminous material will tend to correct the deficiencies of the silage in dry matter, protein, and mineral constituents. The dairyman's motto is; "Produc- tion first"; and every cow, pure" -bred or grade, must produce and keep us, because we_ can't afford to keep her. This is one reason why some pure bred breeders shun cow testing asso- ciations. ,They are afraid of - their r'ecor'ds; afraid seine of their cows are not paying; for 'their feed r`t afraid se fn rade cow will step l.�o fast 110k tzrem0 Pa PM qt 0000000e l ieetet?eie etetteeeareee *ePSCo 9a41.41011 0tee Cite • 1 Farm Implements 0 0 • 0 • •., 0 • 0 • WE ARE ,13EADQUAJ TI»ts .Ii.O Il i <i is it 1,Y11'Lk; li h' i•.' arlF AND HAVE US .1i1�, • ,, , - V JUST T LINE 1.tv la Js. i y i) O J:i ,11 :� CHI � 1. l . L YOU NEED THE MOST, f? t.,11 t•r) eve, e ell AN 1) 1 ett FITTINGS, WE INSTALL O U H. I U !9 0 TRES.E SPEC.I'.Ar. F, kRt; \1`; ;firb • $2.,00 Batteries for $15.00 •u WE MAKE A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE O' OLD BAT-. $. TERIES. Our. Batteries are Guaranteed by the Company and myself WHILE TtREY LAST WE ARE 0tr('J;13lV(i "I HE PU81.TO • • • e • e St • • • w • • • • • • • • oil L. Al. Prang, ; i�ro • • F. ' GARAGE! jj ,p q E S We are in a position to give you the best of service in 1 epa ring or • overhauling ally €nae of Car • P. KROPFMechanic -.. •• ••esee4®eeeeeea0(00SOOSMOOttf.o6lesgliiiist9R7a*aee41 i$peiaiMg ALSO DO 'BETTERY CH A Re I `;('; A', 1) RF:„AihtNitr Tires, Tubes, Greases and Oils alts effileMeetrine--Ii,!nth' +++++++++++ .1.4.4.++++++++++++ r•4-4•-1.+4.4i+++4.+•e•+++++++4 + + + SITINGLF S? H 1\ G L E S WE HAVE LOTS OF SHINGLES ON HAND TO RE -ROOF YOUR BUILDINGS. WHY BUY MORE EXPENSIVE MATER- IAL SUCH AS GALVANIZE WHEN YOU CAN BUY T.IiE GOOD OLD • CEDAR SHINGLES AT SUCH REASONABLE PRICES. • • 5x White- cedar shingle's at1,1.50 per bunch ax B. C. Red Cedar Shingle's at $1;70 per Bunch. Put on these 'shingles with'proper nials and you Will have a roof for a life time, cool in 'summer, warm in winter. Na painting or tarring. t Easily patched when a storm takes of part of the woof, where with galv. it is very hard to repair. We !still have a number of cedar posts for sale at 30c. 'Call in and look them over. Alw'ayls a good ;supply of wi:1- board, roofing, lumber .and tGyips. o Bend. Fa C.. KALBFLEJS C,r'�°I' • PHONE 69 ZURICii +•+÷+4.+4++P i'++++++f+1^++++++C+++4++++4••i 4•+t+a-+^4.+++Tr.P . .see PROTECTIO Get one of Our Auto Tops They will protect you from the coldwinds and will make Winter motoring a pleasure IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. HESS - -ZURICH + 4. +.4•44P+++.4.+44.+1•44++++4,4 -14i4.++44+4-1.++++++++++++++++41 U1J D A T -Tl 1J1JTC Do You Know? THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE ED ORINTINO THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS O MAN THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING UFACT URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS,. RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC. THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INI( FOR 5c, LARG- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POS- ,fEIiS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL 'GENERA!. PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY a����:f i'�:Y ������"d"T �.i""i'°� .�+,j,..a , ,�r.y .�a r�.*s+.�. e� a.Ba a�D�s.fa r; r�+.y...',ai,er •.!r.l ry sl `1