HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-22, Page 7ALWAYS TIRED OUT People Who. Feel Like This Need the Help of a Tonic. rTbe dictionary define8.a't tonic as a aaitidi'cine that incre'as•es tbe strength and ,gives vigor: to the syetl:n7, That tells' 'sty Dr. Williams' )rink Pills are a real tonic. Thousands of meal and women are ailing to -day, not dols in bed7, but without ambition to do a full day's work, though they are forced to• keep on, They are aliaye tired or liervoes, (lo not sleep •well, and a•wako in the morning unrefreshed. Many have headaches, backacllee and stool- . a•ah trouble., Such people need the to lC help f Dr. Williams'1i)))a ns Pink, Pills. The beneficial 'ts 'efPe t, of Oils medicine reaches the whole syst"em. Dr, Wil - !lams' Pink Pills do more than relieve "the symptoms --they remove the cause; Mrs." E. Virginia Gray, Tofielri, Alta., has proven the value of this medicine and - says:—"I can sincerely recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Trills foe a tired and run-down condition of the system, I have followed the nursing Profession for a number of years and after a few weeks of hard er trying eases I take two or three boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and always with th•o very best results. The pills also proved a great boron to my daughter at a trying age, and I have seen epien- did results follow their use in other oaselst",• • Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a.re sold by all medicine dealers or eent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Wonderful invention. .0asraidy=—"I see thatthey've invent- ed a new whistle." Casey—"Phwat kind of a 'whistle?" Cassidy ---"One that sounds just ap loud in the morning as it does at quit- tine.time," Imperfectly Coached. Magielan (to youngster he•has called up on the. stag .)---"Now, nay boy, you have never nee before, have you?" Boy --"No, No, daddy." It costs four or five dollars to pre- pare for a picnic, and a good heavy rain'is frequently worth it. Take a 'spoonful of Sal Lithofos in a glass of water daily before break- fast and rid your- self of that dis- agreeable feeling of dullness. An efficient saline laxatve that gent- lyypurges the sys- tem of clogging poisons and makes a new being of you. citweaassesaarmaansmpsiii Surnames and Their Origin MOWBRAY Racial Origin= -Anglo-Norman.. Source—A locality.• ' --Here is one of those Englieh family nares which are derlved frail, the !Tames of places in France, though from its Modern epell.ing gore ui'oltld rept be likely to suspect IL Englund a.ni iAm•erien, however, are full of such lev es, coming o•rlgiriall'y frons Frend) sources, but scarcely re.cogfiizable as sue ..(or two reasons: feet, because niotla:re • French hi la very different thing from medieval Frannie, teed sec- onal, because under ItEnglish influences the nomee h4ave d.evelolpecl sp•e;hylas different from their origtnal o es and different from modern Treacle, • Mowbray is a spelling .Which repre- sents uneler the influence of the Eng- lish tongue, the "Mont Brat" or "Mont Brave" of the Normans. -If you bear this family name it. is a fair lufer'e'ncie that the medieval' an- isolator who gave it to you Was' One of the •Nornirrne who casae over to Eng- land with William. the Conquerpr, and also that he pd'oba•bly did not bear that name prior to that. time. . • Such names at these dev'eiope�d frog! the fact that Use 'forces of the •Cou- queror, gathered from rnaxey parts of northern France, contained many mei! of the same given namies, so, it. was the easiest method of �ttifferentiatinig them to refer to the place from which tey'had come, as this. not only id-enti- iied the individual, but identified the military unit with which be wee c nested, n McOANN. Variations—McGann, .MacCann. Ftaoial Origin—Irish. Source --A given name., This ffila:ily name '1s an Anglicized form of the aes!gna.tion •of a very ellr1 Iris)! elan which in its turn nee t'e iihe dignity of a clan ars a blanch or sept of a still more ancient c'.ian, .that of Cleo Ma-civlahons of. 'Ulster. The Irish spelling of This family or clan natuo is exceptional in ;that it is the An 11G !zed with l g �lv 1 t rail identical �htt y the farm, till', being ont. case where irlrh and English spe.lings ere so 4 temple 'that'no 00n.fuslon h4,3• resulted in the tran'siticn of the name from one tongue to another. Th•e Gaelic of the nsni•e is "Mac- Cana," when used in the plural sense, As applied to one • person It lis. "Mae- I Caio." . This "Cane" was;a son of a. chieftain of the Mac1Ml.ahone, named 'letdingemhuin," and as nearly as can be ascertained, the period of the for - leaden of the Clan MacCann was about the year 900 A.D. Thus tbe family name is. Epsom two to five centuries older than the ma- jority of English names, and antedates the bulk of the Gerinan gamily names' by a still greater 11riod•; though It is not older than a great many of the. Scottish clan names. Diagnosed. "Pretty slow train, conductor. What's the matter?" "Locomotive ataxia, I guess." An Acid stomach caused by indigestion often G ates rheumatic symptoms. Set your stomach right with Seiget's Syrup. Any drug store.; Alchemy. .Sometimes my day so sordid seems, So blank and colorless, devoid of dreams; Thatlikethe grains of Band in oyster. shells, It seems it, too, must irk the place wherein it dwells. • Then through the hour, monotonous and gray, • There come adventures, " quickening and gaY; The proven love of friends., the gain' of right, The surging forth of all the heart's pure might, And, as the oyster to a pearl has turned the sand, The alchemy of Truth shows treaeure close at hand. —Mary Chase Witkerbee. What Is It? "Whalebone,"_ began the teacher, "isn't a bone at all." "Well," broke in the bold, bad boy, "it 1sn;t a whale, either, so what is it?" The one secret of life and develop- ment is not to desire and plan, but to fall in with the forces at work, to do every moment's duty aright.—George, MacDonald. Tirane and trade wait for no man. —The Prince of Wales. High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL. AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued by the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND• PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION .IS given in various trades. The schools and classes are under the direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Application for attendance, should be made to the Principal of the school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINING, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Collegiate institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Bu'trflngs, Toronto. tie 41 A• ase a. t 4 • N.� e,, CPO E's O r i w d c' �1{ M tl � 00 lit 0 s• �� iR • •• "' • •o • fit � Coo7se es..8 ,•1,. jw 1st Prize $100 2nd Prize $75 3rd Prize $60 4th Prize $50 Prizes of $10 each 10 Prizes of $5 each every con(,)dtant evil Teethe n Infect mit et least 45.50 value, IP yeti count the dots corecctly and sellc110 tubes of Rust and 5tnin Ltemovet. at 8c e tube, you will revee ouo t WActa prizes. ,And you rill have chance' for the Big Cash r answer We Will tend you the Itust and Stain ]remover at once, Try ,'cur grill near, UNITED SUPPLY CO., Dept, 40, . TORONTO, 3 The Safe Side. With. Certain iudivid the inception and seems to have but a rank outsider's .chance of victory. Yet, happily, there are those of the Heroic mettle and the different mold who are attracted by 'the knowledge that success is not a predetermined certainty and that conquest or failure ' depends largely on their own perform- ance. Some intrepid spirits have thrown themselves away on futile quests and vain objeotives;,'•they may have been so restless that they could not bide. at home and must be "gentleman a'- venturers" in foreign legions, perhaps taking part in Central American re- volutions, or it map be chartering ships and with kindred spirits engaged in a search for buried •treasure of pirates in fronded isles of the West Indies . But is. there not adventure enough to be had in the championship of hopes, the furtherance of causes here at home that have nothing to do with the profession of the man-at-arms or the seaman? There is necessary war- fare in the name and under the flag of social, legal and medical reforms which call for courage as well as the battlefield, and whose pioneers must often incur loneliness and odium while the popillar acclaim goes to charlatans and demagogues "'Tis man's perdi- tion to be safe when for the truth he ought to die.:' Those who, have de- cided that a certain course is right cannot be satisfied with another way, though their own path is difficult to tread. They are not asking to be spared the hard things; they give wel- come to the experiences that test their fibre. and develop fortitude and train them to face serenely what the days may bring. Living Green. I never knew how much green grass Could meanuntil I had it not; Until I went to live where I Could see no tree or'garden-plot. The joy of living green I loved, It was a part of daily being, As easily as much of •life As thinking, inoving, feeling, seeing. But heagedd about with stone below And sky above, what it could be - I came to know, to realize -L. To !miss the sight of shrub and tree. uais the first question asked, when it is a matter of taking sides, is whether the indicated attitude is safe. They desire to have the honor and the fortune that await tho brave, but the last thing they want is to incur the risk. You will not find them promptly volunteering at the out- set for an enterprise of hazard. They will wait and see what the outcome is likely to be ere they enroll as parti- sans in any conflict. It is an.understanciabl e desire on the part of a man to want to be on the side that wins. The easier thing is always to cast in one's lot with the puissant majority, not to give all one has and is to a coags that looks forlorn from And when spring caaiue my poor starved soul Cried out aloud;; I could not stay -'- I have come back to where 1 see Green hills and growing green each. des,. —George Elliston. The Poetry' of Familiar rulings, All poetry, it is to be remembered, los not the poetry of i'omatnoe, of strangeness., of wonder, of things thrilled With the unknown. There is the poetry of: faru.iiiai' t17:ings, true neverthelas'e in 'their littleness or greatnese. This le the kind of poetry In ivhic•ia that century so dear to Th.• ekeray, the .eighteenth of happy niPmory, so timorously delighted, One allot hesitates to epeak of "deleoi'ous delight" in this day *Weil is so' prone t+o hold all that is decorous to be near to the stilted or artificial. The decor- ous isl'not neoe 'arily s0 any more than the abandoned in necessarily ar- tir.iic or sincere,= --Cornelius \'Teygandt in "A Century of the English Novel" SIXTEEN Y EIf9RS LS3. OF BABY'S Ras Shown One Mother There is Nothing to Equal Them. A constant use of Baby's Own Tab- lets for their children has proven to thousands of mothers that they are without an equal for babyhood and childhood ailments. .One mother, Mrs. C. W. Jackson, R,R, 1, Gilford, Out., writes :--"We have used Baby's Own Tablets ever since our first baby was born sixteen years . ago. We have seven fine healthy children and the Tablets is the only medicine they re- ceived in their early years. Our baby is one and a half years old, is walking and talking and weighs 25 pounds. Baby's Own Tablets is the only medi- cine he has ever had:" Baby's Own Tablets are guaranteed to be absolutely safe for even the new- born babe. They are free from opiates and narcotics; act as a gentle laxative on the stomach and bowels and thus relieve constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make baby healthy and strong. Youcan get Baby's Own Tablets from your druggist or •direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Prettiest of Gardens. No known nation has even equalled the Spanish Arabs in •the beauty and costliness .of their pleasure gardens. The flower -perfumed air was driven or drawn through metal pipes into the living rooms, while sprinkling foun- tains were everywhere, some of then, even containing perfumed water. To these gardens where experimental gar- dening was always in order, the world of to -day is indebted for the ,peach as well as many other very valuable eul• tivated fruits. Minard's Liniment for dandruff. Fair Enough. Guest—'Do you play anything people request?" Orchestra Leader ---"Certainly," Guest—"Fine, I wish. you'd take your mien out and play a gaine of pool while I, finish eating." New Money for Erin. New coinage in silver, nickel, and bronze is suggrsited for the Irish Free State. The proposed money will bear Irish designs instead of the King's head. Family's Age Totals 465. - 'Under the ;soma roof in the village' of Bi1lingsborough, England, 'are five women, a;11 reliitei, itriios.e combined' ages total 465, an average ot ninety-, three. They are all active. Two of •r i l them earn n alying g by knitting and1 dressmaking, while the other three do; hloilsowork. Tho pa•triareh of the household ie ninety-seven; . but gin gets'ont to do the shopping; while the flapper of eighty -say en, spends, most of 1 her time doing the kitchen work and chores The others! ;are 'aged eighty- eight, ninety-one end ninety-t;•Wo. Minard's Liniment for sore threat. MAIM LINIMENT IaNWTIZI a.e0.5tlNlr s,•u.yu.tu u. .,d 0, ..,men. U.t s,,e.,t,. et n. ndo nowt b 'Went outran Meet E Cii@AMBERLATh'S PAIN -BALM Your favorite old LINIMENT 1, now being offered in TUBE FORM Better than before! Easy to apply! Its well-known soothing, healing, and penetrating qualities have been inten- sified in the new, compact form. For over fifty years it has been a standard household remedy for sprains, bruises, rheumatic pains or muscular lameness from any cause. Generous tube for 25 cents. Sold Everywhere, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto ARE YOU BUILDING? :YlacLcdn Builders' Guide con- tains many practical designs by prominent Canadian ar;hitects, actually built and lived in. Also contains well illustrated articles on planning, building, decorating, furnishing and gardening. Profuse- ly rofusely illustrated. Send Twenty Cents for a tory. Q ies'tions answered. MacLean Building Reports, Ltd., 344 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. When the Dead Were Judged. In ancient times the dead were taken before a judge and jury and given a trial just as though they were alive. : In Egypt, the body was taken soon after death to an embalmer and kept by him for forty days. It was (then re- turned to its old home where the mourners wept over it for thirty-two days and nights, after which it was carted td the nearest sacred lake where wiltn•esses were heard. In the caste of a good man the body was allowed to be taken across the Bike in a boat and burled on the other side. If the evidence showed that the dead was not a good man the mourners had to table the body back home and keep it until such time as they could, by good works, gifts to the priests, in- cense and such things bury it proper- ly in later years, All Tired Out—Feel Miserable, Generally? If you feel out of sorts, your kidneys and liver are not acting naturally. ;Don't delay but go to your druggist and get a bottle of Warner's Safe Kid- ney and Liver Remedy and take according to directions. In a short time you should notice the benefit frons this remedy made from herbs and other bene- ficial ingredients. Used for over 513 yearn by millions in all pasts of the world. For your health's sake take care of your kidneys and liver. Sold by nil druggists. Price $1:25 per bottle. Warner's S'.fe Remedies Co., 'Toronto. Ontario.seeseeseasesseoseeoesieee,. r Classified Advertisements. FOR SALE HITE oda BitIDQ1.9 MANN, ANT. timbers. Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ontario. 1.$CTitIC MOTOSS BOUQIIT AND SOLD. 11141ton, Frederick St., Toronto. RUBBER GOODS. [ UBBL'II—r3' IT'(3 1.14.1).11 Or ROBBBit, WB �(1.`, hate it. Write us and mention your mute, amera Supply Co., Dept. W. Box 2704, 7tiontreaL Elms. Ennis are the most songful trees we have. I always think so when I see one alone in a level meadowland. It springs up so spontaneously, it is so straight growing; and yet it reaches out dreamful arms• all ways and they muse a little and head from the joy- ous oyous one up -springing trunk. Oh, yes, they are songful.—Josephine Preston Peabody. Few of us would like to see our- selves as others see us.—Lord Ernie. STOPT sAC ti INsT!- NrLF°' Temporary Fillings • - which Last a Long Time. SOLD EVERYWHERE . „,, Neuman S. Wright a Co., i uoilcd. D11ribc,o", ToronSw Chapped Bands and other skin irritations are quickly relieved by a few applications of Minard's diluted with caveat oil. 1 Hemorrhoids That Shockingly Painful Affliction There are few of us who have not suffered from this trouble, but little do we realize that in most cases it is due to our own neglect. Medical authorities agree that Hemorrhoids (piles) could be largely avoided were one to assist nature by observing nature's laws. Hemorrhoids arc most frequently brought about as a result of constipa- tion. Therefore, assist nature by as- suring an easy passage of the waste matter, and this can best be done by the use of Nujol. Nujol simply softens the waste matter, and thus permits regular: easy elimination, without any overtaxing of the intestinal muscles. Nujol, the scientific internal lubri- cant',, replaces the lack of nature's lubricant, and obviates the possibility of constipation. Ask your druggist for Nujol today and remember—look for the name "Milo)" in red on both bottle, label and package._ _ Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Neuritis Lumbago T'ooi'haclle Rlieulnaitis Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia .. •aurarra-c.crr..:.:ruenccc�%,�mnwrc • LDQES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Acce'jt• only "Slayer" package which contains Foy 611 directions. handy "Mayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists. Anntr',n is the tt;tde tenth_ (registered in Canada) fit Bayer :+ianufnrinnt et Monontrth- eetllesicr of Salicylteaell (A,ntYl Saiicylic Acid, "A. S. Al "). 'While It le well linen that Aspitin means Steer 10lanutaetere. waved the p» 1b1i+{ agatnat Imitations. the 't'ablet/I et Wel' 'Company will: by ntampect''With their general trade tatslrt the Y'3inr"at Gross," YOUf'JG SUFER MOST These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nd Ayer's Cliff, Quebec.— "I have been teaching for three years, and at the end of the year 'always feel. tired and have no appetite. I was awful sick each month.too.having pains in my back until sometimes I was'oblged to stop working. A friend recommended LydiaE. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound to ine and I heard many women telling how good it was so I thought it would help me. And it did. Now I take six bottles every year and recommend it to others.' — DONALDA FANTnux, Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia.—"I had ir- regular periods and great suffering at those times, the pains causing vomiting and fainting. 1 was teach- ing school and often for some hours I would be unable to attend to my work. Through an advertisement in the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and it has been of great benefit to me, the troubles beim completely relieved." —LAURA J. EA.Toxt Canning, King's County, Nova Scotia. o RASH COVERED FAOE ADNECKiL'�1I/ Caused a Lot of Pain, itched Badly, Healed by Cuticura, "My trouble began with a rash of pimples that covered my face and neck. The pimples grew larger and started to fester, causing a lot of pain. They itched badly and 1 was very restless at night. The trouble lasted four months. " A friend advised me to try Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment so 1 pur- chased some, and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment I was com- pletely Healed." (Signed) Miss Martha Martene, R. R. 2, Crediton, One, Nov, 3, 1925. Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with teaches of Cuticura Ointment now and then, keeps the skin fresh, smooth and clear. Cuticura Talcum also is ideal for the skin, Sample 'Each Free bI' aiaa. Atidrenn Canadian Repot: "stenboate, i,td, *muter." Priem, Soap lin Ointment 26 end See. Talcum inc. "" Cuticuto. Shoving Stick 26c. ISSUE No.