HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-22, Page 5•' "lkcui''Ss1 y, April. 2214. I97.0 ZUXi ItAIs,13 page• la'iv� BUSINESS" CARDS a, LEY . o .MEN 1ltkateir, Solicitor, Notary Public ■itf,. Office on Hamilton Street, VIM •tt the equare, Goderich. Priv- l*$tithe& to . loan at lowest rates, INK $olmen will be in Relaxed! -on Friday of each week, 011titrdsw le Hess, Township Clerk BOW et naarriegs licomee, Netar•r IMO*, Commissioner, Sire, and hut-' ulMte laminates, Representing 1 *OM rind Erie Mortgage Corpors- Eke Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Hombliamomm Kaapps O. D. S., L. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON, mum O ICE •-- BENSALL Dr. ii. H. COWE•N - s..D.Ss, D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON �t DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH ev- sag Thursday, Friday and Satur- toys Main Office $A$TL)EZiB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD • . A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E R r'.: OSCAR KLO'PP graduate Carey M: Jones Nat - Sew& School of Auctioneering. Try i tor Registered Live Stock 1111 Breeds). Terme '.in keeping Vith prevailing pricer, Choice ihruse ter sale. Will sell anything) illgrwber& Zurich; . ii -9$ or write,, Licensed Auctioneer !Licensed Auctioneer for Coto unt Id Simon. In a position tot any auction reale, regardless s to Size or articles to selL I .$Ieit your business,; and if • not i stlafied will make no charges for .mess. 'Arthur Weber,' •+ Diatlbih<ood., Illeale 13-57 Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meati Bologna Sausages, etc Piishest Cash Price for Wool GASH' POR SKINS A 111DES Traleblut &' D ichoTt ilZURICH _ LIVERY 1 am. in a position to aceomo- gats all requirements in the Livery Ella% have Auto for hire. Any: Sift done in the teeming: Bine: • GEORGE J. THIEL ' IMES 11 Zurich L 1.. VE PO U R IIWANTE:D •) ; . Ie *very day till 3nw�oek ,y1+, 1'),it�l •,k1 ,: act te.d ' 1Rw1 same ' tisortnuil 'irou.Rbt in. • est Cask .Prices --C11.811 FOR-- Greaten' and Eggs WY .,0, Brier. mow se, swiss The Ford MAGNEI.O Does get weak ::re -c lin on TING WEIN, Wants;, Per. Sa•*e,.,Lost,, Fortis ; NotIce,,;Etc. Ads IN THIS cowl,"); FOR'..SALE • We have \the following ,sed cars which we are offering ( at good value for the tinoney--- 1` Pord tooting at $75, 1` Ford touring at , $100. 1' Ford. touring 1922, ;starter $145.• 1 Sedan alt $325 C. FRIT & & SON, !Ford Dealers FOR SALE , A barn with good !strong frame o» Victoria Street, Zurich, . for further particulars apply to -Herb Monllsseau. FOR SALE, Saxon Roadster-ine' good con- dition,. recently ovexthauted, equip- ped with. ;starter, generator, good Hart Storage: Battery, standard gear shift, new license, 33 to 40 miles on a gallon, wilt go 38 miles per home'—Owner wishes closed car-Williane Finlayson, Zurich. FOR SALE A good taecond hand DeLaval Clem Separator. — Apply to Louie Prang, • Zurich. EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure bred Anconas eggs, from very good laying strain, choice stock. Our price is right, leave your order early.—Lloyd_ O`Brein, Zurich, Phone 127. tf-39 • FOR SALE Standard Combe Foundations, manufactured by Ruddy Co. grant ford. Prices ,up to 25 lbs.;at 65c ib. 25 lbs. or over 69c lb. ,J, FHaberer & Sons, Zurie h • �. `FOR SALE' Flax seed for feeding your Steck at $2.50 per bushel. Fred. 0:= Kalbfleigch, Zurich . 30-5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of JOHN TAYLOR late of the Township of Hayfarmer who died on April 2nd, 1926, are required to forward their claims duly proven_ to ,the undetuigne'd on or before the 3rd day of ,May,17a26. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER l;FI•V EN that after' said • date' tho Executors will proceed to distrib- ute the estate having' regard'only to the clairits of which he then shall have notice.: • DATED .at Exeter this 13th of April, 1(926. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executor. COAL POCAHANTAS -00 %E er `Creek; Soft Goal GOOD SUPPLY ON SAND <Case & Soy. PHONH,ii IENBALL -17 SCHOOL REPORT NEw5 FRUIT , TREb.. Mr. Ed. 'Bosnenbeery of Bay- field called 'on, Zurich friend's. Miss Vera Siebert was a bus- iness visitor to London on Monday Mrs. Gilbert Plante ref Goderich visited here thin week. WANTED -Bags at lo. lb.—John• Ston 8K6lbtleiseh Mr, !Clayton Hoffman •of ~Galt repent the week -end 'at his ..home here. • ,Mr. E ,E. Wuerth, Mrs. H. Bren- ner and Mips, C. L, Smith., Motored to CCrediton on Saturday, The Star auto demonstrator of Goderich, was ,in . the village on Tuesday. Mi's's Suzanne Smith, who hair been home for some time ,xelklerie 'ed to Detroit on Monday. Mr. and M1i s. Ted. 'Mittleholte were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Miss. Pierce Farwell. Mr. Elmer Krueger of the 14th, con left lest week for 'Kitchener, where he is taking treatments:.. The following is the ,repot el •Stnaley for month of M▪ arcus. Thoec, marked with an usteriek have been absent part time. Sr. IV—Elgin Hayter 180 Mark's, Emma McBride *157. Sr. ITI-•-Grace Robinson 23, Mar- geret Robinson 214; Edgar Mc- Ctittchey 132; , Jr. Iii --Versa .Smith 273, ',Bruce Mc0Cbnehey 241x; Bert ;McBride .112 Hluaore Stephenson *O.': ; • �a;'Sx. II--Iluasell $ayts*tr x.69, Nor - ;tie Robinson 325, etampabell Mc- Kinley, c-Kinley, 318; Elmore McBride ''219. Sr I -Allen Armstrong 181; Primer—Hazel Ila'vter 175, narg.- at-et. Lannon. t 173, EWA Afeelinchiey 170. HIAll L WOO11, MOTOR SERVICE. I` 0.412 ' .i,�1' ±z i „es, Mrs. e. Rupp,' who npentt the winter in Detroit, returned to Zur- ich Janet week. • •Mr. and Mi+s. Ed. Beaver and ;family -of Daishwood were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. John Oesch, jr. left • for Pigeon, Mich., recently where he will be for the tsummer. r Mrs. Hy. Eickmeier left last•,' week for St. Marys where Ishewas palled owing to the illness of her father. Mr. and Mns. J. Trevithick (of Brin:sley, were Sunday visitors at tho home of the latterls parents, Mr. and Mea. W. G. Hess. Messrs. Hy .Ilew•ald and\ Julius Thiel left for Windsor last week where they are working at the mason trade. Mr. Oliver Johnson of l oderich, 'spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. Thomas Johnson of the village. Mr. John Stephan of• ,the Parr Line and Archie Armstrong of St- anley, have recently .purchased new Ford 'Sedan's from .Ci ;Fritz• & ;Son, dealer's. • ' ' Mr. and (Mrs. Q. N. Ta:ggai+t of South •Bend, who were here at- tending the funeral of the late Ford. Hess, left on Wednesday morning for their home by motor. Mrs. (Rev.) 'iS. R. Knechtel • of New Hamburg and Mrs. Frank McCutcheon, o: London, who have bean visiting at the home of Mra. S. Rennie, have returned .to•their relspective homes. Rev. Durstein, th.e Evangelish, who it was stated would be at .'bfennor>tite church this week, will net be here till Tuesday, Weed nesday and Thursday .of nest we. sk, A.pril 27, 28 and 29th. "Constable "Jul Block has st artei the wetex pump in .filling the large supply tank, and when ".filled Will mean a good supply of wets er on hand 1n cause of fire. Preparation's for the new 'store i.n Merner-''s block are making rap- id progress. The interrior is practically all done with exception of painting and decorating. "Mr.. and Mt+s. W. R I•loiffman, Messrs' .0. A. and L;.W. rand Miss- Mildred issMildred Hoffman were et Cred- iton ;on, Saturday, attending the funeral oft he formerts brother,, the late:Chri'st. Hoffman, who died on''April lith, aged 63'.years,• 8 months and 1e days. Don't 'forget the free Horticul- tural lecture with the lantern !slide which ,will be given by Mr. H. J. Moore in the • Town Hall, Znricl', next Tuesday .evenifiig, April 277, at, 8 • o'clock.. The 'subjeet at Zuz iii. will be "A General Talk on Aortic' ultural • Mr. Moore agso-giveteli lecture with lantern Islides at Kip - pen . on Monday 'April 26th. The subject at . Kippen will be "Bea- utification -of, Beautification'•of, Home Surroundtngu. The' ideal fine weather the labt two' days is greatly advancing ties ,sea'son,•and, it is just the kind we want, a nice warm rain would gr- eatly help things along, The first creaking of frogs was heard on ;Tueisday eve. and they must have had a long 'session of it under cover this long winter. Rev,�'W. 13. bengi'r 'and Layman Mr. J, E, Gasch;q' left for Kitcheneron Tuesdey,, where' they will at- tend' the amnia! liession ,of the Con- ference of the Evangelical Church of Canada, which is held in Zion church, Kitchener, beginning on W"ednesd"ay of this week, People that are having their chiekend running at free will, pl- ealse remember that they are a nuisance to the Horticultural Socr iety flower beds, As .Some of the beds are planted with ;tulips and Hyacinth bulbs. A penalty of not less than $1)o and not mere than '$20.00 recot'erable under thc' provisions of "lie Ontario Sum- mary Convictions .Act" If any per5on Wilfully hinders or des- troys any of the Horticultural So- cieekee Week, • 11I1t;SMf: Go iRtiJS1$T ATTAcreg 411 MV ND RAllil17.'S tN' WINTElt. lisibilbag Paper, Galvanised Mesh Hite and Poison Recommended.-•:- lAUatsr, Earvest-- Marketing the .1<bis4. Crop. (Coptrtleuted by Ontario Dop rtzuent of 4griouiture, Toronto.) Preventive treatment applied in November to the orchard trees, rasp- herr, aspherr, patch and ,ornaz ieptat shrub= harks to onset the usually very de- fine e+, work . or mice and rabbits dui . the winter months, will save yvin'-diiipiointmeut, some 'labor and Nese stoney. btttidlag paper costing .one cent, Irl.esd,ar.und the trunk p,f the tree far which you paid the irurseryman 1440$ trill give protection at a cost 'efli t'seezail reasonable. If your tree Is We rears old it is worth many times t1:110. The cost of protection b so I.sr that nci- tree owner can atoll to feed mice and rabbits. Ea* M Use Building Paper. Dies Wilding_ paper protector can be easily prepared from a roll of tar paper. With an ordinary saw cut the roll into ten inch lengths, handy to *orb with. Wrap .once around tho tree Moak and tie securely, then ipotesi h little soil up around the Lew sad to hold •It in place over 144r. Remove when cultivating in the! MAD.. tio expanded metal protector can bi`wd; 11 will last for yeare if; taken saes et. These can be purebaaed tens sapply houses. They are easy N apotp spotand cost about $8.00 per bandrad for small sizes. Ms.alNrd Meeh Chicken Wire. 'Ra gairaatseii mesh chicken • wire 1m tsar stmctent and durable. The wire ors be purchased in rolls of a Bali le width and cat into lengths to . ult the trees. It is more expensive to' bay than the • expanded metal pretostor. • The tramping of the snow around' the tree. so that it will create a hard area through whfch the mouse can- not readily penetrate, is a means of giving sale protection at a very low cosh Vas rolsuim Carefully. ,Aerleat• potaon applied to bread or grainBind enolosed 'in a container in- to w91eh mice alone can elates is an efeotty way of • protectiaa berry patches $ad' shrubberies. Poison placeL ter rabbits must be watched. or at least pieced,_ where it is safe f.ras !pard, ainizirais .• Dps3ah periods et 4wPaeiilew a.:eiaNe, witch ahsuld be ktij! 4u ail trees and 'shrubs. with tite SOUP of snacking damage at the Rented stage. At the O.A.C. we use the Mire protectors. tramp the snow and ass the Shotgun on rabbits when necesasiy,—L. Stevenson, Dept. of Eztenaloo,,O,A:C., Guelph. • Potato Harvest. Late • Late Bugbt affects the tuber of the potato ne well "as the vine, and the disease HIM. over fro"m year to year .s 1a thiced.' When harvesting the eoteto mop cull out alt tubers with daft sash** arias on'the'si rface and •-brewaish discoloration of the flesh. Leek Genet. • • ,This Ibite us develops small black tutoillis ca the surface of the tuber. ' tihioh sheald not be stored for seed. .item Lad Bot. This trouble le •yidenbe by a de - Mr," and sunken area at the stem end of the tuber.' When a cross sec- tloa it mad. near the steam end a brownie& ring '!s usually plainly vis- ible. Taber ladury. Care should be taken to avoid bruising the tubers while harvesting. Rees 1i handled potatoes usually hive • filth percentage of dry rot.— L.. Qnreason, Dept.; of Extension, OJ.O, Guelph. ilibeketing the Potato Crop. This potato grower should cater to t11'a wishes of the most particular and medal customers. He should furn- leh qa eholse product in a most at- tractlie form and should carefully study tbs demands of the market he wia!tsa to serve. For the hest prices the potatoes should be uniform, sound, smooth, and of.good table qual ,ttf, lilted/4r' 'elected by the pound; {hs basket„ 'the„bushel the bag, the Oaii'awi ter the .car, load T e; com- a'a ie'isl• potato Brower ■hour not be '0111sttar to the local market, but **ill 'toe in a position to put bis Detaieseis;' he "boot market avail- able. editorthrough his own efforts or thrift* the medium of a co -overa- ll,” esse,01400111. It sometimes occurs .beat 11 Ow price paid by the con- es:l er.M s bustiel of potatoes about t;r.4t ads are required to defray the east el tu' nsportatlon and of diatrt- buttes. sad one-third is left for the ream. This is not as it should be. Uadea•htodly one of the best reme- diM Ito mash a condition is co -opera - des of Cho part of the growers them- Nst*eii -i . t of sutession, O.4.0.. tootrM►, • • west 1!f tiM litre lase* mar, that seems te.have the least trouble , and prpdaices hee.lthy,Nennd colts and also hes lit- tle trouble at foaling time, is .rine which, ham been worked moderately, or #w bad regular daily exercise. 01 einsmos Skil should have plenty of n feed, of good Quality,- ee- PssY111r dating the latter part of the ootigd. It 1s also important die diettld have elean $rlitltina . t#r1M ;,; • ateottled one., it day awl brae YM iliablie well uupplled vita frikNkra •.. ' Rleketit iii' Chicks. tt. 'is not recommended to keop t+trds'th't had rtekets wheal ''spun* Sue };'feeding purposes, a Neese es lossirosiskMtMi1I meso s Possoosiosiosesti •011� 10000ArI< w.-.w.nNY4f. .. .nµy4rM'�."" .. :.�,. • yy Farr Irnplewents ' j WE ARF, HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HAVE JUST THE LINE AND n1NO UE ll•.l•AC?INERY • YAU NEED TAF MOST,': ,A 1,50 i'1JA71M1 .f IPING AND FITTINGS. .WE INSTALL' OUR. PUMPS; IDi WHILE THEY LAST WE -,ARE OFFTERING7.'H;E PUBLIC s' ''Iii sE SPECIAL' F. ARCA Alh.,s I $21.00 Batteries for. $15. 00 • • ` WE MAKE A, LIBERAL ALIO .W ANCE ON OLD BAT- f • TERIES • Our Batteries ' are Guaranteed by the I • • Cornpany .and myself « • !nao,*+r ear w,. • ALSO DO BETTERY CHARGING AN 1) EEPAIRI:NU•, so • Tires, Tubes,; . Greases and Oils • L. A. Prang, Prop. I GARAGE!'GARAGE We are in a position to give you the best of service in repairing or I overhauling ,any make of Car 1 P. KROPP Mechanic ' ••▪ s'r �•N••••••••••N••••••is9odfis€a eessseee.�si6d11Q1e+gmt6s 4. 1 1 gis +++4.4.4..t P+�Mi++4+++f+f4t4-1.4.4.-i•'b•b•Fi•+.00++++++•M•Fd't +.11 + GYPB O CK 4. .-- THE FIREPROOF W 1LL•iOAl 1). Is wall platster cast in + sections, flexible, light and easy to handle. It can be nailod tand sawn like lumber, anal comes all raady in ,sheets for use. e The carpenter simply nails •t •to• •1'he joist or. 'studding or over t .the old ,plaster and the wall is tinishPd,' no dirt to clean up, {, no time lost' for drying, ready at once :for Alaba.s'tine Paint, 4- Paper or Panels. . 4, Can be used with splendid results for partitions, for cell - 4, ings, for the attic or repairing old plaster Li't ass furnish the tbuilding material for your repair work n\ w o_1a-Its it is !slack. Good supply of Roofings; Sidings. Shieeee ands Ilamb:'r in stock at reasonable prices,jr, _a . '?-c SAWLOGS WA'NTFI) AT A LL 'limb:S, 4e:• :ALBFLE'xsc 1 PHONE 69 *******************++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44111 ++++44111 es � ZURICH 1 PROTECTION Get one of Our Auto Tops They will protect you from the cord -winds and will make Winter motoring a pleasure IF YOU WANT, SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR 'BUGGY WHEELS. HESS:I:i. ZURIOU :.41.4401.44 .11.0M'P'P' .+++,i!,t'+ Mid,,e,e'i 13i"1p'l'.e'+ 1 111l,.l +.1"4.'11':.0$ T.4. IIERALD:orrIaE _ 1 4. • + Do You ' Know?ri '" • + THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR 'SERVICB FOR GOOD PAINTING TEAT WI CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WADDING INVI `1i,1'•IONS AND ANNOUNCE/1EN.Tr THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; BTANIONIIRS, SUCH AS LRTTERHEADE, BILLHRADS, ENVELOPES AND ' STATEMENTS THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAOT URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS THAT WE LARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEIik'- OPES IN ALL • SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON Olt TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM BT- ATIONER"Y', NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO, SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC,_ i .1 THAT WE PILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INS BOTTLE • - WITIi„Cls 00111 ` I+"O$NTAIN PEN INK FOR 5e.- LAR . GElt UA•NTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTION!! THAT W.E •PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE POO, TEAS, .MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SPECIAi,Til! 4. 4. :•Ittft't,tirkil3`�I'. 't•tr .., `a 'a h 0'i `'.'1•ti' i `e "i', irk"'i `l"i• +7'�''