HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-22, Page 4Etete. FIRE THREATENS OUR NATIONAL HERITAGE, • Carelessnes Destroys 3,000,000 acres annually of Canadian Forest Loss of standing timber by fire continues to be appalling. On the ilverage, over 3500 million board feet are destroyed annually. The frets of Canada are being depleted at a -rate they (cannot possibly withstand; more than half this 'depletion • is due to fire, insets and decay. :The future df the forest industry is just as dependent on :Vie seed- ling trees and young growth as the pulp and paper and lumber mills, and industry generally, -are -dep- endent on mature timber—both must be saved :from • the ravages of fire. IN ADDITION TO leas SHELTER AFFORDED BY THE FOREST TO THE FARMER AND IHS STOCK, 'SETTLERS IN FOREST REGIONS ARE VITALLY DEPENDENT ON TFTE Wee WOODS FOR WINTER EMPLOYMENT. • CARE eiVITli FIRE IN LAND CLERING OPERATIONS IS ALES -S'4. - BURNED TIMBER PAYS NO WAGES. essesessees •. •47:rees CANADA HAS THE FINEST INLAND FISHING INTEH . WORLD, BUT THESE SPLENDID ,F001) ANee •GAME FISH REQUIRE CLEAN, COLD WATER IN THE STREAMS TO EN- SURE PROLIFIC REPRODUCTION. FOREST FIRES .ARE IN+ DUCAL TO FISH LIFE. GAME ANIMALS ATTRACT FOREIGN' TOURISTS AND:. INDUCE CANADIANS TO SEEK PLEASURE, HEALTH AND ADVENTURE IN THE GREAT OUTDOORS. THESE .A.I4M- • ALS ARE DISTINCTLY A FOREST RESOURCE - 'UTTERLY DEPENDENT ON TT FOR PROTECTION AND FOOD.TOREST VI:RES ARE MOST DESTRITOrIVE OF SUCH WILD UWE. NINETY PER CENT OF THE FOREST FIRES ARE (CAUS ED EY CARELESSNESS. ARE YOU* DOING Y0311 -PRT TO PREVENT THIS WANTON WASTE AND DESTRUCTIONI Charles Stewart MINISTER OP THE INTERIOR. , 0 IMMONsitimmulese••••••••••••••••••••••••••011••••••••• 1 • Spring Seeds We have, received our supply, .9f 1 Spring Seeds and can supply you with practically everything in this line, such as Garden Seeds, Flower I SEEDS, AND GRASS eEISOS IN LARGE QUANTITIES FOR THE FARMERS. CHOICE SEED BARLEY IA. R .1 .r. ALSO HAVE RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF CHOICE BARLEY SEED, WHICH IS OF A LITTLE BETTER QUALITY THAN THE ORDINARY SEED, A LET US SHOW YOU OUR SUPPLY •OT SEEDS AND BE CONVINCED THAT Tins IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR e m SUPPLY. LOUIS' SDI/jibe Zurich asibakriiiiiiiadiaissetakawmatairsalirlitaraitegitbliblbeiN11100611004 ,-ranaAkas zur,ticu HERALD Darterwood tus, Velae Meiner and Relen Rebus% have returned, to 'Wind-aOr after visiting the formers Parents for a week. Mrs, Smith ne ExetersIseent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. 0. Atkinson, eee • Mr cued Mrs. Stadelbasier ef London /spent Sundaeswith lefroand Mrs. P. Kraft. Quite a dumber fronashere •at- tended the funeral of the 4ate-Fersi eland rifts,. in eurieheseei Senitlay f tern loon. " Much 'symp'athy e;,Iteefeiteci to Mr, arid AIrs. A, HaugleselibMeurn the death of their iefasteaswho passed away. Mi hssi Ann* ,Bostseyibjirynolti Gr- and Bond Ipent the:weekeente7evith Alice Holtman. s Mr. and Mrs, Alien Bills of• De- treit visited with, eleteeecissiMrs. Hy, Rader over the week-efid. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. -Kieft 'sleeted in London ori Sunday.' Mrs. MilfordelticIseac of 'Detroit, 'spent a few days with Air. and Mrs. P. Mclsaae. • s s Mrs. Preeter is visiting hes, dau- ghter in London at present. Mrs. Hooper of Londbiie visited a few day, with her datighteiselles. ses- E. Geenther. Mr. and Mrs. d to Stratfored on Sunday...v., • Mr. and Mr ... aseS,GeettspeAlfs of, eeitorth, are visiting in...We, vic- inity. • .Rev. F. .5. Meyer •iessatteading Conference in Kitchenerethies. we- ek. The Dashwood .Band heel ;their annual election lest ,week. see The officers were installed aefollaws- Pressident, Klumees es-Secyl Wm. KleinT stiver• reas. — Mark Broisenehires Mr. - Ted. Welber was again hired as.leideeee The Band ha had a very- 4t.1:6-ce`ssial year, and is open - Tier eale engage- ments for the coming They are busy practising fora band concert to be held in _See' near fut- ure, tso keep that date sepses. Mr. Earl Guenther bees eueeliased a new -e-ton Intsrnational trusk aid made his fleet. trip to Lopdoe on Tuesday. - • Mr. Leonard: Birk„ who has been attending 0.A.C, aeGuelph. • is holidaying et his. leorneeherese: EXETER • The. Bank pee_fentegeale*eeeseerk 'men making eeltetaeiesese in eeheir hifice" and ,whee finiehed a big insprovement,„: • Mr. and Mrs. Harr. Ery. and s,on who have resided at •Rxeter for csome time moved to .Kitchener. The top cushions and ;Wiring of a car owned by S. Celia were destr owed in a fire. Arseceverflew the gas tank while tee' Motor was running was responsible., W. G. Medd willebeeegie of :the lass delegatea to attends tees United Chereh Council to, beheld ie.e. the •Tented Church„Monireals.,oe,t4itne 10th. An old resident ot..EN,atpaamerl away of April. 10 in the person ' Thos. flessk.t in his ,eOth Veer. , The cliscealed.had been ailing. forsmany vers. Wile a .teason bystrade and at onestime condeetee a livery hesiness in, Exiter, is survived by •hi Wid93,1;: daughters and one , . • The death occured oneeseril 11, of Edgar, Penrice, aged 21. -years.The deceased. was taken ill with,geppe which later turned eoeseensnonia. fenna which he never rPepyered. He is 'survived by his widow.. - Gertrude Compins dales -bier fles Mr .and Mrs. 141.1 e.'oireeein, had a narrow escape of drowning the other day when she 411 into the creek ,on Andrew at. She with several others were (playing on bank when • 'she 'ac.cidently fell in backwards, -there was- quite a cur- rent at the time, she was:grabbed by a couple of cornpaniens who at the 'Berne. time called. Ertr• held and was. palled out ley e edfsele of . ; bassi CREDITOR' .. • '741g ; Mee Hy. •elteairedoefeele. very111 and' eonenci. to' her' berd, 'else e Mr. and, Mrs. re7. turned.' to their home' in diAtir••••, nd „after visiting their claeghtere eeree , ' JohT. Bediore easeed: eievesi. Sunday las, aged 70 years.,,He had been ailing- ter some metithe • and was a resident of Ceeslito m n for °several year having retirpc1 from a farm on the 6th con,, where moat,of ,his life was spent, dems ing Stephen.when nie .years of age; ai4ouf years ago he, eves married' to his 'bereft widow, was a -member of the United church. Michael Mu*); born'irvtit4Piont Freudenetadt, WertemberWs"G'ere many, August 4, 1831,.departed this life at the hofine- Ole hie son, John. APril 0, 192e, aged 94 yeameind ' 8 month'. He came. to Am'ericaf in 186, leefite,on the homeetead now Oweee 'be his eon Johe'ee,Ile was among the first pioneers des the qommunity. All was original for est when he came Co SteeheneTp., Bears, wolves and deer.'Weee fre- quent visitors and intisepree fle lancet the timbees, great'letretnall cleared the land, built aesaiseetthen a leg house.; later a brick- dwelling Reeves', Meted in marriage teesElizs abeth sHeyrocke Aug. 27, 1851. sons sand .7, daughter s were given thent eOne e eon and two datigh- tera eref hie colepaniee Pretleceee ea lint, , trier, writin' and geogrephy will ates for the 1926 entrance ex -it -Jet the isubjesete Aritlereetic anti senetinatione have been ailliou cect. Monitore • will • raceocepy othe attest- .: "MO examination this year will op- tilizef th,y 'candidates; en the see - &n .on June eSth and conclude .o.f, owl day, and on the lest dayeorn '141felee IQ% 01) the first slay gram v.:A.41i, spAling and eestees • }IENSALL eteselaYs *Pell 22nd, 1926 Robt, Green of Detroit, visited his paeente here. Alvin Wurm wale taken to Lon- don Plo!spital for appendicitis. Mr, and eles. Christ Eliber of Zurich were visitors in town on Sunday last , Dr. Smith of •St. Marys. ,visited. with' friends here, Owen Geiger and Son have their flax. mill 'running at full capacity, with night and day ishifts to enable them to get their large !stele's:wor- ked up. • , Robt. Patterson, who has been cashier in Joynt's store for a long time has reegnied and will go into the insurance business,. Milton Ortwein of London, cal- led in the village. Our council is getting all: the snow and Ica hauuled off Main Street. David Geeomette is moving: back to the village, from the Bnonson Line, Hay Tp. aud occupying; his dwelling whish has been o,ceupied by W. L. Jones, who has moved to the London d. Pleased to report that Rev. Dr Fleteher and Mee' R. Boarthean, who have been very poorly are im- provisig. ,V4+44,14444".144+44.44+4"in 4.* • *t• •Ii• .. .. Ith if Announcement It + - tii• 31: 1 wish to inform the Public that 1 haS.. . A dissolved partnership with my former et . mi. orployer, and wish to announce that At ...11 ..t. . 1 have opened an tp4o.date Garage:41 + c in Mr. Hey's Block. (' +T. I AK IN A POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT SERVICE" 1: AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE.O.te CAL ALSO RE-, t: t 4 BUILD. AND CHARGE BATTERIES OE SHORT NOTICE.fa; 4.4m, :TM A FULL LINE OF GENUINE FORD PARTS FOR SALE 'CI' 1 AT FORD PRICAS . t ' It 11 s lATISFACTION . GIT.AIIANTEED _ C.* , •••=b ..ts ,. Day and. Night Service 4, 4f + 4* . 41 II, ANGEL, Prop. Alfred Taylor, one of our leo ectedected citizen's is on the sick The other evening, a meeting of the Hensel' PPublic Library board was held to eop the tend- ers for the position of Wearier's, and it .was found that Greta McNaugh- ton Iva% the lowest and was acc- epted, her tender being e4.00 at xr. or $1.62 a week. The librariams tel keep the library open. three afternoons and three evenigs a week. The death of John A. Mitchell, which occured here at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Fred Kennings, on April 11th, he was barn at Landsdown on December 184$ and' vas married in 187e, to the wife who now 'survives him .with teo eons and one daughter. Hehad lived for a number of year*. ,in• Dixie, Hay Tie, afterwards puree, ing to Stephen, and then to New Ontario until fuur years ago when he came to Heiman In politics a Conservative, -and in religion at,' Anglican. COUNTY NEWS. • At the concluding (session. of the Perth Co. Council it was decided' at appropriate $75,000 for- county roads in Perth this year. Of that amount a little over $10,000 wilt be expended for read machinery. A class of 27 nurses wei graduate from the Victoria -Hospital on May, 5th. Among those are the names 'of E. Laura 'Holtzman, Creditoe; Ethel K. Hicks, Centralia and An- nie M. McLachlin, PParkhill. Creameries in the ,soutlierrs pl. are preparing to introduce the new isystern of grading cream made necessary by government regulat- ion's. ' Each patron wilt receive a small cream can and the cream swill' be graded and paid 'far on ita: merits. The grades Are special, first, isecond and third. The Cen- tralia creamery adopted the in- dividual 'ssestern and Exeter, Win cheisea and Dashwood are now preparing for it. Plans are now said to. be near- ly completed for the leg .drainage work, eovering an area of 60;00e 'acres and affecting the T,ps. of Mc Gillivrase Bosanquet, E. Witiarns, Stephen and town of PPaieshill. The work calls for the steepening. of the Aux Sable river.. up to Gr- and Bend. About 1,000 ratepay- eea will beeaesessed for the, drain, which will, cost about 45,000. • It, ie 'rarely that farmers ex- perience trouble .through • eats; worrying !.Iseeps but erson of East Getteeerepeete.',.that tecently he wax tereed.toki1 a cat which had worried two eheep to death. A sitting W tho Supreme get. of Ont was held in the Goderieb courthouse on Tuesday east with Justice. Lennox on the bencereehere were esnly, two cases on the dock et and the lsitting lasted only '3' hours. HENSALL. C. N. R. TRAIN CONNECTrOvS • MORNING Sonth, Kippen • 8,22 2.1FE, South Hensall 8.32 am. South, Exeter .. ...8.47 Stage leave Zurich 7.00 a.m. North, Exeter .........10.10 a.m. North, Hensel! /0.30 a.m. North, Kippers -10.35 a.m. jhritHNOON South, ItiOpen South, Hetisall 4,50p.m. South, Et ete.r ... es ...5.05 p.m. Stage leave Zurich -.3.00 p.m. North Exeter .„ 6.04 p.m, North, Hensall 6.18 pare North, Jeippen s„ se .p.m. •" ' ' 1,".kt" ' ++44413-1-1444444+14.44+4+++4**44.4•+1,++44+444++++++411 "MY ,e24,G7 • • . • `0•'::%. urich's Opportunity Creates! Value in Clothes for Men 125 to 150 CENTS FOR YOUR $1.00 It's the Wonder and envy of the Tailoring Trade. How we do it is our business That we Do it is your business YOUR SPRING SIJIT • NADE-TO-PilEASURE. ap esepaRtpeD,WOOLENS.DIRECT FROM THE MILLS TOamelaYOUi HUNDREDS OF THE VERY LATEST SHADES AND :PATTERNS' Tee CHOOSE FROM ' 00IVIE. AND. SEE ITS: • • • Good Freesia& Skillfully done lay a real Tailor, is as Refresh- ieg to Your Suit, as a good 'night's sleep is to you. PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. , Sill tf. E. E. WVERTH Tailor, Men's Furnishings - Zurich, Ont. Where the Good Clothes come froin 4;:engoacocRecieeeesteeee---.80-4*. 4 • AMANiaitiViiiiMAMMMWMakWANYM • ••• Zoiicb. Drug •Store'll' We Ilave a eoxnplete supply of Toilet l'repataticinwi a n 4 ;\., • , • I \-J- -Ment • • • 4444444++++++14”4444444.4./4 . • Our 'Stock:Of Stationery comprises: Writing Tablets of all sizes, Fine Boxed Stationery, Fountain Pens at • • a variety of Prices • Drug Sundries of All Kinds PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Dr. A. J. 'MacKinnon, Zurio4 wommemmentmlymommmiwymo •