HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-22, Page 2e Far h Flavor of cielticlotis .0M ��- Mark beside him, related the incident of Giuse1 pe's ghost. "You diol the trick to a miracle," he said."You're a born actor, my son., and you came; and taint and got 4way with it just as well as mortal Titan could wish, and far better than I. hoped,' Well, Della was fine. We I stung hint all right, and when be saw and thought he recognized the reel Robert Redmayne, it got hini in the solar plexus—I'm doggone sure of , that, For just a moment be slipped, but how could he help it? "You nee the beauty of his dilemina. —' —if he'd well straight, i h ,. ha'd have gone knew you; cnou i wa't straight. Ile is preserved in the air -tight "��' for g that his Robert Red- �iaCi.et. Finer than a 'h�' a mayne—the forgery—wasn't on the GUIC71powder'o Insi:9t U iofl A LAD s� 1 warpath to -night; and when T said I saw nothing,he pulled ed himself to- gether and swore he „hadn't either. And the next second he realized what he had done! But too late. I had my hand on my shooting iron in my pocket 8y after that, I can tell your" ' Peter then indicated Ms purpose. EDENustPNtLR�7tDYT3 by so doing, we andel- "He'll so quickly and, w�!%r_ "He'll not guess we're moving quite t�► Y 'WO # R.W.sA►TI@ pate his stroke. That, at least, is soul ED qCTMAYIIE$ what I mean to attempt with your help, if possible. To -night and t o- morrow morning I peep beside Albert; • then you must do so; because, after BEGIN HERE TO -DAY. . other's book reminded him of an inti- lunch, I have a meeting with, the local dent. police down the lake at Como. The Mark Brendon, criminal investi- "A funny little thing happened yes- warrant will :be, waiting for me and 1 gator, is trying to soave the mystery terday afternoon that I forgot," he shall return after dark in one of the of the disappearance of Michael, hus- said. "I'd turned in, leaving my note- ,_,^,_.._...�...r band of Jenny Pendean. Jenny's uncle, -�� �" r,. head, when there came a Robert Redmayne, is missing and sus- .ivvr� by ..., - --_ petted of murder. visitor to my room. I wag asleep all Jenny goes to live with her uncle, right, but my heaviest sleep won't hold Bendigo Redmayne. Robert visits through the noise of a fly on the win- Bendigo's neighborhood and sends dowpane; and lying with .my face to word to his brother to meet him in a the door I heard a tiny sound and lift - word oave. Giuseppe Doris, who, ed one eyelid. The door opened and works for Bendigo, takes his master � ' to the meeting place. When Doria calls! Signor Doria put his nose in. Over he to bring Bendigo home he finds an': came as quiet as a spider, ands I let. g g him get within a yard. Then.I yawned empty cave. ! Jenny marries Doria and they •o and shifted. He was gone like a mos - to live in Italy, where Jenny's unc.e, I quite, and half an hour later I heard Albert Redmay-ne, lives. Robert is seen i him again. But I got up and he didn't in Italy. Peter Ganns, famous Amer -1 do more than listen outside. He want - in detective, assists Brendon in his ed that book bad—you can guess how investigations. Brendon meets Robert „ and the latter shoats at the detective. `haFor two days 11i x. Ganns declared NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. I that he must rest; and then there came Brendan demurred. "Remember, l an evening when he privately invited! Doria to a walk. I Pm not a stranger to him, Ganns. I' "There's takea few I'd like to i inw and spoke with him by the pool, put to you,"he said. "You • needn't 1 things Foggintor Quarry before the mur- let on to anybody, else about it and i der." • we won't start together. You know; with"What of i c You've neverhspoken my favorite stroll up the hill. Meet' you've him since; and, what'e more, me at the corner—say seven o'clock." never seen him since, either. Giuseppe gladly agreed. You've seen a forgery.- It was a forg- They ascended the side by'side, ery that looked at you on your way and the elder invited hill side Doria's aid. back to Dartmouth in the moonlight. "Between ourselves," he began, "I Ito was a forgery that robbed av the dorm am not too well pleased with the way for food and lived ins the cave and gut this inquiry is panning out. In plain Bendigo that tried throat. you was words there's some dope coming i forgery that tried to shoot and be- tween Mark and his work, and I should like to hear what you think of him, you being an independent witness missed." I11.r Ganns took snuff again and continued. "Mind," concluded Peter, who had spoken without ceasing for nearly two hours, "I'm not saying that I am right. I'm only saying that, wild though it sounds, it fits and makes a logical story even though that story beats all experience. It night have happened; and if it didn't happen., then I'm damned if I know what did, or what is happening at this moment." Brendon delayed his answer and his face was racked with many poignant emotions. "I can't believe it," he replied at length, in a voice which indicated the extent of his mental amazement and perturbation; "but I shall nevertheless do exactly as you direct. That is well within my power and obviously nay duty." "Good boy. And now we'll have something to eat. You've got it clear? The time is all important." • Mark scanned his notebook in which he had made voluminous entries. Then he nodded and shut it. Suddenly Mr. Ganns laughed. The t 911111 VJI "The door opened and Signor Doria put his nose in." THE What's an a Mame? Do names matter? According to the a•ilherents of numerology, to -day's very latest craze, they do. Phes�s ingenloais people have discovered• that the rela- tion of certaln'ilumbers to the letters of your name may vibrate you to suc- cess or failure. Students of human nature have el - ways realized that names count, and have . acted en their belief. The Shakespearian oritic and biographer of King Edward, Sir Sidney Lee, who died reoently, was undoubtedly wise in changing 'h1 name from Lazarus to Lee, which' he did, on Dr. Jowett's ad- vice, when at Oxford. A publisher once sat in his office to interview the writer of a manuscript, which his 'reader had des�eribed as "a. novel of rare passion and power, prob- ably the work of a woman of mature experience." When a girl of seven- teen was ushered in, the publisher de- clined to discuss the book with her— he wanted to see the author. "I ani the author," the astonishing young person replied; and the pub- lisher then set to work to invent a pen name for her which would tare the public fancy. The lady is now known all over the world as "Victoria Cross." Then take the case of fascinating Claire Windsor, of film fame. Miss Windsor- thought thiut name would sound better in the ears of film 1302 enthusiasts than liar rightful one, which is Olga Oronk: Gusei•e Apfel felt likewise when she emerged screenwards as Lala Lee, whilst recently the Fox Film Corpora- tion orpora tion announced that "Miss Beatrice Burnham, after giving the matter much consideration; has changed her closely to those in vogue for the elder name to Inez Rene, to match her Latin woman, and the cape in all its varia- tions is authoritative. When the little miss of four to fourteen years of age goes walking; how proudly she'll trip CAPE IS ADOPTED BY THE JUNIOR MISS. Fashions for the young miss adhere personality." 4 A little cold tea mixed with warm water and. applied with a soft woollen along in this smart model, styled with Goth will make stained woodwork look attractive simplicity, and developed bright and fresh. • Of the 669 professions listed in the United States, women are engaged in 632. in one of the new tweeds, homespuns or wool plaids. There is a seam over each shoulder and two slashed open- ings for the arms. The collar is of comfortable design, and niay be worn turned batik to form revers. No. 1302 is in sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 years requires 2%/a yards 39 - inch, or 1% yards 54 -inch material, with 2 yards 36 -inch lining: Price 20c. Our new Fashion Book contains many styles showing how to dress boys and girls. Simplicity is the rule for well-dressed children. Clothes of character and individuality for the � little black boats of the doganieri. We junior folks are hard to buy, but easy I shall come up with lights out and land to make with our patterns. A small at the villa. amount of money spent on good ma - "Your part will be to keep Albert terials, cut on simple lines, will give in sight and watch the. others." children the privilege of wearing ador- An hour later the detectives saw able things. Price of the book 10c Signor Poggi to his boat and then the copy. J walked home with Mr. Redmayne. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. { Peter had provenderconcealed about II he explained . - Write your name and address plain - and a pretty shrewd cuss.' his person and presently p eatterns as you want. Encesse 20e in "Marco is in love with my wife," now e hand to your gabrics your aurbelows and qourPurse Lux is economical because: Inexpensive to bay— makes clothes last longer and— used according to directions, a very little goes a long way. • There is only one LUX. It is made by Cavell Brothers Lim- ited, Toronto, and sold only in packages, neves in bulk. Use LUX tor the whole .Family.... Wash Lever Brother'sLimited 1,531 'r'orotito 'to his friend that ..things were lY, giving number .and size of such answered Giuseppe calmly. "That is come to a climax. what's the matter with him. And, as At the villa Brendon left tiand I don't trust my wife in this affair Jenny welcomed her uncle. %. a girl and still believe that she knows more begged Mark to come in for a while about the red man than anybody else,. before returning; but it was late and I think, as long as she hoodwinks Mr. Ganns declared that everybody Brendon he will be no manner of use to you." Peter pretended to be much aston- ished. They proceeded slowly and Peter 1tept the ball of conversation rolling while be pretended to be very busy with his plans and projects. clared the old book lover found himself Then a very strange thing happen- ed. For there stood Pabert Redmayne, Iindisposed. Ganns then announced his intention his great, red head and huge mustache, going later to the town of Como, thrusting out of the gloom. He stared( and he invited Doria and Brendon to quite motionless. His hands were by 1 accompany him; but Mark, already his sides; the stripes of his tweed familiar with the part he had to play, declined, while Giuseppe also declared himself unable to take the trip. "I must make ready to return . to Turin," he said. "The world does not stand still while Signor Pietro is catching his red man. I have business, and there is nothing to keep me here any lodger." After luncheon Mr. Ganns set off— in ffin a white waistcoat and other adorn-. rents; Giuseppe also left the villa, promising to return in a few hours; and Brendon joined Albert in his sleeping apartment. Redmayne was dressed and lying on a couch beside the window. "This subterfuge and simulation of ill health are most painful to the," he declared. "I am exceeding well to- day and all the better for our delight- ful dinner of last night. For nobody' less than dear Peter would I ever sink to pretend anything; it is contrary to my nature and disposition so to do.» Doria returned for a while during the afternoon. He drank wine, ate fruit and addressed most of his con- versation to Brendon, who spoke with him in the dining room for a while. Jenny said nothing. Then Doria turned to her and bade her pack his clothes. (To be continued.) ' must retire. Mark presented himself early on the following day. And it was Jenny who first saw hini. Then Peter Ganns joined then. "How is uncle " asked Mr. Red- mayne's niece, and Albert's friend de - jacket could be seen and the gilt but- tons on the familiar red waistcoat. Doria started violently, then stiffen- ed. For a moment he failed to conceal his surprise and cast one look of evi- dent horror and amazement at the apparition. . "What's wrong?" asked Peter. "Did you see him—right in the path —Robert Redmayne?" But the other only stared at Gins seppe and peered forward. "I saw nothing," he said; where- upon like lightning, the Italian's man ner changed. His concern vanished and he laughed aloud. "What a fool --what a fool am 1! It was the shadow of the shrinel" _ Ganns instantly dismissed the sub- ject and appeared to attach no import- ance whatever; to it; but Doria's niood was altered. • He becanie less expan- sive and more alert. "We'll turn now," announced Peter half an hour afterward. "You're a smart lad and you've given me a bright thought er two. We must lec- ture Mark." f ,8 U IJ o 'l6 t26. stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap. it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St„ Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Minard':: Liniment for colds. MEMEOMMOIMEESINI TORONTO OFFERS BEST MARKET FOR A Fantasy. When out of Heaven Prometheus brought The fire to Earth, he dropped a spark; And where it tumbled, Nature wrought A fire -filled crocu.s.for a mark. —Norman Gale. CHAPTER XVI. THE LAST OF THE RFDINJAYNES.. For the night immediately following Doria's experience at the old shrine, Albert Redmayne and his friend, Vir- gilio Poggi, had accepted 1,Xark Bren- don'sinvitation to dine at the hotel Victoria, where he still stayed. In order that he might enjoy psi- nate conversation with I3rendon and, at'the same time, keep a close watch upon Albert, Ganns had proposed the dinner party at the hotel and directed Brendon to issue the igvitation as soots as Itedmayne returned home. Wholly unsuspicious, Signor Poggi and Albert appeared in the glory of seeks'liis mate by the olfactory sense. soft white shirt fronts and rather Among insects the organs of smell rusty evening black, A special mealare looted Inthe antenna or paips. was prepared for their pleasure and dale bumblebees with the antenna re- moved caai not lied their urates. Some crustaceans seem to possess organs of smell on the autennues.. Insects' Sense of Smell. Many insects have a keen sense of smell,' A piece of decaying meat so covered that it can not be Been will, ori a warns day, attract numerous flies, some of which apparently scent it at a dista;n'ce where no odor is discernible to man. Many of the social insects recognise the members of their household by smell and the male of some species the four partook of it In a private Chamber at the hotel, They their., ,d- journed to the smoking -room, and anon, when Poggi and his companion were deep in their all -sufficing sub - distant with '" a `•---- Jed, Peter, a f+sW yards Minard's Liniment used by pliysieia1ns. "DIAMOND DYE" ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY dust Dip to Tint or Boil to Dye Eacii 16 -cent pack age contains direr tions so simple any woman can tint soft, delicate shades or dye rich, permanent colors in lingerie, silk, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, C o a t s, stockings, sweaters, draperies, soverin.gs, hangings ---evsrythii:g 1 Buy Diamond Dyes—no other kind and' tell your druggist whether the ma, aerial you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. ' Use SAWS and Machine Knives SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. MONVDEAI. 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Don't be the slave of your cooking ware; equip with clean, pure sani- tary, lasting MIMS Enameled WARE IS1A