HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-22, Page 1Vol. XXVI No 42 Use these ailumns to Advertise your Spring line of Merchandise ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1926. Chester L Smith, Publish*. $1.25 a Year In Advisee*, OA IN ARRIDARS, $2 11/t AY BE 014-ARGRYA 184111111DODOINDOMPSIDERMENIODetanialgeDeitilD411P4MIUDGatititNIDti DOB r? • Spring Offerings s OF q-ARDEIN SEEDS - e Ala° Kodaks, Patent lledicines% Sta,tionery, Boxed Candy,Icecreani 1 Groceries, Crockery, Cigctrs, Tob- ?, hapeo and. Cigarettes III WAIN Wagner - Phone 91 104211111700641111/11MITEMIZIOGIMENEKINNINDit DitilE104 D41111110GEMBIDQUIRAea i AT LAST ....,,.:- I1: PAGE 6' 4.. .4. Six Tube Radio Complete ,..+ 1 '.For $115.00 , , '...- , t ...... , 4. I Including Aerial 2 Large 45 Volt B. Bat- t. * teries. 11-p1ite, Storage, A., Battery. Any * +++ make Loud Speaker Value $.20.00 (Compare this set with others for the Pr:4:e. We cam a + * 4complete Stock of Radio Supplies. .1. t E OESCH Zurich 4. 444+44.H44444•S4+44441.4.4444 if++444+4444++++++++444.44441 esevesseeeseeefik,ifireopilesteliseireete.•••••••• seessei5.1 1 4' I Spring Footwear ! • • i Fashionable ..„, • • .• ,-.., ,,,,,,ip , • II i New Spring „„, ,;-.- 7- ' "---,1 if • - - : ' ' 1 41. . ,i., 4 ----- ._ , .. • • • la • le , '' '',/,,,, ,• \ i 1.,. , :•..Vr...4," • „ / ., l'A I IfrilT ,L•••,,„ , .`,,,,,,I, :Z, • , ; : - 1 .• • '. ,' t ••'''' ' 4 * ..:,' ,,, .:_ ,,,A • ., • . I • 1 a , :1 e I • a e • a • • i Style means I Fine Value. • i Everybody i wants t k e a e w styles f s r Easter ,,, Yee will find in 2 \carry a full 2 wearing LIFEBUGY Rubbers our Store You- will get better values. of Rubber Boots. Trtoect your health Pictures Under the ,auspices of the Zur- ich Jubilee Band, al moving tura show will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, commencing,ai 8 p.m. Saturday, April 24th. Ad- mission 20c. Children under 12, 10c. EVERYBODY COME. NEW BUDGET • in pretenting his budget 'Hon. J. A. Robb, Minister of Pinnace', annotnced some reductions in. in- come taxes. The auto tariff was hit the hardest, as *from the pres- ent 35e duty on the. dollar, theifol- lowing prices . prevail;—autos sel- ling not more than $1200 now 20c. autos valued at more than $1200 271)4c. and to encourage Canadian auto industry drawback of 2:5 per cent. will be paid on materials used in manufacturing cars provid ed that at least 50 per cent of the cost of the finished articles in prcduced in CCanada. The nat- ianaj debt was also reducedby 22 million dollars, and it will take 100 years of such shrewd financing to pay off our whold , national debt. 44-4 CLINTON SPRING SHOW The fair was to have been held on Aprilkst, but owing to .the bliraard raging at that time • iti• wars polstponed to the 15th and had a real good fair day. The entries Were not as heavy as last year owing to no horses coming from the north, In the evening an old time fiddlers' Competition was held in the town thiS was keenly contested and largely attended; the fellov.ing were . the winners— 1st, Wm. C'ollin9, Brace - field; 2nd Miss Alberta McKinnon Kincardine; 3rd, Thos. Rands, Sea - forth; 4th, Bert .Boyce, Brum- field. In all 14 prayed in this con- test. The program was varied: with stop dances by Miss P. Boyce, of Brucofiald; Mrs. F. Boyee, Vara nia; Wm, Phillips, Goderich, Adam and Fenwick Stewart of Clinton. 4-4 FOUND GUILTY Wm, Armstrong, of the 'Bron- son line, Stanley, was up before Magistrate Reid, of Goderich at Heasall on April. 1.2th, charged with piegioct to provide for his 'stock. Dr Campbell of Henaall, who, went back to the Armstrong farm with Flaw. Officer Whitesides de- scribed the condition he found the • stock. in. The building whet° the We a, is stock .wa.s kept was Very 'dirty,and by 0 the animals were is a starving con - a number having died.0o- • unty Constable Block of Zurich, REPAIRING NEATLY DONE es was called and told how he had made several trips up there find ing the stock in bad Condition and no fr,ed, but since the charges were .seme hay had been bought BRONVN 13ROS)• SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY 0061100064,0.11#00.19106641000601141011111414100111000111011•000010***. w • DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED! ,•'s* The Talk of the 'Town are these New Styles and 'Values 4.••*4•2 ***44***+++4***4* 41. 4 44, At, 9 4 4 114, T pgiTop Suit or Overcoat $24 t 4 • 4* $18 $24 $28 AGENT FOR OF THE LARGEST MADE TO MEASURE FIRMS. OVER 1000 .SAMP- LES TO CHOOSE FROM, ••••••••*mommooramoyimi,..........orod.••••••.• -40 4 .4 .4 4 GASCHOS kfifixii:0 STAND ••••••40.4104,40.4,44.4,4041.644.***********404.44,0,10,0*.s.e. EVERY.GAR,IMENT •GUARANTEED PERFECT nat MONEY REFUNDED, The. Man who. comes here once for his clothee„ irtvariably. ComoS back teturrtu, because his clothes have given. splen- did service„ tuck en can not be found elses(kere at such pr- ices. Vire are giad. to fallow our new srainples, sod -snits and prove to yos what values we really have.„ Pli10.10 t7 4- laid, and the stock was getting in better condition. The Magistrate gave, MrArmstrong a warning and fined him $10 and Casts, the whole amount being $32.87, or 30 days in the county jail. Mr. Armstrong. rialcl the fine and promised to do better, vom.•••••••••••=1•••=11! CHURCH NOTES polowommumplemommumommow, '64`er.• • Pg. *--,-"Z ti* REGINA WATCHES Mr. E. E. Wuerth motored to London on Friday. Mr, and Mrs, T. L. Wurm were visitors to Bayfield on Sunday. Misses Ruth a„nd Dorothy Bren- ner left for Kitchener on Monday. Mr. Ed, !Meaner of Briyfieldft Was in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Haberetwere Monday visitors at Dashwood. Miss Beatrice Mist- of Crediton, visited Mrs. M. 0, Milliken on Sun d ay. • Mr. Lenard Rau of Detroit, vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Rau, over Sunday. Mrs. Lee W. Hoffmasisis visiting her sister, Mrs. W. F. Braun at Forest. Mrs. E E. Wuerth left for Kit- chener on Monday where she will Visit tor a week. Miss Dorothy Frits, nurse in training, at victoria Hospital,Lon- don, was a Sunday visitor at her home here. The. death took place on Tues- day April 20th, of Alex. Wilds, 'a old an dhighly, respected resid- ent of Stephen Township. Mr. Robert Eisenbach of Kit - liner Motored arp on Sonardwyand visited relatives 'here. Robert 'says his Studebaker made the heavy wads with ease, ' The moving pictures shown in the Town Hall on Sattriday even- ing were well attended and of a good type, another supply laif pictures have been procured which will be run off on Saturday even- ing of this week. Everypo.cliy come. Mr. Jacob Ortwein, of the Bron- son Line, was called to Sebwaing; Mich, owing to the sudden death - of his sister, ?ibis Ida Ortweitn. who died last Wednesday and was hurried on Sunday. She had be-, cd. staying with her sister, Mrs- Tieta. of' that ,place. The late Miss Ortw eiri wars well and favorably known in Zurich haveing ,spentaa- most of her tinae, here, and her : We are o1fieial Agents, for these well known Regina Watches, Timed almost eq. ual to Railroad movements. Guarranteed. Come in and tee these. W. G. Hess & Sons COAT, BUY THE BEST, IT IS TRW CHEAPEST. GENUINE H Lackawana• AND D L & W Scranton, DIRECT FROM THE MITE& SOFT COAL, GENUINE Kpx..., TUCKY MILLERS CREEK, COL GENUINE BY PRODUCTS' Our Telephones are at your aezia vice, the information is free. c HENSALL ONT., Phones—office low. House •••••••••••••••••••494* 0 *••••••••••••••••••44F00111111.11r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4/a • call at once and settle same. ,, I • Notice. My Accounts are now ready, and any persons indebted to me kind1i • • FRED THIEL - ZURICH • • r++4444444.1.44444444.4444.44044.444.4444+++4441! 4 4 many Zurich friends are sorry to learn of her demise. LATE FERDINAND HESS After a !serious illness, 'extendL in„a for carer a, period of two yea 'ard, the death took place at hiS home here on Wednesday of last week, April 1.4th of Mr. Ferdin- and M. Hess, aged 56 years, • 2 months and 5 days. The lateMi. Hess was a well known business man of Zurich, having conducted the carriage, and wagon business with which he was connected from his youth. He was born in Zur- ich) and lived here his whole life- time, except for a numberof years' when he was engaged! in a. aimiriar business in Grafton, N.D: His illness came upon him gradu- ally and although the best med- ical skill and advice wan sought and care was given, and an oper- ation performed some :wars ago, bia tormerg ood healthy failed to •return and when pleurisy set in about ten days prior tto his de- parture, he became gradually Were you at our 'service on Sun- , weaker and passed peacefully a - dna evening, the church was ti/-wty on Wednesday- afternoon, lsd .almoIst to capacity, the at !April f,4th, .1926. The funeral was. aaalance is growing as the sseason hold on Sunday midi was verylaa-. itt, advancing, Last Friday even- gely attended, interment teal'? :taa we had 50 attending ottr devot- wide in the; Lutheran cemetery. nal hour of Prayer and Praise., The pallbearers were; MosFu-s. H. 1,e't us meet you there this Friday Yungblut, 0. 0.• Schilba, 3, Fuss, availing at 7.30 p.m, IT, F. We,sefolh, L Weber,andir. CY Kalbfleisch. Ho is .survived byhia EN'T SUNDAY ; bnreaved widow, and two daugh- ters, Mrs. (Bev) L Kalbfleisch Morning worship at MO a an, Elmira and AVss Ethel at bjoule, ba- a ieToticwal hour, i;lt which 1V(r, sides five sisters and five brothers, Colin Campbell of Bayfield will be Among the who attaaded the Mr. and ganday Sch,00l at 11.90. aan, Mrs. Q. N'. UggArt Wld Al newt]. from a distance Nvere;— (1, speaker. 730 p.. Service, iter. '0. Sehaag. Mr. and Mrs. A, 3. Raabe of S6tith. 'Mil annoy the pulpit. Come Bend, Ind., Mr Wm. Hess, of Pon - and hear the good old message. tine, Mich.; M4 T, 137. Reu% Toronto trammel Evangelical Church ZURICH — ONT, ' £ yoU are not a Christie o Ought to bO, Mr, Fred. :F.P.s.S•\ , LOD t101) ; Mr. and Mrs, G. Bisaett, goderich; Mr. and 'Mrs, G. Wilsian, Centralia; Rev, F. T7-twpIcl Taw Dundee; Mr, and W. IVA% Xitthell and natty othezt, 4 4 4 Far Mil ad Slash You need these RUBBER 3 3 ars 4 EVERY FARMER — EVERY A:LEMBER OF HIS FAMILY —EV ERY MAN WHO WORKS. OUT DOORS IN ALL KINDS. • OF WFATHER NEEDS THE DRY FOOT COMFORT GIVEN BYLAttic DaiselINION RUBER BOOTS. We carry a full line of Rub' her Eoots for every member or t the family, Men Woment 1.1,;t 0.1tiliclre0. O. FRITZ & SON E ++ . 1 •••••101.011.111•1111•111(.1110! ...somempommiumidilk NEW GOODS 1 We have opened up a lot of uew Spring and Summer Goods, in Prints, ainghain s, Voiles, Broad- cloth, Galatea, Etc. .ALSO OT.T.R.VAIN GOODS, SHIRTINGS, PLANNELETTES„ TICK- ING, COTTOO,TADE. SEE OM HARNESS REPA.IES AND SWEAT PADS* ETC, A FUU4 LINE OF PRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. 'Highest Prices for Produce R. N. DOUGL A GENERAL MERCIFSAAfT PHONE 11 - 97 BLALKi