HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-15, Page 8ake Cheerful Homes '.: groat advantage of Walipaper is that if offers 1 range from . which to 'choose the right ciecor- .ation:for every room in . the ilouse We invite your inspection of our large range of patterns. We have now in Stock 68 designs in the different widths namely 13 -in. 22 -in. and some, of 30 -in. patterns. Our Prices are Right. Cone and see J. G.SCHO SONS Produc WLulted Pharte 59 Zurich's Garage bias, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs \GENUINE - 'URD PARTS MUST it. if,cy rt t v l+' U A ti [PMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS L. TE Dashwood 1. An auction 'salsa Or live tst till be h.ti 1 on'\u;t i' G la7r, Ap :� t onth'o Bab t , :', 1? -4 n'x aurin, of the Lake Roaa, Olef I? er°sear is the propri : tor, while Arthur Weber the auctioneer, Mrs,J, CCo�o . Drumlao visiting her moth •.r, airs, Brea nor, Mrs. S. God.tst ii i .t ui Seafortla a'i:siting with a .' ,d„ tnghter,ll rs., 1'v m. Stade. Miss L. Coate E c_'�ter•, s1 nt a few dayis with • .Elfrieda, r ,Sahroe'der last test Miss T. Zimmer i' turored to' ,De troit after spending a week with her parents. - Mi:�. P Humble and children'of . eris cir 4a 4. .-.,rid with Mrs, C•, Finkbein; r. Mr. Jack Guenth.2r of Windsor, spans: the wet -and at his, home ;here.' Mrs. Duncan Snider and -Mr. Elmer Restemeyer were •removed - to St. Joseph's Hospital; London where they underwent an' aper ion for appendicitis. . t'tirrca; , .Fr I:A'r•t ril k+t, 4'. i'V' ,1 Butter � lb... .. c .., ... ot Eg,g Ile Pot o es.per big aft,,,, 'PR' 1 cl- Wheat 1Mr• t ar1eY Bu+kwt beat* SCHOOL REPORT Easter report Of Dashwood pub lie School No. 16, Stophen.. Room III Sr. V -Harold Kellerman 69%, Marguerite Held 67, Harry, Hoff- man 58. Jr.. V -Florence Guenther .. 69, Catherine IVIcEachen 62, ' Sr. IV -Helen N,adiger' 88, Ruth. Rlein'stiv 3r II 7, Ivan Lippert 70, :Earl Witmer 72, Nelda Fas'sold 68, Elda Kraft 66, Ruth Meyer 64, ]?earl Render 54, Jr. IV -Sadie. Held 78, Zeta Nad iger 76, Beta Hayter. 65, 'Margaret Willert 64, Selma. Genttner 63, Edna Fisher 61, Wallace Wein 61, Oneida Re'steineyer 59, Ervin Gu- nenther 53. Number on roll 22, Average attendance for the term 20.9. ` P. 13. Moffat, Principal. Room II. - Sr. III -Florence Baker 84%, Ma- urice Klun' pp 76, Gertie Roffman 76, Sophie Stire, Pearl Schade 73, Melvin Restenr'yor 72, Victor Kr- ,aift 61, Verna Kraft 61, Addison 55, Ethylia Held absent, illness. Jr III -Ruth Tiernan 85, Amelia Willert 81, Harry ?Ylillr 79, Kath- leen Merner 73, Howard Shenek 72, Earl Zimmer 70, Stuart ,Wolfe 70, Renttner 66, Melvin ,Shade 66, Ger- ald Matson GO,. Oliver Stai u's 30, Irene Genttner 30, Sr. II-.A.rnetta Eveland 86. Rosie Willert 83, Lanra Witmer '81, Lorna Kraft 80,.. Hubert Resteni- ever 72, Sheldon Wein 72, Gladyfs Maier 68, Thelma Fisher 67, EI1or- etta Witmer 60, Leonard, Re'stern- ever 54, Melvin Mason 41, ' Melvin Schlundt 40. fIF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. N WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO , AN C) ca i1AER ('HEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GTE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- . ERY, BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTitICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE \+'1?i,T)TNG. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE i:V1,0 a sseau Zurich 614'v+n>aEWd /peoveiDe seep-00000ig0+>b0000000 00041000000000000000000 b . . SEEDB i ,:,2„..,,,._.. S • 2 • Our supply of Clover Seeds of all • It N kinds have arrived, and are walla • i a position to supply the de.r.ao.d of of every farmer in the community o • 'at sr�i easr�ncZble prices • WE ALSO BUY A.LL KINDS OP CLOVER SEED FOR WHICH r HIGHEST PRICES ARL• PID ACCORDING TO QUAL- : ITY. • • INCUBATORS• • •• • • • •• WE ARE AGAIN. liCANDLING THE QUEEN INCUB.,1.TOR AND i I BROODER, THIS IS JUST A LITTLE THE BESI' INCUi3 ATOR ON TT -T1? MARKET. C 1?RODTJC ' MORE T-[.EAL Y STRONG CHICKS THAN ANYALT. IN OTHER MAKE.AND LET US DEMONSTRATE Tma O •. YOU, amber on 13011 .34, l,v erage attendance 3t. Letta R. Guenther, Teacher. Room I Jr. TI -Milton Willert 85, Mary Mevei. 78, Phyllis Reid 77, Ella 'Breland 77, Howard Kiuntpp' 70, Ila Mason 70, Lorne Genttner 69, rlv'angelin^ Field °8. Albert Goetz, Harold Kraft 57, Margaret Reatem eyer 55, Mervyn Willert 54, Harry Rinker 50, Regina Miller 47. • Jr. I -Alice Beaver 71, Edna I4faior 61, Dougrts Sb,enck 63, Mabel Bender 58, Verda :Rinker 47. ;" No on roll 25. Average attendance 23. Grace Kellernia.n, Teacher. STEPHEN COUNCIL. The Council of the Township of Step) -?n convened in Hall, Cxedii,on, on M:: ,rt'.; t . ril 5th, at 1 :1T,m1 All member's 'vee present. Minutes of previ- 0u1 meeting were a^ead and adap- ted. The clerk informed the council that be had gii•on due,,notice to the true,tae's of S.S. NOB, 6 �and,11 in reference to the application of Mrd Joseg)hine Dietrich to have her land's taken from S.S. No.6 and ,ad- ded to S S,N�o.11 After hearing they representative for Mr's. Dolt - rich, and the Trustees presence it was decided on "T:hat., the prayer of the petitioner' Mrs. Josephine Dietrich be granted and that a, By-law be passed altering the boundaries ob S.S, Nos. '9, and 11 ro that Lot No, 18 in the 12th con- cession b•^ assessed to S.S.. No. 11 instead of S.S. No, 6. Sy Saw I o. 342, being a,byrlaw to alter the boundaries o f S.S. No, • O AND BE CONVINCED • having ,been read three time's . be ;rased and :signet by the 'Reeve .and Cleaak and the 'seal' of the Cor potation attached.. Mr, I. R C'<avling waited 'on the cou.ncil'in reference to: an accident 1Mts, Mollard had on:the 4th and 5th. concessions in November last. That in reference to 'the claim' of MVA. Vtn tta Mallard as presen- ted by her +solicitor !'or damages h..aulsed by her car slipping off ;the,road, be it resolved 'that .no i.71 'tic ii t b^ tris. in the matter rtnrl that the clerk forward a, notice to feet. clerk in ora ed the eouneil that in accordance -with the reclti-,1 _ ••410•• r 644••••••rrirM•Nr414144 ii4144411MN • tit •'•sessessese•••••••••• • 6 il so `'V'E ALSO HAVE A 11'ULL LINE OF SAP PAILS, SPILFS 4 AND PANS FOR SYRUP MAIIN( ,• • a�.r�a• • ROSEGASOLENE • . 04 I.r,w.! Y'S 7+T7r.l, O1" "PEP" AND QUICK STARTING. T.13I : '4'V'i.r.L .IDSP 1 \1,1.x' NOTICED IN COOL WEATi3En. • cert .,. , • •l' t ' E e44, • .,,,,,„ ZURICH , - ONT. slat -of theA petkiic Oi eating held in `.Town Hall "'[sono, time ago ria;, ID • • • • s • Flr,ur Shirts, per ton Bran pc r ton- .....,. ICl.gs cwf, ,' N ednestiay) 40 ... 2,0-24-26 .. ... 2.00 1.25 60 65 4753,75 .34,00 32,00 13,00 SWIM illioLlkE Mill It meets your needs Swift's Red Steer Fertiliz- ers are made to meet the needs of all crops and soils. Our of brands con- tains formulas especially adapted to the requirements list of every crop. Use Swift's Red Steer Fertilizers on every acre and secure biggest yields. • Sion Greb ZTJ7ii4Cki -- ()NT. Swift Agent Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BITSTNF'SS OF ANY C A.Ja7ADIAN COMPaN Y DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON RAND $85,429,61. G. Holtzman -Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TN1NG RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE tf-34 .1�il�inery We have a fine showing of Easter Bonnets and Spring Millinery OUR SELECTION NEVER WAS BETTER and LOOKED MORE PL - BASING. SAVE MONEY BY RU' ING YOUR MILLINERY AT THE HAT SHOPPE ZURICH. - OWL Shop- at north entrance of Bank Block. SHOP EARLY AND GET FIRST CCF.iOJ C'E Vera V. Siebert !taference to the Bill re; Township School Boards, hbefore the Ontario Legislature, he had mailed copies of the, resolution passed at' 'said meeting to the Minister of Educ- 'ation and Mr. Nelson Trewartha, M, P.P. As the Bill had been with- drawn and the %order discharged he considered it would not be necess try 'orf him to attend the Conven- tion held in Toronto commencing on ,the 6th of ',April anti therefroe did .n'o't intend to go to Toronto to which the Council agreed, That the ,Clerk write G. A. 1Mc- Cubbin, Township. Engineer, that if he considers it .advisable or nee- essary'to re -stake the Walker iDr, . r'or they purpolse of giving an es- timate of the amount of work re- q., uired to ,.finish the drain accord- ing to 'plans and specificatione,lia shall do so as (Soon das the weather; in8 favorable. The following order's were pas- sed; a's-sed; •' J, X. Williams act. reg; Attila Wil - lianas 19.50; Hydro Elec. Power tOoTn . ,a -c 13.59; Dean Brown, tomin'r Ply 11, S. Rd. 68.00; Decua'a Stebbins gravel 11.35; Jaw. Hod, givs, grant re; Statute labor 78.00 Herman Powe, removing' !snow eon. 2 and Fairfield R-1. 28 00 Kerr, Mc - Nevin' & MITT, ,Sol. fee's .re County Taxes 15,0(1, II Pincbeinor, R o p , plY,rw' 1.75 'ac.0riner wocnJaA,t r Town Ball 47.:15 . "The council ,adjourned to meet a 'gain in the Town Hall, ;Crediton, en Monday, May 3rd, 1926 at 1 pail. 1lenrlr l ilber, C1etk. Thursday,, April 15, bt9125 Peerless Galvanized fence has been used by the oatarie) Gov, eminent on Highway construct ion in various parts of Ontario') as have thousands of our gates, The knot, in our Peerless fence is one of the few kaota which the ria' tway companies will accept for, ) the following reas'onis,; ' The strength of the knot i's; nl its double, crimip•, the line and stay wire are crimped to fit into each other in a socket mak ing a knot that is non-!slipp'able in; each direction. Thia feature alone is of vital importance. The whale knot is of the same guage as the rest pf .the fence thereby guaranteeing no week spots when a real test comes. The whole knot in the Peeries's fence is of the same hard wire whereas many other knots consist of a piece of soft and smaller wire wrapped around an. upright. The Peerless knot: /being the perfect part of a circle does , not injure the 'wares in any way and allows the air tc) circulate through and dry any mioisture on the wires thereby removing the first cause of. runt. The knot in a fence is put to the severest 'test, by; railway and highway officials. The Peerless knot has with- stood all these tests and has proven entirely satisfactory' in eery wap . _ , Johnston (Ss KaThll�iscth. Hardware, & Furniture. Phone 63 11 AINININIMP w"....x. .. ^' .� 5 Per Cent. With First mortgage Security Huron & Erie Debentures are authorized by the 'Go`lerm ent as a trustee investment for executors, They are issued for $100 or more for 12 months and longer up to 5 years. These Debentures provide a convenietn, simple form of in- vestment Over $14,000,000 is now invested in this security by Can- adians:. C Have you $1100, $500. or more on deposit that shoule earn more interest than you are now receiving? MORTGAGE CORPORATION Theluro» Applications received at an: -y time by - Andrew F. Hess Zurich MY MOTTO ;-SEstVLC.E :AND nAFE'1't Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Immew vammtwarkwierferesoms,Vstnermovveivougeosargra Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERUAN(UIN,. & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO.. TRY US ON 'Y'OUR " XT JOB. H. EICKMEIER, II aN WARD Drugless Practi:ou,..a eer auc, Optician. EXETER -- Phone rit RT WAL.PER HOUSE, ZURPDIC ZTJEICH `-1tIv-,ry Tnesday. 10 a.m. to 4 wok 4)6--4/r-+N-+--+ •1-4. 4---. 4 +--+--- •---+ 4 +--+F • • We're Ready FOR SPgtIga With an extraordinary showing of the Seasores Newest Materials for Men's Stit$ 1' 1 tgnE5s t WHERE YOU WILL FIND I'.ITIVELY' TRE :BIGGEST TAILOR, - 1 ING VALUES EVER HEARD OFF.. II YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WH ECONOMY IN M'°,: IAKING BUYING '11IIE 1Y1'AT.I�RI.A.L DIRECT FROM `]CHEM1:1:FiN,,S"Il'' I AND SELLING TO Y011 Al'.` M1TR +M.ENDOU,S` SAVINGS. ' THAT'S WIIA'F. PUTS '1'11E DOLLARS IN YOiS1 POCFJ3'1r diff la V :: AN & Son, U.cci41.13AIr.7iERaf''.: tAND F`tTNEEAL DIRECTORS. Day and Night Phone No SS. * 4 .,iY+....,6` 4--4 4- 4 ' _ _ - ; 4.-4- 4; BET . 4 - Pt 411'i 444 BET 'ER IIT3RR.`>2 AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY. .1 . 1' MERCHAN'P TAILOR, W, n. 901.7P