HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-15, Page 7NEW BLOOD NEEDED -
Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a
• Blood Improving, Health-
. Restoring Tonic.
Tilvory men, woman and child neede
new; rich; iced bleed at ilia time of
the year.That issa scientific tact, All
doctors know it. The blood growe
thin and poor in the winter; there 18
not enough of it, and spring shows
the effect Take notice and see how'
many peope are little end- sallow -at
this time of the year, They eonaplain
o beieg easily tired, their appetite is
poor, and they are often depreesed
and. low-spirited. That is Mother Na-
ture urging them .to improve their
blood supply; but often their digestion
is weakened so that they cannot turn
feed into blood without help. Here is
v here modern medical science comes
to the rescue. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have a direct ;salon on the blood and
enable you to get full Use of the blood -
making: elements in your meals. You,
soon feel their effect—your appetite
improves, your nerves are steadier,
color returns to the -theeke and lips,
You have more vim and energy and
cazi work with less fatigue.
The value ot_Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
-to all who are in what is known as a
run-down .conclition of health is ,proved
by the experience of Mrs. Alex. Mc-
Kenzie; Schumacher, Out, who says:—
"I was in a completely run-down con-
dition. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
and lass of vitality were all taking
their tall. I felt miserable all the time
and began to feel that my case was
hopeless, as I had taken a number of
remedies with little or no relief. I had
often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
•and finally decided to try them. I
got a half dozen boxes, and by the
time 1 heal taken about half of them,
there was no doubt I had at last found
the medicine I needed to restore my
health. I continued the use of the
,pills, gaining strength day by day, un-
I was soon -enjoying good health
and happiness. I strongly recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to every man,
woman or child who is in a rundown,
condition, feeling sure that the pills
will soon restore them to health and
*Whether you are seriously ill or
t merely feel easily tired and out -of -
sorts, you should try Dr. Williams'
Pinit Pills this spriug. They are sold
by medicine dealers everywhere, or
i will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box,
by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co.. Brockville, Ont.
Why Soup is Served First.
The reason why soup is Usually
'Denied as the first course at dinner is
because 14 increases the flow of cer-
tain digestive and other juices: These
juices in additon to aiding digestive
processes also •stimulates the appetite
• for the dishes that' fallow.
Poultry, Butter, Eggs
We Offer Toronto's Best Prices.
St. Lawrence Market Toronto 2
• 1,4 • . r :
The MacLean Builders' Guide
aids home builders; supplies
information not generally obtain-
able except through professional
sources. Profusely • illustrated.
Several plans by prominent Cana-
dian Architects. Send Twenty
Cents for a copy. Questions an-
swered. MacLean Building -Re-
ports, Ltd.. 344 Adelaide St. West,
"'AN\ Andrews9P1AS
Temporary Fillings- • - which
Last a Con Tinto. 15c.
Vora= S. Wright & Co., Limited, DIstrilodon, 'reroute
Who, it is reported, will ,soon be betrothed to Crown Prince Humbert of
Italy. The princess, who is the eldest daughter of the king and queen of the
Belgians, will pay a visit to the Italian court at an early date. e
He—"Wonder how we'd get along in
double harness?"
She—"What! A deer and a jackass?"
- ----es----
British Curfew.
Pot.oyer800 years the curfew bel.
of Blandford Church, in Dorset, has-
been rung twice daily, at 1 o'clock in
the afternoon and at 6 in the evening.
Dismay was caused in 1924 when the
rector announced that on the grounds
. or .economy he could not continue to
' pay the man's wageswho was em-
ployed for the purpose. In fact he had
often rung the bell himself to keep the
old custom alive, though Blandford
citizens are no longer expected to put
out their fires and retire to bed when
the bell rings at 6 p.m.
For a time the bell was silent, till
the citizens collected the £5 neces-
sary and subscriptions came in from
natives of Blandford now settled
abroad. One of these was from S. F.
Pond, from Australia. He has now
written to the Town Council, assent-
ing responsibility for the Z5 annually,
and the council has gratefully accept-
ed hie. offer.
Lace Made on Farms. •
Belgian hand -made lace is manu-
factured chiefly in the Flanders pro-
vinc.es and is praetically all made by
women in the farm homes. The prices
axe nearly five times those prevailing
during 1913. Theworkers are paid
for the number of designs reproduced
rather than by the piece trf laoe or by
the time employed.
Are You
ilitting. on
Do you tackle your duties with
• pep and vim or does every task
seem a trial? You can't work well
unless you feel well. Keep your
body free of those dangerous toxic
• poisons that are at the root of so
many physical ailments by reg-
ularly. using
to\ ill 1010/
00\ --
the gentle effervescent laxative.
A spoorkfufin a ease of water be-
fore irneal s and at bedtime provides
an effective dose of sparisling fresh-
ness very pleasatit fo` Ciao.
For rhetunatfc and gOiTity conditions it
is also recognized th itiffithmble
specific %n three sizes—all druggists.
The Witt/sate Cheinical, CO. Limited, Montreal,
1/4h in,mli jijiuIIfluflhIU1tn 11111 ?Milan,*
Can Best Be Guarded With
Baby's Own Tablets.
The Spring is a time of anxiety to
mothers who have little ones in the
home. Conditions• make it necessary
to keep the baby indoors. He is often
confined to overheated, badly venti-
lated rooms and catches colds which
rack his whole system. To guard
against this a box of Baby's Own
Tablets should be kept ifs the house
and. an occasional dose given the baby
to keep his stomach and bowels work-
ing regularly. This will prevent colds,
constipation or colic and keep baby
well. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Feather.
I have been part of wings,
I have lifted a bird that sings
To heaven's gray -blue fount,
The wind has been my mount.
I have brushed the sides et treesb
And, folded dose as leaves;
Have spent the night between
Their blankets of cool. green.
I have parted (*Duds and flown
Above the mist wind-blown,
Beating a pathway through
To the eternal blue.
In England.
In MAglish woods the suovedrOThs grow,
On Hngish hanks, the, vistlets bleW,
"And lureberiug wa601:10 01127,17 g°
Through narrow lanes in England.
Through Surrey woods the coneys- Play
And venture where the ripened hay
With doves scent invites their stay,
And breathes the breath of England,
When light declines on fen and wold,
Then day departing feeds with goad
• The nristy things the hilly enfold
The twilight hills of England.
From eea-girt walls. the 'wheeling gun
Sweep e down on many a lonely bull,
From Selsey Bill to Sound o' Mull,
Beyond the barnacle of England.
Oh, give me just these sights an,!
And I will cettee to travel round,
POT those who know of them have
A resting' place in England.
—Robert E Key in Christian Science
Gas, biliousness. heartburn, dyspepsia, and
simillar ills will not trouble you if you take
Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store.
Severed I have become
A tool; inert and. numb—
A feather for your hat,
A duster for your flat,
A quill to pen a note --
1 who was once remote
As the bine 'sky I. brushed
Or a soft cloud, dawn-flualied.
--Faulty de Groot Hastings.
• Who's Who in Music.
Schumann -1810-1856.
Schumann, horn in Saxony,
By his parents meant to be
A lawyer, never studied law,
Nor. M it any pleasure saw. ,
He sang the livelong day instead,
The music running in his head,.
On the piano be wouiel play
Funny pictures of. friends, they say,
So like that they could recognize,
'OM tears or laughter in their eyes,
Each one as he was thus portrayed
By little Schumann as he played.
Most brilliant music he composed,
Ere scarce his gifted youth had closed:
Concertos, Songs and symphonies
He wrote, his future wife to please.
A famous pianists was she, •
A fitting mate for each as he.
To other artists generous,
Seheurann will always *seem to us
As good a man as ever grew.
To be a sick and sad, one, too„
When meZenchole In bis mind,
le place of reason, Was enshrined.
NC finer songs than his. are sung
Wherever intisic• finds a tongue.
Some,Uses of Salt.
Common salt, sodium chloride, is a
hOesehold chemical of varying uses.
Heise are some, suggested by a domes-
tic science expert:
Gargle salt and water fee sore
Rub salt into the scarp OoensionanY
to stop falling hair.
Keep cut flowers fresh by adding
Salt to the Water in will& they stand.
Itub mit on a rag wet with kerosene,
with this wipe the bathtub, then wash
it With soapy water. The latter will
surprise yott.
Doubting His Judgment. -. '
Sire—"Retnember, my son, in all
your dealings honesty is the best
Son—"But, dad, have you tried it
enough to be sure?"
Grace Before Payment.
A certain duehess had been owing a
bill to her milliner for a long time.
After the bill had been repeatedly
iguored the milliner finally sent her
little daughter to collect it.
'Be sure to say 'Your Grac,e' to the
duchess," said the anxious mother,
and the child promised to remember.
When, atter long waiting, she was
ushered into the presence of the duch-
ess, the little girl made a low curtsy,
and then, folding her hands and clos-
ing her eyes„ softly:
"For what I am about to receive
may I be truly thankful.”
Japan's Rice Supply.
Rice consumed in Japan. in 1925 id
estimated by the Japanese agriculture
and forestry department at 325,000,000
bushels. Of this total, 235,000,000
bushels was of domestic production:
While the remainder was imported
principally from Korea, China and In-
d:0021m. Compared with the preced-
ing year an increased consumption of
6,150,000 bushels is shown.
Marriage is like every other job—
you have gpt to get used to it.
Minard's isittiment fer sore threat.
usf Dip to Tint or Boil
to Dye
Each 15 -cent pack-
age contains direc-
tions so simple any
woman can tint soft,
delicate shades or
dye rich, permanent
colors in lingerie,
silks, ribbons, skirts,
waists, dresses,
coats, stockings,
sweaters, draperies,
soVerings, hangings
—ev arything !
Buy Diamond Dyes—no other kind—
and tell ycur druggist whether the ma-
terial you wish to color is wool or silk.
or whether it is nem cotton or mixed
goods. '
ve 4an in/rening 07 49
Rase 4fornatinc7ay ramie
Will Ears Disappear?
Is the human ear, which is as an-
cient as man himself,about to disap-
Eminent scientists investigating the
cornparati-ve bodily structure of man
and the apes, and the present -clay
working of evolution, have made the
astonishing discovery that the tend-
ency of the human ear is to become
smaller and smaller.
The tendency in the past was for
the ear to continue to grow after birth,
and increase in size in proportion to
the body.
Investigators now find, however,
that the tendency is to deorease itt
size in proportion to the body.
A curious exception has neverthe-
less to be noted. This Is the lobe of
the ear which remains, say the scient-
iste, as a kindly provision of Nature,
"to give woman something en which
to hang ornaments."
Minard's Liniment for dandruff.
Life's Test.
There's only one method of meetin'
lite's test:
Jes' keep on a-strivin` and hope for
the best;
Don't give up the ship an' quit in d1s.-
'Cause brickbats are thrown when
you'd like a bouquet.
This world would be tiresome, we'd all
get the blues
If all the folks in it jest held the same
So finish your work, show the best of
your skill,
Some folks won't like it, but other
folks will.
It should never be forgotten that
telephone expansion is of snowball,
character; every new subscriber in-
duces others.—Sir Alexander Roger.
Classified Advertisements.
SytiTiullLre.°AlitCold ;33101. it,,GtetbNjv011ikNorCu'Urtet"
Huge Grabs in Japan.
Japanese crabs, which weigh as
muoh as 10 pounds each, eupply
good deal of the canned crab meat ors
the American market.
100,000 Die Yearly
From Kidney Diseases
Authorities Say 50% Due to Neglect
Kidney disorders are largely caused
by poverty of the blood causing ner-
vousness, headache, sleeplessness, etc.
Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Remedy
helps improve the
condition of the
blood and its circula-
tion as well as remov-
ing waste matter and
poisons from the blood.
Don't neglect the first
symptoms but use this
50 year old remedy.
Neglect will soon have
serious troubles de-
Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25
per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies
Co.. Toronto, Ontario.
Bathe well with Minard's
in warm water. It quickly
soothes and draws out the
in flammati on. -
The Only Reliable
Non -Narcotic Pain Killer of
Gas and Stomach Maladies.
Complete information regarding
this unrivalled East Indian rem-
edy will be promptly mailed YOU
free of charge, on application
St., Toronto, 5, Canada.
Urgent cases should telegraph
five dollars, with name and
address, to "EDWARDS,
TORONTO." On receipt of such
messages, East India Drops are
instantly mailed per Parcel Post,
insured, to the name and resi-
dence of patient. By this means,
lives are saved and incalculable
suffering quickly relieved.
• Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only "'Bayer" packslo
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Almeria is the trade mark (registered In t:'ssada) of Barer Viatuffieture rtfoueuteetle•
kldlitteti at SalkYllcUld ( Acetyl SalltlYlk Acid, "A. S. A."). While it la W011 II,1,41.St
h*t Aliplrin Mettle 'Myer inanteliCtlitc, ta hist the pablie against Iralrations, toe Tablets
of Weer oteethe Noll be atalnped With their general trade taark, the "Ilayer Ora.'
Her Suffering Relieved and
Health Restored by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Toronto, Ontario. — "I am certainly
very grateful for the benefit 1 have re-
ceived from Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound,also the Sanative
Wash and the Liver Pills. In the
early spring I was suffering so much
from loss of blood that 1 thought I
would never be any better as doctor's
medicine relieved me only for the
tithe being. I saw the Vegetable
Compound advertised in the 'Toronto
Star,' and I find the Vegetable Com-
pound Tablets the best for me. I
have been taking them since Spring,
and I intend keeping them by me all
the time. After reading your Pri-
vate Text -Book I saw it was neces-
sary to use Lydia E. Pinkham's San-
ative Wash, and I can safely say I
feel a different woman. My friends
remark how well I look. I am a very
busy woman, but I am ready at all
times to boost ,vour medicines."—
Mrs. CHARLES GIFFIN, 949 Lands-
downe Avenue, Toronto, Ontario,
You may be having an experience
similar to Mrs. Giflin's and will be
interested to know what she did.
Every sick woman can feel confident
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound will help her, since we are
told that it does help 98 out of every
100 women who take it.
Sold by druggists everywhere. C
Cuticua Soap Shampoos
!Keep The Scalp Healthy
Regular shampoos with a suds
of Cutieura Soap and hot water,
preceded by light applications of
Clitinura Gintrnerit, art mat efiec.
tive. They do mach to cleanse the
scalp of dandseff, allay iiritation,
stimulate circulation arid promote
the healthy tendition necessary to
a Ineseiant growth of hair.
SisntstSack Eno by gall. Addrann Canadir.0
Degol:..Stanbcaso, Ltd., IllaattoaV Fries, Soto
ao. Otuttnent a inti ne, TaIrtan &ie.
Cocitur*Si,ain Stlek 2Se.