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Zurich Herald, 1926-04-15, Page 4
ZURICH URAL)) cpoa: s M Canada ' Crops l rt•« M ciA e rN ea, .`. • rd, •a rte_ s �rr e,2 • Matli7Mr.• i;; At frequent servals throughout the season to Bank of Montreal issues reports on the progress of the crops in Canada. These re•• ports, telegraphed to headquarters from the Ms*agen of the Bank's 600 Branches, cover every Prov- ince and farm a reliable index of crop contiosss. riF 1 ,s Tye 11p.rte este furnished free. Upon Tit at any Branch of the Bank your name will be placed on our (nailing .first. BANK OF MONTREAL Total Assets lsa Excess of $750,000,000.00 G�Yaik9E3a' eole2r+33;:o*ot sv> a:".' ',1!vvell••••••,96*e*eso••seeeesO • 1 • • •• • •• • T ��. e • hare- •ieceived our suupppl y o� ing Seeds at Ann Arlrczr Hospital, 11110.1., 'vis. ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos, 1laist. The many friend's o'1 Mrs, Jac, Geiser arepleased to l *a.rzl e'ebeet. her conaltion, which Wats t ery !ser- ious :for ti, time, • is gradually inr- provi er # E!°;LL, Mrs. Holland .Little and children visited withlv,t mother , e.t .Aub- urn, t itburn, Ont Laird Joynt of London, vi'sitecl his. -home here. Ferris Czntelo:n,' of Onondago, spent the Jio1idny at his home lucre Miss Jerin Maxwell of London, visited with. her -sister, Meg. .Peck Miss Jessie Buchanan .uis ted., relatives in Toronto \V . flei,rnaer And 'son: were vis- itors with Mr :and Mrs. ,,Owen Geiger. I Miss Jean C:amlpbell, 'bE Tafonto 'quiet the holidays oculi be rgrand parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Hurd ock, Angus Morrison eine], farndlyleft for Lueknow where he, will '.t orle on a dairy faun. . Sine •corning to H•enisall' lie has -.;been of gaged by Owren Geiger & Son, but' cf+or that he was an experienced dairy main in Scotland. N. P. W,arener, efprneer .bi sin •es's man, now at Pontiac, }1Vtich,, called in the Village Mrs. Andrew Douglas, •an,declati- gh:ter, -Cassie. who - spew thF' *in- ter months in Chicago"reetnired home Wn.i. Slavin has purchased the: fine 120 -acre farm •of Wm Elder, getting pass'seion at ;o:n>re e14Irr. Slavin has now (270 acres of splen.- did plen-did land, . ~ ( ' The play: '7.'rhe •O•id' +CloVgler;t, will be put on in the Town hall •on Friday eve, April 15th, unr1eii' the auspices of the Youth 'C'Clnb, o2 the Presby. church, • Robt. Caldwell .has taken a:T oe- ition at the New Commercial .hotel as clerk. r A number of farmers in the district are allowing thsir teatt1u'•to get in -poor condition,'ottTing`' t , scarcity of feed. One farrier let- ting .five die from, ,neglect land -starvation. COUNTY NEW,S� : _3 Aiiotther vote on the is r1'iwvlor �y Y • the• erection of a i •w toWe ,hall. fit p1'1�� ''(At'41 'P: '1''(1 can S4$ !.r 1 }" rolt a nGocleerich will.'lie taken on ,May a ,4th. .1.1 • . (`. tt i '- i :� 1▪ 111 this r 7'he bylaw t`o expend $80,00,0 in � • ' erecting a new �,eollegiato: buil,di:n?' line, 51]4.11 '. arden Seeds, Flower r 'T'T.Ixw IN LARGE QV AN PITIES FOR a •., • (� 'R=-' WW E 'ST: ED BAT► -. �, ,Y•-::.,�. • ' • Ar.�.r1 ?-t ' , • '' , c!'1,-17 Tl.. I:'' Tax, SEE. i). 1,.. , 'A • .:r Tel: t'• 1:. get. (a l: A 1.1:1 THAN N 't i t e, ; i:l i i 4 AI1.L a(ar iS. - +, LET 11'; "llr W "VO'f" 'OUR* 'ct'T'PLY O 'ER1AS AND EE �N \ :N. •rale r"19,AT .MI% Tr ~THE 1'71,1''1 '3'7,) GRP V-2)1 li • 4 4 • 4 .r 4 •. • in Clinton was carried by a -maj- ority of 110 on ' Ianda ti last; - .4 orroilar 'bylaw was defeated by 16 rotes at 'thee enunicir a1 • elections. The !sympathy of the'' corninun- rte', i:s extended. o the b�r4at rl• ,widow and faintly ref • the Bite, ". ] c1- ;iund Elliott, Whose reanains ewer" raid to reat in Bayfield cemetery Inst Friday afternoon. The. late Mr, Elliott was formerly a Stanl' ,v boy. and st:.kr's widely 'l nowra and a highly respected ,eetizen. David Beacom, Clinton, .celebret ed `his 99th birthday the otliar day Mr. Beacom has 'been'foe 5The'ti- ene at the haarrrte of 'th, son ,,,:r' 'Hui'le'tt, 'but .hefo(re ileaviig h' used to come up town 'almost ev- e'ay day. Owing to: (The 'itueseaso'nable Wt . eisilr, the Seefortit Aerieirli:er-,l Soeiety have been forcer! te 1 postpone Their S'pr ,ng Show- until :-ue•sdayr, April 20th„ when It ere leaned both the rn,tde ier.enc the swath t will " A 'shamesgloom � a's•.er the commue'tc when i.t wr 'learned that Mrs, Tee Stanlake of the 2nd Con. Stephen had passed away Ei'ster Sueday naer.ning. D•° rased Jud :suffered 10% ie'liienza which later developed into pneu- monia, which with a weak heart, was the cause fief her death. Her ,maiden namse was Eliebee ls- Dear ing, aged 32 ,year,, 9aniointhe and 7 days. About x20. • years ages she wals united in meeeit-ge to eller bereft husband, who with one dau- ghter and one .song` both at home, mourn the lossaof a,. tied and lov- ing wife andtniotth:?r. • . , TI3' F' ,, - .SUPPLY:- ,+ -. i3�;ea � Zurich nukaG areaSaia.asoc•na- cearsels-4a rima*+t••.a.0 'woos. selemammaa• wy� SCHOOL REPORT A.S. No,3, Hay. _ I Sr.IV �itfred G. . -, t :1' ' onors; Eid,t Stephen 71, elln; 1? o+ss Richardson 6:9; .U7t'rethy NYle 1.= Sr. III -Ruth Richardson 63, sa'£targaret Moueeea t 61. Sr. II -Ray Broderick -°7,8 eon's; •3f0avie Kyle 64; Byron Kyle 90. Jr. II -Clifford Weide .lib, lele.r- ogaa Broderick 61; • Jr. I -Edward Sclera dee 7,2 elfeairi;t J alba 61; Primer-Loui's Forrest 79, allearis; David Blackwell 74; Jr. Primer-Orin.nd: Beichert • 9, rlk:tnrar;. Herbie Stephenson a3, Yynrre iiti ido 53. The pupils receiving 100% i'n;eer Train Subjects are; Wilfred 14Ious. au, splileg; Ray Broderick his. -leneve Herbert Stephan, arithimtic. Miss D. Welsh, teacher, EXETER W. T. Acheson left for London *[o1s}>ilrrul ,where lie underwent lan -Alteration for hiss eye', t Ins. John `Vainer, wife of Ms.. 11tralper, the farmer,' favorite thre eeleastiverman, elte vei,y ill with pneu- ;n01,t o-) L are/ Elweal by left for .London licitpitail to undergo an operative for ppaendicitis. tV. Harness. has rented the0 ld 7.0enri:nion Moo building ,and will **raster his grocery from 1the far- mer Advocate building to the new. 411 and. 3`ofen Due is left far Windeor whe eitirv, he .hes accrlplt'd a, potion eilith hi's brother Iialold 'a ith the 41111tale Motel, 0'01),, Mrs. G, Hockey and Mile, P', 'Boyle aro aw.a.,rr to Lensing,. Miele., Bee ,eritt ending Bae fuderlrl,of a rolative,, A. regal estate Ileal were transacted "Ii+vli.ora- C! 'Lee, p1rlpiietor rf: Ihrl 4Peetttrki 'Mittel t:c)& 'n} er, the Fit -1 ,tin store in which 1s 1&iated 5 attoh's cptic it i) r1t . ,.;rid S. Taylor's jewetiry store, with rrsi- :1e ce in the * M r will i . I . Lee connect the eec:and storey of the leading with the <ho tel to prov- ide extra bedrooms. Mts. C. 13. Snell met with. a 'ser- ious accident en Mo iday last when she. fell down the e aenegi:' Libr- ary y 51 pe, She was going into the Library and had mounted the several stone :steps, es -hen she fell backwarit, She lac iz•.i on her arm and reciired several. bruises about the body!, 'she :also suffered from concussion of the. brain and was rendered isI onscioris. - Kenneth :Stanbury, 'of Western University, London. was -a visitor at his homy }sere. CREDITON .. - 3•'iaetniaLampotrt ;left for Detroit where she will Seng.•,;.•, in the Grace. golipital training school, i Inez Fanner and Mrs. -Ed'tvarcl 'ah e, are visiting At the Jron5e;'or Mr. and. Mit. Jelin- Mallot, London. The latter underwent, an 'operate ion in t11,e hospital , t1iare, • The Ceediton branch of the Wenaei institute met for 'th.'ir -monthly., meeting in the Institut rtabl, this being a rGrancimether''• Meeting" .an ' app) oprii:te ti proL gram, t e meetirlg• o)enr'cl, with rpresident, Mrs,. C. Z,ss iclket fir) th chair, e,, Helen blfc saac' and. Ncrt'a 'C,attet who are attending the Vt%elsterreelt School. London, .nt� >l olid a3 t r . iting at their homes here. Mr. and 001. "x'0'11): N iegarth an r 2 &n I l of Ba,t Ie Creek have, retu- rned .d some after visiting, with th :tatters parents, Mr, need Mes. ,Jo'a iI slat lYteliaulz .I;cl'svar,is, st•h;o has been 7 r. filing f Jrsome tire•' in Lerido't and lager:4[.11, eetureed brim:. pearl It. sf, 111ir q . t1' and itg 1 Jebel AUCTION SALE • AUCTION SAL tn'IO:R'1'(t1C1B , ,SALE OR. !FARM .Pl Q1 i3.I T`s T it l: r 1n.i by virluc'' o' peel eats ries. een1 nice! in cortnin nt,ir r 1;i9 ,N li ii as'iii: be Tirol:nCed at: the 'Cleve u!' th sal', there will ber ,tit 5;i1 , by pu.rlic: wile- -flea on SA 1 Wil)&'1-': 'the t7th day „1' A l' 19213; rd tlio hour of 230 ,•; sic 'el -fleeh~rS! `rtencyn art the l j .0;u01.11::111, }Wile in the 'VII, 1., AGE o I \lll'lal,, bar r'ta.nkTay .,# ir:-til) nwr, the lollowiirg 4. y, :nanrt1`1',-,[°art o£.. Lobe!.j.� numbers 1 n c'11ty-f,irir t24) and ,'f'wntyr-five (25) jDin thee First Catrrr- c,eseaen of the Township' of Ste -ph -en Vn)W in th,.i"V1]I,ia:'' of Exeter);; Of Live Stock, on Lot' 3, out. the Babylon Line in Hay ` (TowreShi 1% mile north 'of the lake T 6.ad :on Wednesday, April:`21, 1111E".at 1 o'clock, Sharp •the f ,1io 7ixrgi,, ' , 1 crony .dud at time of S ilea' 1 pure-bred Holstein now due.ir M,y feesh eo%v(With deg at .foot, neon auppolsect to be yearlings. ,. PIGS -1. -purebred •'York ' boar 9 bacon type `York IsoWs in • 'Pig, dui in May, 1 .Eb'oQd Sow tvith,lii; ter -at Loiot, 5 weeks old;: 20 stock- er pigs• Weighing from 460 to -170 Pea. each, all genuine •sba:con;`.tyre, all Yorkls; 15 York ;pig;. 6 ,wo•-d- 1.5 Cid . Viking Bream ieeparator:' 00 lb's, capacity, 'slightuly , ed, '' 2. •eutting boxes. n s. No reserve, as everything • a,d- vertirsed is going to be sold, , ' 'PERMS --5 -.monthts credit. -;;;Will bo given an Furnishing appt}o- ved joint notes, A 'diseount.'et n cent 5 �Y1 c,.n% i:,ttrti�^17,t p. of for f r ea:sh on b ! credit amounts, Arthur Weber, Auetionor John Greybeil, Clerk, Olu'f .. i,,e,d )1"ai`11r Proprietor, .+ cirnisr•riing' fiftyr-Ih•rre a,nd. One-' half (53%) irr rr*s more or loss. The geld land is well .situated near Teeter station and leaned-. rttr+IV north of the Salt 1V'ell. On the property is a good bank barn ;7n,:d tIt ' lend is well fenectcl and' bile^d and in good -condition for crops. 'TERMS -Ten per rent pc on u n li 1 in, • 1n „y Ere be paid drown 5i>117 > ti•n1 nl sale, bn1'inee with - 11 i11,1-ty clays. - For f'lrilier pertic,iTars and' con- liC:rrns of sale apply tor Gr,ee'DMAN & S'.i'ANBTTRN; Exeter and 1#ens-ap, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. 1''EN SALL C. N. R. TR.kreT CONNECTIONS MORNING South. Kippen --- ..- 8.22 a.rr:, St,nth. 11 i'i:7tt 8 32'...,a,rr1, Smith. Feeler - .8,•27 are.. Stage !rave '/,11r rh 7.00 `a.ara. North, 'Fleeter ..,. .-- ,.-- 10.til arra. North. TT 7nsail .. ... 10.3 i,sire, nrth, 1Cippon . ,.-10.35 a.m. AFTERNOON tionth. 1' ippee .. .-. f. til T7•.ixt: Srtnih, TlensalI .-. 4.50p.na. with, Ex -iter .-- r 0'S Fens. Stage Te;tve Zurich .._3.00• pan. N :•th i ti t'.r 6,04 p.m. North, Fi nsali ., .. __ 6.trr Nc,r1 h. Kamen F' 23 Tim Here and here 1 Radio stations are to' be established near Montreal and Vancouver as links in' the Empire wireless station program as the result of arrange- xr nts just completed between the British Government, the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Canada and the affiliated Marconi com- panies. ompanies. The Manitoba Pulp gid. Paper Company will, it is understood., shortly establish a plant at St. Boni- face, near Winnipeg, Man. The Company plans to expener $3,600,00ft of its $5,000,000 capital on imme- diate operations, and to build a 200 - ton newsprint mill, employing about 700 men. , Canada's trade is growing, at a, faster ratio than ever before, de- spite the war. She nowt 'sells to. 100, and buys from 71 countries. Heb total foreign trade, in the calendar' year 1923, reached $1,918,264,789,, an increase of 16 per cent in one. year, and her interchange of com- merce increased 70 per cent between 1913-14 and the past year. John. B. Thompson, notes sports- man and writer; on the out-of-doors, widely and popularly known by his; pen name of "Ozark Ripley,'," is, visiting the Canadian Pacific bun- galow camps in Ontario, ,,giving demonstrations of his skill as a fly and bait caster, as well as free casting Lessons to guests and infor- mal talks" on fishing and other out- door subjetars• Creating a new record for the 15. years has been in business, the r",askatchewan Co-operative Eleva- tor Company will have handled 5it a,- Obo,000 bushels of grain through its eammiSGlOII department in the 1923'- 4 season, it is amiounced. The es- timate of „grain handled through t'ermirrnl' elevators for the 1923-4 season is. :68,000,000• bushels, The- steel ..auperstrtieture of the new Stea,Anne de Beaupre Basilica, Which' is' to• •replace the destroyerii, edifice at the famous shrine, has' now been completed and it isr• ex- peeted that hy,' next July the 'ex- terior -terror of the' c]iurch, will ]ie' nea,rly fiztished. It is not anticipated, how- ever, that the building will e en- tirely ready until July, 1926. Ih the meantime, thousands of pil- grims continue' to visit the sltririe, and several miraxlts have been zYe- r:ently reported: Figures issued by the Departineiiut. of Agriculutre far the Province of Quebec show' that there hash been"~ a marked improvement in the con- dition of farmers ,of the province, over last year, "due to good crops, is such an extent that,• instead of d• Bs- triliutrrrg' grain seeds to the va]ue. • of''over '$126,000 as was the car#e',I,ast year, only $60,000 worth 'was' nares - nary to meet this year's require- ZurichofAgricultureslrNsint, his anticitaat]one onpresents�pt;�" nal ++ .+++4+++i$"-1 4.;pcil 15, 1926 0 la N,i ta d i to inform the Pcoblic the 1 have dissolved partnership w!th my, former exnpkkyer, and Wish to ate 'nouns e • (bat I have opened an ,: •-to-sate -Garage in Mr. Rev's Block I AM IN A POSITION TO GIs: II.XP2R1 SW:IN/ICES AND REPAIRS TO AN Y .SIAKJi 01" CAR. r' 'BUILD AND CHARGE 13ATTEitIE8 ON SHORT NOT10E A FULL LINE Of GENUINE FORD PARTS FOR SALE 4 M0' AT FOUR) PR ECM ATI FACTION T.T.4+13.AINTItED Day and Nig4.,it Service e. t^ v"l•.7,-i-e1,,;.a !•'1..2$`+•: •i•+ +3 •i• eeta r.J IJ..r✓. s�,f�%..E'%.>e, rte'. ��•.7 sr,. • � ^a• •Gr'�j �^ Za �� � ;• "v -'moi � '`,. ��' u.Ca %"�U•q v"-:,.��w�;"`�' i Zurich's O o ns,�, Greatest Vain ird Mews fgr Men 125 to 150 CENTS FOR YOUR, $1.00 ... leis the W 1 'der sir n,:rid of the TaiYor;41 ' "�y ,s�•�� How we do it is That we Do it g s y . x ' business. !YOUR SPRING 5IJIT MADE -TO -ME ?aSITRg, 011? IMPORTED•:WOOLENO D1 t;9;', i i ROM :l .. eri,tf.LS. TO ..N• 0U eezeka Tr EDI .OF T431.2 VERY : ;r, r ., 11. , ) . AND. PAri", TO 'CHOOSE ki ROM r ON ANI) SEE ITS: Gocsl< ]€'iressizeg, Skillfully doer* . b•; a eael 'T l>;:s, Th f Tesla•- lug to 'Four Sint, as a good night's ;sleep is ,,t,o, you PRIMSSNNG AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. Tailor, Men's Furnishing -s, Zurich, °lit. Where the Good Clothes come from-. �c"',•�o�w'•Sic..°�•.-'/J-','•�G'�^'.».-'..r'.'G: r.7. .G'. ©O•�w nt..7', • tiwaAmmommwwwwww°a3 ?1t''a agiitw i'1,i1f.),w • u ` Btore r , 1.1•11001101 11101101401••••••1•0111 We have a complete supply of Toilet Prepatations a n d. Patent Medicines. Our Stock of Stationery comprises: Writing Tablets of all sizes, Fine Boxed ' St ti • >! a Decry; Fountain •Pens:at. a variety of Prices rot: .of X11 Kinds mOTOGRAPNIC SUPPLIES= .M � s mivoMFA ``,, J a