HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-15, Page 21:oung Tender Leaves and tills' issfd in 11 EEN TEA - ►resealed in air -tight aluminum foil. Their fresh flavor is fi=ner than any 41( &pan or Gunpowder. Try SALADA. p D1CDMAYM 5 >sy EDtEi iPt!1LR'a'tT5 11,1.USTRA-(CD ay R^W, sohlrtn9'tK1e • and the American suddeztlyr,e ppear- ed. They arrived et Menaggio after noon, Mr. Redmayne was in tiise ;highest spirits and delighted to be Boole again. Ie knew nothing about Peter's opera- tions said cared less. His visit to England was spent at London, where he had renewed acquaintance with certain book collectors, seen and. handled• many precious things, and Surprised and gratified himself to ob- serve his own physical energies and enterprise. He made a good meal, and then, despite the long night in the train, in- sisted on sending fora boat and cross- ing the water to Bellagio. "I have, a present for my Poggi," he said, "and I cannot sleep until I hear his voice and hold his hand.", Ernesto went for a waterman and soon a boat waited at the steps which descended from My. Redrnayne's pri- vate apartments to the lake. He row- ed away and Brendon; who had come to see Darla and found to his surprise that Redmayne -and Peter were back again, anticipated some private hours with Mr. Ganns. But the traveler was weary and, after one of Assunta's fa- mous omelettes and three glasses of white wine, he declared that he,must retire and sleep as long as nature ordained- slumber. "Pm exceedingly short of rest," he BEGIN HERE TO -DAY. plied Mark "and I've made a stupid Robert Redmayne, *claming at large. • is suspected of the murder of Michael to what I'going to tell you, Doris, said.' "Whether I have done the least Pendean, husband of Jenny, who is for we can't say who is in danger now good by my inquiries remains to be niece to Robert, bIark Brendon, cram-' and who is not. The shot that very seen. To be frank, I doubt it. We'll inal investigator, is in charge of the • nearly, ended my career yesterday have a talk to -morrow, Mark; and case. might just as easilg have been aimed maybe Doris will remember a thing or Jenny goes to live with her uncle,, at you, had you been in my place."two that happened at `Crow's Nest' inthen Redmayne. Robert appears "A shot? Not the red man? A• and so help me . But until I have slept Bneighborhood andnsends word smuggler perhaps? You may have " Bendigo to meet him in a nearby cave. gg P P I am useless. Giuseppe Doria, who works fur Ben- stumbled upon some} of them, and On the• following day it was Mr. digo, takes his master to the meeting knowing no Italian--' Redmayne who found himself weary. place. When Darla calls to bring Ben- "It was Robert Redmayne who fired Reaction a came and he slept vs, that digo home he finds an empty cave in upon me and missed by a miracle.". night and determined to keep his bed which is evidence of a struggle. Jenny uttered an exclamation of fo twenty-four hours. It seemed, Jenny marries aria an fear- "Thank o s e •sal D d they go to God! h d under however, that he was going to find oc- live in Italy, tiv}w'e Jennv's uncle, Al- her breath beet Redmayne, site-. nnnaiinn for everybody. istake. You must pay all attention` He directed seen in Italy. Brendon and the famous American detective, Peter Ganns, re- new investigations. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. • 'ham Robert i • e en Brendon told the story in every de- tail .and explained his own ruse. He related . nothing _but the truth -up to a certain p..int; but beyond that he • described events that had not taken "On the contrary I want you both,'' p•aee• he answered. "I attach very great "Having made the faked figures, 1 weight to the hints you have giv*en me laid just before dusk fairly close to it —not only for my sake but for your intending, of course, to keel watch, own. The end is not yet as far as for I was positive that the murderer, you're concerned, Jenny, for your wel- as he would suppose himself to be, fare is more to me than anything else' must core back after dark to hide his in the world—you know it. Trust mework. But now ensued an awkward to prove that presently. But other contretemps for which I had not pro- tliinss crones first. I must do what I video. I found myself faint—so faint tali here to do, before I am free to do that I began to be alarmed. I had not what 1 long to do." -eaten since the morning and the food "I trust you—and only you," she 'and flask which I had brought with me said. "In all this bewilderment andwere half a mile and more away. misery, you are now the only stead-` "I am not made of iron -and the day fast rock to which I can cling. Don't had been rather strenuous for me. I desert me, that's all I ask.'' ! "Never! All that's -best in me shall' be devoted to you, thankfully and . j proudly—now that you have wished it. Trust me, I say again. Gal', your husband. I want to tell you both what Happened to me yesterday.• Again she hesitated end gazed in- tently upon him. "'Are you sure that you are wise? Would Mr. Ganes like you to tell. Muria anything?" i "You will judge better when you have heard me." - Again ha longed to confide in her and show her that he understood the], truth; but two considerations shut his • mouth • the thought of Peter Ganns and the refection that the more Jenny knew, the greater might be her own peril This last conviction made hirer• cert''n e their conference. "Call him. We must not let hint think that we have anything of a pri- vate nature to say to each other. It ""' ed," Brendon answered. is vital that he should not imagine Albert Redmayne and the American Been so be it. I've heard you. such a thing." suddenly reappeared. N" you've got to hear me^ We are "You have secrets from nee though , , d utterly up against a very marvelous perform- ance, Mark. This case has some of the finest features—some unique even in. my experience. t 1284 BLOOMER FROCK FOR ANY HOUR OF THE DAY. Adapted to the little girl of 2 to. 8 years of age, and very easily laun- dered is this smart little frock for general wear, closing at .centre front under its scalloped edge from collar to hemline. The short kimono sleeves are finished with little scalloped cuffs, and two patch pockets trim the front. The bloomers are gathered into bands at the knees and finished with elastic Doria to visit Milan, on .a mission to at the top. No. 1284 is in sizes 2, 4, 6 "Wasted Sweetness," This is one of the eominoneet �ex- pi^.essions in everyday speech, usually.. used either sarcastically or humorouar lY. But there was' nothing hu�rnoroue or sarcastic about its original use, for It. is a popularized vers'i'on of one of the los chest seentei1ees int• the taingils "Elegy written in a Country Church. yard," by Thomas Gray. He had been looking at the grave- stones and the "mouldering heaped" Which bear forgotten names. It all seemed to him very futile; yet heti these villagers • had larger and wider opportunities, some of them might have risen to eminence. He says; "Their lot forbade•" In other words, they never had a chance. Perliaps in this neglected spot is laid Soine heart onoe pregnant with eel- estial fire; Hands, that the rod of empire might have swayed, Or waked to ecstasy thelivinglyse. second-hand ]loci: sellers, and Jenny was sent to Varenna with a gift for an acquaintance. Brendon arrived at Villa Pianezzo Price 20 cents. just as the twain were starting on Our new Fashion. Book contains their missions, and he and Peter walk- many styles showing how to dress boys ed to the landing stage with them and girls. Simplicity is the rule for and saw them departing in different well-dressed children. Clothes of. char- , atter and individuality for the junior They soon sat together on a shady folks are hard to buy, but easy to make seat en the villa garden from which with our patterns. A small amount the entrance was visible, and Peter, of money spent on good materials, bringing out his notebook, took a great cut on simple lines, will give children pinch of snuff, set his gold box on a the privilege of wearing adorable little table before him, and turned to things. Price of the book 10e the copy. Brendon. - "You shoot first," he said; "there HOFS TO ORDER PATTERNS. are three things I need' to know. Have Write your name and address plain- you seen the red man and what is your !y, giving number • and .size of such present opinion concerning Doria and patterns as you want. Enclose 2Qc in his wife? Needn't ask if you found stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap 13endigo's diary, because I am dead it carefully) for each number and. sure you did not." address your order to Pattern Dept., "I didn't. I directed Jenny to have Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade - a hunt and she invited me to heleg4ier. !aide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by For the ,rest I have seen Robert Rued- .eturn, mail. and 8 years. Size 4 years requires 1% yards 39 -inch material fbr the dress, and 1 yard additional for the boomers. 13ut Knowledge to their eye* her ample page, Rich with thespoils of time, did never unroll; Child Penury repressed their noble rage, And froze the genial current of the soul. Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathomed eaves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush • unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air. mayne for we may safely speak of the' unknown by that name, and I have At the Telescope. come to a very definite conclusion con - I s•aw the moons of Jupiter! cerning Giuseppe Doriaand the un- fortunate -woman who is at present his wife." He nodded and Mark proceeded to tell his story, beginning with the ad The cloth for tea was dust laid on, And toasting of the cheese begun, When out of doors I sensed a stir And one child calling "Wait for her! 0 mothers conte and sse this star. venture on the mountain. Brought down as close as lanterns To this statement Peter listened are, with the deepest attention and he did And rouucl, like Earth! we knew they not • disguise his satisfaction when were; Mark made an end. But thinknk] to see a rounded star! . "There only remains to hear what And plaided i stars look mpcli more you' have to say on the subject of his fari j pretty dame." "My opinion of a very wonderful, My boy's great moment. What e ri - and brave woman remains unchange The churehyar4 where this great poem is supposed to have been writ- ten is at -Stoke Poges, a village not far from 'Windsor, and there both the poet and his +inother are buried. Gray was• educated at Eton College, to which he addressed another famous poem, the last line of which is one of the most famous sayings in our litera- ture: "Where ignorance is, bliss 'tis folly to be wise." He went onto Cam- bridge, where he became the great friend of Horace Walpole, with whom he spent two years on the Continent. They quarrelled, however, and Gray returned to the University, where he spent the rest of his life in scholarly pursuits, and where he was later re- conciled to his old friend. Victory in Defeat. Defeat -may serve as weld as victory, To shake the soul and let the glory out. When the great oak is straining in the wind, The boughs drink in new beauty, and Sends dothewntrunk a deeper root on the wind- ward side. • Only the soul that knows the mighty grief "` - Can know the mighty_. rapture. Sor- rows came • To stretch out spaces in the heart for • Apron and all I ran to share I have let. you know my own secret," was bruised an rhe murmured, preparing to obey hint Played out. I decided that I should keep anything from you, it is ,have time to reach my food and return for your own good—for your own se -'to my hiding place before the moon curity," he replied. mss. But it was not such an easy or "Whether the real Robert Redmayne She left him then and in a few mo- speedy business as I had ^ expected. It is actually a stiff, we can't yet swear, k th ments returned with her husband. He was full of curiosity and under his usual assumption of cheerfulness.. Brendon perceived considerable anx- iety, "An adventure, Signor Marco? I know that without you telling ine. Your face is solemn as a raven and you walked stiffly as you came to the • door. I saw you from the silk -works. What bas happened?" - • "I've had a squeak of my life," re- After Every Meat It doesn't take much to keep you in trim. Nature only asks a little help. Wrigley's, after every meal, benefits teeth, breath, appetite and digestion. A. Flavor for Every Taste leaE Mo., 1.6- ook mea long starting place and when r did, a search was needed before I found my sandwiches and flask of Chianti. Never was a meal more welcome. I soon felt my strength returning and set off in half an hour on the journey back to the plateau. "Then my troubles began. You'll think the wine got into my head and it may. have done so; but at any rate I lost the path most effectually and presently lost myself. I began to de- spair and had very nearly given up any' further attempt to return when, out of the ti:ees, blinked the white face of the precipice under Griante's crown and I recognized the situation. Them I went slowly and silently `forward and kept a sharp lookout, "But I returned too late. Once back v again, a glance at the dummy showed incl that I had lost my chance." Jenny looked at her husband and waited S to speak until he had done o. tlut Giuseppe appeared more interest - though for my part I am pretty well prepared to prove it; but this I do know, that the man who shot at you and missed you and ranaaway was not Robert Redmayne." (To be continued.) ed et what had already happened to 13rendon than in what was next to happen. Ile askedinany questions, to which Mark was able to return .true replies. Then he .declared that he would accompany the detective to the scene of his adventure. "If yon go, I come too," said the woman quietly; and botli,men protest- ed, But shut would take no denial. They scpurad the scene of Brendon's exploit presently and it was Jenny v -no found th, t. hallow grave. Mark deti.'inincd to take no action until ]Mir. Ganes came back to Menag- gi:o. Meanwhile he proposed to occupy himself with the husband and wife and, 'so far a"s possible, preserve an attitude of friendship to them both. The days passed and presently, with lout warning, Redmayne mjnard s i.initrient used lsy Very Slow. Snail—"I'm on ray way to Florida." Bug—"Great Scott, when do you ex- pect to get there?" Snail—"Oh, in a couple of years' tine!" night] , Frost, a new moon, sweet biting air, And through the telescope, I swear, A fragile berry filled with. light! I saw iewith these very eyes. I saw the drop of light that swung Its four faint nailing moons among! (The moons looked only half the size Of scales of minnows.) "nd that star Has nee transported twice as.far.-' As Jupiter from Earth," I boll; For in niy.veins and in my head Great joy and wonder blazed, and shone To think what I had gazed upon --- Moons of a planet in the skies Seen with these kit-chengazin:g eyesi -Sarah N. CIeghorn, in Harper*s Magazine, Saving Time. Edwin Markham. Minard'o Liniment for colds. What is "Insulin"? In the body there is a large gland, known as the panceass, intimately concerned pith the digestive process - e,. - Imbedded mu the pancreas are lit- tle collections of cells called "islets"' which produce a secretion. The pur- pose of this secretion is to burn up the sugar in the body. When these islets fail in their work of producing the secretion, sugar ac- cumulates in the blood, and a terrible disease known as diabete's follows. A few years ago it was discovered that an artificial "secretion," so to speak, may be infected into the suf- ferer, to make up for the lack of na- tural secretion This is known as in- sulin --derived ..from "insulae," the medical term for the islets. It is pre- pared' from the pancreatic glands of certain animals,. Waiter—"Do you' wish chicken, pork chops orroast beef to -night?" Guest --"'You can bring me an ceder at: each to-niglit," Waiter -"You can make that a lot shorter, by ordering leash." For spring the color is green, says •one fashion authority. Criss -Cross. The birds. "stitch Back and forth A crisis -cross pattern Until the .sky Is a maze Of ,threads of flight. Across the sky From tree to tree And earth to sky And tree main, With and then r T hoa stitch Them the hillside, Or, over the orchard A. thread they fasten hi a Thigh tree 'Open the moUnLtalir. --Ethel Broth, Wilson,.'in "The Lyric tirest." f4yslol A REFINED WOMAN ROSE BUSHES We sold more than a hundred thousand Rose Bushes last year. 'There Is a reason. Send for Catalogue. HERBERT WATERS 2024 QUEEN ST. E., TORONTO eeptYoung with • 1 Your doctor will telt you the old-fashioned wash -day is one of woman's greatest. foes. Strained backs, ugly hands, jangled nerves and short tempers -all come from the everlasting rub - rub - rubbing on the ancient washboard. The modern way is to let Rinso do the work.' Change the hard work of washing to just rinsing. . Simply dissolve Rinso in the wash -water, put in the clothes, soak for 2 hours or more and just rinse. Let Rinso do your next washing. Made by the makers of Lux. Change washing into just rinsing Ohl Ohl "How long have you been married?" asked the clerkat the hotel desk as an elderly bridegroom registered. "Two weeks," ' replied the happy man. "Front!" cried the- clerk. "Show;' .. the gentleman to Parlay -B. ' Fifteen, dollars a day, sir." • "Third wife," calmly said the guest.. "Oh, exciese me!. Front, show the' gentlemen to 824 back. Take the ele-. eater; $4 a week, sir." At the Station. "Haven't you bought a radio set?" , "No, why should 3? My wife sings,. my daughters play and the baby hold Lers Whooee Bootee!" ).....4.01.8 HIP US YOU2 � •POULTRY,GAMEeEGGS, BUTTE WAND FEATHERS 'WE BUY ALL YEAR ROUND' KW today for priee,s sl carantee {+ them for a week ahead JP..POULIN &Co. LIMITED • t,tablish�d 6o Pars , 36.39 Bons!cc urr T,arnc�t Monl.rvnl 'TAYLOR..- FORBES Do Not Discard That Good Coat and Vest Because the Pants Are Worn. mail 131 the vest, or,, pants, or a..m5ie. We submit sample and price of new pante to match, for Your approval. THE PANT SHOP 22 Parkfield `Ave. Toronto Married or single, wanted hi this town, to introduce our Ladder Proof Silk Mosiery 'W111 replace any pair that runs front, garter -top down. Orders for but a dozen pairs will net over $5.00 profit. Low • prices, quality, and variety :make -easy sales, Secure your town agency at once. Write to -day. CHAS. PORTER 70 ALBERT ST, TORONTO half price` NEW RUGS Frout Your Old Carpets Do not throw away your old carpeta J or ruga. Lotus reweave them into beautiful now Rugs, handsome in op- t.ear,a o and an economical' asset t0 y any 'home. Write for Catalogao ho. 15. l'OCRIEN CO. Limited, ©la9i'a, Gilt. K.� 6UARlINTEED al Tree Pruners The labor of lifting your iron about a hundred and fifty times in the course 'of an ordinary ironing is the egtuvaler.t of rats- ing nearly half a ton. The Hot- point Iron never reeds to be lifted ,it all, but simply tips back on its specially -constructed heel zest. This is one of the our Features 'that make IIotpoirt Ironic: "deo easier v! ay". Ask your dealer. Por every purpose In the orclma!, cutting 'limbs up toi} inches. Handles 4, 6, 8,10 and 12 feet Year 6ardwarr bbaaler rows ths.qoality Our deeorlptive eft filar sent to any address on request: TAYLOR-FORBES COMPANY. LIMITED GUELPH, ONT. Standard Hotpoint Iron 0,5o. Special Hotpoint Iron $ti extra, t•t•7.7•Ir A. C axe :&lila, Geterl. 13lecti ' era fMet ,w