HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-04-15, Page 1[ ^,6aFri"'P`•"; s 9, II off, .XXVl No 41 Use ZURICH. THURSDAY MORN NO, APRIL 15, 1926. ese Oolurnns to Advertise your Spring line -of Merchandie Cheater I. Snaith, FmubLh I $1.26 a Year hi Adria** 51.501NA;RYi A1tS,$2 BAY BB 013.e.EiOBV•• alliIrF AC tfiRagi t c'P5 i, :4c11500,ai X811 ' 1CFA e,Ds WSW/0C p l SPrilig • .1:erragS OF Gr` "RDEN SEEDS .7 Also Kodaks, Patent Mer.'.ciues, Stationery, 13oxed.Caudy,feecream r_ t • Groceries, Groekery, Cigars, Tob- bacn awl Ci atrce tees 1 • • W. a Wagner, - Phone 91 ii1a?GiaCfiFi4s " l:all3 1%' 2s G:040144 fs WAIDGEw @,y9pt3111.10Gea ,� .'"ter, tb•1"l' :••F .•�•�-3••i`•� 1. • • Six Tube Rath® Complete For $115.00 Inc/ud"ing Aerial 2 Large 45 Volt B. Rat- teriea,,. ll. -plate, Storage A Battery. Any .4••'r•L 3•+2•+•1•++++ E• f• r rr g 1 § S L-�rE : •,. y. ff ,o•b Q j. i Q• €.i• y� �f AT•.., AST PAGE 6 u • 4. make Loud Speaker Value $20.00 -+ !Compare this set with others for the Pr;ce.. \Ve oarry -•>H complete Stock of Radio Supplies. E OE •— Zurich ^• ,, i+•E•i-o++ 3••ill►0*41-Flt t• +•i;• -1-1.++ 44++++++,++++++++4-1-44+4.4.4-144. :MOVING PICTURES. Under the auspices of the ,Zur- ich, Jubilee Band, a moving ing pic tute 'Show will be put on an the Tealm Hall, Zurich, c+a'rmmnecing at 3 o'clock, to which teverybody its invited. Admission 20c: children under 12, 10`e Everybody teome. USE PRINTED STATIONERY" The Poastoffice Department•sayts "I -lease request letter writers to al- ways state their box, number on their letters... This faciltiate•s hand ling !and prevents err'o'r in delivery especially to those with the -same names. Always. give your- box number when writing to` correspon dents. Have your box numbered printed on your stationery when possible". The Herald job office is at your !ser'vice! in this respect BORN G ingerich—A t Hay Tp„ ion April 3rd, to Mr.. 'and Mrs. Sol.. Ginger•- ich, a daughter. Hooper=At con. 2, Hay Tp. on April •Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hooper, a daughter. Corriveau—At Town Line, Hay T. onApril 10th, to Mr.' and Mrs, - Leo Corriveau, a son. Patterson—At Sauble Line, Hay',Tp to Mr.. and Mrs. Garnet Patterson a daughter. HAY COUNCIL. The regular monthly meeting, of the Council of the T•owvtpnship of Hay was held in the Town Ball, Zurich,. on Monday, April 5th. Ali the members being present. The minutes 'of the previous, meeting were read and adopted.. The following accounts were passed; Ont. Holspijtal, re O. Rupp 3$9; C. ?Salmon, teaming coal 3$;•. S. ' Petty refund part tax 1.37; S', Grab,_ reit • s,now roads, rd.Noy. 6. $3; Econon' wvi.o.os to: adY*rqe that the meters teal Pire Lt�s. Co 7:20, Bell Tel. Co 4w+.i11 not .be i ad during April,this tolls: 10420;� Can • Tel.. and suppiiesy s dire to the. extra 'amount of rubric 1070;,; Cf 19 1 freight o.n .dirctolr-the -recent sleet storm. �, • les . 4.05 Treas. Stanley, refund 2el catts�d by • P. Corriveau tolls 4,40 • Stxoitwberg School re -opened on Monday y af«- • ' ter the &est er holidays and as this • Carlsoir Te 1. Co• rsu'pplies 112.50; • ! P. McIsaac, salary, acct 470.45 ;Jess ' rn the time of ,year when the little • Ys " tots start, there is a healthy look •, 22025 c ri'p toil�s;�443'.:0; 1V1. G� ing clrass of nine for this year's Mr. C. Fritz was at } Salyfi,eld on Tuesday, Mr. Louis ,Brisson left for Wind- sor, on Wednesday;. Treat all ry@ur spring seed grain with formaldehyde, good supply on .hand, Zurich Drug Store. W& ^•speealize ore training pict- ures, etc., Lat us d'o this work for yc,u—Johnston & Kalbfleisch, Zur- ich!. Advertising known no greater magic than this plain talk of the 'pian who convinoas ,on the printed page. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bhmdy, brid.ai couple, let for Detroit on Wednesday morning where they will reside in future. Mr. Henry Neu'schwanger , of Dashwood, visited a .few days with hips brother John Neuschwanger, 'this week. Mr. D. S. Williams, furnituretrav eller, of New Hamburg, visited with 'his niece, Mrs. 'C. L. Smith, on ,Tuesday, 1111: and Mrs. Harry •Badour of the `village attended the funeral of 1Ffrs. Badour's father, the late Pet- er Cborrette at Clinton on Tues- day. Mr. Wes. Merner of Elmira, is town this week. There is a rumor that he may start a dep- attm.netla store in' Zurich in the 1VIerner Block. The local Hydro Commission • seoe ••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••• • • .� pry. 4 Fashionable nth. New Barn t, St* mem- . Hoeg Value. Every wanes t h e new styles If a r. Easter o • • • • • • • f Deity, salary for three months 412..,1. Pr mar, AndThe April Birth Stone otr "or/ This mouth we are showing a Beautiful Assortment of Perfect Blue White Diamonds in variety of Tiffany and Basket 1Viountaings. Come in and see these. Prices! From $20 . to $100. G. Hess &Sons! HE SALLO€T.. Phones—Office lOw, House rasa; w. COAT, BUY THE BEST, IT IS arks CHEAPEST. GENUINTE Lackawam. . AND D L ee W Scranton, DIRECl FROM THE M ZT.ESI' SOFT COAL, GENUINE KE •,; TI,'CKY MILLERS CREEK, COR:aft GENUINE BY PRODUCTS' Our Teirphones are at• your rse. vice, the information is free. r•••••••4••••••••••••••• e . •• • 0 .. • • • • • •!•40•••••.:0 ••••••i••• Notice My Account$ are now ready, and any persons indebted to me kindly call at once and settle same. I' FRED THIEL ZUFrO • 404..�o••aa••a:. va0•res•••*•Pay v••••?t.ee+e.4,44i imt r " •¢ 44++.44•A•L• 'dt'3�3"+•i�i� 44.4444 r4.+4•ti 444..•l..e•.f..g^•f.•x••a = t . The Council adjourned to meet The fine steady weather with I. • the l *y* frosts at night has 'P 'again on Monday, 'May 3rd, et 1.30 o'clock pan. A. F. Hess, Clerk. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Our 'schools opened again on i. a -c kept the maple syrup boilers on the jump there days, while this kind of weather is usually very hard on fall wheat, which does not Monday after the. Easter holidays. look any too :strong ..this spring. • The past Lew days have been ( A free lecture on Horticulturalt. ,brae for the ieyrup makers but not ,writhe. the lantern slides will be gi- • aso good for the. fall wheat. Much, > on Tueaclav evening, April 27, • • 6 of it having one into the winter ;small and the .'rosty nights and sunny clays are railer hard on if, Mr. Ruskin Keys who! :spent the lure flilSpic2's, of the Zurich Iiortic- holidays at his home on Babylon uitural Society. a,t 8 o'clock, in the Town Hall, Zur- ,elv by Mr. H. J, Moore, thy, hortic- ultural lecturer of Toronto, under • • You will Era fa mux Store You will get better values. We • w RI ,carry a: • lag hilum, of Rubber Beets. Prteect. your .health :by wearing LkF l3U0Y Rubbers •• BROWN BRO REPAIRING NEATLY DONEE .• • SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY '• ► 0res cir'nt o Stanley. , Much :sym ' 0ta••• tackaw"64"arzdata•ar•lla�talf+at: Wt la•aSt•tD•••••• iiiathy is felt for ,aged partneri,, Mr. McBeath., and for the surrow- ;files returned to his school at Tim - ;Mins, New Ontario, One o,"„the.. older relsidents of our 'Herb Mouuseau taking out the Township pa ir,cd away on Satur largo glass front on the south side 'day at her helmet on the 3rd con. if the house he recently pureb- in th9 p•?r o11 of 141.1.*Alex' Me- iisad, and Mir. W. H. !Hoffman hat- Bea�th, 'she had reached.' the age of ingpurchased putting sem' and is 13 years and hid been as lifelongp a it in the front of hes tailoring de- part•me ;t, which makes a big im prow*rent. ,. ' a A very interesting wedding was held at St. Peter's R. 0. Church, Drysdale on Monday April 12th, 1V h; u Father J. E. Gorard perfor- med the Holy rite of wCddlock of Improvements are being made in building alterations by Mr. 4 410 DRQ WELL .AND SUCCEED •The Talk of the 'T'own... are these ,r v 4, New atyles and values •• 4,-$1 24 ?8 f oao Q AGENT go eV b (LARGEST MADE TO . MEAS'UR'E FIRMS- QVP.IR Mo : 31r'P. - _ ILES TO CHOSE •.FROM, 4 • • • 0 • • 4 Top Sitour Overcoat $24 •1VERY GST GUARANTEED PERFECT OR MATEY 9' REFUNDED. The molt wire motes here one) for his eh:Abets, w. invariably enures back -- nia) ciurnae. becaase his elafh i,have-given splen - .4 did ser,viea ,, slate es1 can not be Oland d else:xrAN a ss l: mull pr ices. Ore are glaald to 41w:ow our new. Sample", aad aruiats and prove to yoz ultot •we really have. �r 4. 44 Ado GASOHO'S O' AND N • • `PT3ON'iii • r •l • **1rd ****tt• o ing family. The funeral mars held on Tu•_,sda.v. Mr, Will Dow1.on of Parr Line, has leased ,the Johnston farm on the B;tbylon Line and gets poss- ession th4,s !spring• Mr and. Mrs. Copeland have be - on visiting at the- home 'of the latter% parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm PPollock i G.o'ahan. The Quarterly .tsacratnental :ser- vice was held last Sunday at 54.o:shell, Blake: and Varna united ehtarches, • • 0:o Monday afternoon the qu- arterly official meeting Was held at The Varna. eburch. CHURCH NOTES In .spite ;oif th;v record ai:tend- 'nic lase: Sunday evening, there is" room .for sort a.to •" in -Our church sc�wrices morning and eveninug. The Sunday School at 11.00 ran is growing ' contin 1 The Friday night 7.30 T;rayer and praise :service is wopthwhilr attending. T "i 111:i se,1 on this wV e 'k. We nil need "thi, holt' Af the ho - r ; •tw nl:^,hip anal work in tete- church, Emanuel Evangelical Chore ZURICH --• ONT, w 1'C you aro not a ChriStiaa you ought to be, I For Mad and Slush You need these RUBBER3DOTS EVERY FARMER -- EVERY j MEMBER OF HIS FAMILY —EV ERY MAN WHO WORKS OUT R 1JOORS IN ALL RINDS • OF WEATHER NEEDS THE DRY I FOOT COMFORT GIVEN BX, •DOMINION RUBER BOOTS. ' '1' We carry a full Berle of Rub:, •i• her Coots for every member o" °: the family, Men Women ane • ,Childreirl 4. . 4.. ++++••i«34+++••++++444+f'4tW.4•.-%••2••1.4•++++3•++4+.• -fet444**414.' 0. FR1TZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 'writing Nora, eldest ,daughter of - gr. and Mrs:Jelin Geoffrey, of the 14th con,, Hay, to Mr. Alfred fi ?udy of Detroit. A most ap- propriate time Vas spent „at the hnu:: of the bride. They - will mtike their future home in Detroit \when' they _have best wishes of a .targe circle of friends. Peter C'harrette, an aged and °former pioneer r vsident of Hay Township passed away at the, ilur'..t:r County ,l:l.on:e, Clinton, the, funeral taking place on Tu.etsday of this weer. . He was for many years afflicted with poor eyesight which beeaniie worse as years ad w aneed. Prr;vietrs., to going to Clinton, tha old couple were rces id::ni-s of St. $oSeph, whore they still have many !sympathetic fri- endts.. Abraham Wanner, a 'aged and highly tespectod r sid nt of Ste- 1;11:'1] Township' passed away a.t lhe. home of hin daughter, iV1r. and Mr3, 'feed Kading, SaubleI�irwa kCwy wz (, hr on April 0th, ,a+rr'd 70 yt'ara Ecce 5 months. '1'lr,' fun- eral felting pile:, "o i•r'anii Belli' r ,m•:'tei w*. Mr, Want: ' ''• citir,'h in the comaiu.ttltyand, wil1° be Iv Nseti'4ea'y, f NEW GOO We have opened up a lot of new Spring and Summer Goods, in Prints, Ginghams, Voiles; road-. cloth, Galatea, Etc. ALSO CURTAIN GOODS, SHIRRTINGS, FLANNELETTES, TrC`K-• TNG COTTONADE. SEE OUR, HARNESS REPAIRS AND SWEAT P A`1. s, RTC: A FULL, LINE OF MESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, 1 Highest Prices for Produce GENERAL M4/. vH.ct PHONE 11 BLAKE