HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-03-11, Page 7TONIC TREATMENT
li�, the Rag Heat".
ys,o o by week new uses ate
being n for X-rays. • One of the
Might Want Its but when one of the'elienktl sold a settg' .
Here is flew story :wheat Jackie endendplplayed it a'xer on the reeding old
Coogan, 1 piano that. tool 1n a corner of the
Indigestion coin es With a stun- I)es•pite the fact th;1t lie is a big star , i'tsstauittn#., Irvin{; Berlin was zts fila+i
in the cinema world,anti draws a hugs its the suc'eeesful lyiicist,
down C di Ito f
t .v bel
Through Enriching the Blood b 1 yet fi1 a*hite� h 1.,11!1 immediately Comes
011 the
Ion-- � 11e ,ch
on t 311111x.,, Jackie is a real boy, and has tel One day lie sent ctl out li>xd
e lundled taatfullY i'ni' Y,
Recently his production manager 11 the plana, tt few linesof a eon..V
—Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills
Make New Blood.
There are many symptoms of indi
geetion such as acute pain after eating,.
belching of wind, nausea and vomiting,
bloating and pains in the region of the
heart, •a dread of food for the misery
it causes. Dieting and the use of pre-
digested foods may give ease, but that
is an, and meanwhile the stomach
grows steadily weaker. The work of
digestion depends upon the blood and
nerves and the only way to get rid of
indigestion le to tone up the stomach
through the blood, to do the work na-
ture intended it should do. The one
thorough way.to'do this is' through the
use of Dr Williams' Pinsk Pills, which
renew the blood. strengthen the nerves
and enable the stomach to do its work
with ease and comfort, Neglected 'in-
digestion means prolonged misery, If
you have any of the symptoms of this
trouble try the tonic treatment with
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once and
yotu will be gratified with the results.
Among the many who have found
new health through the use of Dr.
Wi1.11 mi ' Pink Pills is Mrs. Ada
Webb, R.R. No. 3, Prescott, Ont., who
says•:—"For a long time I went
through the tortures of nervous indi-
gestion; I call it torture because no
other word can describe what I en-
dured. If my stomach was empty I
retched. If I,,took food I vomited. •I
did not sleep, and 1 was steadily grow-
ing weaker. I doctored for. months
but with no benefit. One day my hus-
band said, 'as the treatment you have
had has not helped you, why not try
Dr. Williams Pink Pills?' I consented
smite got me a supply. After I had
been taking the pills for a while I
knew they were helping me as the
pains and retching grew less and I
slept better. I gladly continued the
use of the pills and 3n a few months I
felt like a new woman, better than 1
had felt for years, and able to work
for my husband and children again.
After such a wonderful experience
how can I do anything else but recom-
inend Dr. Williams, Pink Pills?"
If you need a blood -building tonic
begin taking Dr. Williams' r:Ifik Pills
today. Sold by all medicine dealers
or sent by mail at 50 cents a box liy
writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Was discussing with Mr, Coogan the kindly pianist, observing 111111, art
-terms of a proposed insurance Polley, ; what he was doing.. After etmeitler-
designed to cover possible loss in the able hesitation I;cl'li l e'howed 11IWI.
ease of Jackie being take)! ill. 1 Attracteil by the effort, the pianist got.
"By the way," he said, "has Jackie j Berlin to write out the words• Taking
bad the measles yet?" 1 them to iz publisher, he eo1d Berlin's
"5111 Not so loud," warned "The 1 first song.
Kid's father, "Whenever he Bears The song was "Alexanders Ragtime
anything . mentioned that he hasn't I Band," The sale of it has, only been
got, he always insists, on having it." equalled' by that all -British favorite,
"It's a Long Way to Tipperary,"
Still a Genital
Though nearly eighty years old, Mr.
Poems Worth Knowing.
Tom Bowling.
Writing on the Wall.
Behind the romance of the marriage
of Irving Berlin, the famous fox-trot.
,soug-writer, to Mies MacKay, laugh- Thomas Alva Edison, the world -fa-
ts eighteen
Charl; a Birdin is a real British pro-
duct, for he wrote the poems of the
seafarer, the most characteristic of all
British callings. He lived through our
greatest naval period; and died in the
year before Waterloo.
Here, a sheer hulk, lies poor Torn
The darling of our crew;
No more he'll hear the tempest howl-
For Death has broached him to.
His form was of the manliest beauty,
His heart was kind and soft;
Faithful below he did his duty,
i3ut now he'e gene aloft.
Tom never from his word departed,
His virtues were so rare;
Hie friends were -many and true -heart-
His I'o11 was kind and fair;
And then he'd sing so blithe and jolly,
Ab, many's, the time and oft;
But mirth is turned to melancholy,
For Tom is gone aloft.
ter . of the Irish -American multi -mil-
lionaire, there lies yet another ro-
mance. His meteoric rise to world -
fame is not nearly so romantic as the
tale of how he began life.
One story, which is actually true,
tells how, when Berlin was working as lander, who was President of the
sweeper -up and assistant waiter in a United States. Both answered, 'Edi•.
cheap Chicago restaurant, which was son,"
patronized by lower -grade "artistic"
circles in the city, he was attracted The Oldest Oddfellow?
and subtly fascinated by the some- I There can be little doubt that Mr.
what tawdry glamour of their lives. 1 John Robinson, of Sheffield=, who has
He saw thein suffer all the hangs of tl just reached his 105th year, is Bra
hunger and deprivation and was sad;I taints oldest Oddfellow.
mous invenor, stili work
hours a day, a great friend of his toile
A well-known explorer, discussing
him recently, said that he asked an
Eskimo, and later a South Seas Is-
Europe Warned Against
Destruction of Forests
ls Europe in danger of following the.
course of the mythical country of At.
lentils, or of North China, and, by al-
lowing its forests to disappear, first
fall prey to floods and then become a
desert waste? This Iss a question
raised by the inundations of the winter
and brought up in an article in the
Fashions in Clothes
It is remarkable what small things
have revolutionized the habits of the
world. The change from the loose,
flowing robes of the ancients to •the
fitted garments• of these days is entire-
ly due to the invention of the button.
Once the new fashion was establish-
ed, many substances were pressed into
"Quotidien" by Jean Cabrerets. service as, materials for button -mak -
There are two facts in the situation, ing. Birmingham has held its own as
says this writer --the first, that Europe the most important centre of the in -
gradually is losing Its foitestls, and, dustry; and though Birmingham has
second, that as a result cold winters a magnificent town hall, old Inhabit -
are giving way to rainy winters . and ants stay that it would pay to pull it
periodic floods are becoming almost down and dig up the foundations, for
zl0 t, recent is for the examination of
Old rags coutain numbers of metal
and bone buttons, heoke, eyes., fend so
on, which damage the machibis in
which thMM)' are ground to pulp Toa
Making king pa,p e'r.
Yet shall poor Toni find pleasant
When He, who all commands,
Shall give, to call Life's crew together,
The word to pipe all bands.
Thus Death, who kings and tars dis-
In vain Toles life has lofted;
For though his body's under hatches,
His soul is gone aloft.
A Seasoned Veteran.
I.awy.er--"You'brta•indy stood up
under that orals -examination. I was
afraid they'd fuss you.'
Wituess—"You foatget I'iu a married
Gold In Canada.
The production of gold in Canada
rose from 1,525,332 fine ounces valued
at $31.,532,443 in 1924 to 1,730,000
ounces with a value. of $35,768,000 In
1925 according to the Dominion Bureau
of Statistics.
Are Just The
Ri~SPRtUCi -• G tiM •
, tlo,,,(rno n I)WAtSON r,'�iL. Nrii•_i1„k
an annual calamity. One follows on
the other, and the eventful result is a
country without protection,, in which
it is built on a refuse heap of mother
of pearl.
About the middle of the nineteenth
'e naw using prise(!
along .endless bands which move over
an X-ray tube, and any hard objects
such as buttons are distinctly seen on.
a, screen juslt above the baud. An
operator latands over the ecroen and
l ejeets from the bald any material
('entafuing buttons,
Another us'e far the X-rays has late-
ly been found at the X'%ationa.l Physi-
cal Laboratory, Teddington, England,
where clinical thermometers are be-
ing tested with thein,
These thermometers have to be very
accurate, and a good deal depends on
a speciari kind of glass being used.
Unsuitable glase can be detected in an
instant with the X-rays.
the fertile earth is washed away and century the manufaetuse of pearl but -
desert wastes replace what at one time tons was one of Birmingham's chief
were wooded prairies,. industries', and shells were brought in
This has been the history of north such quantities from the Peanl. Islands
Africa and North China, writes M. off the coast of Panama that manufae-
Cabrerets, who sees nothing to pre- turers punched one or two buttons out
vent Europe following suit if nothing of the best part of the shell and threw
is done to substitute a policy of plant- the rest away.
ing trees for that of cutting them An older button than that of mother
down• of pearl was the so-called horn button,
which was really hoof. The hoofs of
cattle were boiled and cut up into
slices, and 'then pressed into buttons
by means of metal dies.
At the present time the two most
widely -used materials for buttons are
nuts and milk. The Corozo nut is the
favorite missile of the monkeys in cer-
To All Mothers Having Young tain riverside regions of Central and
South America, and its kernel of vege-
Children in the Horne. table ivory can be turned upon a lathe,
Just Dip to Tint or Boil
to Dye
Each 15 -cent pack-
age contains direc-
tions so simple any
woman can tint soft,
delicate shades or
dye rich, permanent
colors hi lingerie,
silks, ribbons, skirts,
waists, dresses,
coats . stockings,
sweaters, draperies,
.coverings.- hangings
Buy Diamond Dyes—no other kind—
and toil your druggist whether the ma-
terial you wish to color is wool or silk,
or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed
His Vacation.
Fond Mother—"What do you think
baby will be when he grows up?"
Exasperated Father—"I don't know;
town crier, likely!"
Pimples come from blood that's not just right.
If you want to get rid of facial blemishes try
Seigel's Syrup. Any drugstore.
Up -to -Date.
Jones had retired from business and
had started farming. His former of-
fice manager, who had been brought
up on a farm and now much preferred
city life, went out to see how .Jones
was getting on.
"When you go out to feed the pigs,"
be said, "I want to go with you."
"This Is not the day for feeding the
pigs.," replied Jones.
• "What do you mean?" inquired the
visitor in surprise. "Don't you feed
them every day?"
"No, every other day," was the ex -
cut to any shape, and dyed to almost planation; "how else will I get the
No other medicine is of such aid to any color. Its usefulness to the mod -1 layer of fat and the layer of lean that
mothers of young children as is Baby's ern button maker is only equalled by the wife wants in the bacon?"
Own Tablets. The Tablets are the that of sour milk. Z1•Iflk from which all
very best medicine a mother can give the -cream has been separated is sour-
her little ones during the dreaded
teething time because they regulate
the stomach and bowels and thus drive
out constipation and indigestion; pre-
vent colic and diarrhoea and break up
colds and simple fevers.
Concerning Baby's OWI1 Tablets,
Mrs. John. A. Patterson, Scotch Vil-
lage, N.S., says'.—"I have six children,
and all the medicine they ever get is
13.1Iy's Own Tablets. I would use
nothing else for then and can strong-
ly recommend the Tablets to all other
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Aids to Appetite.
Do bitters, the well-known tonic
drink, make one more hungry? They
certainly are supposed to,
To prepare properly for a meal the
stomach should be got ready with the
gastric Jukes, Dr. Hamburg, a Scan-
dinevien, finds that while water, soup,
coffee, and 'tea induce gastric sacra,
tion, bitters have no effect whatever.
It appears that if. you wish to digest
your dinner most efficiently,: soup is
the best preparative. Coffee is the
next best, tea third, and water last.
There is this, however, in favor of
bitters --they empty the s'tomaolx more
quickly than any of the other sub-
stances. So that, perhaps, in making
way for more, as: it were, they do at -
ter all make .one more ready for the
next meal.
Wives Who Choose Again.
In a district of Guzerat, in the Dom-'•
bay Presidency, there ie a custom that
permits women who are dissatisfied
With their husbands to discard them
on payment of compensation, should
they have the opportimity of marrying
again to better advantage.
The number who avail themselves of
teeis privilege is surprisingly large.
Many appear to discover defects that
they dici not suspect before marriage.
In many tabes the promise of com-
pensation, to the husband it not ful-
filled. The rejected husbands have no
lege.l tedrese, anti they have been :try-
ing to obtain their promised cbinpen
cation by means of a vendetta againfif,
the usurpers of their wives' affections.
In abundance prepare for scarcity,
ed either naturally or by means of ren- —Mencius.
net or some acid, and converted into e:
oriuoid or galalith, from which im-
mense nuhibeis of fancy buttons are
mad e.
A Creed.
There is a destiny that makes us
None goes his way alone;
All that we sendinto the lives of
Comes back into our own.
I care not what hiss temples or his
'One thing holds firm and fast—
That into his fateful heap of days and
The soul of a man is. cast.
—Edwin Markham.
Mlnartra Liniment used- by nhvskcinns.
Just a
Slight Cough
but the forerunner of
Bronchitis, Pneumonia
or Flu. Take no chances.
Buckley's Mixture
brings prompt and last-
ing relief. Wards off
dangerous diseases.
Two kinds—" Strong"
and "Modified". Either
kind acts like a flash
on coughs and bronchi-
tis. Invaluable as a pre-
ventive in cold damp
weather. Stops night
coughs and sleep re-
turns. 2l2
B18, husky, healthy "Dominion" Chlcks. All varietlPL.
Produced from standard -bred, bred -to -lay Hooks. We
pay express and guarantee 117 per cunt, lbr arrltal.
Wrlte ho -day for our Free Illustrated Melt' nook un
tl,e ,Feeding and Care of Baby Chicks.
N. N. Essex, Manager
"isg reliTE
ackl, 9a4,4 9
74 /tQtattalci4 JRui.iIIFodkw
an C1hrWads
Dopper Hot Water beating
system. Sensitive Automatic
regulator, !Hatches strong,
healthy chicks, Write for
FREE Circular to:-
ot—•3. R. Mackenzie, Georgetown, Ont
A. little boy, the son of a lady rusti-
eating in her villa at St, Cloud, was
walking in the garden when a neigh-
bor called him and handed him, over
the fledge, a jam tart.
"Thank you, Ma'am," he haid.
The neighbor was delighted. "How
well brought up he is!" she exclaimed
"I like to have a little boy say 'Thank
,ou' to me."
'Then give me another jam tart,"
answered the little boy.
Minard's Liniment for colds.
if Ever She Be Found.
'Twee in the Strand I met her,
Close to St. Martin's, Lane;
A tali, slim girl with sea -green eyes
And mocking lips!
Eyes that were like the placid depths
Of some East -Indian lagoon;,
Quiet! Mysterious! Yet challenging!
Lips that might hire a cenobite
To lolly!—Alas for me!
But for an instant did my gaze hold
Then was she swallowed up and lost
In the great human stream
Which waters London!
I have searched and searched
From Paddington to Shoreditch;
And I haunt the Strand o' nights!
But all in vain!—Strange thought,
If ever she be found,
Then I am lost!
--Clarence Mansfield Lindsay.
Before marriage, a girl sits up till
midnight wishing he'd go home. After
marriage, she sits up till midnight
wishing he'd come home.,
What CITIES Are These ?
First Prize
10 Prizes of
a Wrist Watch
10 Prizes of
a Cents Watch
20 Prizes of
a Camera
Every person who sends me n co rect answer to the
above puzzle and also sells 30 packets o1 my Dainty
Breath Perfume at 10 cents a packet will win one of
these beautiful prizes. This is very easy to sell, so send
in your answer NOW and get the Breath Perfume to
ail right away.
aunty Dora, - ss, Waterford. Ont. w
Last •word in builders' aid.
Practical, up-to-date `•itggestiolls
on planning, building, ?urn1 hing,
decorating and gardening: Pro-
fusely y illustrated, and scores of
actual dollar -saving suggestions,
Send 20 cents for current issue of
MacLean Builders' Guide. Ques-
tions answered. adatLean Build-
ing Reports, Ltd., 344 Adelaide St.
lig.11 Grosvenor St. Toronto, Onterlo \Vest, Toronto.
1N 1>c;>Z u1311!=
"Strong" or "Modified"
75c-40 doses
ir,i, 1l
. k
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuralgia
Pain ' Toothache Neuritis
Accept cm. "Bayer" LLackaz'e
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists.
ititrir!tt Ia inti !rade mn.rlt (registered in (ian8de) of sayer 1fsnnteettire of tronoeeetto-
sekWator etslic5lloacbd (Acetyl !inl1e'ltc Arid, "A. S. A."), Willie It !t well known
that Aspirin mug 'Bg`er Innuarn tort, to nester the public namlust imitations, the Tablets,
na' i ttyorElaripttinf alit! be stamped pith their 'general trade marls, the "favor Orono."
Classified Advertisements.
atc7(RN' oven . roams FOB OLTaL0011*
gad, itat of u$8 event. B bbard Dim Cora'
t euy. tb2 Irina -Wuet, Tota
state lowest price. J. b'. Stoddard, 310x,
ewktha, Eamon.
Fortunes are mode from simple ideas. Rend
for fiat of inventions wanted. our"Patent Pro-
tection" booklet and migaztne"Tbe Thinker"
HisFirst Real Joke.
"1'•111 goiug to tell you an amusing
story," said the society man, "but I
hesitate a little, for you may have
heard it before."
"Is it really amusing?"
"Then go ahead; you've never told
it to us."
;hfi`hl Audit Wps P1vai.'G,
Tcmparary Fillings • • -which
Last • Long Time.
Orman 5. Weight at Co., Waited, Di,fribaton, Toronto
Every pain yields quickly
to the soothing influence
of Minaret's,
- -
Letter Tells of Wonderful
Relief After Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Coniston, Ontario.—"After a se-
vere operation and a three weeks'
stay in a hospital
I returned home
so weak that Iwas
unable to move a
chair. For four
months I was al-
most frantic with
pains and suffer-
ing until I thought
sure there could
not be any cure
for me. I had very
severe pains in my
left side and suf-
f1: d agony every month. One day
when .1 was not able to get up my
mother begged me to try your med-
icine. My husband got me a bottle
of Vegetable Compound at once and
1 took it. I started a second bottle,.
end to my surprise and joy the pains
in my side left mo completely and 1
ani able to do all my work without
help. 1 ani a farmer's wife so you
see 1 can't be idle long In all, I have
taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, five
boxes of the Compound Tablets, two
bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Mood
Medicine, and have also used the San-
ative Wash. "—Mrs. L. LAJEUNESSE,
Box 108, Coniston, Ontario, o
On Face, Scaled Over and
ached and Burned Ter-
ribly. Could Not Sleep,
"My face broke out with small
pimples which later grew larger
and were very red. The pimples
scaled over and itched and burned
terribly, and I could not sleep at
night because of the irritation. The
trouble lasted about six weeks.
" My mother recommended Cuti-
cura-Soap and Ointment so I sent
for a free sample. It helped me so
1 purchased more, and after using
three cakes of Cuticura Soap and
two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I
was completely healed." (Signed)
Miss Stella Dudley, Stratford,
Wash., June 7, 1924.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum promote And maintain skin
purity, skin comfort a*id skin
health often wisen all ease fails.
sautr:le r•eh Free by Mali. Addreep Canadian
Depot- obtankauee Ltd, Idontrean Pgke. Snap'
25r. t1'n,,nont 1* and bOe. Talcum t6iw
"- Cuticura Shaving She 25c.
!ttSUE No. 10'--''!16. --
• ,_ Al..
First Prize
10 Prizes of
a Wrist Watch
10 Prizes of
a Cents Watch
20 Prizes of
a Camera
Every person who sends me n co rect answer to the
above puzzle and also sells 30 packets o1 my Dainty
Breath Perfume at 10 cents a packet will win one of
these beautiful prizes. This is very easy to sell, so send
in your answer NOW and get the Breath Perfume to
ail right away.
aunty Dora, - ss, Waterford. Ont. w
Last •word in builders' aid.
Practical, up-to-date `•itggestiolls
on planning, building, ?urn1 hing,
decorating and gardening: Pro-
fusely y illustrated, and scores of
actual dollar -saving suggestions,
Send 20 cents for current issue of
MacLean Builders' Guide. Ques-
tions answered. adatLean Build-
ing Reports, Ltd., 344 Adelaide St.
lig.11 Grosvenor St. Toronto, Onterlo \Vest, Toronto.
1N 1>c;>Z u1311!=
"Strong" or "Modified"
75c-40 doses
ir,i, 1l
. k
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuralgia
Pain ' Toothache Neuritis
Accept cm. "Bayer" LLackaz'e
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---Druggists.
ititrir!tt Ia inti !rade mn.rlt (registered in (ian8de) of sayer 1fsnnteettire of tronoeeetto-
sekWator etslic5lloacbd (Acetyl !inl1e'ltc Arid, "A. S. A."), Willie It !t well known
that Aspirin mug 'Bg`er Innuarn tort, to nester the public namlust imitations, the Tablets,
na' i ttyorElaripttinf alit! be stamped pith their 'general trade marls, the "favor Orono."
Classified Advertisements.
atc7(RN' oven . roams FOB OLTaL0011*
gad, itat of u$8 event. B bbard Dim Cora'
t euy. tb2 Irina -Wuet, Tota
state lowest price. J. b'. Stoddard, 310x,
ewktha, Eamon.
Fortunes are mode from simple ideas. Rend
for fiat of inventions wanted. our"Patent Pro-
tection" booklet and migaztne"Tbe Thinker"
HisFirst Real Joke.
"1'•111 goiug to tell you an amusing
story," said the society man, "but I
hesitate a little, for you may have
heard it before."
"Is it really amusing?"
"Then go ahead; you've never told
it to us."
;hfi`hl Audit Wps P1vai.'G,
Tcmparary Fillings • • -which
Last • Long Time.
Orman 5. Weight at Co., Waited, Di,fribaton, Toronto
Every pain yields quickly
to the soothing influence
of Minaret's,
- -
Letter Tells of Wonderful
Relief After Taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Coniston, Ontario.—"After a se-
vere operation and a three weeks'
stay in a hospital
I returned home
so weak that Iwas
unable to move a
chair. For four
months I was al-
most frantic with
pains and suffer-
ing until I thought
sure there could
not be any cure
for me. I had very
severe pains in my
left side and suf-
f1: d agony every month. One day
when .1 was not able to get up my
mother begged me to try your med-
icine. My husband got me a bottle
of Vegetable Compound at once and
1 took it. I started a second bottle,.
end to my surprise and joy the pains
in my side left mo completely and 1
ani able to do all my work without
help. 1 ani a farmer's wife so you
see 1 can't be idle long In all, I have
taken six bottles of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, five
boxes of the Compound Tablets, two
bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Mood
Medicine, and have also used the San-
ative Wash. "—Mrs. L. LAJEUNESSE,
Box 108, Coniston, Ontario, o
On Face, Scaled Over and
ached and Burned Ter-
ribly. Could Not Sleep,
"My face broke out with small
pimples which later grew larger
and were very red. The pimples
scaled over and itched and burned
terribly, and I could not sleep at
night because of the irritation. The
trouble lasted about six weeks.
" My mother recommended Cuti-
cura-Soap and Ointment so I sent
for a free sample. It helped me so
1 purchased more, and after using
three cakes of Cuticura Soap and
two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I
was completely healed." (Signed)
Miss Stella Dudley, Stratford,
Wash., June 7, 1924.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum promote And maintain skin
purity, skin comfort a*id skin
health often wisen all ease fails.
sautr:le r•eh Free by Mali. Addreep Canadian
Depot- obtankauee Ltd, Idontrean Pgke. Snap'
25r. t1'n,,nont 1* and bOe. Talcum t6iw
"- Cuticura Shaving She 25c.
!ttSUE No. 10'--''!16. --