HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-03-11, Page 4r r EXFTER ROWard, of hl'ow 110111/44Rugi representative for the beet Sank of Coxrh.uuerce, \visit.ed his liken here. Vis. Guenther Daelieeood, who lama been visiting her son, Chas. *Or a time, has returned holm°. We. H. %Browning wind son left 110er ettitodenia M n'a1., tto visit the «'lfbriraer•s mother, MOSLla iLink left for'Seaforth Ite ?tilka a topsitino as milliner with e MareTavish 'store, Z. G. Dow shipped :another car ANA def tine hroses to Moiatrea1, sill 'has been, 'shipping on the av- Waage a load every teneilays, hav- g eluting the past year shipped : s:rentard 80 horses. The Bell Telephone Co. have out Egr+ows% their present quarters in. Laveson+'s jewelry store and are ^'ar;D moving one door South .p- Aproxi1 ately $7,000.00 are to be sp- ASIA"air' Ila cater during the next few res in indite equipment and kleettaide cable work. Amy Shapton and Gert, Francis :+i(t right have sustained serious injur- eiet in ar runaway 'when 'theirhorse ltoolk !right and ran down Main .-t. at top speed and turning the 5ibrernor at Huron st. threw the two Liesidies out. The remains of the late Andrew ,taihsoa, who died at Pilot Mound, Itan, were brought to Exeter in- ryeoent in Exeter° cen*tery The sialreessed was a son of Sam Gibson 'Thames Rd. In 1880 he went west eland at:", ,••, a ; e e the C.P. Alt. eines into Winnipeg, later home erste teadiug at Pilot Mound. Dashw ood itv. 1 i. Tavis e.. H. A. Kellerman i of Ta' eek spent a few days in town 'est week, visiting relatives. Mises Rose Rader of Detroit, is etesesiting at her home here. Mr. Percy Humble of Sarnia, ;s,;pnet the week -end with Mrs. C. t'inll'.einer. Among those elfeho attended the tragi °al of the tete Mrs. Illar.tleib is►'aere Mrs. J. . rnith of Windsor, Nileses Ferrel and Elizabeth Hart- le'ib of London, Mr; S. Pollen of Big Ea'pids, MIs. Nicholson of London and Mrs, Nicholson of Hickson, The Young People's League of the Evangelical church are hold- ing •ae St.\Patrick's Social on ;Erie day, March 12th, . C Messrs. i0,•aise'r and R. Callfas attended, the hockey match at Loll - 'don on Tuesday ;evening. Mrs, J. W, Gr'aybeil is visiting in Toronto.. Dr, R. H. Taylor. and Mr J, W. Graybeil attended the funeral of the late Dr. }Iyndnian at Exeter on Tuesday. A SURPRISE A surprise party was recently held at the home of Mr. and Mrs'. W. Hartman and presented Mrs. Hartman. with a' gold crisis with pearl setting. The, gift being pre- sented by Mrs. Jacob Battler, and the following address was read by Mrs. Alex. Foister;— Dear Aunt Mary ; Our esteemed hostess$ we, your relatives and friends have. ;astsernbled here this evening .!to tspend a few Hours in the presence of one who is in our estimation, good Samaritan to all who are in need, one whose little acts of kind- ness are always in evidence, one who is always striving to live up to theg olden Rule. We 'have al- ways found you to be gored, true ?kind and sympathetic, alwa 1s ►sp- reading sunshine and good will a- mong those with whom you came lin contact and ever ready to speak the kindly word. And so Aunt Mary we wish you to acoept this little gift and value it highly not for its intrinsic money value, but for the spirit in which it was giv- en and also because it was given to show how .eauch we appreciate you and your activities among u's. May God shower his richest bless- ing on you and your work •,,Sot<hat you may continue as you have in the pas tbeing ever faithful, st- eadfast and kind.—Signed on be- half of your relatives and friends 110 et et r . 4111110** eeS30 e04)08)0®o'D®Vo®•eoeaa•o•earsss•ss•••••••0 • 'Alberta Goal• • 1 • W Te ate reedy gig a Cai1tlild of the !: well known) Alhert J)uj it‘srit•ll • for immediate ;,ale. Order Now! G-1 ENFIELD'S Champion Tsai pie For Pou1tr•y,• • 1aEEPS BIRDS PRIME FOR 'EAR ROUND Flirts PRODUCT 14 i ; ION. •• A 1301)Y I'.LTT'.LDER FOR Vtt)U.LTINt; PERIOD . • AFFORDS RELTEe i ROM NTERNAL WC'W.MS • 1FR2 A PACKAGE OF THIS CELEBRATED POULTRY 'TNI(` j AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY • • &LSO HAVE ON HAND THE WELL-KNOWN .HOMERY FEED' .11 - FOR STOCK. •• • 11.01.fis Schilbe - Zurich �3•,iAw% �J W+ Cone in and seethis new De Forest &" Crosley triumph! Imagine it—a five -tube tuned radio Ere.. quency set for only $78.00 (stripped), A new circuit using Wheatstone Bridge balance and other improvements andrefine- me.nts that are the lati'at word in radio' engineering. A set that cannot "howl" or "squeal". 80 sensitive that stations you want "SRrish" in perfectly while unwanted programmes are tuned orst tribe an ease that is a new surprise. Cabinet is M. Lagar' "Grand Master"' craftsmanship. The most astounding value ever oget'ed. eta Caap0da. Come in and hart it ---NOW. Hess & Sons ZURICH . _. Oar. i;Ic,•n HERALD AUCTION SALE. OF .FARMVI STOCK AND IMPLEM- ENTS, 'The undereignQd has beet) instructed 'to 'sell by Public Auction at Lot 11, Con, 11, Stephen, Onht-e Goshen Line, 1% niiles East .of Dash wood ;and 2 (miles 'south. on TUESDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1926, at 1 o'clock, pin, ,&harp; HORSES -1 heavy mare 10 year's old, lit foal to Prince O'Kuma; '•1 gelding rising 3 years. CATTLE -1 cow due at time of stake; 1,c,ow due March 25th; 1 cow. due March 30th; 1 cow due in April; 2 cows slur in May; 1 cow due in May;. 11 fat steer rising 3 years; 5• heif- prs 2 year+s old; 1:, 'steer 2 yes, old; 8 yearling calves, 1 thor.obred reg istered bull, Cattleall good qual- ity and in good condition. PIGS —1 sow. 1 evig, 4 !stocker pigs 3 months old; 10 Ssmall pigs 6 we- eks old at time of sale. HENS -125 hens mostly all Black Minorcan. IMPLEMENTS—M.H.' 7 -ft. •bin- der; McCormick mower 5 -ft; NT- H. 10 hoe drill; McCormick cultier- ator, M; II. cultivator, 9 -ft, easel roller; 2 gang plows, 'set of bob sleighs; cutter, buggy, .Z -seated cab, Oliver bean scuffler, horse so - tether, big meat tub; truck wagon big wagon, wagon box, pie rack, disc harrow, 16 -ft. har rack, fann- ing mill, 2000 lbs. 'scales, 24 yrain bags, 42 -gal. coal oil ;can, Daisy churn, incubator, brooder, and tnany other articles. t Everything is .going to be 'sold as the proprietor is giving up farming. TERMS—$10.00 and under cash; over that amount 6 months credit rt on furnishing approved joint notes. •,r a discount of 4 per Dent. off for cash. ar, thur Veber, Auctioneer. ;Tohn Greybiel, Clerk. Tohn Regier, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF 'FARM STOCK AND IMPLEM- ENTS on. Lot 9, Con. 11, Hay Tp, an. the Goshen Line, 3 miles south of Zurich on MARCH 25th, 1926, at 1 o'clock, p.m, sharp the foll- owing ;— LIVE STOCK -1 matched blac': team rising 7 yrs. 1 Widower Peter colt rising 2 yrs. 1 Holstein cow due in April; 1 Jersey cow du - in May, 1 Durham cow dun in May 2 Holstein heifers +supposed to be in calf, 2 Jersey Heifers in !calf, 2 Durham heifers rising 1 yr., '11 pure bred Holstein heifer rising 1 yr.; 1 Pure bred Holstein. Bull, No 05354, born Nov. 1st. King Sylvanus, Sire' Albino Korndyke -King, dap; Albina Jos& S, Evia. 1 Yorkshire sow. in pig, 4 stockers pigs; t 4 dozen barred Rock pure bred; 4 African Geese, 3 geese and igen der., 3 ducks. IMPLEMENTS—Deering binder 0 ft. cut; Deering :mower 5 -ft milt; Peter Hamilton cultivator, M. 71 Fertilizer drill, 2 -drum, steel roller, 14 -plate disc, Oliver bean harvest- er with puller combined, 1 -horse scuffler, 4 -section harrows, 10 -foot Maslsey steel rake, M,Hfi loader, 11I.H side delivery, 2 wagons, 16 - ft. hay rack, 2 gravel boxes, 2 walkking plows, double plow. 2 - furrow, tractoer plow, 9-16 Hvder tractor, clover tlueshing (machine open1 buggy, power cutting b . • with blower attached; pr. bel sleigh's, set bunks, wagon box, pig rack, Portland cutter, big driv~ belt 6 -in., 100 -ft long; drive h?ri• 5 -in. 50 feet long; gasoline dram sat sling io'i''s, ent'xy grinder,20^ lbs. seale, Clinton fanning mill, 1^ - in. chopper with bagger attache' 3 laddsea, (.,ills for hay rack 2's0 post auger, roller chopper, bag truck, 100 bush mixed grain, 1C:' bush oats, 200 "wish feed beans, root nulper. wheel barrow, 2 scoop shovel's, 2 ton fertilizer, 6 hay forks, manure forks, •shovels, hoes logging chains, neck yokes, 'whiffle trees, sap pail' andpan, big ,cop- per kettle. 2 sett brechin harness single harness, collars, big water trough, immure corks, scrappers, manure hook, 2 iron kettles, car- penter bench, •s'aI',•s, Daisy churn. wash machine, 'saddle horse, organ 6 octive; cream separator, Prem- ier: 40 -gal. vinegar bbl. 10 gal. ;oil drum and stand, hanging lamps meat grinder, br.a.st seeder, 'gime grass 'seed and nupierous other grcts's seed, also 1 driving 'mare quiet and reliable, top buggy, single set or harness, juniper cut- ter. and nu;r7;ercrns other articlea. Everything is practically all in A. I condition and ntachinery 'nearly. all new, Everything is going to be sold, REAL ESTATE—Farm`•on which this sale is held, consistnge of 100 acres, more ' or less, being Lot9, Con. 11, Hay Tp. 7 acres hardwood bash, bank barn, driving fished, good br =linuse with brick kit- chee at ooclshnd, pig pen, and lend i :'3•. goocl 'state of cultivation: of cultivation, stables all cement- ed. "1'erins Will be Heade known on clay of so;le,•-Cas1er %\ralper Prop- rietor. a ori ;s—$10 and under cash., over that amount' 1 menthe credit will be given on furnishing gr,l)rove`yi, joint ,no1:05 43 oa for cash, xyia eedit amounts. Po:lltry and grain cash Arthur Web -car, Atirtionorr, JOS. T)rnnr, Clerk,: Alex, \ t'i,:iina 1'ro,iaa`it't e., T�iOTICE TO CRED1TORS Ir0TICE is hereby givens, un - 1Qr the Statates in that lchel , that all porsonis Miring any claims a - Rabat Henry Mayou, late of the Township• of Hay, laborer, who (lied on the 25th January, 1926, are required to send to the under+sign- od Executorg of the Will of said deceased, full particulars, in writ- ing and verified by a£farlavit, .ol their claims axiil the nature of any securities, if any, held by them, oat or before •the 19th decry of March 1926, after white date the said Executor8 will proceed to distrib- ute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had eetice. DATED at Zurich, Ontario, this 1st of March, 1920. John Jeffrey, Saraphine Geoffrey, Executors, R. R. No. 2, Zurich, Ont. AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock, etc. or, THURSDAY, MARCH 18th, •at 1.30 ip.oe, on Lot 8, N. Br. Hey Tp. FARM contains 80 acres of c' to ice land 10 acres hardwood bush 7 •acros fall wheat, 22 acres fall plowed, balance seeded to grays. orchard, plenty water, conifortaTrle frame house and kitchen, mocic•r•'o hen house, barn 48x60 on 'stone wine with stabling underneath, Astra v shed 24x36 011 'stone wall ands -tee' rasa. OTHER ARTICLES—Set T,oh sleighs, open beggy, top ba gy, remocrat, cutter, 2000 lb. scales. single harness, :several 'forks, met pulper, wheel barrow, several pis square timber, 4 large elm Trig 10 ` ft. long, 50 sap pails, blare sugar kettle, ,small 'eager kettl :Doherty organ, scythe, chains aria ether articles. LIVE STOCK -3 turkey, hens, 1 ebler, about 1? dozen WhiteRocl: pullets, 2 dozen year old hens. —At the Sante lime au:d place the following will also be 'sold, bei'rg the stock of R. Parsons whosr. Ie - ase has expired and conseq uentl' as overstocked. Grey Pcrehcron »ecr.3 rising 6, black Pcrcheroa' mare rising 4, hay Percherori mare rising 4, black Porcheron horse ris- ing • 3, bay Porcheron mare rising 13, supposed to be in foal, 2 cows; hie April 1, 1 cow with calf at root,. 4 boilers rising 4, all milkier 2 stecrs rising 2, 1 heifer rising 2. 20 pigs 6 lane 8 weeks old, TERMS—On far( 10% on day c'^ hila, 'ballne'i 011 April 1st, when eios'stessiou will he given, except $301,0 Which may remain on mc*rt:- r a go at 5V, payable yearly: Ch- attels -1$10 and under cash, over that amount eight months credit' 'rill bo given on furnishing ap- prot ed joint mites,. 6% per annum :Mowed for cash. oit credit i mmouate ()scar Klopp, :auctioneer. airs. J'unes Cor:hra.nc, iinbt, Parsoats, Ocvnerie HE HERALD PRINTING OI-FICF AD'V el liTISIN'1 it.'t 1.e 'dlwariay .Huila t• lr advance, $200 may he .rge.1 (•not su ;•a,'.!. (i, S au' r is t'• AN $1.75 strictly yr+ adva,.i'', N •e;.t•; .lip,,;ntinue'1 until , •.outrs are paid unless at te a e'•'in,. .,1 the pnhIicl,er. "he la .• enich evert enbicrieelee is +ra, l e. denoted on the Ibhel Miscellaneous articles of not /ore than five Tines, For Sale, To tent, or Wanted, 'Lost, Found, etc. a• h insertion 25a. eddress all communications to Display Advertising -Made known u application. AUCTION SALES -$2 per single -.ocelot if not over five inches to eugth, tnbacription Terms; $1.25 per year ;lard of Thanks, In Memoriam, mit,. Local and Legal advertising not - can, reading matter, 10c a line for int insertion and 5c per line for ach subsequent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding I inch, $5 per year. Stray Animals—One insertion 80e tree ineertiona $1.00. ram or Real Estate for sale 112 for. first month, $1 or each sub- raquent insertion. THE HERALD 0, N. IL TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Kipper .. .. 8.22 a.n., South, Hensali .. . 8.32 atm, South, Exeter .. . ...8,47 a,n,, Stage leave Zurich ... 7,00 a.m. North, Exeter ...... ... 10.16 a,m, North, Honsail ... 10.30 atm, North, Kippen . .. ...10,35 a.m. AFTERNOON 1. South, Kippen ... . ..4.10 pen. South, Bensall . , . 4.50p.m. South, Exeter e et 5A5 p.m. Stage leave 7uri+ ft .3,00 p.nz. North, Exeter ., 6.04 pan, Nor tai, 'Hewed' ill .,, 61 s 1•,:n,;: il'c)1th4 Kiirpeu .ti u.24pyru, Thu r:sd ry, March 11th, 1920 *.A+•i +4 1. i11.4.4 -e lt• eee4,.i +,0 ++++4,i):-. '1.4.+4.+4.. ..g.' .1,,•e*€, ,•{• ,.,, 4.. . + 44i Annoulicement 4; tT I wish to inform the Public that I have dissolved partnership with my former employer, er and wish to announce that ., I have opened an Ir p.,to-date Garage it in Mrs Hey's Block. r, l f• .} l J ,, ... �' E 1TCI.. POSITION 1 t. GI �' .. Yl'iiP.. S l•. I Am IN A i?Qa .i 4 AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE 01. CAR. w ALSO RE- -1- HBUILD AND Cf{Ai w L i' 'E.. IES ON SHORT NOTIC' uA FULL L LINE OF GENUINE PORD PARTS FOR SAL 'AT FORD PRIORS 4iL p SATISFACTION GUARANTEES) Day mid Night Service 14. PINGEL, Prop. ,� •Y�••i'•3•M�'°•�—i'z",I•'L4 1•D41•�r3+e•e`3•� 5•-:•'r yrt•4.3 2••F�i••L�•2•n`•-i•�!•�•�• I• :••€ �• ,•� •?+•'• :,�.� Zttrich's Opportunity Greatest Value N Clothes for MK 125 to 150 CENTS FOR YOUR $1.00 It's the Wonder and envy of the Tailoring Trade. How we do it is our business That we Do itis your business YOUR SPRING SUIT MADE -TO -MEASURE. OE EMPORTED WOOLENS DIRECT FROM THE MILLS TO YOU! HUNDREDS OF TBE VERY LATEST ST ARES ANI? .PATTER TO CHOOSE FROM - COME AEN SEE ITS:. Good Pressing, Skillfully done by a real Tailor, is ale Refresh- ing to Your Suit, as a good 'night's isleep is to you. PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. AO E. E. WUIITH Tailor, Men's Furnishings - Zurich, Ont. Where the Good Clothes come from se Zurich rug Store We have a complete suppl of Toilet Prepatations a 1.1 d Patent Medicines. Our Stock of Stationery comprises: Writing Tablets of all sizes, Fine .Boxed Stationery, Fountain Pens at a variety of Prices Drug Sundries of All Kinds PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES ri A. J. MacKinnon, Zuricvivmmmimmymmtinwiya.