HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-03-04, Page 7HER IMPROVEMENT
Weak and Rup-fowu..-Restored
by Dr.. Willi l>rri l' P .k Pills.
Two years ago," nays elrs, L.
Wright, Seeretan, Sask., "1 wee Ta';1'y
ri1Rc1i T.uI1-tic'wn in health. I suffered
from indigestion, M(.k headiehex and
sleep) (ss nights. Faint t sl?ells would
often conte over me and 1 would have
to lie doavntill the faintnese irassed
away. 1 was, so short of breath that I
Could not walk any distance or do any-
thing' that required much exertion,
without feeling completely used up.
As I was constantly growing weaker,
I eensu1te(t a doctor who toldme I
was anaemic' and needed buil•cling up,
I took several betties of tonic he gave
me, but the help I got from it was only
temporary. At' this stage I decided to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which, I
led used in girlhood with much bene-
fit. .'It was not long after I began
using them that I knew I had at last
found the right medicine. 1 think I.
took altogether some fifteen boxes,
and the improvement was remarkable
as I was feeling as well as ever I had
been, and my . good health, has con-
tinued to this day. I'. had" also been
troubled at times with rheumatism,
and this as well as my other troubles
disappeared. I haves4nce recommend-
ell Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills to neigh-
bors who have used them with equally
,good results."
All weak, anaemic women and girls
should follow the exampie of Mrs.
Wright, and give these pills a fair
trial. New health and new strength is
sure to follow. You can get the pills
from your ,druggist, or by mail at 50
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Touch of God.
Down 'olid the fields crusted white
with snow,
Where the, ramp mists hang, and the
chill winds blow,
And scarcely a gleam from the sky
breaks through,
And you'd think that never a daisy
I felt the sun and I knew the sod
Was but awaiting the touch of. God...
Down where the blues of 'solitude fall,
And the curtain of. loneliness hangs
o'er all, •
And scarcely a. glad, brave light shines
Anct you'd think thalea happinearsesever
grew,— .�.�. , ..
II felt a preselecttbeside end7stand •
IAnd I touched ail and that had touched
God's hat
Do you get n sensatt•n-of pressure on fie Heart?
Dont be frightened it's not heart trouble—it's
indigestion. Seigel's Syrup will fix it. Any
drug store.
Let Everything Go By.
An. Indian chief had just; pelight a
new car, and after careful instructions,
driven away 111 it. An hour later he
eeturned, battered. up and drenched to
the skin.
"Me buy new car—old one heap no
',good," he grunted.
"I start off in. car, See trees rush
at me.
"I turn out and let trees go by.
"Then see houses rush et me.
"I tune out and let houses go by.
:Soon 1 see bridge rush. at me. I turn
out to let bridge go by- _and "Wham!"
The world is :.better mail brighter
than when .1 was a boy.—Mr, Will
• Thorne, M.P.
and, Whooping'
Guard your children
from, the dangers of
winter weather. Check
their first cough with
Buckley's "Modified"
Mixture. Pleasant to
• take and brings instant
Buekley,'s .;Mixture
"Strong or. "Modified"
acts like'"- flash on
Croup and. Whooping .
Cough or any affection
.'of . throat, chest and
lungs. Keep a bottle
handy. Wonderful at
night. A dose stops-
coughing. 208 ,
"Strong" or "Modified"
75c-40 doses
W, K. Hadley, Limited
142 Mutual St.Tororlttra,
Here is a photograph of Robert Randolph Bruce, new Lieutenant -Govern-
or of the province of' British Columbia, being appointed as a chief of the
Stoney Indians. The governor. was given a pifff at the Pipe of Peace and
seemed to enjoy it.
Everlasting Hills' Exist Only' in the Language of the Poets.
'hese fcrmwtions 'of •granite rock exposed on a hill -side in the Mourne
Mountains, Ireland, show how the h111a are worn away by the elements. The
"formations sketched here are known by the picturesque title' of "The Castles
of Eivvitar'."
Secrets of Science.
By David Dietz.
The dust of the earth."
For waster .is one -of the. chief des-
tructive forces in this first set. Its
The earth as we know it to -day is members include the atmosphere,
far different from the earth as pie- .winds, cold, frost, rain, rivers, lakes,
tured by geologists at the close of the oceans, and the tides.
formative period. These forces wear away the land
The continents are not bare rock, and, as we shall see later, create the
but almost .everywhere are covered_ secondary rocks out of the debrle of
with 'aye& Of loose materials of vari- the primary, rocks:'
nus sorts—soil, cloy, sand and gravel. If these, forces alone were at work,
If we dig below this loose material,. they would wear away,tbe•lend until
, which geologists have christened the it stretched in flat plains from ocean
Qin. Mother! Watt Cant Diet
1)(m tnarty bink- ; a •Stay •• do 3 aur.
eebles ,tisk' yotr that .questiob? And
hoer Often area you able to suggegt
raonl.e interesting game for them to
play, some amusing occupation for a
rainy flay? If you'd like always to
have a practttai, helpful• suggestion
for thern, read thin snappy new tea.
,1-3ere 011 tilts fittli:.b illi itj.,i t:: ,,'.- zo.S,
Get a big bite, bring the apple to me.
Here in the center we'll find a surprise,
A very fine fortune for two little eyes.
(Coro the apple -and roll the fortune
up in the hollow). '
Is the Constant Care of Every
Young Mother.
The young mother has a eonetant
care in looking .atter the welfare of
her little ones. Childhood ailments
come on so suddenly—sometimes with-
out a minute's warning—the mother
may have a very sick baby on her
bands before help can be obtained.
That is unless- she has a remedy in
the house which she can safely give
the baby for any of the many minor
ailments of babyhood and childhood.
Such a remedy is found in Baby's
Own Tablets. Thousands of mothers
throughout the country always keep)
a box of the Tablets' on hand and they
proclaim them to be without an equal
for sweetening- baby's stomach; regu-
lating his bowels and thus driving out
constipation and indigestion, colds and
simple fevers, and making the dreaded
teething period easy.
Baby's Own Tablets are en absolute-
ly safe remedy. They are guaranteed
to be free from opiates or any other
narcotic drug which are so harmful to
the future welfare of the baby: Moth-
ers, if you value the life of your little
ones give him Baby's Own Tablets
when he is i11, or, better still, give him
an occasional dose of the Tablets to
ward off illness. The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or will be Sent to
any address; post paid, at 25 .cents a
iroe by addressing The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Spring Dance.
'Up from indolent sleep the eyes of
the flowers to wake,
Over their faces each, dawn cloudlets
of spring water shake.
Denizens all of the mead now with
- new vigor are filled,
That were its foot not secured,
into dancing the cypress would break.
---•From the Turkish of Mesilli (1512)
Nowadays everyone looks down upon
the woman who does not work. ---Mia.
Stamey Baldwile.
rock mantle, we do not always find to ocean. The material which they
t: p lI • wear away is deposited in the oceans.
Frequently we find rocks of entirely; But their work is counteracted by a
different composition. We find rock second set of forces. This, beet tends
he rima. of fire -hardened rocks.
• form.: tions of various' kinds occurring to elevate the land and to create hill3,
"Ilhl1I in I: ers or strata. Suol. formations and mountains. They false tend to
I I� coui,i not have resulted, from the cool-.
lower- the ocean floors.
in of lavas; and other causes had to
g As a result of these opposing sets of
found to explain them. Geplogists .
tali these the secondary rocks. forces, the earth has had a constantly
Geologists now believe •that'the con= changing surface throughout its his-
beclitions• which ,existed at the close of tory'
the formative period—great continents Geologists believe that the coutin-
of granite rocks' protruding above the ants and oceans have always occupied
oceans- endv.red only momentarily..their present relative posttlons. But -
Immediately a great variety of when the continents were low, .the
agents set to 'work to cause change, waters flooded great sections of them.
These tame causes have been at work With changes in the size and height
throughout the history of the earth of the land, geologists believe there
and are still at work. ' ;have been great 'changes in the all -
There forces- can be divided into • mate.
• sets of opposing threes; . '
The first, set' tends to continuously
wear away the land.
There' were not always great zones
starting with frigid one et the e,,?uator.
There is geological evidence to
'.Giro poet Ades speaks of the "ever- prove that fos' long periods thecls-
lastingbt11s'�. is drawing most,•1iber- mete was very temperate at the poles.
ally upon poetic license. And at four periods in the earth's
The old Biblical writer, who :wrote* history --the so-called glacial ages, the
the Book of# Job, had a better' under- polar.' field* of ice extended far down
standing' of the-edtitation, when he pito what Is now the temperate zone,
wrote; Next article- The 'Work of the At.
"'i`he waters wear away the stones; mospheee.,
• Boon to Musicians.
1 Al'ter` seven years• .of .net tent expert-
meat, a young iimaieian has invented
' an ingeniou's pedal device that snakes
, It possible for a tnusician to turn
' pages of Music without taking hies'
.1hand from the instrument he Is play-
il'llel1 All that is necessary is to step on
the pedal that 'actuates an •arrange-
ment of levers that turn the page Of
Canadian Ibtaii Book.
I co-operation with Caaa.dIan
Architects designs of moderate
prier d homes are published In the
MacLean Builders' Guide. Detail-
ed inform"eaters ort pleaf nlug, bull(1-
itt :fnirrlshin� decoiat.11i and
g, g' g
gardening, Profusely illustrated.
An !ideal weference book. lend
20o Ror a cal». MacLean Building
Report-, Ltd., '844 Adelaide St,
refit, TO1'01it41,
the mttalo automatically.
The !trice calk be applied to a' piano
as well as to a muste stand, and can
be adjusted to turn the *gas of a
book at any height, says a writer in
"Popular Science." When idle It
Bolds the pages fla1.anti firmly on the,
Baldness may be due to bad teeth,
itecording to a new medical theory.
'1 nard'. Ltrtintent for coil*.
'All Tired. Out—Feel
Miserable, Generally•
If you feel out of sorts, your kidneys
and liver are not acting naturally.
Don't delay but go to :your druggist
and get a bottle of Warner's Safe Kid-
ney and liver Remedy
and take according,
to directions. Iu a
short time you should
notice the benefit from
this remedy made tramn.
herbs anti other bene
ficial ingredients:-Vsed
for over 50 years by
millions hi all parts of
the world. Fier your.
'health's sake take care
of youre kidneys and
Sold by all druggists. Price $1.25
per bottle. Watr'rter's Sefee Itetnt Bier
Go„ '2'or-Zito, Ontario;'
"is food tea" TEA
',�jl��.item,, � eaG�we g
i1,C00,414/Fl NCIUBATAR
Canadian Made'for Cana'
diau;Jlimate: Double wall,
Copper. Hot Water heating
system. Sensitive Automatic
( regulator. 1%tchee strong,
healthy chicks: Write foe, -
FREE Circular to:—
J, 3. Mackenzie. Georgetown, Ont.
Fortunes are made from sunpfe' ideas. Send
iota list of inventions wanted. our "Patent Pio.
teotion" booklet nod magazine "The Thinker"
SHIPMAN;& CO. -THE Ow neauut.s FIRM.
An Age-old Ceremony:
A ceremonial 400 years old figured at
the installation in Westminster Abbey
of its dean, Dr. William Foxley'Norris.
A medieval procession conducted him
into the cathedral to read one of the
lessons of the day. An address was
presented and replied to in Latin.
Most impressive of all was when,,. Dr
Norrie; told a parable from the pulpit.
One densely foggy day, when he was
dean of York Minster, he had groped
his way up to that cathedral hardly -
able to see the road. "My door led
into a lofty vestibule," he said, "where
all was dark es night. Again I groped
my way, and opened the door leading
'into the cathedral. To - my amaze-
ment, the interior was flooded with
brilliant sunshine. The lantern tower
was high up out of the fog. I need not
interpret my parable. . . I pray
to -day that not only in the immediate
problems of the puzzling life of this
great city., but far and wide, wherever
temporary darkness reigns throughout
the Empire and throughout the world,
this abbey shall stand lilte that Ian
tern tower, bringing the light of heav-
en to pierce the world's darkest shad-
Minard's Liniment used by physicians.
Black Butterflies.
Black butterflies come .floating down
From many a chipiney pot in town.
i I wish their wings were blue and gold:
How gladly then would I be told,
That Emily had lit the fire.
How often too would I inquire,
If Emily,had lit the fire.
—Robert E. Key.
Self = Poisoning
Modern Living Habits Pro.
mote Self - Poisoning ---
Thou.sands are Victims
The average man woman does not
enjoy consistent good health.' Loss of
appetite, headaches, biliousness and a.
lack of enthusiasm for either work or
play are constant complaints.
Scientists have ascertained that such
a condition is usually caused by self-
. poisoning resulting from constipation.
Due to modern living habits, the
natural sseretion which promotes regu-
lar elimination by softening the bowel
contents, is often deficient—especially
among middle-aged people. The poison
from waste matter ,remaining in the
systems of people thus.affected is the
insidious enemy of good health...
Such people need Nttjol, because
Najd softens 'the waste matter and
permits thorough and regular bowel
elimination without overtaxing the
intestinal muscles. It helps Nature
help you.
Ask your druggist for 1Vujol to -day -
and' remember, look for the name
"Ntcjol" in red on both bottle label
and package.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis - Lumbago
Pain • Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
ITandy "Bayer" hoses of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists.
Aosarin is the 'trade ,tart (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Moti(raeette-
icldestor nt". Salicylciec1l (Atnti'l 5nlicyllc Asa, "A. g. A."). While 1t •is well known
that Asplrht rltanN nhyer u:anufaei.ure, to aaetst"the piibiic ngainat tnittatiOns, thea !rablata
0! Daret 'Coaipany will be stamped with their • general tratic tat(ri, the Sayer Orosser
WANTED—One re1Iable,man In etercy
town, merchant preferred, to take
orders %or best Custom-lYIade Clothe*
au Canada. Highest, cpmmissions..
Formerly used In front of Tobacconlat
Store. Must be In good condition.
.State price and where can be aeon.
73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto
Brush turkeys, natives of Australia,
.are fully clothed in feathers when
they hatch out of .the egg, and can fly
within an hour of their birth.
Andrews'Plu S
Temporary Pangs- • - which
Last a Long Time.
54eno.n 5. Wright K Ca, United. Ai,trib-mn, Tommie
There is no better friend
in the_ stable than Mlnard's.
Splendid for .aprains, swell-
ing, stiffness.
Restored to Health byLydia
E. Pinkham's - Vegetable
Stratford, Ontario. — "After my
first baby was born I started to work
en the tenth day and did a big wash-
ing on the twelfth day. Being so
young (I was married at 19) I did not
know what was the matter, so let it
go until I was all run-down, weak
and nervous, and had a bad displace-
ment. For nearly two years I could
not sleet and I would always complain
of having 'not a head -ache, but a
brain -ache.' My mother is taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound during the. Change of Life and
she recommended it to me. After
taking' two lhotties T began toagetl-a
little sleep and to feel better and I
have never left oil since then, except
for about three months. I cart safely
say I have taken thirty bottles since
my second baby was born. I think
it makes child -birth easier as I had
terrible pains with nay first three
children and very few with my fourth
as I was so much stronger. I am
now able to do my work alone but
I am still taking the Vegetable Com-
pound as I ern nursing baby. "—Mrs.
Ontaet PAUL, 49 Cherry= Street, Strat-
ford, Ontario.
If you are suffering from any weak-
ness whieh causes such symptoms
as pains in the side and back and
nervous feelings, give Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound lit trial
now. 0
Cuticura Talcum
Is a delicately medicated, anti-
septic, deodorizing powder ideal for
both children and adults. It is
cooling and refreshing and imparts
a pleasing fragratice leaving the
skin sweet and wholesome.
teatt, use:. 'rre't ry dials. Address Canedtan
Depot. "8tpttbgaar, Lad„ Montrea." 'C'rtcc, soap
pc. Ointmtltt 8E and 10e.'rdlcum 11c.
Cuticurn Shoring Stick 25c.
•ISSUE No. ii ----'28,