HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-03-04, Page 1riot. XXVI No 35 Dada ZURICH, THURSDAY 'MOR.N ,NG, MARCH 4, 1926. ertisin as an expenditure., Chester t,, l3eniti4, telb4lc $1.25 • Year In illi,dPetaratda 112„r,0INAIIRLAttS,tZMAY itZf} ' It really is an investment. Try an Our Comer Some people are so originate they can`say things that everybody else has forgotten. • The tightest guy in the world is the one who bought a therem- • ,meter• in the sort -tater sand ttlten,got mad -bec:u se it went deem 'in the '?inter. When a ,redly=IS' he 'doesn't, , moko, -drink 'er gaaabie• you. octet- " id say he was, pelsacet if he -wasn't such an aw1ni latae. Canada sells ,a •mil.iidn barreis of apples annually:a +-d+ The hlalf ,million milch cows in the prairie provinces lin 1915 have doubled in number. ,Ontario's gold production value increased •from 1-12,0;19, In year's a- go, to over 1$25,9i19,i400 in 1925. +-l: 'Motor v.hissde registered in 'C'an- ada, have inereas;ed front 69,547 in 1914 to 6547,231 iiri 1925. Nearly two million; motor cars entered Canada in: 1925. c ; �,• ” -4*.+4„....................++.4.++++......................... ... + .. :„. ,. . AT ' AST ., .... PAGE .6 Tube Radio Complete -. For $115.A0 including Aerial 2 Large 45 Volt B. Bat- .3 teries, 11 -plate, .Storage A. Battery. Any -,make Loud Speaker Value $20.00 ,Compare this !sett with others rs for thher Pr e+4 1t1 a carry a +a. + 4. E. conspietl�' Stork opf. Radio .'Supplies. 4 EOESCH Zurich - -"•�rle1•i414+4.41-&4-i-'chi-it f•'14•14''?'+ 3F1•r4.44:+44••."'-F•-:+.24+4?•4.1^'i4e4.;• •t•M4r • ` 414 014e. d •A••stmeebfrl0"4"•i•••• miam 11Terrbers- are entitled` , to Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT..`:; ROOM TI, for the month 6f, February. Jr. CPI-L•,.onard•Se'rItlu 393, e Ct Ducharme '380, R Iby.'Church Char, if 366, Earl Flaxbaard."'355. ;Flos�.iI�. S'it F:lck 338, Harvey Clausnia 3 '' xGordo-mnmHowald' 191, •+Gaffer Salmon ,189, xA.nthansonrte GII' ter 165, xA1b'rt Deichert 15:f: • 1, Sreell -13eah•ice Gasuhe .188, Itt. Smith 167, Margaret Haberer xAIwyn ntaebus -133, Hanel Uttiet<y- 131,. Stewart, Koehler .,1.17, Hllarry Foster 117, xDerothy, Stelelz 13 ' Jr. II -Ruth. ml Shureli, 301, Quii' Hess 199, Alice De':ker•197;;Rosa ?' tel 156, Charles Thiel 128, Stews , Mr. J. Messner and 'Mr. B, Price vieited friends in Zurich on Mota- +1lay.. . 14rss Lottie Ga1'ster of Kitchener ape7nt a few weeks with her par- en,fs here, Mips Donelia Ruby left for St- This' 127, xAlliert I.eiF,o}d'95, xAi+szjX rathroy, where she has accepted a and Grenier 76. • • • - Those marked x missed one;'' more ,exams. • • 0. M; O'Brein, Tenches ROOM III • - Jr. IV --Pearl Barons 313, Adel ine Fleischauer 295, Alice Ko l# 291; Helen Thiel 271, Grace Koehl 268, Richard Bedard 268,' Greta 1c' ehler 246, :;argil Yungblet 2.40, ,Fs cis Kipper 221, Geer -. Utt1ey S1 Mary Kochoms, absent ' Sr. IlI-frau . Y✓ illert 432, Hugh' MacKinnon 391, Violet Schwalm 3$2;: Harold Stade 373, Byron Ducharm:e 264, Ervin. Deitiich 231, Laurette Ear well :and George Grenier absent.: III-Milverna Geiger 283, Marg ery Gascho 279; Albert- Herdentaw 210, Olin roster 231, Clarent e.Sralth •218, Rolland Grenier, absent. . 'The girls in the Jr. IV obtained, the greatest inumb'r of ::•. perfects • F. M; Kalbfleisch, Teache-,;. NOTICE. fur}Ch Fortoc renituraI Si ty; P> FEBRUARY Clearing Sale Three choices of the follo;ying; • No. 1, Hydrange, Pnnticulatta,., No. 2, J. B. Clark Rose, rad. • No. 3, Grapes, 1 Worden, blackei • 1 Niagara, white. • No. 4, Gladiolus 1 dog. ntix. eNo. 5, Climbing rose, Tauseind;schon •. pink. No. 6, Currants, 1. black Champion, 1 reel cherry. No. i, Seeds, 1' pkt each, k9.ster:s, Zinnia, Sweet peas. Leave your order. at 2.. J. Haberer or at J. E. Geseho not later than March 13th. P. J. Ilaborer, President; J E Ga.scho Secy-Treafs, • OF ALL-EOOTU, SHOES AND RUBBERS, FELT FOOTWEAR, • 'f.: EVERY PAi.R IN OUR STOKE IS MARKED DOWN AT COST • • ,I AND LESS THAN COST. • NOW IS THE TINE TO BUY YOUR FOOTWEAR FOR SPK - le• ING AND SUMMER AND SAFE DOLLARS. HERE ARE ON • It LY A FEW OF THE MANY LINES WE HAVE IN .STORE • • FOR YOU; . • Men ,alt flit Baal. R. Heels, Reg. $,4.50, clearing at .-. .$2.65 • Men Felt Bail. with,. leather soles, Reg. $4.00• for _-_._ .__ .._ -$2.50 : Men's Felt Slippers with leather solea, Reg. 1:25, at.... .._75c • Men •Ureb_ work shoes, Blk.and Brown. reg. L59 at __- -_- $3.00 = Wom's Patent kid leather, pomps clearing at $1.95 to 43.95 • Wonaer►'sr telt Sappers, clearing. at elk. tet _- •-. 98c • Childrenx Roots arid • Slippers clearing at -25e. to Tec, c. ,1 COE IN AND SEE THE B ARG AIN TABLES. ,.,4 T'ITE STORE WITH QUALITY $ • f� REPAIRIPdGb NEATLY DONE �; BB`CVBROS. •SEE OUR WINDOW' DISPLAY r.9 _ • • i .2 •+••ris••eami >a•••••• i ala ♦....e 'ama•+a+f *4,1%1. it,044004+44444.40404••4+46iat1.14 •640.04..444 ,.. • ' . • e .40 . NEW . i . 40 4, 8 4 E 1 SPRING SUITS " . 4 Almost 1.596 sa np esto choose from ®. e for a m,t 4 a -to- mneasur Suit., • Agent for . th a following .Lines: •ip ipipzme, mumONE PRICE WOO 40 s,'r r SWIFT ' &. ea . 4 I A„+W,11IOlb" PARK .+• 4. e dyyMade Suits 0000000.01000. TRIMS Utittfishy VW. .ALL 'STYLES. ALL PRICES,. .� 177:„ 3OFF • DASC: 'r'S' OM STAND • 'PITONS 4 4 4 4`• c• a *44.404144144/404104/44,404,4004444•44.4404044444********* e I IN MEMORIAM In. icvieg memory of our dear son Lloyd Green, who died five years ago to -day, March 18th, 1921 leentembrance is a' golden chain. Death 'tries b break, but all in vain. To have to love and then to part. Is dh.e greatest sorrow of one's , heart. Parents, ;and Family CHURCH NOTES We invite you to our Services: VI -To becornri ace uainted with good people with Scripture tr- uth with God. 'Kindly observe the following piano - gram Wednesday 7.45 p n .- Teachers' rr.e•41ing at the hone of Mrs, C. Frits. Thursday, 2.30 p.m. -Ladies Aid' and Mission Society in theehurch. Friday 4.00 pan.--Catechetieal 4l- aslsos. 7.30-Preranatory Seerviees• :f or communion. i 8.4:I put --Quarterly Conference. .Rev, 1T A Kellerman, in chargc9 Sunday March 7th. The members of Quarterly Confer - enc; are to cam, prepared to el - "'t a Leym,ar to represent th:s field at the annual Conference. 10.00 a nr-Moly Communion. ;til Christians welcome: at the Cc.inrnunion table, All others welcome at the service. 11.00 a•:m.--hiblew school ler all Agee. We expeet to Use ou.r,new Hymn books next Sunday. 7:30 pan -Sermon "Am I iny Brothr`s Keeper'. 8.30 p.m. -Election of nfficers i.n, Sr. r. t Emanuel 'Evangelical Church ZURICH. ONNT. If you aro not a G`hzis'tia'ftyou ought to be. usition ,a's m}llinor. - Mr. and Mrs. Davi,! Schnell, who iaitod• friends .here left for their , 10ree in Aberdeen, Sask. Miss Alexandra, t1 nurse from tlre'Department, Toronto, while on et_ "'way to Hurondale Institute, ailed on • the local branch's exec- yutatieiwhich met at the home of Mrs. 0. L. Smith, on Monday aft- ernoon. Meslsrs. Gideon Koehler, Sam Gascho, LeRoy O'Breini, Harry Angel;~ Leonard Wagner, Wm. H. Hoffman, Wellington Johnston and It an' Yungblut attended theLon- clen-•Galt hockey match at Lon- don, Friday night, score being 3-1 in favor of London. Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte, of near Drysdale, and who 'spent the ptist twe months visiting friends in the vicinity of Windsor and De- troit, returned to their home on ;tCnd.ril, 'hand 'teiort .a! `very, ,en loya)Olo tante. They note q. uite a difference 'in the climate, as' It seen' much colder in Haron Co unty • Word was received h:.re on Tu- esday of the, death of Mrs. Maggie McCormick, of Detroit, a former a ell• •irnown•resident of Zurich. The remains are expected in the village here. mi Wednesday evening, and the 'funeral will take place on Tilers day .morning at 10 o'elo'k front the hnm^ of Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Snaith: in Zurich to the R. C. Cem- etery for interment. The Zurich Branch of the Wo- Ir.ens' Institute will hold a St. Pat- rick tea in thee Ladies Hall on Sat- urday, March 13th• luncheon ser- ved from 3.30 in the afteroeon, al- so in trio evening Proceeds to go for irrnprcvements for the Town Hall, • Everybody should make a special attempt to be present, as there is a real lunch in 'store. You are not only helping the society by attending, but yourself and community. Musical Instruments Here are soirre of the Popular Sellers of To -Day: CIOLINS $5.00 AND UPWARDS "il1OLIN BOWS $1:00 And Upwards GUITARS $7.00 and upwards 'Ukuleles $3,00 and upwards "Ukulele Banjos $3.39 and upwards Accordoons $3.00 and upwards. Mouth Organs 25c. to $2.50 AND A FULL LINE .OF ACCESS- ORIES FOR ABOVE The 7urich Police Trustees raec on Satutday evening for their re- gular monthly meeting, itlnd as this. was the ;first meeting of mach importance, a goodly number of various 's•rbjecta were up, for dis- cuesion. The local hyd,'o question was ,talked over, and the board hang a big prcblem on their hands to arrange' With the customers so as to keep the peak load down, as the Ontario Commission's account for the past month was again 'con- siderably over $400 and with the present rate of things,the,people of 7urieh must look for much high er rates the coming year which will ei'feet beth domestic, power and cultlniercial users. The manage- ment needs to co-operation of all the customers in trying to keep the peak. load down.. Parties us- ing ranges ,should use viligence so as not to have too maty. plates, on at full force, as a range fully turned on takes abont seven -hor.se- r,rwer, and with about (ten a 'of these in the 'village, and ;say at about the neon ho,n', with •poaiiibly most of the power users eat, one can easily lege where there is ai ipeOsibility for n, high peak, thenr beta lean five and sir o'clock in the afternoon. is another dangerous. tile'. People ]rust use precaution or instead of our rates ec4nting• down, they will soar sky high. • At the ,lose •of the meeting, Mif: Jtil. isic•ch we sappointad trillage•eon stable to inforee the Township By laws, as Well any other Go t et n,n' nt• Acts. This wars found neeessary as a g root many peoplee in the beslne,ss section complained of a, u. of ,disorder and unneec'ss:t:'v shouting; Ata bad lane cage beiYtr. used, W. G. Hess & Sons Goal Strike During the Cold Strike use Our Substitutes Sole Agents for the Real lien -4 eine CONSOLIDATED+ 1111I:4LIi=1M CREEK,' The Best Soft Coal tl tainable. Pocahontas, amokalesse Soft Coal, Detroit Solvay. am* Coke and best Antbracit• Pss, COAL. TELEPHONE SERVICE - map F151k FORMATION IS FREE. ,, •CA4101R ITS BEFORE BUYING ELS-. WHERE. H E N SALL ONTO Phonea-Office 10w. Hoene Z 0.8••+• 4 4.. • 4 41.4rr4r ••H•a•0.0•400.440 Notice My Accounts are now ready, aria any persons indebted -.to me lcindly call at ouch, an settle same. • FRED THIEL - ZURICH `iH•••4••••e•4404444••t44 a•ey•O•o••0+1P004'44••4®r04A8404404s I CLEARING i — $ A few lines of Men's and Women's Shoes 2 + 4.. 4. + + + +i+ + 444.44+44.4444++++++44444+44444.44+++++++.04+4.44+04440.4.00 See Our Windows for Special Prices Every Pair a Bargain. C. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS $ r Van! BtlES .� ■ DON'T BUY Without First Comparing Our Prices and Values YOU WILL FIND A HOST OF ARTICLES IN emir's'` • THAT ARE PRICED CONSIDERABLY LOWRR THAN t`sAil11=- MAR OR EQUAL QUALITIIES OFFERED Y017 BV Tram 11TtW.•' SIAJORITY OF STORES. THESE MANY VALUES WIRErg YO (T .BUY THEM FROM .US YOU GET AN ARtri L . WHICH YOU SAVE A NICE LITTLE SUM OF MONEY. Consult us about yor, Spring, Requirenten R. N. DOUGLAS �+� GENERAL MER OHANer PHONE 11 "" 97 � 1 1 l 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1