HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-25, Page 8• ced Prices Now inEffect on. Winter Goods OUR. STOCK OF WINTER GOODS TN MANY LINES ,IS TOO. LARGE. A.ND IN ORDER TO REDUCE WE ARE OFFERING SP- ECIAL .BARGAINS FOR A FEW. WEEKS. COME EARLY AND *TAKE ADVANTAGE OP THIS MONEY' SAVING EVENT. Flannels, 54 inches wide, fancy plaids, Reg $2.50 per ,yard for $1.98 Flannels 36 -in fancy stripes, Regular 1,50 for ...... 0.35' Yeeveteen, 22 -in. now selling at 50c. to •. 1Vtrool crepes, 36 -in. now selling- at per yard. Sweater Coats, Men's extra heavy, now each ...... .....-- ....... $5.45 Sweater Coats, 2 only, Jumbo Knit, now each 85c Sweater Coats, 12 only, all sizes, now eaeh. • Sweater Coats, Boys, all sizes, 'rem 85c. to • !Blankets Ibex 12-4, grey or white pair rlankets, Ibex 11-4, Grey or white', pari each k. $1.65 .$2.75 2.00 LADIES SILK AND WOOL HOSE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRI- CES. Men's Jersey Gloves, 2 pr. for . 45c 1925 Accounts r OUR ACCOUNTS ARE NOW READY. A PROMPT SETTLE- MENT WOULD BE VERY MUCH ,APPRECIATED. WE ARE STILL SELLING ON ONE YEAR CREDIT BASIS, GIVING YOU BEST PRICES, POSSIBLE, ;0 WE FEEL THAT ACCOUNTSWHEN DUE, SHOULD BE PAID PROMPTLY J. la, AscHo & SONS Produ_ Wanted Phone 59 Zurich's Garage, Gas, 'Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS SUSI ReeteEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES E ARE, AGAIN HANDLING , THE FAMOUS UN Simi EATTEnz IEF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO , AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. IISArr ER V REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO :REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC - ST Y LEN F. WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. Mou.sseau Zurich ITEis OF EOLAL INTHES1 .140QA-- MARKETS Misses Theresa and Alphonsen Du elle eme of the Sa ublo live left on Friday for Windsor. Mr, lin,ank Jeffrey of St, Jos- eph is busy engaged in supply-, ing the line with fish... • Mr and Mrs'. Edward Dater s o2 Hay 'Township, are, spending the week at. Kitchener, .i,, Gentles, of Fielding, Sash., is visiting relatives and fri- ends in tb vicinity:. He is a on of Mr. Jos. (+elinas Sr:.,' at 'Drys- dale. We ask our many readers to do - (3a with ns en filling our news columns. Phone or send it in, a ctoes Lh trick but do not seal the envelOpe. ' efe. jJeta Hey Jr., is invert- ing large quantities of baled hay from th.. northern partof the co-. unty which is meeting `good demand on the market as the qual- ity is good. I3enew or subscribe f or your agile or weekly newspapers at the Herald Offiee, because yon-isave a lot (31 money and worry,- as -there is no better isystent nowhere than we have. Huntleecis of people are enjcying the benefit of this 4:1P1>•• Viee, why not YOU? MAG IS CRATE CO URT W. J. Ward, found guilty on a. charge of non-support tof wife and family, lappea.red before! Magistrate Reid on Saturday last; for sentence and (was allowed go for a .week on parole, qn the, understanding that he should go to work, Makis .Reid wars at Winghani to hear charges against' Thos. Casernore, who livenear th f I It hi's at town, o assaulting s wi and attacking the tofficer who to arrest him. The magistrate committed the accused for tria at, the next court of competent jur- isdiction., 500 FACTS ABOUT CANADa The public will welcome the !new edition of "500 Facts About Canada," compiled by FrankYeigh the well-khown Canadian Author and Lecturer. This excellent cora pila.tion tells the story . of Canada in a most convincing and istruct- ive way, revealing eas wealth., re- sources and prospects n a str- king manner under 50 chapters headings, from "Agriculture". !to "Yuen," The new istsee has an .added feature in ,an excellent map of Canada, together with much new matter. We can imagine no bet- ter advertisement of the Domin- ion than this tabloid cyclopeadia,, which is becoming increasingly rvyrro 1 q v. Copies ,may, be had for 35e from the iCanadian;Faets Pub - listen.; Company„ 58$ Huron St. Toronto, or from leading newsdeal ers. 'ALF A. leF A CAMPaIGN Meetings comparing with the old Institute meetings in their palm jest days were held at Wingham, Seaforth and Fordwich .on Feb. 3rd and 4th, The attendance ranged from on,e hundred to one hundred and fifty. 'Huron county had a hay shortage in 1925 and the far- mers are determined that it will, not occur again. Prof. John Bu- chanan of the 0.A.C, addressed the meetings in Wingham and Ford- wich wh1e J .A. Carroll, AsIsistant Director of the Agile. Represent- ative Branch, took the Seaforth me eting. Each gave an outlineof the necessity of alfalfa and opened a discussion on the why and how of it, These meetings were the Ipreliminary round in a !County. wide campaign being arranged by ,the Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. Ot- titers .will be arranged as the win- ter progresIses. Fanners' Clubs, Junior Farmers' Associations, Li- ons' Clubs and other organizat- ions are co-operating to makethe meetings a 'success. W}' Huron County Need "she _ AL F A L iF A MARCH ROD AND GUN A handsome special section con- taining the winning photographs of the .ameteut photo contest re- cently conducted by Rod' and cli-an is an interesting feature of the March issue of the magazine, wh, ich has been just published, The cover designof the 'March issue is also ofg reat interest. It is a veryllf,ine color reproduction of a remarkable photograph of two bull muose lying with their antlers terloeked. having fought Co the death. The contents of the mag- azine for March are of evallyine teresting nature for isportomen.The m-mth's 'stories inelucle ,a very live article by Geo. H. Charly who re- eites an entertain Meng ,n arra ti ve, of A Tenderfoot Hunt in theWildS of .British Columbia, as well as. ether hu ting and f shing narrative. The. regular monthly features are - good and R. ThornipSon cOntine; eps his'.serice In the Big Woods of Canada with the Fox Family, while A Bryan Williams . has another, good chapter of the series 13reez- es from the wet. Bonnycastls Dale deals with .0aniera Hunting in Nova Scotia, oRd and Gun is ,publiehed monthly by W. 3, ray for Ltd. 'Woodstock, Ont. BORN •0 0•••••••••••••••••••••••e****000•••••••••••••••••11 • i • FURNACES. . i .:i 1 Hecla , Gilson . . I Make Your Horne Happy With cold /weather rapidly being" : ushered in, it behooves us to look 1 : to adequate heating facilities. i Let us comfort your home by heat- ing it with either of the above nam . • ed Popular Furnaces. • 1 71••••••••••••••••••• i Everything in Stoves and Hardw are • • • • WHITE ROSE GASOLENE • • 0• • ALWAYS FULL OF "PEP" AND QUICK STARTING. THIS • 0 WILL ESPECIALLY NOTICED IN COOL WEA.THER. 0 • li STADE SE, WIIIDO i a . t • ZURICH -- ONT. • $6410.11101.4100••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41 .--,--... iCerreeted every WedesdaY) flutter lb.... ...... ..... ... , .... „ 40 Eggs .. ...... ,.. ... 22-29-3z Potatoes per bag , L75 Dried apples lb. 9 Wheat.— ... — . , 0 „1.3 Oats , 50 Barley 80 Buckwheat . 80 Flour , ... . 9.00-5.00 Shorts per ton _.... ,._... ......33,00' Bran per ton , 30,00 Hogs cwt ..... — ...... ;13 oo Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK. PHE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING- BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429.61. G. Holtzman—Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tf-34 AUCTION SALE The Administrator of the estate of ERNEST R. CALDWELL has in- structed Mr. Oscar Klapp, Auction- eer. to sell by public .Auction en Thursday, March 4th, 1926, at 1.30 p.m,. on the premises, the follow- ing real estate and chattels;— REAL .ESTATE—The Caldwell farm on the Zurich Road containing 100 acres being composed of the west euarter of Lot 1.8, the west narter of Lot 19, and the west half of Lot No. 20....on the 5th Concession of the a:Township of Hay... On this farm there is a splendid bank barn 42x52 steel roof with cat- tle stabling underneath, a good frame hay barn 32x46 with brick horse stable underneath, imple- ment shed and henhouse and a brick and frame dwell'ng house.The soil is excellent, well -drained and watered' by wells ,and a Aprint eneek, touching Lhe corner of the farnst. Thefarm is all cleared with aboet 8 acres aclinerably adapted for ;the groTing of celery. This farrneis situated on a main country road equialdistance from Hensall anti. Zurich, three miles. 17 acres Fall Wheat and Fall plowing most ly done. • •, • STOCK—Horses•-1 General Pur- pose gelding 9 ye'ar' old; .1 aged mare. Cattie,-1 cow due on 'or before the date of the sale.; 1 good Durham, cow supposed to freshen in April; One good grade Jersey supposed to freshen. in April; 1 good Jersey cowl sup- posed to in:rhea in June is now milking; 3 Polled Angus steers rising 2y- earls; 1 Polled heifer, rising 2 years; 1, gradeesteer 13 years old; 1. steer rising year; 1 heifer rising 1 year; ,about 204 laying hens. Dedles—At Kitheener, On Februalty to Mr. and Mrs. (nee Vict- oria Deters) a daughter.. Ilaytar—At DashAvood, on Pebt0.4 ,ary 16th to Mr, and Mrs, Rehert Hayter, a daughter. FEED—About 4 tons mixed hay and about 4 tons goode,alfalla. A quantity of good corn fodder .in the barn and a quantity !of straw 460 lausikels oats and 50 bushels feed beans. A Stack of .6 loads of oat shea:yes unthreshed; 150 bushels of roots. IMPLEMENTS, ETC,,—A Ford ear in. good running.. order; 1 6-foet hindeer; 1 5-11 Mower; .11 run disc drill, bean, cultivator and harvest- er cconplete, 11 foot sulky rake, 'all of,4 111tagge.Y-Tfarris, cr.ake and of recent dai.e,*qt good teel land - roller, 1 cultivator, 1 disc, 1 Acme harrow, set diamond harrows, a root scuffler, walking plow, 1 .Ch - ether& fanning mill, a democrat, a. buggy, cutter, set sleighs,, straw ciftter, cream separator, Melotte; Daisy churn, double and single har- fiveSts. rain water barrels,f sugar kettle, car...Tope and .pullys and Slipg0,.. 1 -new etertension ladder, a grintletene, won r rack, a q ua.n-- tity. of. cedar posts and rails, grain bags, ferks, -theiV.els,, chains, log bunks, wheel birrow , .toelS and other articles. A quantity of ho- Usehold furniture. „ , . TERMS OF SALE 1011,. gums of $25.00 and under, dash.' Over that amount, 8 mon tias credit on approved joint notets Discount of !six per cent per an- num for cash OD credit ameunta. Real Estate -10 per cent of pur- ehase money at time of aale and balance on April 1st, 1926. The Real' Estate will be sold subject to the approval of the ,Official! Guardian,. For conditions of Sale and fur- ther particulars apply 'to— Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. F. W .Harcourt IC, CI' 0:fieial Guardian, Toronto, - Henry Strang, Administrator. dlaareflani & Stantkury, Exeter and ... ItensalL Solieitort fOr Adininistr- ator, '4' Thursday', rebr VANII1211I; 0.0.0011.11.1 .011.111,1411POW•ImmeRolowlet. 7:meimistrainnurmaitetava4,...., Annoupeing That we are now in a position' to give the Public Id,eal„service in our various lines -and solicit the patron- . age of the community We ask you to come in and see the following money -saw ing Bargains TWO CIRCULARS AT REDITCED PRICES. 1 ELECTRIC WASHER AT $75.00 1 McCLARY COOK STOVE AT $40.00 1 INCUBATOR ONLY HOCKEY STICKS AP LESS THAN COST, 12 FEED BASKETS AT LESS THAN COST. Full Range of Doherty, Good Cheer Quebec Cook Stoves Come and see our fine display of Furn- iture. Also full line of Springs and Mattress. Agent for Mason and Risch Pianos FULL SUPPLY GF SHELF AND HEAVY ALWAYS ON HAND. RAW AND' BOILED LINSEED OIL HARNESS AND CREAM SEPARATOR OILS. GASOLINE AND KEROSINES. Johnston dc Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1.1110mmill1.1111111.1.11111111mult Anommemn almomommmummuloommAnummolemonomoismaym annammopeso oat •Monemmt IM Per 116. Cent. With First Mortgage :Security Mixon & Erie Debentures are authorized by the Governm- ene as a trustee .investmient for executors. They are issued, fer4100 .or more for 12 Months and longer up to 5 years. These Debenture's provide a convenietn, simple form of in- vestment Over $14,00044.40 is now invested in this security by Can- adians. Have you $100, $500 or more on deposit that Ishoule earn more interest than you are noiv receiving? MORTGAGE CORPORATION e Applitations received at any time by-. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO ;—SERVICE AND SAFETY' Have :YouMADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHAN6IN,, & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR XT JOB. Eicjc MEIER, ZURICH ON% -or + 4. +._.+ + +-61* 4,—+ + /116 30111 WARD Drugless Praction. eer and Optician EXETER — Phone ft AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURIOIS Every Tuesday, 10 a,m4 to 4 p,mie Dollar for Dollard It VALUES ON SUITS, ETC. Yes, even more than you expect for your t Clothing Dollars STYLES + .WHATEVER YOU DESIRE I* t WOOLLENS i FROM,. TTh FINEST LOOMS. + I TAILORING IThe Custom Tailoring Variety. PRICES 4 Second to Nolle, 1 1 . H. HOFFMAN + thIERCIIANT TAILOR. W. FL riorRIVIAX & Stull EMBALMEnSt tAI9:1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Day and Night Phbne No 84. 4 . " t, c „ #