HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-02-25, Page 4w�t° ?Our. .ftERALD • DXSHArbelt, BIligsen 'spent Wed- 114e43r in London. VErs, S. Mavis and eon of Lon - are visiting WitliadVir, and Mrs, tk. Kraft. lira Wm. Muster of Detroit is• "vatsiting at her home here. •" Mis Myrta Taylor and Mr Le la Taylor of, London are visiting sisVitlt their brother Dr. R. „vier. Dont forget the ,Carnival and iitsweeasinl dance. to be held on, the tenet rink on Friday •easening, Peb, 121fals, weather, permitting. BLAKE. Mr. Harry ollward of liensall, %sidled on friends in this Nriciiiity on •Saturday. Mrs. Roes Johnston and grand- eitaughter, little Dorothy Nireido of spent Saturday at thehome est Mrs. E. Clarke in the village. 'M. Gordon,' A. Manson, .of Blyth Sapet the week -end at the home of 111h1s father, Mr. John A. Manson, 'lloaleen Line. 'Mrs. Sake Kennel who has been ease •serioualy ill is improving nicely Misis Mary Gingerich spent 'a Ifew days .at the home of Mr. and Eh°. Ben Keyls, Mr Alvin Walters left on Mon ART for Grand •Bend. where he has ailitaken .a position on a farm. COVNTY Ng.WS. Althea MeLagra„ 4.3-y Io - gun Township la41,-wa9 killed by a falling tree,. in .the bush on ins fa - tiler's farm, Mr..and Mrs, Bruce liesspnberry Grand' Bend- and Sarmly were at FOrest the.past 'week, attendingteh Golden wedding celebration Of Mrs. Bossenberry's parents, Mr, and MM. Robt. Tuylor, Wesley Jones, of Orekton, re-. ceiNed word of the death of his brie they, eLvi . of Killarneyk Man., who died January 2,9th„. ag'- ede69 years, deceased had been dile ing :Only a sh7ort-tirna. S. 13. Strothers, A.griculural Rep- resentative, Clinton, recently !st- ated that a fruit growers' conven tion is to be held. in Goderich in Friday, March 12th, .under theaus pices of the Huron Fruit Growers' Council and the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. This' Will be quite an *portant gathering,one of about six of such conventions in the Province.. Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 9th,111rs Wm. Stirling near Bayfield, ent- ertained a number of the older ladies of the village, the time 'was spent in social way and somenm sic, followed by a good supper. Rich'd A. Govier, one of Clin- ton's well-knowu residents passed away at the.'Clinton Hospital the other morning, following a crit- ical operation perforated twowc- r STANLEY TOWNSHIP. eks ago. Mr. rTovier was born in Ip• 1860,on the ,I3ase line, ,he lived in ldr, Salts. H. Pollock., of Canova, Hullett until 13 ,years ago, when he arrived at Brneefield Station moved into Clinton. • ;test week with a carload of hor- ewes Isom this West. The horses • ‘611 be offered for sale privately. • .gat ,Brucefield. ▪ . • 'We are pleased to ne,a that Mr. • 4tiete Armstrong of Gotlerich, fere eaterly of Stanley, won the; silver eamed.al in the violin playing contest eat I oncion the ether day. The -use was broadcasted over the irealici and was listened to with. -titane hinterest by the radio Lulls a - ;iguana here. Mists Mable Coleman of • Parr ITC ne is visiting with her °sister, AlfErs. Elgin McKinley. , Ruseal Erratt was opeeated son for appendicitis in Seaforth. ellhatepital 'net Thursday. . Mr. -Itrratt had underwent an operation he previous Saturday for the seam° trouble. Both are progres- eaisat favorably and we thane they tom soon he able ,to return to -their likemes ;Little Dorothy Armstrong dam- ettster of John Armstrong ,whe has it`deen laid up with. pneemonia,we pleased to say; is improving. CREDITON. Mrs: Hy. Motz is visiting her deal:liters in London, • Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoffman, of Zurich., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chits, Hoffman. Mrs: Hertzel Londo,n is vis- iting at the -home of Mr. and 'Mrsc Ed, Fahner at 'the ,hotels ?leased to report that Mrs. J,. Gainer is improving in health. Domestic Science course wilt be held in the Women's Institute Hall the last two ;weeks of March. An 'instructress' has been eectired and and the course will be beneficial. On Sunday morning .Feb. 7th, there passed away at Crediton e most highly respected citizen i in the person of Eveline Johnsen, be- loved wife of Godfrey Nicholson(' She was bord at Sylvan, on June 1,0th, 187e where she spent her. girlhood de„sra. On the 29th of March 1839 she was mareied to Mr Nicb.olson and during the earlier • searectiossomeibeeerest****eseeeqaos000setreilitieswolneire • Alberta goal," # We are receiving a Carload of the • • w6'111inown Albert Domesric Coal : years, of their- niarried life. relsidel near Zurich. Late they mcived Crediton to live. Mrs, Nicholson was a 'woman passeesed with ue- usual executive ;Ability, having a keen and cultured mind, panion of the late John Weinwas born in Morriston, Puslinch TP, Dec. 2, 1850. and departed this We in peace Feb. 10th, aged 76 years, 2 months, and 8 days, in April of 1873 she was 'united in =magi) 1.0 the late John Wein, who Prerleceas ceased her nearly two yeas ago: 2 sons and 2 daughters !survive, Burial took place at the EVangel- ieal cemetery last Friday Feb'y Rev, W. Y Dreiel.. officiated), '•‘ •• EXETER Mrs. Middleton, of Laing, Sae:, visited with Mr, and Mes. Jas. Willsoltaine Palmer, beloved corn • Hawkins, Ella Link and Ella Kenteaare° attending iii1linry„opaningS Torento. • - About 20 people ..gathered let the hornosef Mr. and Mrs. they, the :occasion .beling a ,surepi.'- ise for Helen Wethoy • who leavea. shortly for Orang. N. J .wheresshe will enter the 3letraorial Hospital. The many friends of T. $ ,.Wo ods, Manager of the Beek of Mon- treeal, who has beleni seriously ill •her sone in Windsor for a few Wet elts John E, hIeDonell spent thepseat' week on a business trip to Lon- don and m i°Betvaowaen Thesents in the in- terior of the Mena of the United Church, are nearing completion and When fully coMpleted will be most comfortable. Sant Rennie is visiting' his sis- ter, Mrs. Paisley at Montreal. The many friends of John Dins dale are sorry to learn that he continues poorly. , Mrs.' Heggarth left for herhome in Norwich. ° The many friends of IVIes.Harry Reynolds are !sorry to learn that She seriously, Mrs. Thais. ,Palmer is able to be eat again after her Melees. D i the ro ram held in connection with the box social the other evening, Fred Hesis and John Passmore were handed in a radio gram from "Ma” Ferguson, the Governor of Tex, stating her great pleasure in ,listening -to their selections op the \sloths ,and gutar and -wanted raore. It is needless to say that the boys blushed with pride; bent Aheir backs and made their fingers fly with the bow and strings. „s' Thursday, IPOruary 25th4920. ' t Ili+ •••44Hefelsaletaa***41elelefoleatistiefea+++++41-4-**Hefelei+++++4* . * + ' et- + .re unounee ent 1:-. * . ... *.. IT * I wish to inform Public that I have' • • 4 II dissolved partnership with tiny former 0 $ employer, and wish , to ' announce that 4- 41. .. . At lE have opened. }an.; tri•to*.date Garage' 4.: 1E in Mr kley'S Block.,,i . • ' " S.-"" I% l'S I. I AM IN A POSITION TO an-::: EXPERT , SERVICE .t• * .11. AND REPAIRS TO ANY MAKE Gre CAR. ALSO RE- * in BUILD .AND CHARGE BATTERIES ON SHORT NOTICE et 4e,..0 A FULL LINE OF GENUINE FORDPARTS FOR SALE Ct.. + 21 AT FORD PRIMA + SATISFACTION GA l ILiAIN : TEED C t: 4.• • L . .4. : S . Tt Day and Nifitt Service "or w • 11. ANGEL t Prop.; . ea•vith pneumonia are pieced to kn- AUCTION_SALE ow that he is improved. +44•14 -144 -1 -14+11 -1 -1.+I.4.1 -14.1-1.4-1.44+11-f-144-34.-4444.1-14++++++.144, 4%+ The auction. Sale of VietaieSeell. _articles amounted to and Mrs. Snell are Moving to .Lts- cae where he has accepted thi, Ford ..agency.. A number of eseighbore tend fri- ends surprised Mr. and Mrs: John Penhale of the Lake ltd. when they celebrated their tenth anniversarY.. Doreen, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. Sims had _ her left aria ,broken near the elbow, when she was thrown, eyous a isle. igh. This is- the second time she met with the °same accident.. Jack rabbit hunters are noW many that they ought to soon out number the bunnies. Another big bag was gotten on Wednesday lest some say 10.8, others 110, and ior the, disceepeecY . thus; r')). 'we shot two more since you talked with the other chaps.. ii heel Eacrett paseed peaceful ly away on Feb. 15th, in ,Brantford He was born at Baliybritie, Irelaiid August 12th, 1837, and aS'a lad he eame here with his par.pets, where h eendured the hardships of pion- eer life .on a Wm in ialey T. Af a young Than he took up 'kth,:?trade of painting and took positions in ativerel of the American cities be ing employed in the .1.7S:- when the cival war broke. -out, he also visit- ed in .Irelandin his •younger deka. HENSALII" . Roy Ferrenaof Indiap Head, Sas is visiting hes uncle; C•hae.' Jinks, of toWn. ' Fred Bengough is improving ni- cely from his 'late seriesse The other eveningsMeasa.ild Mrs Robert Eacrett gave tan; oYsteis • supper to a few friends. for immediate sale. Order Nov‘i : Mrs. Tlicis Sherritt, Sr,, who has . • been quite. -poorly- for several • we- GREENF. IELD'S ,C 11 8 mpionTonic • eks is now improving. nicely •s On Sunday, Fob. eath, the ser- - • • • Aides in the ;United church will be • • t') men only, i!with a men's cheir. • • a • Mist Grace iChapman ,left for KEEPS BIRDS PRIME FOR YEAR ROUND EGG PRODUCT Hamilton where she is taking a • ION. A BODY BUILDER FOR MOULTING PERIOD For Poultry • a cur' s in nursing. She was an- ' * eompanied by her father. While plaiyng hockey the other • AFFORDS RELTEI" PROM NTER N' AL WORMS $ ov,ening Thos. Simpson was atr- -2 TRY k PACKAGE OF THTS CRI.PHR ATED POULTRY TON11" 411 tolt by the puck, severely injer- s. AND FOLLOW IaTSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY a in ghis face. 4 . a Thos Welsh 'is getting in large ea ALSO RAVE ON HAND ,T'FIE WELL:KNOWN HOMER'S' FEED a 1 /FOR STOCK. . a • • Louis Schilbe I - Zurich . ,.. a fille.111114111101110110411000111.1110411110000410**0•0011111001001110411110004001110**Iv didaddllmoloommdmoomd... quantities 'of logs at his mill. Mr. and Mrs( D. Sr. Grassick, of North Bay, aro spending a few weeks with. .his parent, Mr. and Mrd. Donald' Great* of the vil- lage. . , . . Mrs. T. I, Berry has returned from al very . pleasant visit wth ••••••-eestetssetalsettaetaeeseseaesggssaesaa.es Panama Bathing Beauties lirwouty of these twenty-two oderi are girls whose ages range from seven to fourteen years, and they are not mere bathing beauties. Prom their infancy they have played in and around the water at Panama, and they *ow give regular exhibitions of their aquatic skill. The girl on the left of the rear row is a back -stroke and crawl .451hatipion of the Panama Canal Zone and she is to take part in the Olyrn ic C orneetitiona The photograph wile taken 'Atter an exhibition before the pas8eagere a the Canadian. Paci4impress of Canada tow on World Cruise. • Of Firm Stock, Implements; ECe. on ThuesdayelVfarch LIth, come teeming at 1.30 O'clock. on Lot 12, L.R.E., Half mile South or St. Jos- eph. the fallowing. LIVE STOCK -1 black Percheron horse rising 8 yrs.; 1 dapple. grey Percheron home rising a: 1 bay Per cheron horse rising 3. 1 Durham: cow due in May; 1. Holstein cow due in June, .1 Hol- stein' cow due, in April, 2 'Milstein heifers due in May, 2 Isteers rising 3, 2 Steees rising 2, 2 healers; rising. 2, 2 ewes'. IMPLEMENTS, ETC—peering. binder 6 -ft. cut, 2 Deering, mowers 6 ft. cute: M. -H. mnaure spreadea, McCormick fertilizer disci, 'drilla 2 lumber'. wagons, f 16 -ft. hay rack; 16 -ft. flat rack,"2-walking plows; 2 set diamond harrows, set bob elei- ghag ravle box, M. •Pf. cultivator, Deering dise 14 plates; M. H. bean scuffler 'and puller combined, 'Cl- iaton fanning mill, 20e -lb scaleis,eir- cular sew, 2 'double 'sett heavy harneas, 1 sett single harness, .2 hay fork ropes .125 and 100 feet long, 4 sling - ropes, 4' pulle,ys',. horse clipper and 'ehee.p °sheerS. cembined; ton timothy hay, 5 ton mixed hay, 100 bushel's, oats, quaptity ofgr een mountain seed aiqt ato e a. Glass cupboard,. table react grinder, some challis, hoes, ,fealitf tend °thee, art:idea. _ • TERMS—$10 'and ' tinder ' casfi. Ovea, that amount eight! `months credit will be given on furnishing 'a'pproved joint notes'. 6'per annum off for cash on credit ' erne fitments. .Aserick. 'Brisson, Proprieter. - -Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer.. • HE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE ADVBRTISIN3 RATES ..sFet-et salE,NE"•seaa"."-saaaaaee "eaesseel's. ---.-.`ea*eeesae-a-teeee..ea- . COME and SEE Our large assortment of Neck - ware, Socks and Men's Shirts at prices to Suit You Taxiiilayspluntilmtirdraximinnora,111MtaraniN911■11.1..........P.. OVERCOATS Right.now when you want a good mom warm Coat, we are offering them at 1.1 'Bargain Prices Tailor, Men's Furnishings Zurich, Ont. Where the Good Clothes come from • sued Wednesday noon from the to advainee ; $2.110 may he charged 4 not so paid. U. S. au bserinti- 400 , $1.75 strietly im advance. No teepee discontinued ,Anti!' ar- -ears are paid unlese at the option It the publieher. The date to elsich every subscription le paid s denoted on the label Idleeillaneous articleof not sore than five lines, For SaforTo lest, or Wasted, Lost, Pbund, etc, seb Insertion 25o. %lichens all communications to „ Display Advertising -Made known At. application. AUCTION SALES—$2 per single insertion. ilzot OV'er five.incleee trngth. • • subscription Terms ;111.25 per year attic' of Thanks, In Metnoriarn, 50c, Local and 'Legal advertising note .cae, reading matter, 10c a line for iret insertion and 5c per line for each subsequent insertion. Professional Cards not exceeding sew t inch, $5 per year. Stray Animals—One insertion 50e the insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 12 for first month, $f or each sub- sequent insertion. , THE HERALD dto 6, N. R, TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING South, Kippen 8.22 tere. South, Hensall 832 South, Exeter 8e4T ataus ' Stage leave Zutich ... 7.00 tent North, Exeter ... ... 10.16' am.. North, Hensall 10,30' wart North, Kippen ..—..10.35 arr. . AFTERNOON South, Kippen South, Herman . South, Exeter Stage leave Zurich North, Exeter North, Hemel! Xorth, Kippon • ...4.40p.nr. • 4,50pan. pan. -. -.3.00 p'.m . &Al pm. • 6,13 p.m, ws 03'; roar, • WililiklidiliVia•WWWWW•VAWMAMANYWIWW,E Zurich Drug Store ,411111•111•1•10E, We have a complete, supply of Toilet PrepatatiOns a P. 4:1 :::fr", • ,J:. Medicines., 4+++-T4+H.+++++++444+ Our Stock of Stationery comprises: *Writing Tablets of all si‘es„ Fine Boxed Stationery, Fountain Pens at - • a variety of Prices +a-1-1-4-34+4aleletetainleiell Drug $undries of Alt Kinds PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 1:hr. 'Zuribb •